def configure_migration(): global CONFIG_FILE global CFG # run migrate to convert old cfg to new style cfg plus fix any cfg missing values/options. if not config.migrate(): logger.error('Unable to migrate config file {0}, exiting ...'.format(CONFIG_FILE)) if 'NZBOP_SCRIPTDIR' in os.environ: pass # We will try and read config from Environment. else: sys.exit(-1) # run migrate to convert NzbGet data from old cfg style to new cfg style if 'NZBOP_SCRIPTDIR' in os.environ: CFG = config.addnzbget() else: # load newly migrated config'Loading config from [{0}]'.format(CONFIG_FILE)) CFG = config()
def initialize(section=None): global NZBGET_POSTPROCESS_ERROR, NZBGET_POSTPROCESS_NONE, NZBGET_POSTPROCESS_PARCHECK, NZBGET_POSTPROCESS_SUCCESS, \ NZBTOMEDIA_TIMEOUT, FORKS, FORK_DEFAULT, FORK_FAILED_TORRENT, FORK_FAILED, NOEXTRACTFAILED, SHOWEXTRACT, \ NZBTOMEDIA_BRANCH, NZBTOMEDIA_VERSION, NEWEST_VERSION, NEWEST_VERSION_STRING, VERSION_NOTIFY, SYS_ARGV, CFG, \ SABNZB_NO_OF_ARGUMENTS, SABNZB_0717_NO_OF_ARGUMENTS, CATEGORIES, TORRENT_CLIENTAGENT, USELINK, OUTPUTDIRECTORY, \ NOFLATTEN, UTORRENTPWD, UTORRENTUSR, UTORRENTWEBUI, DELUGEHOST, DELUGEPORT, DELUGEUSR, DELUGEPWD, VLEVEL, \ TRANSMISSIONHOST, TRANSMISSIONPORT, TRANSMISSIONPWD, TRANSMISSIONUSR, COMPRESSEDCONTAINER, MEDIACONTAINER, \ METACONTAINER, SECTIONS, ALL_FORKS, TEST_FILE, GENERALOPTS, LOG_GIT, GROUPS, SEVENZIP, CONCAT, VCRF, \ __INITIALIZED__, AUTO_UPDATE, APP_FILENAME, USER_DELAY, APP_NAME, TRANSCODE, DEFAULTS, GIT_PATH, GIT_USER, \ GIT_BRANCH, GIT_REPO, SYS_ENCODING, NZB_CLIENTAGENT, SABNZBDHOST, SABNZBDPORT, SABNZBDAPIKEY, \ DUPLICATE, IGNOREEXTENSIONS, VEXTENSION, OUTPUTVIDEOPATH, PROCESSOUTPUT, VCODEC, VCODEC_ALLOW, VPRESET, \ VFRAMERATE, LOG_DB, VBITRATE, VRESOLUTION, ALANGUAGE, AINCLUDE, ACODEC, ACODEC_ALLOW, ABITRATE, FAILED, \ ACODEC2, ACODEC2_ALLOW, ABITRATE2, ACODEC3, ACODEC3_ALLOW, ABITRATE3, ALLOWSUBS, SEXTRACT, SEMBED, SLANGUAGES, \ SINCLUDE, SUBSDIR, SCODEC, OUTPUTFASTSTART, OUTPUTQUALITYPERCENT, BURN, GETSUBS, HWACCEL, LOG_DIR, LOG_FILE, \ NICENESS, LOG_DEBUG, FORCE_CLEAN, FFMPEG_PATH, FFMPEG, FFPROBE, AUDIOCONTAINER, EXTCONTAINER, TORRENT_CLASS, \ DELETE_ORIGINAL, TORRENT_CHMOD_DIRECTORY, PASSWORDSFILE, USER_DELAY, USER_SCRIPT, USER_SCRIPT_CLEAN, USER_SCRIPT_MEDIAEXTENSIONS, \ USER_SCRIPT_PARAM, USER_SCRIPT_RUNONCE, USER_SCRIPT_SUCCESSCODES, DOWNLOADINFO, CHECK_MEDIA, SAFE_MODE, \ TORRENT_DEFAULTDIR, TORRENT_RESUME_ON_FAILURE, NZB_DEFAULTDIR, REMOTEPATHS, LOG_ENV, PID_FILE, MYAPP, ACHANNELS, ACHANNELS2, ACHANNELS3, \ PLEXSSL, PLEXHOST, PLEXPORT, PLEXTOKEN, PLEXSEC, TORRENT_RESUME, PAR2CMD, QBITTORRENTHOST, QBITTORRENTPORT, QBITTORRENTUSR, QBITTORRENTPWD if __INITIALIZED__: return False if 'NTM_LOGFILE' in os.environ: LOG_FILE = os.environ['NTM_LOGFILE'] LOG_DIR = os.path.split(LOG_FILE)[0] if not make_dir(LOG_DIR): print('No log folder, logging to screen only') MYAPP = RunningProcess() while MYAPP.alreadyrunning(): print('Waiting for existing session to end') time.sleep(30) try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') SYS_ENCODING = locale.getpreferredencoding() except (locale.Error, IOError): pass # For OSes that are poorly configured I'll just randomly force UTF-8 if not SYS_ENCODING or SYS_ENCODING in ('ANSI_X3.4-1968', 'US-ASCII', 'ASCII'): SYS_ENCODING = 'UTF-8' if six.PY2: if not hasattr(sys, 'setdefaultencoding'): reload_module(sys) try: # pylint: disable=E1101 # On non-unicode builds this will raise an AttributeError, if encoding type is not valid it throws a LookupError sys.setdefaultencoding(SYS_ENCODING) except Exception: print('Sorry, you MUST add the nzbToMedia folder to the PYTHONPATH environment variable' '\nor find another way to force Python to use {codec} for string encoding.'