def check_device_up(device_id): adb = ADB(ADB_PATH) devices = adb.list_devices() if device_id in devices: return True return False
def apps_action(device, app_type, show): adb = ADB(ADB_PATH, device_id=device) if 'action' in request.form.keys() and request.form['action'] == 'uninstall': for package in request.form.keys(): if package == 'action' or package == 'scan_table_length': continue try: adb.uninstall_app(package) except Exception as e: print(e) elif 'action' in request.form.keys() and request.form['action'] == 'rm_admin': for package in request.form.keys(): if package == 'action' or package == 'scan_table_length': continue try: app = App(adb, package) app.remove_device_admin_for_app() except Exception as e: print(e) dict_packages = refresh_scan(device, app_type) return render_template('scan.html', scan="apps_scan", app_type=app_type, show=show, packages=dict_packages, device=device)
def application(device, app_type, show, package): adb = ADB(device_id=device) dumpsys_out = adb.dumpsys(["package", package]) perms_list = adb.get_req_perms_dumpsys_package(dumpsys_out) app = App(adb, package, perms_list=perms_list) all_perms, dangerous_perms, device_owner = app.check_app() if show == "danger_perms": return render_template('application.html', app_type=app_type, show=show, device=device, package=package, perms=dangerous_perms) else: return render_template('application.html', app_type=app_type, show=show, device=device, package=package, perms=all_perms)
def refresh_scan(device, app_type): adb = ADB(ADB_PATH, device_id=device) packages = adb.list_installed_packages(app_type) dict_packages = dict() for package in packages: dumpsys_out = adb.dumpsys(["package", package]) perms_list = adb.get_req_perms_dumpsys_package(dumpsys_out) app = App(adb, package, perms_list=perms_list) perm_desc, dangerous_perms, device_owner = app.check_app() dict_packages[package] = dict() dict_packages[package]["dangerous"] = dangerous_perms dict_packages[package]["isAdmin"] = app.is_app_device_owner() dict_packages[package]["all_perms"] = perm_desc dict_packages[package]["mal_confidence"] = app.malware_confidence dict_packages[package]["mal_score"] = app.score return dict_packages
def amdh(): arguments = args_parse() if arguments.adb_path: adb_path = arguments.adb_path dump_apks = False apks_dump_folder = "" if arguments.apks_dump_folder: dump_apks = True apks_dump_folder = arguments.apks_dump_folder adb_instance = ADB(adb_path) device_id = device_choice(adb_instance) adb_instance = ADB(adb_path, device_id) settings_check = None packages = [] if arguments.app_type: packages = adb_instance.list_installed_packages(arguments.app_type) report_apps = {} for package in packages: dumpsys_out = adb_instance.dumpsys(["package", package]) perm_list = adb_instance.get_req_perms_dumpsys_package(dumpsys_out) app = App(adb_instance, package, dump_apks, apks_dump_folder, perm_list) perms, dangerous_perms = app.check_apps() print("") if dangerous_perms.items(): print_warning_header("Package " + package + " have some dangerous permissions: ") for perm, desc in dangerous_perms.items(): print_warning("\t " + perm + " : ") print_warning("\t\t" + desc) report_apps[package] = { "permissions": perms, "dangerous_perms": dangerous_perms } print("") print( "************************************************************************" ) else: print_info("Package " + package + " have no dangerous permissions") print("") print( "************************************************************************" ) if arguments.H: settings_check = Settings(settings_file, adb_instance, True) else: settings_check = Settings(settings_file, adb_instance) settings_check.check()
def scan(): if request.method == 'POST': if 'scan' in request.form.keys() and request.form['scan'] == 'apps_scan': device = request.form['device'] app_type = request.form['app'] dict_packages = refresh_scan(device, app_type) return render_template('scan.html', scan="apps_scan", app_type=app_type, show=request.form['show'], packages=dict_packages, device=device) if 'scan' in request.form.keys() and request.form['scan'] == 'settings_scan': device = request.form['device'] adb = ADB(ADB_PATH, device_id=device) settings = Settings(json_settings, adb) settings.check() return render_template('scan.html', scan="settings_scan", secure_result=settings.get_scan_report("secure"), global_result=settings.get_scan_report("global"), device=device) return redirect(url_for('index'))
