Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, provider_obj):

        TVCache.__init__(self, provider_obj)

        # only poll newznab providers every 30 minutes
        self.minTime = 30
        self.last_search = datetime.now()
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, name):
        # these need to be set in the subclass
        self.name = name
        self.urls = {}
        self.url = ""
        self.public = False
        self.show = None
        self.supportsBacklog = False
        self.supportsAbsoluteNumbering = False
        self.anime_only = False
        self.search_mode = None
        self.search_fallback = False
        self.enabled = False
        self.enable_daily = False
        self.enable_backlog = False
        self.cache = TVCache(self)
        self.session = None
        self.proper_strings = ["PROPER|REPACK|REAL"]

        self.headers = {}
        self.session = None

        self.btCacheURLS = [
            # 'http://torrage.com/torrent/{torrent_hash}.torrent',
            # 'http://itorrents.org/torrent/{torrent_hash}.torrent',
Exemple #3
 def __init__(self, provider_obj):
     TVCache.__init__(self, provider_obj)
     self.minTime = 20
Exemple #4
class GenericProvider(object):
    NZB = "nzb"
    TORRENT = "torrent"
    types = [NZB, TORRENT]

    type = None

    def __init__(self, name):
        # these need to be set in the subclass
        self.name = name
        self.urls = {}
        self.url = ""
        self.public = False
        self.show = None
        self.supportsBacklog = False
        self.supportsAbsoluteNumbering = False
        self.anime_only = False
        self.search_mode = None
        self.search_fallback = False
        self.enabled = False
        self.enable_daily = False
        self.enable_backlog = False
        self.cache = TVCache(self)
        self.session = None
        self.proper_strings = ["PROPER|REPACK|REAL"]

        self.headers = {}
        self.session = None

        self.btCacheURLS = [
            # 'http://torrage.com/torrent/{torrent_hash}.torrent',
            # 'http://itorrents.org/torrent/{torrent_hash}.torrent',

    def id(self):
        return self._makeID()

    def isActive(self):
        return False

    def isEnabled(self):
        return self.enabled

    def imageName(self):
        return self.id + ".png"

    def _makeID(self):
        return str(re.sub(r"[^\w\d_]", "_", self.name.strip().lower()))

    def _checkAuth(self):
        return True

    def _doLogin(self):
        return True

    def get_subclasses(cls):
        yield cls
        if cls.__subclasses__():
            for sub in cls.__subclasses__():
                for s in sub.get_subclasses():
                    yield s

    def getResult(self, episodes):
        Returns a result of the correct type for this provider
            result = {"nzb": NZBSearchResult, "torrent": TorrentSearchResult}[self.type](episodes)
            result = SearchResult(episodes)

        result.provider = self
        return result

    def getURL(self, url, post_data=None, params=None, timeout=30, json=False, needBytes=False):
        By default this is just a simple urlopen call but this method should be overridden
        for providers with special URL requirements (like cookies)

        return getURL(

    def _makeURL(self, result):
        urls = []
        filename = ""
        if result.url.startswith("magnet"):
                torrent_hash = re.findall(r"urn:btih:([\w]{32,40})", result.url)[0].upper()

                    torrent_name = re.findall("dn=([^&]+)", result.url)[0]
                except Exception:
                    torrent_name = "NO_DOWNLOAD_NAME"

                if len(torrent_hash) == 32:
                    torrent_hash = b16encode(b32decode(torrent_hash)).upper()

                if not torrent_hash:
                    sickrage.srLogger.error("Unable to extract torrent hash from magnet: " + result.url)
                    return urls, filename

                urls = random.shuffle(
                    [x.format(torrent_hash=torrent_hash, torrent_name=torrent_name) for x in self.btCacheURLS]
            except Exception:
                sickrage.srLogger.error("Unable to extract torrent hash or name from magnet: " + result.url)
                return urls, filename
            urls = [result.url]

        if self.type == self.TORRENT:
            filename = os.path.join(sickrage.srConfig.TORRENT_DIR, sanitizeFileName(result.name) + "." + self.type)

        elif self.type == self.NZB:
            filename = os.path.join(sickrage.srConfig.NZB_DIR, sanitizeFileName(result.name) + "." + self.type)

        return urls, filename

    def downloadResult(self, result):
        Save the result to disk.

        # check for auth
        if not self._doLogin:
            return False

        urls, filename = self._makeURL(result)

        for url in urls:
            if "NO_DOWNLOAD_NAME" in url:

            if url.startswith("http"):
                self.headers.update({"Referer": "/".join(url.split("/")[:3]) + "/"})

            sickrage.srLogger.info("Downloading a result from " + self.name + " at " + url)

            # Support for Jackett/TorzNab
            if url.endswith(GenericProvider.TORRENT) and filename.endswith(GenericProvider.NZB):
                filename = filename.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + "." + GenericProvider.TORRENT

            if download_file(url, filename, session=self.session, headers=self.headers):
                if self._verify_download(filename):
                    sickrage.srLogger.info("Saved result to " + filename)
                    return True
                    sickrage.srLogger.warning("Could not download %s" % url)

        if len(urls):
            sickrage.srLogger.warning("Failed to download any results")

        return False

    def _verify_download(self, file_name=None):
        Checks the saved file to see if it was actually valid, if not then consider the download a failure.

