Exemple #1
class Experiment(object):

    The experiment class provides a general framework for defining a numerical
    experiment and running it.

    Any experiment should be subclassed from this "Experiment" cass. The functions
    to implement are "_initialize", "_compute" and "_visualize".

    The class provides methods to save data automatically to a central location.

    By convention a subclass should never modify the parameters passed to it. Use
    self.data.var_name or self.var_name depending on whether the data should be saved
    or not

    def __init__(self, params=Data()):
        self.proj_name = "test"
        self.run_name = "test"
        if "proj_name" in params:
            self.proj_name = params.proj_name
        if "run_name" in params:
            self.run_name = params.run_name
        if "material" in params:
            self.material = params.material

        self.params = params
        self.data = Data()
        self.data_loc = None


    def _initialize(self):
        raise Exception("_initialize is still a stub method")

    def compute(self):
        Abstract base for the computation of an experiment
        return self._compute()

    def _compute(self):
        raise Exception("_compute is still a stub method")

    def visualize(self):
        Abstract base for the visualization of an experiment
        return self._visualize()

    def _visualize(self):
        raise Exception("_visualize is still a stub method")

    def save(self):
        Save the data and the parameters
        self.params.save(self.data_loc + "/params.pkl")
        self.data.save(self.data_loc + "/data.pkl")

    def load(self, filename):
        self.data = Data.load(filename)

    def _assign_data_location(self):
        This assigns a data folder to the experiment. The folder is chosen
        as the data_root/proj_name/run_name# where # is the lowest number
        that hasn't already been chosen.
        if self.data_loc is not None:
        if MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() is not 0:
        folder_name = data_root + "/" + self.proj_name
        if not os.path.exists(folder_name):
        timestamp = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
        new_run_folder_name = folder_name + "/" + self.run_name + "_" + timestamp
        # We intentionally ignore the case where the folder already exists.
        # This means data may be overwritten, but it is the user's resp
        # to make sure this doesn't happen.
        if not os.path.exists(new_run_folder_name):
        self.data_loc = new_run_folder_name