Exemple #1
    def send_raw_request(self, head, postdata, fix_content_len=True):
        In some cases the ExtendedUrllib user wants to send a request that was typed
        in a textbox or is stored in a file. When something like that happens,
        this library allows the user to send the request by specifying two
        parameters for the send_raw_request method:

        :param head: "<method> <URI> <HTTP version>\r\nHeader: Value\r\nHeader2: Value2..."
        :param postdata: The postdata, if any. If set to '' or None, no postdata is sent.
        :param fix_content_len: Indicates if the content length has to be fixed or not.

        :return: An HTTPResponse object.
        # Parse the two strings
        fuzz_req = HTTPRequestParser(head, postdata)

        # Fix the content length
        if fix_content_len:
            headers = fuzz_req.get_headers()
            fixed = False
            for h in headers:
                if h.lower() == 'content-length':
                    headers[h] = str(len(postdata))
                    fixed = True
            if not fixed and postdata:
                headers['content-length'] = str(len(postdata))

        # Send it
        function_reference = getattr(self, fuzz_req.get_method())
        return function_reference(fuzz_req.get_uri(),
Exemple #2
    def send_raw_request(self, head, postdata, fix_content_len=True):
        In some cases the ExtendedUrllib user wants to send a request that was typed
        in a textbox or is stored in a file. When something like that happens,
        this library allows the user to send the request by specifying two
        parameters for the send_raw_request method:

        :param head: "<method> <URI> <HTTP version>\r\nHeader: Value\r\nHeader2: Value2..."
        :param postdata: The postdata, if any. If set to '' or None, no postdata is sent.
        :param fix_content_len: Indicates if the content length has to be fixed or not.

        :return: An HTTPResponse object.
        # Parse the two strings
        fuzz_req = HTTPRequestParser(head, postdata)

        # Fix the content length
        if fix_content_len:
            headers = fuzz_req.get_headers()
            fixed = False
            for h in headers:
                if h.lower() == 'content-length':
                    headers[h] = str(len(postdata))
                    fixed = True
            if not fixed and postdata:
                headers['content-length'] = str(len(postdata))

        # Send it
        function_reference = getattr(self, fuzz_req.get_method())
        return function_reference(fuzz_req.get_uri(), data=fuzz_req.get_data(),
                                  headers=fuzz_req.get_headers(), cache=False,
Exemple #3
def html_export(request_string):
    :param request_string: The string of the request to export
    :return: A HTML that will perform the same HTTP request.
    request_lines = request_string.split('\n\n')
    header = request_lines[0]
    body = '\n\n'.join(request_lines[1:])
    http_request = HTTPRequestParser(header, body)
    res = '''<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
        <title>Exported HTTP Request from w3af</title>
    res += '<form action="' + cgi.escape(http_request.get_uri().url_string,
    res += '" method="' + cgi.escape(http_request.get_method(), True) + '">\n'
    if http_request.get_data() and http_request.get_data() != '\n':
        post_data = http_request.get_dc()
        for param_name in post_data:
            for value in post_data[param_name]:
                res += '<label>' + cgi.escape(param_name) + '</label>\n'
                res += '<input type="text" name="' + \
                    cgi.escape(param_name.strip(), True)
                res += '" value="' + cgi.escape(value, True) + '">\n'
    res += '<input type="submit">\n'
    res += '</form>\n'
    res += '''</body>\n</html>'''
    return res
Exemple #4
def html_export(request_string):
    :param request_string: The string of the request to export
    :return: A HTML that will perform the same HTTP request.
    request_lines = request_string.split('\n\n')
    header = request_lines[0]
    body = '\n\n'.join(request_lines[1:])
    http_request = HTTPRequestParser(header, body)
    res = '''<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
        <title>Exported HTTP Request from w3af</title>
    res += '<form action="' + cgi.escape(http_request.get_uri()
                                         .url_string, True)
    res += '" method="' + cgi.escape(http_request.get_method(), True) + '">\n'
    if http_request.get_data() and http_request.get_data() != '\n':
        post_data = http_request.get_dc()
        for param_name in post_data:
            for value in post_data[param_name]:
                res += '<label>' + cgi.escape(param_name) + '</label>\n'
                res += '<input type="text" name="' + \
                    cgi.escape(param_name.strip(), True)
                res += '" value="' + cgi.escape(value, True) + '">\n'
    res += '<input type="submit">\n'
    res += '</form>\n'
    res += '''</body>\n</html>'''
    return res
Exemple #5
def ruby_export(request_string):
    :param request_string: The string of the request to export
    :return: A net/http based ruby script that will perform the same HTTP request.
    # get the header and the body
    splitted_request = request_string.split('\n\n')
    header = splitted_request[0]
    body = '\n\n'.join(splitted_request[1:])