        # primitive verification of torrents, just make sure we didn't get a text file or something
        if file_name.endswith(GenericProvider.TORRENT):
                for byte in readFileBuffered(file_name):
                    mime_type = guessParser(StringInputStream(byte))._getMimeType()
                    if mime_type == "application/x-bittorrent":
                        # clean up
                        del mime_type

                        return True
            except Exception as e:
                sickrage.srLogger.debug("Failed to validate torrent file: {}".format(e.message))

            sickrage.srLogger.debug("Result is not a valid torrent file")
            return False

        return True

    def searchRSS(self, episodes):
        return self.cache.findNeededEpisodes(episodes)

    def getQuality(self, item, anime=False):
        Figures out the quality of the given RSS item node

        item: An elementtree.ElementTree element representing the <item> tag of the RSS feed

        Returns a Quality value obtained from the node's data
        (title, url) = self._get_title_and_url(item)
        quality = Quality.sceneQuality(title, anime)
        return quality

    def _doSearch(self, search_params, search_mode="eponly", epcount=0, age=0, epObj=None):
        return []

    def _get_season_search_strings(self, episode):
        return [{}]

    def _get_episode_search_strings(self, eb_obj, add_string=""):
        return [{}]

    def _get_title_and_url(self, item):
        Retrieves the title and URL data from the item XML node

        item: An elementtree.ElementTree element representing the <item> tag of the RSS feed

        Returns: A tuple containing two strings representing title and URL respectively

        title = item.get("title", "")
        if title:
            title = "" + title.replace(" ", ".")

        url = item.get("link", "")
        if url:
            url = url.replace("&amp;", "&").replace("%26tr%3D", "&tr=")

        return title, url

    def _get_size(self, item):
        """Gets the size from the item"""
        sickrage.srLogger.error("Provider type doesn't have _get_size() implemented yet")
        return -1

    def findSearchResults(self, show, episodes, search_mode, manualSearch=False, downCurQuality=False):

        if not self._checkAuth:

        self.show = show

        results = {}
        itemList = []

        searched_scene_season = None
        for epObj in episodes:
            # search cache for episode result
            cacheResult = self.cache.searchCache(epObj, manualSearch, downCurQuality)
            if cacheResult:
                if epObj.episode not in results:
                    results[epObj.episode] = cacheResult

                # found result, search next episode

            # skip if season already searched
            if len(episodes) > 1 and search_mode == "sponly" and searched_scene_season == epObj.scene_season:

            # mark season searched for season pack searches so we can skip later on
            searched_scene_season = epObj.scene_season

            search_strings = []
            if len(episodes) > 1 and search_mode == "sponly":
                # get season search results
                search_strings = self._get_season_search_strings(epObj)
            elif search_mode == "eponly":
                # get single episode search results
                search_strings = self._get_episode_search_strings(epObj)

            first = search_strings and isinstance(search_strings[0], dict) and "rid" in search_strings[0]
            if first:
                sickrage.srLogger.debug("First search_string has rid")

            for curString in search_strings:
                itemList += self._doSearch(curString, search_mode, len(episodes), epObj=epObj)
                if first:
                    first = False
                    if itemList:
                            "First search_string had rid, and returned results, skipping query by string"
                            "First search_string had rid, but returned no results, searching with string query"

        # if we found what we needed already from cache then return results and exit
        if len(results) == len(episodes):
            return results

        # sort list by quality
        if len(itemList):
            items = {}
            itemsUnknown = []
            for item in itemList:
                quality = self.getQuality(item, anime=show.is_anime)
                if quality == Quality.UNKNOWN:
                    itemsUnknown += [item]
                    if quality not in items:
                        items[quality] = [item]

            itemList = list(itertools.chain(*[v for (k, v) in sorted(items.iteritems(), reverse=True)]))
            itemList += itemsUnknown if itemsUnknown else []

        # filter results
        cl = []
        for item in itemList:
            (title, url) = self._get_title_and_url(item)

            # parse the file name
                myParser = NameParser(False)
                parse_result = myParser.parse(title)
            except InvalidNameException:
                sickrage.srLogger.debug("Unable to parse the filename " + title + " into a valid episode")
            except InvalidShowException:
                sickrage.srLogger.debug("Unable to parse the filename " + title + " into a valid show")

            showObj = parse_result.show
            quality = parse_result.quality
            release_group = parse_result.release_group
            version = parse_result.version

