def test_binary_operation_with_vector(op): op_func = getattr(operator, op) grib_a = Fieldset.from_path(path=TEST_DATA_DIR / "cape_20150601_00_03.grib") grib_a_values = grib_a.values assert isinstance(grib_a_values, np.ndarray) grib_b = Fieldset.from_path(path=TEST_DATA_DIR / "cape_20150601_00_27.grib") grib_b_values = grib_b.values assert isinstance(grib_b_values, np.ndarray) grib = op_func(grib_a, grib_b) assert isinstance(grib, Fieldset) expected_value = op_func(grib_a_values, grib_b_values) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(actual=grib.values, desired=expected_value, decimal=4) # Check if the original GRIB files are mutated. assert (grib_a.values == grib_a_values).all() assert (grib_b.values == grib_b_values).all()
def test_complex_math_operations(): grib_a = Fieldset.from_path(path=TEST_DATA_DIR / "cape_20150601_00_03.grib") grib_a_values = grib_a.values assert isinstance(grib_a_values, np.ndarray) grib_b = Fieldset.from_path(path=TEST_DATA_DIR / "cape_20150601_00_27.grib") grib_b_values = grib_b.values assert isinstance(grib_b_values, np.ndarray) result = (grib_b - grib_a) * 1000 assert isinstance(result, Fieldset) assert (result.values == (grib_b_values - grib_a_values) * 1000).all()
def test_binary_operation_with_scalar(op): op_func = getattr(operator, op) grib_a = Fieldset.from_path(path=TEST_DATA_DIR / "cape_20150601_00_03.grib") grib_a_values = grib_a.values assert isinstance(grib_a_values, np.ndarray) scalar = 2 grib = op_func(grib_a, scalar) assert isinstance(grib, Fieldset) expected_value = op_func(grib_a_values, scalar) if op == "pow": # [FIXME] - highly inaccurate: 85 and 84 are considered equal decimal = -1 else: decimal = 10 np.testing.assert_almost_equal(actual=grib.values, desired=expected_value, decimal=decimal) # Check if the original GRIB file is mutated. assert (grib_a.values == grib_a_values).all()
def test_values_setter(): path = TEST_DATA_DIR / "cape_20150601_00_03.grib" grib = Fieldset.from_path(path=path) with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): grib.values = "WHATEVER"
def test_dataframe(): path = TEST_DATA_DIR / "cape_20150601_00_03.grib" grib = Fieldset.from_path(path=path) assert isinstance(grib.dataframe, pandas.DataFrame) assert len(grib.dataframe) == 2140702
def test_values_getter(): path = TEST_DATA_DIR / "cape_20150601_00_03.grib" grib = Fieldset.from_path(path=path) values = grib.values assert isinstance(values, np.ndarray) assert (values[:5] == [9.125, 7.375, 6.625, 5.5, 4.875]).all()
def get_units(path): base_predictor_path = Path(path) if not base_predictor_path.exists(): return "-" first_grib_file = next(base_predictor_path.glob("**/*.grib")) return Fieldset.from_path(first_grib_file).units
def test_nearest_gridpoint(): fieldset = Fieldset.from_path(path=TEST_DATA_DIR / "cape_20150601_00_03.grib") geopoints_in = read_geopoints(path=TEST_DATA_DIR / "good_geo_file.geo") geopoints_out = fieldset.nearest_gridpoint(geopoints_in) assert (geopoints_in.latitudes() == geopoints_out.latitudes()).all() assert (geopoints_in.longitudes() == geopoints_out.longitudes()).all() assert (geopoints_in.values() != geopoints_out.values()).all() assert geopoints_out.values().tolist() == [304.375, 1.25]
def get_metadata(path): base_predictor_path = Path(path) if not base_predictor_path.exists(): return "-" first_grib_file = next(base_predictor_path.glob("**/*.grib")) fieldset = Fieldset.from_path(first_grib_file) return {"units": fieldset.units, "name":}
def test_nearest_gridpoint_new_geofile_format(): fieldset = Fieldset.from_path(path=TEST_DATA_DIR / "cape_20150601_00_03.grib") geopoints_in = / "new_geo_file_format.geo") geopoints_out = fieldset.nearest_gridpoint(geopoints_in) assert (geopoints_in.latitudes() == geopoints_out.latitudes()).all() assert (geopoints_in.longitudes() == geopoints_out.longitudes()).all() assert (geopoints_loader.get_values(geopoints_in) != geopoints_loader.get_values(geopoints_out)).all() assert geopoints_loader.get_values(geopoints_out).tolist() == [ 0.25, 24.25, 0, 17.5 ]
