def valid(datacfg, darknetcfg, learnetcfg, weightfile, outfile, use_baserw=False): options = read_data_cfg(datacfg) valid_images = options['valid'] metadict = options['meta'] # name_list = options['names'] # backup = cfg.backup ckpt = weightfile.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] backup = weightfile.split('/')[-2] ckpt_pre = '/ene_' if use_baserw else '/ene' prefix = 'results/' + backup.split('/')[-1] + ckpt_pre + ckpt print('saving to: ' + prefix) # prefix = 'results/' + weightfile.split('/')[1] # names = load_class_names(name_list) with open(valid_images) as fp: tmp_files = fp.readlines() valid_files = [item.rstrip() for item in tmp_files] m = Darknet(darknetcfg, learnetcfg) m.print_network() m.load_weights(weightfile) m.cuda() m.eval() valid_dataset = dataset.listDataset(valid_images, shape=(m.width, m.height), shuffle=False, transform=transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToTensor(), ])) valid_batchsize = 2 assert (valid_batchsize > 1) kwargs = {'num_workers': 4, 'pin_memory': True} valid_loader =, batch_size=valid_batchsize, shuffle=False, **kwargs) if False: metaset = dataset.MetaDataset(metafiles=metadict, train=False, ensemble=True) metaloader =, batch_size=len(metaset), shuffle=False, **kwargs) metaloader = iter(metaloader) n_cls = len(metaset.classes) print('===> Generating dynamic weights...') metax, mask = metax, mask = metax.cuda(), mask.cuda() metax, mask = Variable(metax, volatile=True), Variable(mask, volatile=True) dynamic_weights, _ = m.meta_forward(metax, mask) for i in range(len(dynamic_weights)): assert dynamic_weights[i].size(0) == sum(metaset.meta_cnts) inds = np.cumsum([0] + metaset.meta_cnts) new_weight = [] for j in range(len(metaset.meta_cnts)): new_weight.append( torch.mean(dynamic_weights[i][inds[j]:inds[j + 1]], dim=0)) dynamic_weights[i] = torch.stack(new_weight) print(dynamic_weights[i].shape) else: metaset = dataset.MetaDataset(metafiles=metadict, train=False, ensemble=True, with_ids=True) metaloader =, batch_size=64, shuffle=False, **kwargs) # metaloader = iter(metaloader) n_cls = len(metaset.classes) enews = [0.0] * n_cls cnt = [0.0] * n_cls print('===> Generating dynamic weights...') kkk = 0 for metax, mask, clsids in metaloader: print('===> {}/{}'.format(kkk, len(metaset) // 64)) kkk += 1 with torch.no_grad(): metax, mask = metax.cuda(), mask.cuda() metax, mask = Variable(metax, volatile=True), Variable(mask, volatile=True) dws, _ = m.meta_forward(metax, mask) dw = dws[0] for ci, c in enumerate(clsids): enews[c] = enews[c] * cnt[c] / (cnt[c] + 1) + dw[ci] / (cnt[c] + 1) cnt[c] += 1 dynamic_weights = [torch.stack(enews)] # import pickle # with open('data/rws/voc_novel2_.pkl', 'wb') as f: # tmp = [ for x in dynamic_weights] # pickle.dump(tmp, f) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() if use_baserw: import pickle # f = 'data/rws/voc_novel{}_.pkl'.format(cfg.novelid) f = 'data/rws/voc_novel{}_.pkl'.format(0) print('===> Loading from {}...'.format(f)) with open(f, 'rb') as f: # with open('data/rws/voc_novel0_.pkl', 'rb') as f: rws = pickle.load(f) rws = [Variable(torch.from_numpy(rw)).cuda() for rw in rws] tki = cfg._real_base_ids for i in range(len(rws)): dynamic_weights[i][tki] = rws[i][tki] # dynamic_weights[i] = rws[i] # pdb.set_trace() if not os.path.exists(prefix): # os.mkdir(prefix) os.makedirs(prefix) fps = [0] * n_cls for i, cls_name in enumerate(metaset.classes): buf = '%s/%s%s.txt' % (prefix, outfile, cls_name) fps[i] = open(buf, 'w') lineId = -1 conf_thresh = 0.005 nms_thresh = 0.45 for batch_idx, (data, target) in enumerate(valid_loader): data = data.cuda() data = Variable(data, volatile=True) with torch.no_grad(): output = m.detect_forward(data, dynamic_weights) if isinstance(output, tuple): output = (output[0].data, output[1].data) else: output = # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() batch_boxes = get_region_boxes_v2(output, n_cls, conf_thresh, m.num_classes, m.anchors, m.num_anchors, 0, 1) if isinstance(output, tuple): bs = output[0].size(0) else: assert output.size(0) % n_cls == 0 bs = output.size(0) // n_cls for b in range(bs): lineId = lineId + 1 imgpath = valid_dataset.lines[lineId].rstrip() print(imgpath) imgid = os.path.basename(imgpath).split('.')[0] width, height = get_image_size(imgpath) for i in range(n_cls): # oi = i * bs + b oi = b * n_cls + i boxes = batch_boxes[oi] boxes = nms(boxes, nms_thresh) for box in boxes: x1 = (box[0] - box[2] / 2.0) * width y1 = (box[1] - box[3] / 2.0) * height x2 = (box[0] + box[2] / 2.0) * width y2 = (box[1] + box[3] / 2.0) * height det_conf = box[4] for j in range(int((len(box) - 5) / 2)): cls_conf = box[5 + 2 * j] cls_id = box[6 + 2 * j] prob = det_conf * cls_conf fps[i].write('%s %f %f %f %f %f\n' % (imgid, prob, x1, y1, x2, y2)) for i in range(n_cls): fps[i].close()
def train(epoch): global processed_batches t0 = time.time() if ngpus > 1: cur_model = model.module else: cur_model = model train_loader = trainlist, shape=(init_width, init_height), shuffle=True, transform=transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToTensor(), ]), train=True, seen=cur_model.seen, batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=num_workers), batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, **kwargs) lr = adjust_learning_rate(optimizer, processed_batches) logging('epoch %d/%d, processed %d samples, lr %f' % (epoch, max_epochs, epoch * len(train_loader.dataset), lr)) model.train() t1 = time.time() avg_time = torch.zeros(9) for batch_idx, (data, target) in enumerate(train_loader): t2 = time.time() adjust_learning_rate(optimizer, processed_batches) processed_batches = processed_batches + 1 #if (batch_idx+1) % dot_interval == 0: # sys.stdout.write('.') if use_cuda: data = data.cuda() #target= target.cuda() t3 = time.time() data, target = Variable(data), Variable(target) t4 = time.time() optimizer.zero_grad() t5 = time.time() output = model(data) t6 = time.time() region_loss.seen = region_loss.seen + loss = region_loss(output, target) t7 = time.time() loss.backward() t8 = time.time() optimizer.step() t9 = time.time() if False and batch_idx > 1: avg_time[0] = avg_time[0] + (t2 - t1) avg_time[1] = avg_time[1] + (t3 - t2) avg_time[2] = avg_time[2] + (t4 - t3) avg_time[3] = avg_time[3] + (t5 - t4) avg_time[4] = avg_time[4] + (t6 - t5) avg_time[5] = avg_time[5] + (t7 - t6) avg_time[6] = avg_time[6] + (t8 - t7) avg_time[7] = avg_time[7] + (t9 - t8) avg_time[8] = avg_time[8] + (t9 - t1) print('-------------------------------') print(' load data : %f' % (avg_time[0] / (batch_idx))) print(' cpu to cuda : %f' % (avg_time[1] / (batch_idx))) print('cuda to variable : %f' % (avg_time[2] / (batch_idx))) print(' zero_grad : %f' % (avg_time[3] / (batch_idx))) print(' forward feature : %f' % (avg_time[4] / (batch_idx))) print(' forward loss : %f' % (avg_time[5] / (batch_idx))) print(' backward : %f' % (avg_time[6] / (batch_idx))) print(' step : %f' % (avg_time[7] / (batch_idx))) print(' total : %f' % (avg_time[8] / (batch_idx))) t1 = time.time() print('') t1 = time.time() logging('training with %f samples/s' % (len(train_loader.dataset) / (t1 - t0))) if (epoch + 1) % cfg.save_interval == 0: logging('save weights to %s/%06d.weights' % (backupdir, epoch + 1)) cur_model.seen = (epoch + 1) * len(train_loader.dataset) cur_model.save_weights('%s/%06d.weights' % (backupdir, epoch + 1))