.format (codec=SYS_ENCODING)) if 'NZBOP_SCRIPTDIR' in os.environ: sys.exit(NZBGET_POSTPROCESS_ERROR) else: sys.exit(1) # init logging logger.ntm_log_instance.init_logging() # run migrate to convert old cfg to new style cfg plus fix any cfg missing values/options. if not config.migrate(): logger.error('Unable to migrate config file {0}, exiting ...'.format(CONFIG_FILE)) if 'NZBOP_SCRIPTDIR' in os.environ: pass # We will try and read config from Environment. else: sys.exit(-1) # run migrate to convert NzbGet data from old cfg style to new cfg style if 'NZBOP_SCRIPTDIR' in os.environ: CFG = config.addnzbget() else: # load newly migrated config'Loading config from [{0}]'.format(CONFIG_FILE)) CFG = config() # Enable/Disable DEBUG Logging LOG_DEBUG = int(CFG['General']['log_debug']) LOG_DB = int(CFG['General']['log_db']) LOG_ENV = int(CFG['General']['log_env']) LOG_GIT = int(CFG['General']['log_git']) if LOG_ENV: for item in os.environ:'{0}: {1}'.format(item, os.environ[item]), 'ENVIRONMENT') # initialize the main SB database main_db.upgrade_database(main_db.DBConnection(), databases.InitialSchema) # Set Version and GIT variables NZBTOMEDIA_VERSION = '11.06' VERSION_NOTIFY = int(CFG['General']['version_notify']) AUTO_UPDATE = int(CFG['General']['auto_update']) GIT_REPO = 'nzbToMedia' GIT_PATH = CFG['General']['git_path'] GIT_USER = CFG['General']['git_user'] or 'clinton-hall' GIT_BRANCH = CFG['General']['git_branch'] or 'master' FORCE_CLEAN = int(CFG['General']['force_clean']) FFMPEG_PATH = CFG['General']['ffmpeg_path'] CHECK_MEDIA = int(CFG['General']['check_media']) SAFE_MODE = int(CFG['General']['safe_mode']) NOEXTRACTFAILED = int(CFG['General']['no_extract_failed']) # Check for updates via GitHUB if version_check.CheckVersion().check_for_new_version(): if AUTO_UPDATE == 1:'Auto-Updating nzbToMedia, Please wait ...') updated = version_check.CheckVersion().update() if updated: # restart nzbToMedia try: del MYAPP except Exception: pass restart() else: logger.error('Update wasn\'t successful, not restarting. Check your log for more information.') # Set Current Version'nzbToMedia Version:{version} Branch:{branch} ({system} {release})'.format (version=NZBTOMEDIA_VERSION, branch=GIT_BRANCH, system=platform.system(), release=platform.release())) if int(CFG['WakeOnLan']['wake']) == 1: wake_up() NZB_CLIENTAGENT = CFG['Nzb']['clientAgent'] # sabnzbd SABNZBDHOST = CFG['Nzb']['sabnzbd_host'] SABNZBDPORT = int(CFG['Nzb']['sabnzbd_port'] or 8080) # defaults to accomodate NzbGet SABNZBDAPIKEY = CFG['Nzb']['sabnzbd_apikey'] NZB_DEFAULTDIR = CFG['Nzb']['default_downloadDirectory'] GROUPS = CFG['Custom']['remove_group'] if isinstance(GROUPS, str): GROUPS = GROUPS.split(',') if GROUPS == ['']: GROUPS = None TORRENT_CLIENTAGENT = CFG['Torrent']['clientAgent'] # utorrent | deluge | transmission | rtorrent | vuze | qbittorrent |other USELINK = CFG['Torrent']['useLink'] # no | hard | sym OUTPUTDIRECTORY = CFG['Torrent']['outputDirectory'] # /abs/path/to/complete/ TORRENT_DEFAULTDIR = CFG['Torrent']['default_downloadDirectory'] CATEGORIES = (CFG['Torrent']['categories']) # music,music_videos,pictures,software NOFLATTEN = (CFG['Torrent']['noFlatten']) if isinstance(NOFLATTEN, str): NOFLATTEN = NOFLATTEN.split(',') if