def run(config): BaseDateS = config.parameters.date_start BaseDateF = config.parameters.date_end acc = config.predictand.accumulation spinup_limit = config.parameters.spinup_limit PathOBS = config.observations.path PathFC = config.predictors.path PathPredictand = config.predictand.path PathOUT = config.parameters.out_path # Set up the input/output parameters BaseDateS = datetime.strptime(BaseDateS, "%Y%m%d").date() BaseDateF = datetime.strptime(BaseDateF, "%Y%m%d").date() BaseDateSSTR = BaseDateS.strftime("%Y%m%d") BaseDateFSTR = BaseDateF.strftime("%Y%m%d") computations = config.computations serializer = ASCIIEncoder(path=PathOUT) header = dedent(f""" # THIS IS AN AUTOGENERATED FILE. DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY. # # Created on {}. # # """ # Do NOT strip ) header += "\n# ".join(general_parameters_logs(config).split("\n")) header += "\n# ".join(predictand_logs(config).split("\n")) header += "\n# ".join(predictors_logs(config).split("\n")) header += "\n# ".join(observations_logs(config).split("\n")) header += "\n# ".join(output_file_logs(config).split("\n")) header += "\n# ".join(point_data_table_logs().split("\n")) header += "\n# ".join(step_information_logs(config).split("\n")) serializer.add_header(header.strip()) ############################################################################################# # PROCESSING MODEL DATA dedent(""" ************************************ ecPoint-Calibrate - POINT DATA TABLE ************************************ """))"*** START COMPUTATIONS ***") # Counter for the BaseDate and BaseTime to avoid repeating the same forecasts in different cases counter_used_FC = {} obsTOT = 0 obsUSED = 0 model_interval = config.parameters.model_interval step_interval = config.parameters.step_interval BaseTimeS = config.parameters.start_time predictand_min_value = ( config.predictand.min_value + config.computations[0].addScale) * config.computations[0].mulScale predictand_scaled_units = config.observations.units for curr_date, curr_time, step_s, case in iter_daterange( start_date=BaseDateS, end_date=BaseDateF, start_hour=BaseTimeS, model_interval=model_interval, step_interval=step_interval, spinup_limit=spinup_limit, ):"") if case != 1:"**********")"Case {case}")"FORECAST PARAMETERS:") if config.predictand.is_accumulated: forecast = f'{curr_date.strftime("%Y%m%d")}, {curr_time:02d} UTC, (t+{step_s}, t+{step_s + acc})' else: forecast = ( f'{curr_date.strftime("%Y%m%d")}, {curr_time:02d} UTC, (t+{step_s})' )" {forecast}") if forecast in counter_used_FC: logging.warn( f" The above forecast was already considered for computation in Case {counter_used_FC[forecast]}" ) continue # Reading the forecasts if curr_date < BaseDateS or curr_date > BaseDateF: logging.warn( f" Forecast out of the calibration period {BaseDateSSTR} - {BaseDateFSTR}. Forecast not considered." ) continue counter_used_FC[forecast] = case"") def get_grib_path(predictor_code, step): file_name = "_".join([ predictor_code, curr_date.strftime("%Y%m%d"), f"{curr_time:02d}", f"{step:02d}", ]) file_ext = "grib" return (PathFC / predictor_code / (curr_date.strftime("%Y%m%d") + f"{curr_time:02d}") / f"{file_name}.