processed_batches = model.seen / batch_size init_width = model.width init_height = model.height init_epoch = 0 if cfg.tuning else model.seen / nsamples max_epochs = max_batches * batch_size / nsamples + 1 max_epochs = int(math.ceil(cfg.max_epoch * 1. / cfg.repeat)) if cfg.tuning else max_epochs # init_epoch = model.seen/nsamples print(nsamples, max_batches, max_epochs) kwargs = {'num_workers': num_workers, 'pin_memory': True} if use_cuda else {} test_loader = testlist, shape=(init_width, init_height), shuffle=False, transform=transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToTensor(), ]), train=False), batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, **kwargs) if use_cuda: if ngpus > 1: model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model).cuda() else: model = model.cuda() params_dict = dict(model.named_parameters()) params = []
def valid(datacfg, cfgfile, weightfile, outfile): options = read_data_cfg(datacfg) valid_images = options['valid'] # backup = cfg.backup backup = weightfile.split('/')[-2] ckpt = weightfile.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] prefix = 'results/' + backup.split('/')[-1] + '/e' + ckpt print('saving to: ' + prefix) names = cfg.classes with open(valid_images) as fp: tmp_files = fp.readlines() valid_files = [item.rstrip() for item in tmp_files] m = Darknet(cfgfile) m.print_network() m.load_weights(weightfile) m.cuda() m.eval() valid_dataset = dataset.listDataset(valid_images, shape=(m.width, m.height), shuffle=False, transform=transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToTensor(), ])) valid_batchsize = 2 assert(valid_batchsize > 1) kwargs = {'num_workers': 4, 'pin_memory': True} valid_loader = valid_dataset, batch_size=valid_batchsize, shuffle=False, **kwargs) fps = [0]*m.num_classes if not os.path.exists(prefix): # os.mkdir(prefix) os.makedirs(prefix) for i in range(m.num_classes): buf = '%s/%s%s.txt' % (prefix, outfile, names[i]) fps[i] = open(buf, 'w') lineId = -1 conf_thresh = 0.005 nms_thresh = 0.45 for batch_idx, (data, target) in enumerate(valid_loader): data = data.cuda() data = Variable(data, volatile = True) output = m(data).data batch_boxes = get_region_boxes(output, conf_thresh, m.num_classes, m.anchors, m.num_anchors, 0, 1) for i in range(output.size(0)): lineId = lineId + 1 fileId = os.path.basename(valid_files[lineId]).split('.')[0] width, height = get_image_size(valid_files[lineId]) print(valid_files[lineId]) boxes = batch_boxes[i] boxes = nms(boxes, nms_thresh) for box in boxes: x1 = (box[0] - box[2]/2.0) * width y1 = (box[1] - box[3]/2.0) * height x2 = (box[0] + box[2]/2.0) * width y2 = (box[1] + box[3]/2.0) * height det_conf = box[4] # import pdb # pdb.set_trace() for j in range((len(box)-5)/2): cls_conf = box[5+2*j] cls_id = box[6+2*j] prob =det_conf * cls_conf fps[cls_id].write('%s %f %f %f %f %f\n' % (fileId, prob, x1, y1, x2, y2)) # fps[cls_id].write('%s %f %f %f %f %f %f\n' % (fileId, det_conf, cls_conf, x1, y1, x2, y2)) for i in range(m.num_classes): fps[i].close()
processed_batches = 0 if cfg.tuning else model.seen/batch_size trainlist = dataset.build_dataset(data_options) nsamples = len(trainlist) init_width = model.width init_height = model.height init_epoch = 0 if cfg.tuning else model.seen/nsamples max_epochs = max_batches*batch_size/nsamples+1 max_epochs = int(math.ceil(cfg.max_epoch*1./cfg.repeat)) if cfg.tuning else max_epochs print(cfg.repeat, nsamples, max_batches, batch_size) print(num_workers) kwargs = {'num_workers': num_workers, 'pin_memory': True} if use_cuda else {} test_loader = dataset.listDataset(testlist, shape=(init_width, init_height), shuffle=False, transform=transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToTensor(), ]), train=False), batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, **kwargs) test_metaset = dataset.MetaDataset(metafiles=metadict, train=True) test_metaloader = test_metaset, batch_size=test_metaset.batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=num_workers//2, pin_memory=True ) # Adjust learning rate factor = len(test_metaset.classes)