def index(): adb = ADB(ADB_PATH) devices = adb.list_devices() return render_template('home.html', devices=devices)
def harden_settings(device): adb = ADB(ADB_PATH, device_id=device) settings = Settings(json_settings, adb, True) settings.check() return redirect(url_for('index'))
class MainSettings: def __init__(self): # variables self.out = {"std": Out("Linux")} self.devices = [] self.dump_apks = False self.apks_dump_folder = locals().get("OUTPUT_DIR", "out") self.scan_settings = False self.scan_applications = False self.harden = False self.list_apps = False self.list_processes = False self.snapshot = False self.snapshot_dir = locals().get("SNAPSHOT_DIR", "snap_out") self.cmp_snap = False self.snapshot_report = locals().get("SNAPSHOT_REPORT_FILE", "snap_report.json") self.backup = False self.restore_snap = False self.snap_to_restore = locals().get("SNAPSHOT_REPORT_FILE", "snap_report.json") self.app_type = Status.THIRD_PARTY self.revoke = False self.rm_admin_recv = False self.lock = threading.Lock() self.adb_path = locals().get("ADB_BINARY", "adb") self.output_dir = locals().get("OUTPUT_DIR", "out") self.arguments = None def args_parse(self, print_help=False): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Android Mobile Device Hardening\n', formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('-d', '--devices', help='list of devices separated by comma or "ALL" for all connected devices', dest='devices') parser.add_argument('-sS', help='Scan the system settings', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-sA', help='Scan the installed applications', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-H', help='Harden system settings /!\ Developer Options and ADB will be disabled /!\ ', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-a', '--adb-path', help='Path to ADB binary', default='adb', dest='adb_path') parser.add_argument('-t', choices=['e', 'd', '3', 's'], help='Type of applications:\n\te: enabled Apps\n\td: disabled Apps\n\t3: Third party Apps' '\n\ts: System Apps', default='3', dest='app_type') parser.add_argument('-D', '--dump-apks', help='Dump APKs from device to APKS_DUMP_FOLDER directory', dest='apks_dump_folder') parser.add_argument('-rar', help='Remove admin receivers: Remove all admin receivers if the app is not a system App\n' 'Scan application option "-sA" is required', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-R', help='For each app revoke all dangerous permissions\n' 'Scan application option "-sA" is required', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-l', help='List numbered applications to disable, uninstall or analyze\n', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-P', help='List current users processes', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-S', '--snapshot', help='Snapshot the current state of the phone to a json file and backup applications into ' 'SNAPSHOT_DIR', dest='snapshot_dir') parser.add_argument('-cS', '--cmp-snapshot', help='Compare SNAPSHOT_REPORT with the current phone state', dest='snapshot_report') parser.add_argument('-rS', '--restore-snapshot', help='Restore SNAPSHOT_TO_RESTORE', dest='snapshot_to_restore') parser.add_argument('-o', '--output-dir', help='Output directory for reports and logs. Default: out', dest='output_dir') args = parser.parse_args() if (args.rar or args.R) and not args.sA: self.out["std"].print_error("Option depend on scan application '-sA' ") sys.exit(1) if args.H and not args.sS: self.out["std"].print_error("Option depend on scan -sS") sys.exit(1) if print_help: parser.print_help(sys.stderr) return self.arguments = args return args def set_output_std(self): if platform == "linux" or platform == "linux2": self.out["std"] = Out("Linux") elif platform == "darwin": self.out["std"] = Out("Darwin") elif platform == "win32": self.out["std"] = Out("Windows") def init_vars(self, arguments=None): if arguments: self.arguments = arguments self.set_output_std() if "adb_path" in self.arguments.