Exemple #1
    def discover(self, fuzzableRequest):
        Search zone_h and parse the output.
        @parameter fuzzableRequest: A fuzzableRequest instance that contains 
                                                    (among other things) the URL to test.
        if not self._exec:
            # This will remove the plugin from the discovery plugins to be runned.
            raise w3afRunOnce()
            # Only run once
            self._exec = False

            target_domain = urlParser.getRootDomain(fuzzableRequest.getURL())

            # Example URL:
            # http://www.zone-h.org/archive/domain=cyprus-stones.com

            # TODO: Keep this URL updated!
            zone_h_url = "http://www.zone-h.org/archive/domain=" + target_domain

                response = self._urlOpener.GET(zone_h_url)
            except w3afException, e:
                msg = "An exception was raised while running zone-h plugin. Exception: " + str(e)
    def discover(self, fuzzableRequest ):
        @parameter fuzzableRequest: A fuzzableRequest instance that contains (among other things) the URL to test.
        if not self._run:
            # This will remove the plugin from the discovery plugins to be runned.
            raise w3afRunOnce()
            # This plugin will only run one time. 
            self._run = False
            pks_se = pks( self._urlOpener)
            url = fuzzableRequest.getURL()
            domain_root = urlParser.getRootDomain( url )
            results = pks_se.search( domain_root )
            for result in results:
                i = info.info()
                i.setURL( 'http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/' )
                i.setId( [] )
                mail = result.username +'@' + domain_root
                i.setName( mail )
                i.setDesc( 'The mail account: "'+ mail + '" was found in the MIT PKS server. ' )
                i['mail'] = mail
                i['user'] = result.username
                i['name'] = result.name
                i['url_list'] = ['http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/', ]
                kb.kb.append( 'mails', 'mails', i )
                #   Don't save duplicated information in the KB. It's useless.
                #kb.kb.append( self, 'mails', i )
                om.out.information( i.getDesc() )

        return []
 def _get_to_check( self, domain ):
     @return: From the domain, get a list of FQDN, rootDomain and IP address.
     res = []
     addrinfo = None
         addrinfo = socket.getaddrinfo( domain, 0)
         res.extend( [info[4][0] for info in addrinfo] )
     fqdn = ''
         fqdn = socket.getfqdn( domain )
         res.append( fqdn )
     rootDomain = ''
         rootDomain = urlParser.getRootDomain( domain )
     except Exception, e:
         om.out.debug( str(e) )
 def _get_common_virtualhosts( self, domain ):
     @parameter domain: The original domain name.
     @return: A list of possible domain names that could be hosted in the same web
     server that "domain".
     res = []
     common_virtual_hosts = ['intranet', 'intra', 'extranet', 'extra' , 'test' , 'test1'
     'old' , 'new' , 'admin', 'adm', 'webmail', 'services', 'console', 'apps', 'mail', 
     'corporate', 'ws', 'webservice', 'private', 'secure', 'safe', 'hidden', 'public' ]
     for subdomain in common_virtual_hosts:
         # intranet
         res.append( subdomain )
         # intranet.www.targetsite.com
         res.append( subdomain + '.' + domain )
         # intranet.targetsite.com
         res.append( subdomain + '.' + urlParser.getRootDomain( domain ) )
         # This is for:
         # intranet.targetsite
         res.append( subdomain + '.' + urlParser.getRootDomain( domain ).split('.')[0] )
     return res
 def grep(self, request, response):
     Plugin entry point, get the emails and save them to the kb.
     @parameter request: The HTTP request
     @parameter request: The HTTP response
     @return: None
     uri = response.getURI()
     if uri not in self._already_inspected:
         self._grep_worker(request, response, 'mails', \
         if not self._only_target_domain:
             self._grep_worker(request, response, 'external_mails')
 def __init__( self, httpResponse ):
     # "setBaseUrl"
     url = httpResponse.getURL()
     redirURL = httpResponse.getRedirURL()
     if redirURL:
         url = redirURL
     self._baseUrl = url
     self._baseDomain = urlParser.getDomain(url)
     self._rootDomain = urlParser.getRootDomain(url)
     # A nice default
     self._encoding = 'utf-8'
     # To store results
     self._emails = []
     self._re_URLs = []
Exemple #7
def get_webroot_dirs( domain=None ):
    @return: A list of strings with possible webroots. This function also analyzed the contents of the
    knowledgeBase and tries to use that information in order to guess.
    result = []
    # This one has more probability of success that all the other ones together
    obtained_webroot = kb.kb.getData( 'pathDisclosure', 'webroot' )
    if obtained_webroot:
    if domain:
        root_domain = urlParser.getRootDomain( 'http://' + domain )
        result.append('/var/www/' +  domain )
        result.append( '/var/www/' + domain + '/www/' )
        result.append( '/var/www/' + domain + '/html/' )
        result.append( '/var/www/' + domain + '/htdocs/' )
        result.append( '/home/' + domain )
        result.append( '/home/' + domain + '/www/' )
        result.append( '/home/' + domain + '/html/' )
        result.append( '/home/' + domain + '/htdocs/' )
        if domain != root_domain:
            result.append( '/home/' + root_domain )
            result.append( '/home/' + root_domain + '/www/' )
            result.append( '/home/' + root_domain + '/html/' )
            result.append( '/home/' + root_domain + '/htdocs/' )
            result.append('/var/www/' +  root_domain )
            result.append( '/var/www/' + root_domain + '/www/' )
            result.append( '/var/www/' + root_domain + '/html/' )
            result.append( '/var/www/' + root_domain + '/htdocs/' )            
    return result
    def discover(self, fuzzableRequest):
        @parameter fuzzableRequest: A fuzzableRequest instance that contains (among other things) the URL to test.
        result = []
        # This will remove the plugin from the discovery plugins to be runned.
        if not self._run:
            raise w3afRunOnce()