isinstance(CATEGORIES, str): CATEGORIES = CATEGORIES.split(',') DELETE_ORIGINAL = int(CFG['Torrent']['deleteOriginal']) TORRENT_CHMOD_DIRECTORY = int(str(CFG['Torrent']['chmodDirectory']), 8) TORRENT_RESUME_ON_FAILURE = int(CFG['Torrent']['resumeOnFailure']) TORRENT_RESUME = int(CFG['Torrent']['resume']) UTORRENTWEBUI = CFG['Torrent']['uTorrentWEBui'] # http://localhost:8090/gui/ UTORRENTUSR = CFG['Torrent']['uTorrentUSR'] # mysecretusr UTORRENTPWD = CFG['Torrent']['uTorrentPWD'] # mysecretpwr TRANSMISSIONHOST = CFG['Torrent']['TransmissionHost'] # localhost TRANSMISSIONPORT = int(CFG['Torrent']['TransmissionPort']) TRANSMISSIONUSR = CFG['Torrent']['TransmissionUSR'] # mysecretusr TRANSMISSIONPWD = CFG['Torrent']['TransmissionPWD'] # mysecretpwr DELUGEHOST = CFG['Torrent']['DelugeHost'] # localhost DELUGEPORT = int(CFG['Torrent']['DelugePort']) # 8084 DELUGEUSR = CFG['Torrent']['DelugeUSR'] # mysecretusr DELUGEPWD = CFG['Torrent']['DelugePWD'] # mysecretpwr QBITTORRENTHOST = CFG['Torrent']['qBittorrenHost'] # localhost QBITTORRENTPORT = int(CFG['Torrent']['qBittorrentPort']) # 8080 QBITTORRENTUSR = CFG['Torrent']['qBittorrentUSR'] # mysecretusr QBITTORRENTPWD = CFG['Torrent']['qBittorrentPWD'] # mysecretpwr REMOTEPATHS = CFG['Network']['mount_points'] or [] if REMOTEPATHS: if isinstance(REMOTEPATHS, list): REMOTEPATHS = ','.join(REMOTEPATHS) # fix in case this imported as list. REMOTEPATHS = [tuple(item.split(',')) for item in REMOTEPATHS.split('|')] # /volume1/Public/,E:\|/volume2/share/,\\NAS\ REMOTEPATHS = [(local.strip(), remote.strip()) for local, remote in REMOTEPATHS] # strip trailing and leading whitespaces PLEXSSL = int(CFG['Plex']['plex_ssl']) PLEXHOST = CFG['Plex']['plex_host'] PLEXPORT = CFG['Plex']['plex_port'] PLEXTOKEN = CFG['Plex']['plex_token'] PLEXSEC = CFG['Plex']['plex_sections'] or [] if PLEXSEC: if isinstance(PLEXSEC, list): PLEXSEC = ','.join(PLEXSEC) # fix in case this imported as list. PLEXSEC = [tuple(item.split(',')) for item in PLEXSEC.split('|')] devnull = open(os.devnull, 'w') try: subprocess.Popen(['nice'], stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull).communicate() NICENESS.extend(['nice', '-n{0}'.format(int(CFG['Posix']['niceness']))]) except Exception: pass try: subprocess.Popen(['ionice'], stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull).communicate() try: NICENESS.extend(['ionice', '-c{0}'.format(int(CFG['Posix']['ionice_class']))]) except Exception: pass try: if 'ionice' in NICENESS: NICENESS.extend(['-n{0}'.format(int(CFG['Posix']['ionice_classdata']))]) else: NICENESS.extend(['ionice', '-n{0}'.format(int(CFG['Posix']['ionice_classdata']))]) except Exception: pass except Exception: pass devnull.close() COMPRESSEDCONTAINER = [re.compile(r'.r\d{2}$', re.I), re.compile(r'.part\d+.rar$', re.I), re.compile('.rar$', re.I)] COMPRESSEDCONTAINER += [re.compile('{0}$'.format(ext), re.I) for ext in CFG['Extensions']['compressedExtensions']] MEDIACONTAINER = CFG['Extensions']['mediaExtensions'] AUDIOCONTAINER = CFG['Extensions']['audioExtensions'] METACONTAINER = CFG['Extensions']['metaExtensions'] # .nfo,.sub,.srt if isinstance(COMPRESSEDCONTAINER, str): COMPRESSEDCONTAINER = COMPRESSEDCONTAINER.split(',') if isinstance(MEDIACONTAINER, str): MEDIACONTAINER = MEDIACONTAINER.split(',') if isinstance(AUDIOCONTAINER, str): AUDIOCONTAINER = AUDIOCONTAINER.split(',') if isinstance(METACONTAINER, str): METACONTAINER = METACONTAINER.split(',') GETSUBS = int(CFG['Transcoder']['getSubs']) TRANSCODE = int(CFG['Transcoder']['transcode']) DUPLICATE = int(CFG['Transcoder']['duplicate']) CONCAT = int(CFG['Transcoder']['concat']) IGNOREEXTENSIONS = (CFG['Transcoder']['ignoreExtensions']) if isinstance(IGNOREEXTENSIONS, str): IGNOREEXTENSIONS = IGNOREEXTENSIONS.split(',') OUTPUTFASTSTART = int(CFG['Transcoder']['outputFastStart']) GENERALOPTS = (CFG['Transcoder']['generalOptions']) if isinstance(GENERALOPTS, str): GENERALOPTS = GENERALOPTS.split(',') if GENERALOPTS == ['']: GENERALOPTS = [] if '-fflags' not in GENERALOPTS: GENERALOPTS.append('-fflags') if '+genpts' not in GENERALOPTS: GENERALOPTS.append('+genpts') try: OUTPUTQUALITYPERCENT = int(CFG['Transcoder']['outputQualityPercent']) except Exception: pass OUTPUTVIDEOPATH = CFG['Transcoder']['outputVideoPath'] PROCESSOUTPUT = int(CFG['Transcoder']['processOutput']) ALANGUAGE = CFG['Transcoder']['audioLanguage'] AINCLUDE = int(CFG['Transcoder']['allAudioLanguages']) SLANGUAGES = CFG['Transcoder']['subLanguages'] if isinstance(SLANGUAGES, str): SLANGUAGES = SLANGUAGES.split(',') if SLANGUAGES == ['']: SLANGUAGES = [] SINCLUDE = int(CFG['Transcoder']['allSubLanguages']) SEXTRACT = int(CFG['Transcoder']['extractSubs']) SEMBED = int(CFG['Transcoder']['embedSubs']) SUBSDIR = CFG['Transcoder']['externalSubDir'] VEXTENSION = CFG['Transcoder']['outputVideoExtension'].strip() VCODEC = CFG['Transcoder']['outputVideoCodec'].strip() VCODEC_ALLOW = CFG['Transcoder']['VideoCodecAllow'].strip() if isinstance(VCODEC_ALLOW, str): VCODEC_ALLOW = VCODEC_ALLOW.split(',') if VCODEC_ALLOW == ['']: VCODEC_ALLOW = [] VPRESET = CFG['Transcoder']['outputVideoPreset'].strip() try: VFRAMERATE = float(CFG['Transcoder']['outputVideoFramerate'].strip()) except Exception: pass try: VCRF = int(CFG['Transcoder']['outputVideoCRF'].strip()) except Exception: pass try: VLEVEL = CFG['Transcoder']['outputVideoLevel'].strip() except Exception: pass try: VBITRATE = int((CFG['Transcoder']['outputVideoBitrate'].strip()).replace('k', '000')) except Exception: pass VRESOLUTION = CFG['Transcoder']['outputVideoResolution'] ACODEC = CFG['Transcoder']['outputAudioCodec'].strip() ACODEC_ALLOW = CFG['Transcoder']['AudioCodecAllow'].strip() if isinstance(ACODEC_ALLOW, str): ACODEC_ALLOW = ACODEC_ALLOW.split(',') if ACODEC_ALLOW == ['']: ACODEC_ALLOW = [] try: ACHANNELS = int(CFG['Transcoder']['outputAudioChannels'].strip()) except Exception: pass try: ABITRATE = int((CFG['Transcoder']['outputAudioBitrate'].strip()).replace('k', '000')) except Exception: pass ACODEC2 = CFG['Transcoder']['outputAudioTrack2Codec'].strip() ACODEC2_ALLOW = CFG['Transcoder']['AudioCodec2Allow'].strip() if isinstance(ACODEC2_ALLOW, str): ACODEC2_ALLOW = ACODEC2_ALLOW.split(',') if ACODEC2_ALLOW == ['']: ACODEC2_ALLOW = [] try: ACHANNELS2 = int(CFG['Transcoder']['outputAudioTrack2Channels'].strip()) except Exception: pass try: ABITRATE2 = int((CFG['Transcoder']['outputAudioTrack2Bitrate'].strip()).replace('k', '000')) except Exception: pass ACODEC3 = CFG['Transcoder']['outputAudioOtherCodec'].strip() ACODEC3_ALLOW = CFG['Transcoder']['AudioOtherCodecAllow'].strip() if isinstance(ACODEC3_ALLOW, str): ACODEC3_ALLOW = ACODEC3_ALLOW.split(',') if ACODEC3_ALLOW == ['']: ACODEC3_ALLOW = [] try: ACHANNELS3 = int(CFG['Transcoder']['outputAudioOtherChannels'].strip()) except Exception: pass try: ABITRATE3 = int((CFG['Transcoder']['outputAudioOtherBitrate'].strip()).replace('k', '000')) except Exception: pass SCODEC = CFG['Transcoder']['outputSubtitleCodec'].strip() BURN = int(CFG['Transcoder']['burnInSubtitle'].strip()) DEFAULTS = CFG['Transcoder']['outputDefault'].strip() HWACCEL = int(CFG['Transcoder']['hwAccel']) allow_subs = ['.mkv', '.mp4', '.m4v', 'asf', 'wma', 'wmv'] codec_alias = { 'libx264': ['libx264', 'h264', 'h.264', 'AVC', 'MPEG-4'], 'libmp3lame': ['libmp3lame', 'mp3'], 'libfaac': ['libfaac', 'aac', 'faac'] } transcode_defaults = { 'iPad': { 'VEXTENSION': '.mp4', 'VCODEC': 'libx264', 'VPRESET': None, 'VFRAMERATE': None, 'VBITRATE': None, 'VCRF': None, 'VLEVEL': None, 'VRESOLUTION': None, 'VCODEC_ALLOW': ['libx264', 'h264', 'h.264', 'AVC', 'avc', 'mpeg4', 'msmpeg4', 'MPEG-4'], 'ACODEC': 'aac', 'ACODEC_ALLOW': ['libfaac'], 'ABITRATE': None, 'ACHANNELS': 2, 'ACODEC2': 'ac3', 'ACODEC2_ALLOW': ['ac3'], 'ABITRATE2': None, 'ACHANNELS2': 6, 'ACODEC3': None, 'ACODEC3_ALLOW': [], 'ABITRATE3': None, 'ACHANNELS3': None, 'SCODEC': 'mov_text' }, 'iPad-1080p': { 'VEXTENSION': '.mp4', 'VCODEC': 'libx264', 'VPRESET': None, 'VFRAMERATE': None, 'VBITRATE': None, 'VCRF': None, 'VLEVEL': None, 'VRESOLUTION': '1920:1080', 'VCODEC_ALLOW': ['libx264', 'h264', 'h.264', 'AVC', 'avc', 'mpeg4', 'msmpeg4', 'MPEG-4'], 'ACODEC': 'aac', 'ACODEC_ALLOW': ['libfaac'], 'ABITRATE': None, 'ACHANNELS': 2, 'ACODEC2': 'ac3', 'ACODEC2_ALLOW': ['ac3'], 'ABITRATE2': None, 'ACHANNELS2': 6, 'ACODEC3': None, 'ACODEC3_ALLOW': [], 'ABITRATE3': None, 'ACHANNELS3': None, 'SCODEC': 'mov_text' }, 'iPad-720p': { 'VEXTENSION': '.mp4', 'VCODEC': 'libx264', 'VPRESET': None, 'VFRAMERATE': None, 'VBITRATE': None, 'VCRF': None, 'VLEVEL': None, 'VRESOLUTION': '1280:720', 'VCODEC_ALLOW': ['libx264', 'h264', 'h.264', 'AVC', 'avc', 'mpeg4', 'msmpeg4', 'MPEG-4'], 'ACODEC': 'aac', 'ACODEC_ALLOW': ['libfaac'], 'ABITRATE': None, 'ACHANNELS': 2, 'ACODEC2': 'ac3', 'ACODEC2_ALLOW': ['ac3'], 'ABITRATE2': None, 'ACHANNELS2': 6, 'ACODEC3': None, 'ACODEC3_ALLOW': [], 'ABITRATE3': None, 'ACHANNELS3': None, 'SCODEC': 'mov_text' }, 'Apple-TV': { 'VEXTENSION': '.mp4', 'VCODEC': 'libx264', 'VPRESET': None, 'VFRAMERATE': None, 'VBITRATE': None, 'VCRF': None, 'VLEVEL': None, 'VRESOLUTION': '1280:720', 'VCODEC_ALLOW': ['libx264', 'h264', 'h.264', 'AVC', 'avc', 'mpeg4', 'msmpeg4', 'MPEG-4'], 'ACODEC': 'ac3', 'ACODEC_ALLOW': ['ac3'], 'ABITRATE': None, 'ACHANNELS': 6, 'ACODEC2': 'aac', 'ACODEC2_ALLOW': ['libfaac'], 'ABITRATE2': None, 'ACHANNELS2': 2, 'ACODEC3': None, 'ACODEC3_ALLOW': [], 'ABITRATE3': None, 'ACHANNELS3': None, 'SCODEC': 'mov_text' }, 'iPod': { 'VEXTENSION': '.mp4', 'VCODEC': 'libx264', 'VPRESET': None, 'VFRAMERATE': None, 'VBITRATE': None, 'VCRF': None, 'VLEVEL': None, 'VRESOLUTION': '1280:720', 'VCODEC_ALLOW': ['libx264', 'h264', 'h.264', 'AVC', 'avc', 'mpeg4', 'msmpeg4', 'MPEG-4'], 'ACODEC': 'aac', 'ACODEC_ALLOW': ['libfaac'], 'ABITRATE': 128000, 'ACHANNELS': 2, 'ACODEC2': None, 'ACODEC2_ALLOW': [], 'ABITRATE2': None, 'ACHANNELS2': None, 'ACODEC3': None, 'ACODEC3_ALLOW': [], 'ABITRATE3': None, 'ACHANNELS3': None, 'SCODEC': 'mov_text' }, 'iPhone': { 'VEXTENSION': '.mp4', 'VCODEC': 'libx264', 'VPRESET': None, 'VFRAMERATE': None, 'VBITRATE': None, 'VCRF': None, 'VLEVEL': None, 'VRESOLUTION': '460:320', 'VCODEC_ALLOW': ['libx264', 'h264', 'h.264', 'AVC', 'avc', 'mpeg4', 'msmpeg4', 'MPEG-4'], 'ACODEC': 'aac', 'ACODEC_ALLOW': ['libfaac'], 'ABITRATE': 128000, 'ACHANNELS': 2, 'ACODEC2': None, 'ACODEC2_ALLOW': [], 'ABITRATE2': None, 'ACHANNELS2': None, 'ACODEC3': None, 'ACODEC3_ALLOW': [], 'ABITRATE3': None, 'ACHANNELS3': None, 