    http_request = HTTPRequestParser(header, body)

    # Now I do the real magic...
    res = 'require \'net/https\'\n\n'

    res += 'url = URI.parse("' + ruby_escape_string(
        http_request.get_uri().url_string) + '")\n'

    if http_request.get_data() != '\n' and http_request.get_data() is not None:
        escaped_data = ruby_escape_string(str(http_request.get_data()))
        res += 'data = "' + escaped_data + '"\n'
        res += 'data = nil\n'

    res += 'headers = {\n'
    headers = http_request.get_headers()
    for header_name, header_value in headers.iteritems():
        header_value = ruby_escape_string(header_value)
        header_name = ruby_escape_string(header_name)
        res += '    "' + header_name + '" => "' + header_value + '",\n'

    res = res[:-2]
    res += '\n}\n'

    method = http_request.get_method()
    res += 'res = Net::HTTP.start(url.host, url.port) do |http|\n'
    res += '    http.use_ssl = '
    if http_request.get_url().get_protocol().lower() == 'https':
        res += 'true\n'
        res += 'false\n'
    res += '    http.send_request("' + method + '", url.path, data, headers)\n'
    res += 'end\n\n'
    res += 'puts res.body\n'

    return res
Exemple #6
def ruby_export(request_string):
    :param request_string: The string of the request to export
    :return: A net/http based ruby script that will perform the same HTTP request.
    # get the header and the body
    splitted_request = request_string.split('\n\n')
    header = splitted_request[0]
    body = '\n\n'.join(splitted_request[1:])

    http_request = HTTPRequestParser(header, body)

    # Now I do the real magic...
    res = 'require \'net/https\'\n\n'

    res += 'url = URI.parse("' + ruby_escape_string(
        http_request.get_uri().url_string) + '")\n'

    if http_request.get_data() != '\n' and http_request.get_data() is not None:
        escaped_data = ruby_escape_string(str(http_request.get_data()))
        res += 'data = "' + escaped_data + '"\n'
        res += 'data = nil\n'

    res += 'headers = {\n'
    headers = http_request.get_headers()
    for header_name, header_value in headers.iteritems():
        header_value = ruby_escape_string(header_value)
        header_name = ruby_escape_string(header_name)
        res += '    "' + header_name + '" => "' + header_value + '",\n'

    res = res[:-2]
    res += '\n}\n'

    method = http_request.get_method()
    res += 'res = Net::HTTP.start(url.host, url.port) do |http|\n'
    res += '    http.use_ssl = '
    if http_request.get_url().get_protocol().lower() == 'https':
        res += 'true\n'
        res += 'false\n'
    res += '    http.send_request("' + method + '", url.path, data, headers)\n'
    res += 'end\n\n'
    res += 'puts res.body\n'

    return res
Exemple #7
    def test_GET_request(self):
        self.http_daemon = HTTPDaemon()