def train(epoch, repeat_time, mask_ratio): global processed_batches t0 = time.time() if ngpus > 1: cur_model = model.module else: cur_model = model train_loader = dataset.listDataset(trainlist, shape=(init_width, init_height), shuffle=False, transform=transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToTensor(), ]), train=True, seen=cur_model.seen, batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=num_workers), batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, **kwargs) metaset = dataset.MetaDataset(metafiles=metadict, train=True, with_ids=True) metaloader = metaset, batch_size=metaset.batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=num_workers, pin_memory=True ) metaloader = iter(metaloader) lr = adjust_learning_rate(optimizer, processed_batches) logging('epoch %d/%d, processed %d samples, lr %f' % (epoch, max_epochs, epoch * len(train_loader.dataset), lr)) model.train() t1 = time.time() avg_time = torch.zeros(9) novel_id = cfg['novel_ids'] for batch_idx, (data, target) in enumerate(train_loader): metax, mask, target_cls_ids = novel_cls_flag = torch.zeros(len(target_cls_ids)) for index,j in enumerate(target_cls_ids): #print(index) if j in novel_id: #print("flag",index) novel_cls_flag[int(index)] = 0 else: novel_cls_flag[int(index)] = 1 t2 = time.time() adjust_learning_rate(optimizer, processed_batches) processed_batches = processed_batches + 1 if use_cuda: data = data.cuda() metax = metax.cuda() mask = mask.cuda() target_cls_ids = target_cls_ids.cuda() #target= target.cuda() t3 = time.time() data, target = Variable(data), Variable(target) metax, mask, target_cls_ids = Variable(metax,requires_grad=True), Variable(mask), Variable(target_cls_ids) t4 = time.time() for i in range(repeat_time): optimizer.zero_grad() t5 = time.time() metax_disturbance = metax if i == 0: mask_disturbance = mask else: for index, flag_each in enumerate(novel_cls_flag): if flag_each == 0: mask_disturbance[index] = mask[index] elif flag_each == 1: mask_disturbance[index] = mask[index] * metax_mask[0][index] else: print("error") output, dynamic_weights = model(data, metax_disturbance, mask_disturbance) t6 = time.time() region_loss.seen = region_loss.seen + if i == 0: loss = region_loss(output, target, dynamic_weights, target_cls_ids) dynamic_weights_store = dynamic_weights target_cls_ids_store = target_cls_ids dynamic_weight_buffer = dynamic_weights else: with torch.no_grad(): for index, flag_each in enumerate(novel_cls_flag): if flag_each == 1: dynamic_weights_store = [[0],dynamic_weights[0][index].unsqueeze(0)),dim = 0)] else: continue for num in range(int(torch.sum(novel_cls_flag) // len(novel_id))): Tensor_novel_id = torch.Tensor(novel_id).long().cuda() target_cls_ids_store =,Tensor_novel_id),0) loss = region_loss(output, target, dynamic_weights_store, target_cls_ids_store) t7 = time.time() loss.backward() metax_mask = Inverted_gradient([metax.grad], mask_ratio, mask) t8 = time.time() optimizer.step() t9 = time.time() t1 = time.time() t1 = time.time() logging('training with %f samples/s' % (len(train_loader.dataset)/(t1-t0))) if (epoch+1) % cfg.save_interval == 0: logging('save weights to %s/%06d.weights' % (backupdir, epoch+1)) cur_model.seen = (epoch + 1) * len(train_loader.dataset) cur_model.save_weights('%s/%06d.weights' % (backupdir, epoch+1))