'SCODEC': 'mov_text' }, 'PS3': { 'VEXTENSION': '.mp4', 'VCODEC': 'libx264', 'VPRESET': None, 'VFRAMERATE': None, 'VBITRATE': None, 'VCRF': None, 'VLEVEL': None, 'VRESOLUTION': None, 'VCODEC_ALLOW': ['libx264', 'h264', 'h.264', 'AVC', 'avc', 'mpeg4', 'msmpeg4', 'MPEG-4'], 'ACODEC': 'ac3', 'ACODEC_ALLOW': ['ac3'], 'ABITRATE': None, 'ACHANNELS': 6, 'ACODEC2': 'aac', 'ACODEC2_ALLOW': ['libfaac'], 'ABITRATE2': None, 'ACHANNELS2': 2, 'ACODEC3': None, 'ACODEC3_ALLOW': [], 'ABITRATE3': None, 'ACHANNELS3': None, 'SCODEC': 'mov_text' }, 'xbox': { 'VEXTENSION': '.mp4', 'VCODEC': 'libx264', 'VPRESET': None, 'VFRAMERATE': None, 'VBITRATE': None, 'VCRF': None, 'VLEVEL': None, 'VRESOLUTION': None, 'VCODEC_ALLOW': ['libx264', 'h264', 'h.264', 'AVC', 'avc', 'mpeg4', 'msmpeg4', 'MPEG-4'], 'ACODEC': 'ac3', 'ACODEC_ALLOW': ['ac3'], 'ABITRATE': None, 'ACHANNELS': 6, 'ACODEC2': None, 'ACODEC2_ALLOW': [], 'ABITRATE2': None, 'ACHANNELS2': None, 'ACODEC3': None, 'ACODEC3_ALLOW': [], 'ABITRATE3': None, 'ACHANNELS3': None, 'SCODEC': 'mov_text' }, 'Roku-480p': { 'VEXTENSION': '.mp4', 'VCODEC': 'libx264', 'VPRESET': None, 'VFRAMERATE': None, 'VBITRATE': None, 'VCRF': None, 'VLEVEL': None, 'VRESOLUTION': None, 'VCODEC_ALLOW': ['libx264', 'h264', 'h.264', 'AVC', 'avc', 'mpeg4', 'msmpeg4', 'MPEG-4'], 'ACODEC': 'aac', 'ACODEC_ALLOW': ['libfaac'], 'ABITRATE': 128000, 'ACHANNELS': 2, 'ACODEC2': 'ac3', 'ACODEC2_ALLOW': ['ac3'], 'ABITRATE2': None, 'ACHANNELS2': 6, 'ACODEC3': None, 'ACODEC3_ALLOW': [], 'ABITRATE3': None, 'ACHANNELS3': None, 'SCODEC': 'mov_text' }, 'Roku-720p': { 'VEXTENSION': '.mp4', 'VCODEC': 'libx264', 'VPRESET': None, 'VFRAMERATE': None, 'VBITRATE': None, 'VCRF': None, 'VLEVEL': None, 'VRESOLUTION': None, 'VCODEC_ALLOW': ['libx264', 'h264', 'h.264', 'AVC', 'avc', 'mpeg4', 'msmpeg4', 'MPEG-4'], 'ACODEC': 'aac', 'ACODEC_ALLOW': ['libfaac'], 'ABITRATE': 128000, 'ACHANNELS': 2, 'ACODEC2': 'ac3', 'ACODEC2_ALLOW': ['ac3'], 'ABITRATE2': None, 'ACHANNELS2': 6, 'ACODEC3': None, 'ACODEC3_ALLOW': [], 'ABITRATE3': None, 'ACHANNELS3': None, 'SCODEC': 'mov_text' }, 'Roku-1080p': { 'VEXTENSION': '.mp4', 'VCODEC': 'libx264', 'VPRESET': None, 'VFRAMERATE': None, 'VBITRATE': None, 'VCRF': None, 'VLEVEL': None, 'VRESOLUTION': None, 'VCODEC_ALLOW': ['libx264', 'h264', 'h.264', 'AVC', 'avc', 'mpeg4', 'msmpeg4', 'MPEG-4'], 'ACODEC': 'aac', 'ACODEC_ALLOW': ['libfaac'], 'ABITRATE': 160000, 'ACHANNELS': 2, 'ACODEC2': 'ac3', 'ACODEC2_ALLOW': ['ac3'], 'ABITRATE2': None, 'ACHANNELS2': 6, 'ACODEC3': None, 'ACODEC3_ALLOW': [], 'ABITRATE3': None, 'ACHANNELS3': None, 'SCODEC': 'mov_text' }, 'mkv': { 'VEXTENSION': '.mkv', 'VCODEC': 'libx264', 'VPRESET': None, 'VFRAMERATE': None, 'VBITRATE': None, 'VCRF': None, 'VLEVEL': None, 'VRESOLUTION': None, 'VCODEC_ALLOW': ['libx264', 'h264', 'h.264', 'AVC', 'avc', 'mpeg4', 'msmpeg4', 'MPEG-4', 'mpeg2video'], 'ACODEC': 'dts', 'ACODEC_ALLOW': ['libfaac', 'dts', 'ac3', 'mp2', 'mp3'], 'ABITRATE': None, 'ACHANNELS': 8, 'ACODEC2': None, 'ACODEC2_ALLOW': [], 'ABITRATE2': None, 'ACHANNELS2': None, 'ACODEC3': 'ac3', 'ACODEC3_ALLOW': ['libfaac', 'dts', 'ac3', 'mp2', 'mp3'], 'ABITRATE3': None, 'ACHANNELS3': 8, 'SCODEC': 'mov_text' }, 'mp4-scene-release': { 'VEXTENSION': '.mp4', 'VCODEC': 'libx264', 'VPRESET': None, 'VFRAMERATE': None, 'VBITRATE': None, 'VCRF': 19, 'VLEVEL': '3.1', 'VRESOLUTION': None, 'VCODEC_ALLOW': ['libx264', 'h264', 'h.264', 'AVC', 'avc', 'mpeg4', 'msmpeg4', 'MPEG-4', 'mpeg2video'], 'ACODEC': 'dts', 'ACODEC_ALLOW': ['libfaac', 