__dict__.keys(): self.adb_path = self.arguments.adb_path else: if platform == "linux" or platform == "linux2" or platform == "darwin": if which("adb") is None and not os.path.isfile(ADB_BINARY): self.out["std"].print_error("adb not found please use '-a' to specify the path") args_parse(True) sys.exit(1) else: # Windows if which("adb") is None and not os.path.isfile(ADB_WINDOWS_PATH): self.out["std"].print_error("adb not found please use '-a' to specify the path") sys.exit(1) if self.arguments.devices: if ',' in self.arguments.devices: self.devices = self.arguments.devices.split(',') elif self.arguments.devices == "ALL": self.devices = ADB(self.adb_path).list_devices() else: self.devices.append(self.arguments.devices) elif not ADB(self.adb_path).list_devices(): self.out["std"].print_error("No device found") sys.exit(1) if self.arguments.apks_dump_folder: self.dump_apks = True self.apks_dump_folder = self.arguments.apks_dump_folder # Related to scan # scan settings if self.arguments.sS: self.scan_settings = True if self.arguments.sA: self.scan_applications = True # Hardening param if self.arguments.H: self.harden = True # list applications param if self.arguments.l: self.list_apps = True # list running users processes if self.arguments.P: self.list_processes = True # Related to snapshot if self.arguments.snapshot_dir: self.snapshot = True self.snapshot_dir = self.arguments.snapshot_dir # Snapshot comparison if self.arguments.snapshot_report: self.cmp_snap = True self.backup = False self.snapshot_report = self.arguments.snapshot_report # Snapshot restore if self.arguments.snapshot_to_restore: self.restore_snap = True self.snap_to_restore = self.arguments.snapshot_to_restore # Check if one of the operation are chosen if not self.scan_settings and not self.scan_applications and not self.dump_apks and not self.harden \ and not self.list_apps and not self.list_processes and not self.snapshot and not self.cmp_snap \ and not self.restore_snap: self.out["std"].print_error("Please choose an operation") self.args_parse(True) exit(1) self.app_type = Status.THIRD_PARTY.value if self.arguments.app_type: try: self.app_type = Status(self.arguments.app_type) except Exception as e: self.out["std"].print_error("Invalid application type") if self.arguments.R: self.revoke = True if self.arguments.rar: self.rm_admin_recv = True if self.app_type.value == 'e': self.out["std"].print_info("Scanning system apps may takes a while ...") if self.arguments.output_dir: self.output_dir = self.arguments.output_dir if not os.path.isdir(self.output_dir): os.makedirs(self.output_dir) else: if not os.path.isdir(self.output_dir): os.makedirs(self.output_dir)
def init_vars(self, arguments=None): if arguments: self.arguments = arguments self.set_output_std() if "adb_path" in self.arguments.__dict__.keys(): self.adb_path = self.arguments.adb_path else: if platform == "linux" or platform == "linux2" or platform == "darwin": if which("adb") is None and not os.path.isfile(ADB_BINARY): self.out["std"].print_error("adb not found please use '-a' to specify the path") args_parse(True) sys.exit(1) else: # Windows if which("adb") is None and not os.path.isfile(ADB_WINDOWS_PATH): self.out["std"].print_error("adb not found please use '-a' to specify the path") sys.exit(1) if self.arguments.devices: if ',' in self.arguments.devices: self.devices = self.arguments.devices.split(',') elif self.arguments.devices == "ALL": self.devices = ADB(self.adb_path).list_devices() else: self.devices.append(self.arguments.devices) elif not ADB(self.adb_path).list_devices(): self.out["std"].print_error("No device found") sys.exit(1) if self.arguments.apks_dump_folder: self.dump_apks = True self.apks_dump_folder = self.arguments.apks_dump_folder # Related to scan # scan settings if self.arguments.sS: self.scan_settings = True if self.arguments.sA: self.scan_applications = True # Hardening param if self.arguments.H: self.harden = True # list applications param if self.arguments.l: self.list_apps = True # list running users processes if self.arguments.P: self.list_processes = True # Related to snapshot if self.arguments.snapshot_dir: self.snapshot = True self.snapshot_dir = self.arguments.snapshot_dir # Snapshot comparison if self.arguments.snapshot_report: self.cmp_snap = True self.backup = False self.snapshot_report = self.arguments.snapshot_report # Snapshot restore if self.arguments.snapshot_to_restore: self.restore_snap = True self.snap_to_restore = self.arguments.snapshot_to_restore # Check if one of the operation are chosen if not self.scan_settings and not self.scan_applications and not self.dump_apks and not self.harden \ and not self.list_apps and not self.list_processes and not self.snapshot and not self.cmp_snap \ and not self.restore_snap: self.out["std"].print_error("Please choose an operation") self.args_parse(True) exit(1) self.app_type = Status.THIRD_PARTY.value if self.arguments.app_type: try: self.app_type = Status(self.arguments.app_type) except Exception as e: self.out["std"].print_error("Invalid application type") if self.arguments.R: self.revoke = True if self.arguments.rar: self.rm_admin_recv = True if self.app_type.value == 'e': self.out["std"].print_info("Scanning system apps may takes a while ...") if self.arguments.output_dir: self.output_dir = self.arguments.output_dir if not os.path.isdir(self.output_dir): os.makedirs(self.output_dir) else: if not os.path.isdir(self.output_dir): os.makedirs(self.output_dir)