{file_ext}") # Note about the computation of the sr. # The solar radiation is a cumulative variable and its units is J/m2 (which means, W*s/m2). # One wants the 24h. The 24h mean is obtained by taking the difference between the beginning and the end of the 24 hourly period # and dividing by the number of seconds in that period (24h = 86400 sec). Thus, the unit will be W/m2 # Defining the parameters for the rainfall observations validDateF = ( datetime.combine(curr_date, datetime.min.time()) + timedelta(hours=curr_time) + timedelta( hours=step_s + acc) # step_s + 0 for instantaneous predictand ) DateVF = validDateF.strftime("%Y%m%d") HourVF = validDateF.strftime("%H") HourVF_num = validDateF.hour"OBSERVATIONS PARAMETERS:") if config.predictand.is_accumulated: f" Validity date/time (end of {acc} h period) = {validDateF}") else:" Validity date/time = {validDateF}") if config.predictand.is_accumulated: obs_path = ( PathOBS / f"Acc{acc:02}h" / DateVF / f"{config.predictand.code}_{acc:02d}_{DateVF}_{HourVF}.geo") else: obs_path = (PathOBS / DateVF / f"{config.predictand.code}_{DateVF}_{HourVF}.geo") # Reading Rainfall Observations" Read observation file: {os.path.basename(obs_path)}") try: obs = read_geopoints(path=obs_path) except IOError: logging.warn(f" Observation file not found in DB: {obs_path}.") continue except Exception: logging.error( f" Error reading observation file: {os.path.basename(obs_path)}" ) continue nOBS = len(obs) if nOBS == 0: logging.warn( f" No observation in the file: {os.path.basename(obs_path)}. Forecast not considered." ) continue obsTOT += nOBS # Set is_reference attribute for each computation for computation in computations: computation.is_reference = (len(computation.inputs) == 1 and computation.inputs[0]["code"] == config.predictand.code)"")"PREDICTORS COMPUTATIONS:") base_fields = set( derived_computations = [ computation for computation in computations if ({input["code"] for input in computation.inputs} - base_fields != set()) and computation.isPostProcessed and computation.field != "LOCAL_SOLAR_TIME" ] # We want to compute the predictand computation, followed by other # independent computations in order to populate the cache and use it # for derived computations. base_computations = sorted( [ computation for computation in computations if computation not in derived_computations and computation.field != "LOCAL_SOLAR_TIME" ], key=lambda computation: computation.is_reference, reverse=True, ) computations_cache = {} computations_result = [] skip = False for computation in base_computations: computer = Computer(computation) # Base computations normally shouldn't have more than one # predictor input predictor_code = computer.computation.inputs[0]["code"] # Step generation and adjustment if not config.predictand.is_accumulated: steps = [step_s] else: if computation.field == "24H_SOLAR_RADIATION": if acc == 24: steps = [step_s, step_s + acc] else: if step_s + acc <= 24: steps = [0, 24] else: steps = [step_s + acc - 24, step_s + acc] elif computation.field in [ "WEIGHTED_AVERAGE_FIELD", "MAXIMUM_FIELD", "MINIMUM_FIELD", "AVERAGE_FIELD", ]: steps = list( range( step_s, step_s + acc + 1, config.predictors.sampling_interval, )) else: steps = [step_s, step_s + acc] computation_steps = [] for path in [ get_grib_path(predictor_code, step) for step in steps ]: f" Reading forecast file: {os.path.basename(path)}") try: fieldset = Fieldset.from_path(path=path) except IOError: logging.warn(f" Forecast file not found: {path}.") skip = True break except Exception: logging.error(f" Reading forecast file failed: {path}.") skip = True break else: computation_steps.append(fieldset) if skip: break" Computing {computer.computation.fullname} using " f"{len(computation_steps)} input(s).") computed_value =*computation_steps) computations_cache[computation.shortname] = computed_value # A base computation that is not post-processed, probably serves # the only purpose of an input for a (future) derived computation. if not computation.isPostProcessed: continue" Selecting the nearest grid point to observations.") geopoints = computed_value.nearest_gridpoint(obs) if computation.is_reference: ref_code = computation.shortname if config.predictand.is_accumulated: mask = geopoints >= predictand_min_value f" Selecting values that correspond to {computation.shortname}" f" >= {predictand_min_value} {predictand_scaled_units}/{acc}h." ) ref_geopoints = geopoints.filter(mask) else: ref_geopoints = geopoints if not ref_geopoints: if config.predictand.is_accumulated: logging.warn( f" The observation file does not contain observations that correspond to " f" {computation.shortname} >= " f"{predictand_min_value} {predictand_scaled_units}/{acc}h." ) else: # [TODO] - Add a specific logger message pass skip = True break computations_result.append(( computation.shortname, np.around(get_geopoints_values(ref_geopoints), decimals=3), )) else: if config.predictand.is_accumulated: geopoints = geopoints.filter(mask) computations_result.append( (computation.shortname, np.around(get_geopoints_values(geopoints), decimals=3)))"") if skip: continue for computation in derived_computations: computer = Computer(computation) steps = [ computations_cache[field_input["code"]] for field_input in computation.inputs ] input_codes = [ field_input["code"] for field_input in computation.inputs ] f" Computing {computer.computation.fullname} using " f"{len(computation.inputs)} input(s): {', '.join(input_codes)}." ) if computation.field == "RATIO_FIELD": dividend, divisor = steps if config.predictand.is_accumulated: computed_value = get_geopoints_values( dividend.nearest_gridpoint(obs).filter(mask)), get_geopoints_values( divisor.nearest_gridpoint(obs).filter(mask)), ) else: computed_value = get_geopoints_values(, divisor.values).nearest_gridpoint(obs)) computations_result.append((computation.shortname, np.around(computed_value, decimals=3))) else: computed_value =*steps) computations_result.append(( computation.shortname, np.around( get_geopoints_values( computed_value.nearest_gridpoint(obs).filter(mask)) if config.predictand.is_accumulated else get_geopoints_values( computed_value.nearest_gridpoint(obs)), decimals=3, ), )) # Compute other parameters if config.predictand.is_accumulated: obs = obs.filter(mask) latObs = obs.latitudes() lonObs = obs.longitudes() vals_errors = []" Computing the {config.predictand.error}.") if config.predictand.error == "FER": FER = get_geopoints_values((obs - ref_geopoints) / ref_geopoints) vals_errors.append(("FER", np.around(FER, decimals=3))) if config.predictand.error == "FE": FE = get_geopoints_values(obs - ref_geopoints) vals_errors.append(("FE", np.around(FE, decimals=3))) LST_computation = next( (computation for computation in computations if computation.field == "LOCAL_SOLAR_TIME"), None, ) if LST_computation and LST_computation.isPostProcessed: vals_LST = [( "LST", np.around(Computer(LST_computation).run(lonObs, HourVF_num), decimals=3), )] else: vals_LST = [] # Saving the output file in ascii format n = len(obs) obsUSED += n"")"POINT DATA TABLE:") f" Saving the point data table to output file: {PathOUT}") columns = ([ ("BaseDate", [curr_date.strftime("%Y%m%d")] * n), ("BaseTime", [curr_time] * n), ( "StepF" if config.predictand.is_accumulated else "Step", [step_s + acc] * n, ), ("DateOBS", [DateVF] * n), ("TimeOBS", [HourVF] * n), ] + vals_LST + [ ("LatOBS", latObs), ("LonOBS", lonObs), ("OBS", get_geopoints_values(obs)), ("Predictand", np.around(get_geopoints_values(ref_geopoints), decimals=3)), ] + vals_errors + computations_result) serializer.add_columns_chunk(columns) f"No of observations considered in the calibration period: {obsTOT}") if config.predictand.is_accumulated: f"No of observations that correspond to {ref_code} >= {predictand_min_value} {predictand_scaled_units}/{acc}h: {obsUSED}" ) if config.predictand.is_accumulated: footer = dedent(f""" # No of observations considered in the calibration period: {obsTOT} # No of observations that correspond to {ref_code} >= {predictand_min_value} {predictand_scaled_units}/{acc}h: {obsUSED} """).strip() else: footer = f"# No of observations considered in the calibration period: {obsTOT}" serializer.add_footer(footer)
def test_units(): path = TEST_DATA_DIR / "cape_20150601_00_03.grib" grib = Fieldset.from_path(path=path) assert grib.units == "J kg**-1"