'dts', 'ac3', 'mp2', 'mp3'], 'ABITRATE': None, 'ACHANNELS': 8, 'ACODEC2': None, 'ACODEC2_ALLOW': [], 'ABITRATE2': None, 'ACHANNELS2': None, 'ACODEC3': 'ac3', 'ACODEC3_ALLOW': ['libfaac', 'dts', 'ac3', 'mp2', 'mp3'], 'ABITRATE3': None, 'ACHANNELS3': 8, 'SCODEC': 'mov_text' }, 'MKV-SD': { 'VEXTENSION': '.mkv', 'VCODEC': 'libx264', 'VPRESET': None, 'VFRAMERATE': None, 'VBITRATE': '1200k', 'VCRF': None, 'VLEVEL': None, 'VRESOLUTION': '720: -1', 'VCODEC_ALLOW': ['libx264', 'h264', 'h.264', 'AVC', 'avc', 'mpeg4', 'msmpeg4', 'MPEG-4'], 'ACODEC': 'aac', 'ACODEC_ALLOW': ['libfaac'], 'ABITRATE': 128000, 'ACHANNELS': 2, 'ACODEC2': 'ac3', 'ACODEC2_ALLOW': ['ac3'], 'ABITRATE2': None, 'ACHANNELS2': 6, 'ACODEC3': None, 'ACODEC3_ALLOW': [], 'ABITRATE3': None, 'ACHANNELS3': None, 'SCODEC': 'mov_text' } } if DEFAULTS and DEFAULTS in transcode_defaults: VEXTENSION = transcode_defaults[DEFAULTS]['VEXTENSION'] VCODEC = transcode_defaults[DEFAULTS]['VCODEC'] VPRESET = transcode_defaults[DEFAULTS]['VPRESET'] VFRAMERATE = transcode_defaults[DEFAULTS]['VFRAMERATE'] VBITRATE = transcode_defaults[DEFAULTS]['VBITRATE'] VRESOLUTION = transcode_defaults[DEFAULTS]['VRESOLUTION'] VCRF = transcode_defaults[DEFAULTS]['VCRF'] VLEVEL = transcode_defaults[DEFAULTS]['VLEVEL'] VCODEC_ALLOW = transcode_defaults[DEFAULTS]['VCODEC_ALLOW'] ACODEC = transcode_defaults[DEFAULTS]['ACODEC'] ACODEC_ALLOW = transcode_defaults[DEFAULTS]['ACODEC_ALLOW'] ACHANNELS = transcode_defaults[DEFAULTS]['ACHANNELS'] ABITRATE = transcode_defaults[DEFAULTS]['ABITRATE'] ACODEC2 = transcode_defaults[DEFAULTS]['ACODEC2'] ACODEC2_ALLOW = transcode_defaults[DEFAULTS]['ACODEC2_ALLOW'] ACHANNELS2 = transcode_defaults[DEFAULTS]['ACHANNELS2'] ABITRATE2 = transcode_defaults[DEFAULTS]['ABITRATE2'] ACODEC3 = transcode_defaults[DEFAULTS]['ACODEC3'] ACODEC3_ALLOW = transcode_defaults[DEFAULTS]['ACODEC3_ALLOW'] ACHANNELS3 = transcode_defaults[DEFAULTS]['ACHANNELS3'] ABITRATE3 = transcode_defaults[DEFAULTS]['ABITRATE3'] SCODEC = transcode_defaults[DEFAULTS]['SCODEC'] transcode_defaults = {} # clear memory if transcode_defaults in ['mp4-scene-release'] and not OUTPUTQUALITYPERCENT: OUTPUTQUALITYPERCENT = 100 if VEXTENSION in allow_subs: ALLOWSUBS = 1 if not VCODEC_ALLOW and VCODEC: VCODEC_ALLOW.extend([VCODEC]) for codec in VCODEC_ALLOW: if codec in codec_alias: extra = [item for item in codec_alias[codec] if item not in VCODEC_ALLOW] VCODEC_ALLOW.extend(extra) if not ACODEC_ALLOW and ACODEC: ACODEC_ALLOW.extend([ACODEC]) for codec in ACODEC_ALLOW: if codec in codec_alias: extra = [item for item in codec_alias[codec] if item not in ACODEC_ALLOW] ACODEC_ALLOW.extend(extra) if not ACODEC2_ALLOW and ACODEC2: ACODEC2_ALLOW.extend([ACODEC2]) for codec in ACODEC2_ALLOW: if codec in codec_alias: extra = [item for item in codec_alias[codec] if item not in ACODEC2_ALLOW] ACODEC2_ALLOW.extend(extra) if not ACODEC3_ALLOW and ACODEC3: ACODEC3_ALLOW.extend([ACODEC3]) for codec in ACODEC3_ALLOW: if codec in codec_alias: extra = [item for item in codec_alias[codec] if item not in ACODEC3_ALLOW] ACODEC3_ALLOW.extend(extra) codec_alias = {} # clear memory PASSWORDSFILE = CFG['passwords']['PassWordFile'] # Setup FFMPEG, FFPROBE and SEVENZIP locations if platform.system() == 'Windows': FFMPEG = os.path.join(FFMPEG_PATH, 'ffmpeg.exe') FFPROBE = os.path.join(FFMPEG_PATH, 'ffprobe.exe') SEVENZIP = os.path.join(APP_ROOT, 'core', 'extractor', 'bin', platform.machine(), '7z.exe') SHOWEXTRACT = int(str(CFG['Windows']['show_extraction']), 