            addCacheEntry = False
            if not (showObj.air_by_date or showObj.sports):
                if search_mode == "sponly":
                    if len(parse_result.episode_numbers):
                            "This is supposed to be a season pack search but the result "
                            + title
                            + " is not a valid season pack, skipping it"
                        addCacheEntry = True
                    if len(parse_result.episode_numbers) and (
                        parse_result.season_number not in set([ep.season for ep in episodes])
                        or not [ep for ep in episodes if ep.scene_episode in parse_result.episode_numbers]
                            "The result "
                            + title
                            + " doesn't seem to be a valid episode that we are trying to snatch, ignoring"
                        addCacheEntry = True
                    if (
                        not len(parse_result.episode_numbers)
                        and parse_result.season_number
                        and not [
                            for ep in episodes
                            if ep.season == parse_result.season_number and ep.episode in parse_result.episode_numbers
                            "The result "
                            + title
                            + " doesn't seem to be a valid season that we are trying to snatch, ignoring"
                        addCacheEntry = True
                    elif len(parse_result.episode_numbers) and not [
                        for ep in episodes
                        if ep.season == parse_result.season_number and ep.episode in parse_result.episode_numbers
                            "The result "
                            + title
                            + " doesn't seem to be a valid episode that we are trying to snatch, ignoring"
                        addCacheEntry = True

                if not addCacheEntry:
                    # we just use the existing info for normal searches
                    actual_season = parse_result.season_number
                    actual_episodes = parse_result.episode_numbers
                if not parse_result.is_air_by_date:
                        "This is supposed to be a date search but the result "
                        + title
                        + " didn't parse as one, skipping it"
                    addCacheEntry = True
                    airdate = parse_result.air_date.toordinal()
                    sql_results = main_db.MainDB().select(
                        "SELECT season, episode FROM tv_episodes WHERE showid = ? AND airdate = ?",
                        [showObj.indexerid, airdate],

                    if len(sql_results) != 1:
                            "Tried to look up the date for the episode "
                            + title
                            + " but the database didn't give proper results, skipping it"
                        addCacheEntry = True

                if not addCacheEntry:
                    actual_season = int(sql_results[0][b"season"])
                    actual_episodes = [int(sql_results[0][b"episode"])]

            # add parsed result to cache for usage later on
            if addCacheEntry:
                sickrage.srLogger.debug("Adding item from search to cache: " + title)
                # pylint: disable=W0212
                # Access to a protected member of a client class
                ci = self.cache._addCacheEntry(title, url, parse_result=parse_result)
                if ci is not None:

            # make sure we want the episode
            wantEp = True
            for epNo in actual_episodes:
                if not showObj.wantEpisode(actual_season, epNo, quality, manualSearch, downCurQuality):
                    wantEp = False

            if not wantEp:
                    "Ignoring result "
                    + title
                    + " because we don't want an episode that is "
                    + Quality.qualityStrings[quality]


            sickrage.srLogger.debug("Found result " + title + " at " + url)

            # make a result object
            epObj = []
            for curEp in actual_episodes:
                epObj.append(showObj.getEpisode(actual_season, curEp))

            result = self.getResult(epObj)
            result.show = showObj
            result.url = url
            result.name = title
            result.quality = quality
            result.release_group = release_group
            result.version = version
            result.content = None
            result.size = self._get_size(item)

            if len(epObj) == 1:
                epNum = epObj[0].episode
                sickrage.srLogger.debug("Single episode result.")
            elif len(epObj) > 1:
                epNum = MULTI_EP_RESULT
                    "Separating multi-episode result to check for later - result contains episodes: "
                    + str(parse_result.episode_numbers)
            elif len(epObj) == 0:
                epNum = SEASON_RESULT
                sickrage.srLogger.debug("Separating full season result to check for later")

            if epNum not in results:
                results[epNum] = [result]

        # check if we have items to add to cache
        if len(cl) > 0:
            del cl  # cleanup

        return results

    def findPropers(self, search_date=None):

        results = self.cache.listPropers(search_date)

        return [Proper(x[b"name"], x[b"url"], datetime.fromtimestamp(x[b"time"]), self.show) for x in results]

    def seedRatio(self):
        Provider should override this value if custom seed ratio enabled
        It should return the value of the provider seed ratio
        return ""

    def getDefaultProviders(cls):
        return ""

    def getProvider(cls, name):
        providerMatch = [x for x in cls.getProviderList() if x.name == name]
        if len(providerMatch) == 1:
            return providerMatch[0]

    def getProviderByID(cls, id):
        providerMatch = [x for x in cls.getProviderList() if x.id == id]
        if len(providerMatch) == 1:
            return providerMatch[0]

    def getProviderList(cls, data=None):
        modules = []
        for type in GenericProvider.types:
            modules += cls.loadProviders(type)
        return modules

    def loadProviders(cls, type):
        providers = []
        pregex = re.compile("^([^_]*?)\.py$", re.IGNORECASE)
        path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), type)
        names = [pregex.match(m) for m in os.listdir(path)]
        providers += [cls.loadProvider(name.group(1), type) for name in names if name]
        return providers

    def loadProvider(cls, name, type, *args, **kwargs):
        import inspect, sys

        sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "sickrage"))
        members = dict(
                importlib.import_module(".{}.{}".format(type, name), "providers"),
                lambda x: hasattr(x, "type") and x not in [NZBProvider, TorrentProvider],
        return [v for v in members.values() if hasattr(v, "type") and v.type == type][0](*args, **kwargs)
Exemple #5
 def __init__(self, provider_obj):
     TVCache.__init__(self, provider_obj)
     self.minTime = 15