def process(device_id): adb_instance = ADB(adb_path, device_id) report_apps = dict() out = Out(filename=device_id + ".log") packages = [] if app_type: packages = adb_instance.list_installed_packages(app_type.value) if adb_instance.check_pending_update(): out.print_warning("%s: The system has a pending update!" % device_id) if scan_applications or dump_apks or list_apps: for package in packages: if not list_apps: out.print_info(package) report_apps[package] = dict() dumpsys_out = adb_instance.dumpsys(["package", package]) perm_list = adb_instance.get_req_perms_dumpsys_package(dumpsys_out) app = App(adb_instance, package, scan_applications, dump_apks, apks_dump_folder, perm_list) perms, dangerous_perms, is_device_admin, known_malware = app.check_app( ) if known_malware: report_apps[package]["malware"] = True out.print_error("{} is known as malware".format(package)) if scan_applications: if dangerous_perms is not None and dangerous_perms.items(): out.print_warning_header( "Package {} has some dangerous permissions: ".format( package)) for perm, desc in dangerous_perms.items(): out.print_warning("\t " + perm + ": ") out.print_warning("\t\t" + desc) report_apps[package]["permissions"] = dict() report_apps[package]["permissions"] = { "all_permissions": list(perms.keys()), "dangerous_perms": dangerous_perms } report_apps[package]["is_device_admin"] = is_device_admin else: out.print_info( "Package {} has no dangerous permissions".format( package)) if is_device_admin: message = f"/!\ \t {package} is device admin \t /!\ " padding = len(message) out.print_warning("-" * padding) out.print_warning(message) out.print_warning("-" * padding) report_apps[package] = {"device_admin": is_device_admin} if rm_admin_recv: removed, dpm = app.remove_device_admin_for_app() if removed: report_apps[package] = { "device_admin_revoked": True } out.print_info( "Device admin receivers for {} removed\n". format(app.package_name)) else: out.print_error( "An error occured while removing the device admin " + dpm + " .") # Revoke all Dangerous permissions if revoke and app.dangerous_perms: succeeded = app.revoke_dangerous_perms() if succeeded: report_apps[package][ "revoked_dangerous_pemissions"] = "succeeded" out.print_info("Dangerous permissions revoked\n") else: out.print_error( f"An error occured while revoking permission {perm} to package {app.package_name}" ) elif revoke and not app.dangerous_perms: out.print_info( "No dangerous permissions granted for this package\n") if app.malware_confidence > 0 or app.score < 0: out.print_high_warning( "----------------------------MALWARE SCAN--------------------------------" ) out.print_high_warning( "The application uses some permissions used also by malware" ) if app.malware_confidence > 0: out.print_high_warning( str(app.malware_confidence) + " permissions combinations used also by " "malware") if app.score < 0: out.print_high_warning( "The application uses frequent malware permissions ") if scan_applications: with open(device_id + "_report_apps.json", 'w') as fp: json.dump(report_apps, fp, indent=4) out.print_info("Report generated: %s_report_apps.json" % device_id) if list_apps: lock.acquire() print("List of installed packages on device %s: " % device_id) nbr_listed_apps = 0 apps_choice_list = [] for package in packages: if nbr_listed_apps < LIST_APPS_MAX_PRINT and packages.index( package) < (len(packages) - 1): print("\t[" + str(packages.index(package) + 1) + "] " + package) nbr_listed_apps = nbr_listed_apps + 1 else: choice = '' if packages.index(package) == (len(packages) - 1): print("\t[" + str(packages.index(package) + 1) + "] " + package) while True: choice = input( "Select application(s) (separated by comma ','), 'c' to continue" " listing apps and 'A' for actions menu: ") if choice == 'c': nbr_listed_apps = 1 break if choice == 'A': break else: chosen_apps = choice.replace(" ", "").split(",") for c in chosen_apps: if c.isdigit() and (0 < int(c) < len(packages) + 1): apps_choice_list = apps_choice_list + [c] else: print("option " + c + " does not exist") if choice == 'A': break if app_type.value == 'e': print( "Uninstalling or disabling system Apps can break your system") while True: print("choose an action") print("\td: disable selected apps") print("\tu: uninstall selected apps") print("\tS: Static analysis") print("\ts: skip") print("") action = input("Action: ") action = action.replace(" ", "") if action == 'd' or action == 'u' or action == 's' or action == 'S': lock.release() break else: print("ERROR: Invalid action") continue for id_app in apps_choice_list: if action == 'd': try: adb_instance.disable_app(packages[int(id_app) - 1]) out.print_success(packages[int(id_app) - 1] + " disabled") except Exception as e: out.print_error("An Error occurred while disabling " + packages[int(id_app) - 1]) elif action == 'u': try: adb_instance.uninstall_app(packages[int(id_app) - 1]) out.print_success(packages[int(id_app) - 1] + " uninstalled") except Exception as e: out.print_error("An Error occurred while uninstalling " + packages[int(id_app) - 1]) elif action == "S": app = App(adb_instance, packages[int(id_app) - 1], dump_apk=True, out_dir=apks_dump_folder) out.print_info("Package {}".format(packages[int(id_app) - 1])) package_info = app.static_analysis() out.print_info("\tMalware identification") for key, value in package_info["detected_malware"].items(): if value > 0: out.print_error("\t\t " + key + ": " + str(value) + " positives tests") else: out.print_info("\t\t " + key + ": " + str(value) + " positive test") if package_info and package_info["packed_file"] and \ package_info["packed_file"][packages[int(id_app) - 1]].keys(): out.print_info("\tPacked files") out.print_error( "The package {} has another Application (APK) inside". format(packages[int(id_app) - 1])) for file in package_info["packed_file"][packages[ int(id_app) - 1]]: for perm in package_info["packed_file"][packages[ int(id_app) - 1]][file]: out.print_error("\tDangerous Permission: " + perm) elif action == 's': break if harden: settings_check = Settings(SETTINGS_FILE, adb_instance, True, out=out) else: settings_check = Settings(SETTINGS_FILE, adb_instance, out=out) if scan_settings: settings_check.check() if list_processes: lock.acquire() process_choice_list = [] current_processes = adb_instance.list_backgroud_apps().split("\n") print("Current running user processes on the device %s" % device_id) for i in range(0, len(current_processes) - 1): print(" {}- {}".format(i + 1, current_processes[i])) print("") choice = input( "Select id(s) of process(es) to kill (separated by comma ','): ") chosen_processes = choice.replace(" ", "").split(",") for c in chosen_processes: if c.isdigit() and (0 < int(c) < len(current_processes) + 1): process_choice_list = process_choice_list + [c] lock.release() else: print("[X] ERROR: process does not exist") print("Exiting device %s" % device_id) for process in process_choice_list: adb_instance.force_stop_app(current_processes[int(process) - 1]) if snapshot: with lock: input("Unlock device %s and press ENTER key to continue" % device_id) # set stay_awake to 1 adb_instance.content_insert_settings("global", "stay_on_while_plugged_in", "1", "i") out.print_info("Starting snapshot") if not os.path.isdir(snapshot_dir): os.makedirs(snapshot_dir) snapshot_path = snapshot_dir + "/" + device_id + str(" ", "_") if not os.path.isdir(snapshot_path): os.makedirs(snapshot_path) if app_type: snapshot_obj = Snapshot(adb_instance, app_type.value, out_dir=snapshot_path) else: snapshot_obj = Snapshot(adb_instance, out_dir=snapshot_path) report = snapshot_obj.get_report() with open(snapshot_path + "/snapshot.json", 'w') as fp: json.dump(report, fp, indent=4) adb_instance.content_insert_settings("global", "stay_on_while_plugged_in", "0", "i") out.print_info("Snapshot finished")