        #    Send the request to our server using the GUI
        self.type('' % self.http_daemon.get_port(), False)


        # Wait until we actually get the response, and verify we got the
        # response body we expected:

        #    Assert that it's what we really expected
        requests = self.http_daemon.requests
        self.assertEqual(len(requests), 1)

        request = requests[0]

        head, postdata = MANUAL_REQUEST_EXAMPLE, ''
        http_request = HTTPRequestParser(head, postdata)

        self.assertEqual(http_request.get_url().get_path(), request.path)
        self.assertEqual(http_request.get_method(), request.command)

        for header_name, header_value in http_request.get_headers().iteritems(
            self.assertIn(header_name.lower(), request.headers)

    def test_GET_request(self):
        self.http_daemon = HTTPDaemon()
        #    Send the request to our server using the GUI
        self.type('' % self.http_daemon.get_port(), False)
        # Wait until we actually get the response, and verify we got the
        # response body we expected:
        #    Assert that it's what we really expected
        requests = self.http_daemon.requests
        self.assertEqual(len(requests), 10)
        head, postdata = FUZZY_REQUEST_EXAMPLE, ''
        parsed_request = HTTPRequestParser(head, postdata)
        for i, daemon_request in enumerate(self.http_daemon.requests):

            self.assertEqual('/%s' % i, daemon_request.path)
            self.assertEqual(parsed_request.get_method(), daemon_request.command)
            for header_name, header_value in parsed_request.get_headers().iteritems():
                self.assertIn(header_name.lower(), daemon_request.headers)
                self.assertEqual(header_value, daemon_request.headers[header_name.lower()])
Exemple #9
def ajax_export(request_string):
    :param request_string: The string of the request to export
    :return: A javascript that will perform the same HTTP request.
    # get the header and the body
    splitted_request = request_string.split('\n\n')
    header = splitted_request[0]
    body = '\n\n'.join(splitted_request[1:])

    http_request = HTTPRequestParser(header, body)

    # Now I do the real magic...
    # This is the header, to include the AJAX stuff:
    res = '''/* Init AJAX stuff */

var xmlhttp = false;
/*@cc_on @*/
/*@if (@_jscript_version >= 5)
// JScript gives us Conditional compilation, we can cope with old IE versions.
// and security blocked creation of the objects.
try {
    xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
} catch (e) {
    try {
        xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
    } catch (E) {
        xmlhttp = false;
@end @*/

if (!xmlhttp && typeof XMLHttpRequest != 'undefined') {
    try {
        xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
    } catch (e) {
        xmlhttp = false;
if (!xmlhttp && window.createRequest) {
    try {
        xmlhttp = window.createRequest();
    } catch (e) {
        xmlhttp = false;
/* Finished AJAX initialization */

/* Create the request, please remember the same-origin policy, which might
affect how and if this request is sent by the browser */

    # Set the method and the path
    res += 'xmlhttp.open("' + http_request.get_method() + '", "'
    res += ajax_escape_string(
        http_request.get_uri().url_string) + '", true);\n'

    # For debugging
    res += '''
/* Debugging code, this should be removed for real life XSS exploits */
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
    if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 ) {

/* Add headers to the request and send it, please note taht custom headers
might be removed by the browser and/or generate an exception that will
make the request fail */

    # Now I add the headers:
    headers = http_request.get_headers()
    for header_name, header_value in headers.iteritems():
        res += 'xmlhttp.setRequestHeaders("' + ajax_escape_string(
            header_name) + '", "'
        res += ajax_escape_string(header_value) + '");\n'

    # And finally the post data (if any)
    if http_request.get_data() and http_request.get_data() != '\n':
        res += 'var post_data = (<r><![CDATA[' + str(
            http_request.get_data()) + ']]></r>).toString();\n'
        res += 'xmlhttp.send(post_data);\n'
        res += 'xmlhttp.send(null);\n'

    return res
 def test_qs(self):
     fuzzable_request = HTTPRequestParser(
         'GET http://www.w3af.com/ HTTP/1.0', '')
     self.assertIsInstance(fuzzable_request, HTTPQSRequest)
     self.assertEqual(fuzzable_request.get_method(), 'GET')
 def test_head_post_data(self):
     fuzzable_request = HTTPRequestParser(
         'POST http://www.w3af.com/ HTTP/1.0', 'foo=bar')
     self.assertIsInstance(fuzzable_request, HTTPPostDataRequest)
     self.assertEqual(fuzzable_request.get_method(), 'POST')