0) if not (os.path.isfile(FFMPEG)): # problem FFMPEG = None logger.warning('Failed to locate ffmpeg.exe. Transcoding disabled!') logger.warning('Install ffmpeg with x264 support to enable this feature ...') if not (os.path.isfile(FFPROBE)): FFPROBE = None if CHECK_MEDIA: logger.warning('Failed to locate ffprobe.exe. Video corruption detection disabled!') logger.warning('Install ffmpeg with x264 support to enable this feature ...') else: try: SEVENZIP = subprocess.Popen(['which', '7z'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].strip() except Exception: pass if not SEVENZIP: try: SEVENZIP = subprocess.Popen(['which', '7zr'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].strip() except Exception: pass if not SEVENZIP: try: SEVENZIP = subprocess.Popen(['which', '7za'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].strip() except Exception: pass if not SEVENZIP: SEVENZIP = None logger.warning( 'Failed to locate 7zip. Transcoding of disk images and extraction of .7z files will not be possible!') try: PAR2CMD = subprocess.Popen(['which', 'par2'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].strip() except Exception: pass if not PAR2CMD: PAR2CMD = None logger.warning( 'Failed to locate par2. Repair and rename using par files will not be possible!') if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(FFMPEG_PATH, 'ffmpeg')) or os.access(os.path.join(FFMPEG_PATH, 'ffmpeg'), os.X_OK): FFMPEG = os.path.join(FFMPEG_PATH, 'ffmpeg') elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(FFMPEG_PATH, 'avconv')) or os.access(os.path.join(FFMPEG_PATH, 'avconv'), os.X_OK): FFMPEG = os.path.join(FFMPEG_PATH, 'avconv') else: try: FFMPEG = subprocess.Popen(['which', 'ffmpeg'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].strip() except Exception: pass if not FFMPEG: try: FFMPEG = subprocess.Popen(['which', 'avconv'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].strip() except Exception: pass if not FFMPEG: FFMPEG = None logger.warning('Failed to locate ffmpeg. Transcoding disabled!') logger.warning('Install ffmpeg with x264 support to enable this feature ...') if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(FFMPEG_PATH, 'ffprobe')) or os.access(os.path.join(FFMPEG_PATH, 'ffprobe'), os.X_OK): FFPROBE = os.path.join(FFMPEG_PATH, 'ffprobe') elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(FFMPEG_PATH, 'avprobe')) or os.access(os.path.join(FFMPEG_PATH, 'avprobe'), os.X_OK): FFPROBE = os.path.join(FFMPEG_PATH, 'avprobe') else: try: FFPROBE = subprocess.Popen(['which', 'ffprobe'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].strip() except Exception: pass if not FFPROBE: try: FFPROBE = subprocess.Popen(['which', 'avprobe'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].strip() except Exception: pass if not FFPROBE: FFPROBE = None if CHECK_MEDIA: logger.warning('Failed to locate ffprobe. Video corruption detection disabled!') logger.warning('Install ffmpeg with x264 support to enable this feature ...') # check for script-defied section and if None set to allow sections SECTIONS = CFG[tuple(x for x in CFG if CFG[x].sections and CFG[x].isenabled()) if not section else (section,)] for section, subsections in SECTIONS.items(): CATEGORIES.extend([subsection for subsection in subsections if CFG[section][subsection].isenabled()]) CATEGORIES = list(set(CATEGORIES)) # create torrent class TORRENT_CLASS = create_torrent_class(TORRENT_CLIENTAGENT) # finished initalizing return True