Exemple #1
    def _update_machine(self, request, provider_uuid, identity_uuid, machine_id):
        # TODO: Determine who is allowed to edit machines besides
        # core_machine.owner
        user = request.user
        data = request.DATA
        esh_driver = prepare_driver(request, provider_uuid, identity_uuid)
        if not esh_driver:
            return invalid_creds(provider_uuid, identity_uuid)
        esh_machine = esh_driver.get_machine(machine_id)
        core_machine = convert_esh_machine(esh_driver, esh_machine, provider_uuid, user)
        if not user.is_staff and user is not core_machine.application_version.application.created_by:
            logger.warn("%s is Non-staff/non-owner trying to update a machine" % (user.username))
            return failure_response(
                status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, "Only Staff and the machine Owner " "are allowed to change machine info."

        partial_update = True if request.method == "PATCH" else False
        serializer = ProviderMachineSerializer(
            core_machine, request_user=request.user, data=data, partial=partial_update
        if serializer.is_valid():
            logger.info("metadata = %s" % data)
            update_machine_metadata(esh_driver, esh_machine, data)
            machine = serializer.save()
            if "created_by_identity" in request.DATA:
                identity = machine.created_by_identity
                update_application_owner(core_machine.application_version.application, identity)
            return Response(serializer.data)
        return failure_response(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, serializer.errors)
Exemple #2
    def put(self, request, provider_id, identity_id, machine_id):
        TODO: Determine who is allowed to edit machines besides
        user = request.user
        data = request.DATA
        esh_driver = prepare_driver(request, provider_id, identity_id)
        if not esh_driver:
            return invalid_creds(provider_id, identity_id)
        esh_machine = esh_driver.get_machine(machine_id)
        core_machine = convert_esh_machine(esh_driver, esh_machine, provider_id)

        if not user.is_staff\
           and user is not core_machine.application.created_by:
            logger.error('Non-staff/non-owner trying to update a machine')
            return failure_response(
                'Only Staff and the machine Owner '
                + 'are allowed to change machine info.')
        serializer = ProviderMachineSerializer(core_machine,
                                               data=data, partial=True)
        if serializer.is_valid():
            logger.info('metadata = %s' % data)
            update_machine_metadata(esh_driver, esh_machine, data)
            return Response(serializer.data)
        return failure_response(
Exemple #3
    def patch(self, request, provider_id, identity_id, machine_id):
        TODO: Determine who is allowed to edit machines besides
        user = request.user
        data = request.DATA
        esh_driver = prepare_driver(request, identity_id)
        esh_machine = esh_driver.get_machine(machine_id)
        coreMachine = convert_esh_machine(esh_driver, esh_machine, provider_id)

        if not user.is_staff and user is not coreMachine.application.created_by:
            logger.warn('%s is Non-staff/non-owner trying to update a machine'
                        % (user.username))
            errorObj = failureJSON([{
                'code': 401,
                'Only Staff and the machine Owner '
                + 'are allowed to change machine info.'}])
            return Response(errorObj, status=status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)

        serializer = ProviderMachineSerializer(coreMachine,
                                               data=data, partial=True)
        if serializer.is_valid():
            logger.info('metadata = %s' % data)
            update_machine_metadata(esh_driver, esh_machine, data)
            return Response(serializer.data)
        return Response(serializer.errors, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
Exemple #4
    def put(self, request, provider_id, identity_id, machine_id):
        TODO: Determine who is allowed to edit machines besides
        user = request.user
        data = request.DATA
        esh_driver = prepare_driver(request, provider_id, identity_id)
        if not esh_driver:
            return invalid_creds(provider_id, identity_id)
        esh_machine = esh_driver.get_machine(machine_id)
        core_machine = convert_esh_machine(esh_driver, esh_machine,