def amdh(): global adb_path if platform == "linux" or platform == "linux2": out = Out("Linux") elif platform == "darwin": out = Out("Darwin") elif platform == "win32": out = Out("Windows") arguments = args_parse() # ADB binary path if arguments.adb_path: adb_path = arguments.adb_path else: if platform == "linux" or platform == "linux2" or platform == "Darwin": if which("adb") is None and not os.path.isfile(ADB_BINARY): out.print_error( "adb not found please use '-a' to specify the path") args_parse(True) sys.exit(1) else: # Windows if which("adb") is None and not os.path.isfile(ADB_WINDOWS_PATH): out.print_error( "adb not found please use '-a' to specify the path") sys.exit(1) # Related to APKs dump global dump_apks dump_apks = False global apks_dump_folder apks_dump_folder = "out" if arguments.apks_dump_folder: dump_apks = True apks_dump_folder = arguments.apks_dump_folder # Related to scan # scan settings global scan_settings scan_settings = False if arguments.sS: scan_settings = True # scan applications global scan_applications scan_applications = False if arguments.sA: scan_applications = True # Hardening param global harden harden = False if arguments.H: harden = True # list applications param global list_apps list_apps = False if arguments.l: list_apps = True # list running users processes global list_processes list_processes = False if arguments.P: list_processes = True # Related to snapshot global snapshot snapshot = False global snapshot_dir snapshot_dir = "" if arguments.snapshot_dir: snapshot = True snapshot_dir = arguments.snapshot_dir # Snapshot comparison global cmp_snap cmp_snap = False global snapshot_report snapshot_report = "" global backup if arguments.snapshot_report: cmp_snap = True backup = False snapshot_report = arguments.snapshot_report # Snapshot restore global restore_snap global snap_to_restore restore_snap = False snap_to_restore = "" if arguments.snapshot_to_restore: restore_snap = True snap_to_restore = arguments.snapshot_to_restore # Check if one of the operation are chosen if not scan_settings and not scan_applications and not dump_apks and not harden and not list_apps and \ not list_processes and not snapshot and not cmp_snap and not restore_snap: out.print_error("Please choose an operation") args_parse(True) exit(1) global app_type app_type = Status.THIRD_PARTY.value if arguments.app_type: try: app_type = Status(arguments.app_type) except Exception as e: print("Application app invalid") global revoke revoke = False if arguments.R: revoke = True global rm_admin_recv rm_admin_recv = False if arguments.rar: rm_admin_recv = True if app_type.value == 'e': out.print_info("Scanning system apps may takes a while ...") adb_instance = ADB(adb_path) devices = devices_choice(adb_instance) if cmp_snap: cmp_report = Snapshot(adb_instance, snapshot_file=snapshot_report, backup=backup).snapshot_compare() out.print_info("Installed Apps after snapshot was taken") print(json.dumps(cmp_report["apps"]["new_installed_apps"], indent=4)) out.print_info("Apps exists in snapshot") print(json.dumps(cmp_report["apps"]["apps_exist_in_snap"], indent=4)) out.print_info("Uninstalled after snapshot was taken") print(json.dumps(cmp_report["apps"]["uninstalled_apps"], indent=4)) out.print_info("Changed settings after snapshot was taken") print(json.dumps(cmp_report["settings"], indent=4)) if restore_snap: input("Unlock your phone and press ENTER key to continue") adb_instance.content_insert_settings("global", "stay_on_while_plugged_in", "1", "i") out.print_info("Starting restore") restore_report = Snapshot(adb_instance, snapshot_file=snap_to_restore, backup=False).snapshot_restore() adb_instance.content_insert_settings("global", "stay_on_while_plugged_in", "0", "i") out.print_info("Restore finished") out.print_info("Restore report") print(json.dumps(restore_report, indent=4)) with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=len(devices)) as executor: results = { executor.submit(process, device): device for device in devices } as_completed(results)
def amdh(): global out global adb_path if platform == "linux" or platform == "linux2": out = Out("Linux") elif platform == "darwin": out = Out("Darwin") elif platform == "win32": out = Out("Windows") arguments = args_parse() # ADB binary path if arguments.adb_path: adb_path = arguments.adb_path else: if platform == "linux" or platform == "linux2" or platform == "Darwin": if not os.path.isfile(adb_path): out.print_error( "adb not found please use '-d' to specify the path") args_parse(True) sys.exit(1) else: # Windows if not os.path.isfile(adb_windows_path): out.print_error( "adb not found please use '-d' to specify the path") sys.exit(1) # Related to APKs dump dump_apks = False apks_dump_folder = "" if arguments.apks_dump_folder: dump_apks = True apks_dump_folder = arguments.apks_dump_folder # Related to scan scan_settings = False if arguments.sS: scan_settings = True scan_applications = False if arguments.sA: scan_applications = True # Hardening param harden = False if arguments.H: harden = True list_apps = False if arguments.l: list_apps = True # Check if one of the operation are chosen if not scan_settings and not scan_applications and not dump_apks and not harden and not list_apps: out.print_error("Please choose an operation") args_parse(True) exit(1) adb_instance = ADB(adb_path) device_id = device_choice(adb_instance) adb_instance = ADB(adb_path, device_id) settings_check = None packages = [] if arguments.app_type: packages = adb_instance.list_installed_packages(arguments.app_type) report_apps = {} if scan_applications or dump_apks or list_apps: for package in packages: out.print_info(package) dumpsys_out = adb_instance.dumpsys(["package", package]) perm_list = adb_instance.get_req_perms_dumpsys_package(dumpsys_out) app = App(adb_instance, package, scan_applications, dump_apks, apks_dump_folder, perm_list) perms, dangerous_perms, is_device_owner = app.check_app() print("") if scan_applications: if dangerous_perms.items(): out.print_warning_header( "Package " + package + " has some dangerous permissions: ") for perm, desc in dangerous_perms.items(): out.print_warning("\t " + perm + " : ") out.print_warning("\t\t" + desc) report_apps[package] = { "permissions": perms, "dangerous_perms": dangerous_perms } else: out.print_info("Package " + package + " has no dangerous permissions") if is_device_owner: message = "/!\ \t" + package + " is device owner\t/!\ " padding = len(message) out.print_warning("-" * padding) out.print_warning(message) out.print_warning("-" * padding) if arguments.rar: removed, dpm = app.remove_device_admin_for_app() if removed: out.print_info("Device admin receivers for " + app.package_name + " removed\n") else: out.print_error( "An error occured while removing the device admin " + dpm + " .") # Revoke all Dangerous permissions if arguments.R and app.dangerous_perms: successed = app.revoke_dangerous_perms() if successed: out.print_info("Dangerous permissions revoked\n") else: out.print_error( "An error occured while revoking permission " + perm + " to package " + app.package_name) elif arguments.R and not app.dangerous_perms: out.print_info( "No dangerous permissions granted for this package\n") if app.malware_confidence > 0: out.print_high_warning( "----------------------------MALWARE SCAN--------------------------------" ) out.print_high_warning( "The application uses some malwares permissions ") out.print_high_warning( str(app.malware_confidence) + " malwares permissions combinations ") if app.score < 0: out.print_high_warning( "The application uses frequent malwares permissions ") print( "************************************************************************" ) time.sleep(0.5) if list_apps: print( "************************************************************************" ) out.print_info("List of installed packages: ") for package in packages: out.print_info("\t[" + str(packages.index(package) + 1) + "] " + package) print("") apps_choice = input("Select application(s) (separated by comma ','): ") apps_choice_list = apps_choice.replace(" ", "").split(",") if arguments.app_type == 'e': out.print_high_warning( "Uninstalling or disabling system Apps can break your system") action = "" while True: out.print_info("choose an action") out.print_info("\td: disable selected apps") out.print_info("\tu: uninstall selected apps") out.print_info("\ts: skip") print("") action = input("Action: ") action = action.replace(" ", "") if action == 'd' or action == 'u' or action == 's': break else: print("action " + action + " this") out.print_error("Invalid action") continue for id_app in apps_choice_list: if action == 'd': try: adb_instance.disable_app(packages[int(id_app) - 1]) out.print_success(packages[int(id_app) - 1] + " disabled") except Exception as e: out.print_error("An Error occured while disabling " + packages[int(id_app) - 1]) elif action == 'u': try: adb_instance.uninstall_app(packages[int(id_app) - 1]) out.print_success(packages[int(id_app) - 1] + " uninstalled") except Exception as e: out.print_error("An Error occured while uninstalling " + packages[int(id_app) - 1]) elif action == 's': break if harden: settings_check = Settings(settings_file, adb_instance, True, out=out) else: settings_check = Settings(settings_file, adb_instance, out=out) if scan_settings: settings_check.check()