        # This plugin will only run one time. 
        self._run = False
        bingSE = bing(self._urlOpener)
        self._domain = domain = urlParser.getDomain(fuzzableRequest.getURL())
        self._domainRoot = urlParser.getRootDomain(domain)

        results = bingSE.getNResults('@'+self._domainRoot, self._resultLimit)

        for result in results:
            targs = (result,)
            self._tm.startFunction(target=self._findAccounts, args=targs, ownerObj=self)

        self.printUniq(kb.kb.getData('fingerBing', 'mails'), None)
        return result
 def discover(self, fuzzableRequest ):
     @parameter fuzzableRequest: A fuzzableRequest instance that contains
                                                 (among other things) the URL to test.
     if not self._run:
         # This will remove the plugin from the discovery plugins to be runned.
         raise w3afRunOnce()
         # This plugin will only run one time. 
         self._run = False
         self._google = google(self._urlOpener)
         self._domain = domain = urlParser.getDomain( fuzzableRequest.getURL() )
         self._domain_root = urlParser.getRootDomain( domain )
         if self._fast_search:
             self._do_fast_search( domain )
             self._do_complete_search( domain )
         self._tm.join( self )
         self.printUniq( kb.kb.getData( 'fingerGoogle', 'mails' ), None )
         return []
    def discover(self, fuzzableRequest ):
        Search in xssed.com and parse the output.
        @parameter fuzzableRequest: A fuzzableRequest instance that contains 
                                                    (among other things) the URL to test.

        if not self._exec :
            # This will remove the plugin from the discovery plugins to be runned.
            raise w3afRunOnce()
            # Only run once
            self._exec = False
            target_domain = urlParser.getRootDomain( fuzzableRequest.getURL() )

                response = self._urlOpener.GET( self._xssed_url + "/search?key=." + target_domain )
            except w3afException, e:
                msg = 'An exception was raised while running xssedDotCom plugin. Exception: '
                msg += '"' + str(e) + '".'
                om.out.debug( msg )