# Fake the configs that are normally read from YAML file and built by a brewworker # Mash probe #probeconfig = IOConfig('Temperature', 'Probe', '/sys/bus/w1/devices/28-00000607f0de/w1_slave') # Mash SSR #ssrconfig = IOConfig('Mash Tun', 'SSR', '/sys/class/gpio/gpio17/value') # Construct the devices #probe = Probe(probeconfig) #ssr = SSR(ssrconfig) # Fix for RasberryPi probe = Probe() probe.name = 'Temperature' probe.io = '/sys/bus/w1/devices/28-00000607f0de/w1_slave' ssr = SSR() ssr.name = 'Mash Tun' ssr.io = '/sys/class/gpio/gpio17/value' # Use built in function to initialize, check if registered and if not register the device ok, message = probe.auto_setup() if not ok: log.error(message) ok, message = ssr.auto_setup() if not ok: log.error(message) # Example of accessing device data intially read from YAML(here faked) print ('Device of type {0} is named {1} and uses io path {2}'.format(probe.devicetype(), probe.name, probe.io)) print ('Device of type {0} is named {1} and uses io path {2}'.format(ssr.devicetype(), ssr.name, ssr.io))
#!/usr/bin python from core.devices.probe import Probe from core.devices.ssr import SSR import core.utils.logging as log # Fix for RasberryPi probe = Probe() probe.name = 'Temperature' probe.io = 'C:\\temp\\28-00000607f0de\\w1_slave' ssr = SSR() ssr.name = 'Mash Tun' ssr.io = 'C:\\temp\\gpio17\\value' # Use built in function to initialize, check if registered and if not register the device ok, message = probe.auto_setup() if not ok: log.error(message) ok, message = ssr.auto_setup() if not ok: log.error(message) # Example of accessing device data intially read from YAML(here faked) print('Device of type {0} is named {1} and uses io path {2}'.format( probe.devicetype(), probe.name, probe.io)) print('Device of type {0} is named {1} and uses io path {2}'.format( ssr.devicetype(), ssr.name, ssr.io)) # Do something with the devices # Do something more
#!/usr/bin python from core.devices.probe import Probe from core.devices.ssr import SSR import core.utils.logging as log # Fix for RasberryPi probe = Probe() probe.name = 'Temperature' probe.io = 'C:\\temp\\28-00000607f0de\\w1_slave' ssr = SSR() ssr.name = 'Mash Tun' ssr.io = 'C:\\temp\\gpio17\\value' # Use built in function to initialize, check if registered and if not register the device ok, message = probe.auto_setup() if not ok: log.error(message) ok, message = ssr.auto_setup() if not ok: log.error(message) # Example of accessing device data intially read from YAML(here faked) print ('Device of type {0} is named {1} and uses io path {2}'.format(probe.devicetype(), probe.name, probe.io)) print ('Device of type {0} is named {1} and uses io path {2}'.format(ssr.devicetype(), ssr.name, ssr.io)) # Do something with the devices # Do something more