        if not user.is_staff\
           and user is not core_machine.application.created_by:
            logger.error('Non-staff/non-owner trying to update a machine')
            return failure_response(
                'Only Staff and the machine Owner ' +
                'are allowed to change machine info.')
        serializer = ProviderMachineSerializer(core_machine,
        if serializer.is_valid():
            logger.info('metadata = %s' % data)
            update_machine_metadata(esh_driver, esh_machine, data)
            return Response(serializer.data)
        return failure_response(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, serializer.errors)
Exemple #5
def _os_update_owner(provider_machine, tenant_name):
    from core.models import Provider
    from service.driver import get_admin_driver
    from service.cache import get_cached_machines, get_cached_driver
    provider = provider_machine.provider
    if provider not in Provider.get_active(type_name='openstack'):
        raise Exception("An active openstack provider is required to"
                        " update image owner")
    esh_driver = get_cached_driver(provider)
    if not esh_driver:
        raise Exception("The account driver of Provider %s is required to"
                        " update image metadata" % provider)
    esh_machines = get_cached_machines(provider, force=True)
    esh_machine = [
        mach for mach in esh_machines
        if mach.alias == provider_machine.identifier
    if not esh_machine:
        raise Exception("Machine with ID  %s not found" %
    esh_machine = esh_machine[0]
    tenant_id = _tenant_name_to_id(provider_machine.provider, tenant_name)
    update_machine_metadata(esh_driver, esh_machine, {
        "owner": tenant_id,
        "application_owner": tenant_name
Exemple #6
def write_app_to_metadata(application, provider_machine, **extras):
    image_kwargs= {}
    image_id = provider_machine.identifier
    #These calls are better served connecting to chromogenic Image Manager
    accounts = get_os_account_driver(provider_machine.provider)
    if not accounts:
        raise Exception("The account driver of Provider %s is required to"
                        " write image metadata" % provider_machine.provider)
    image = accounts.image_manager.get_image(image_id)
    if not image:
        raise Exception("The account driver of Provider %s could not find"
                        " the image: %s"
                        % (provider_machine.provider,image_id))
    img_properties = image.properties
    properties = {
        # Specific to the provider machine
        "application_version": str(provider_machine.version),
        # Specific to the application
        "application_uuid": application.uuid,
        "application_name": application.name,
        "application_owner": application.created_by.username,
        "application_tags": json.dumps(
            [tag.name for tag in application.tags.all()]),
        "application_description": application.description,

    #NOTE: DON'T overlook the fact that there is metadata
    # that you aren't over control of. Make sure you have that too!
    #Setting 'properties' will override ALL properties of the img. USE
    # CAREFULLY (Like above)
    image_kwargs['properties'] = img_properties

    #Set the owner explicitly if necessary
    if 'owner' in extras:
        image_kwargs['owner'] = extras['owner']
    #Set the 'min_ram' and 'min_disk' values explicitly.
    app_threshold = application.get_threshold()
    if app_threshold:
        image_kwargs['min_ram'] = app_threshold.memory_min
        image_kwargs['min_disk'] = app_threshold.storage_min
        logger.info("Including App Threshold: %s" % (app_threshold,))

    image_manager = accounts.image_manager
    # Using Glance:
    #image = image_manager.get_image(image_id)
    #image_manager.update_image(image, **image_kwargs)
    # Using rtwo/libcloud:
    esh_driver = image_manager.admin_driver
    esh_machine = esh_driver.get_machine(image_id)
    update_machine_metadata(esh_driver, esh_machine, properties)

    logger.info("Machine<%s> new app data: %s" % (image_id, properties))
Exemple #7
def write_app_data(provider_machine, **extras):
    image_kwargs= {}
    image_id = provider_machine.identifier
    #These calls are better served connecting to chromogenic Image Manager
    accounts = get_os_account_driver(provider_machine.provider)
    if not accounts:
        raise Exception("The account driver of Provider %s is required to"
                        " write image metadata" % provider_machine.provider)
    image = accounts.image_manager.get_image(image_id)
    if not image:
        raise Exception("The account driver of Provider %s could not find"
                        " the image: %s"
                        % (provider_machine.provider,image_id))
    img_properties = image.properties
    image_manager = accounts.image_manager
    properties = {
        # Specific to the provider machine
        "application_version": str(provider_machine.version),
        # Specific to the application
        "application_uuid": provider_machine.application.uuid,
        "application_name": provider_machine.application.name,
        "application_owner": provider_machine.application.created_by.username,
        "application_tags": json.dumps(
            [tag.name for tag in provider_machine.application.tags.all()]),
        "application_description": provider_machine.application.description,

    #NOTE: DON'T overlook the fact that there is metadata
    # that you aren't over control of. Make sure you have that too!
    #Setting 'properties' will override ALL properties of the img. USE
    # CAREFULLY (Like above)
    image_kwargs['properties'] = img_properties

    #Set the owner explicitly if necessary
    if 'owner' in extras:
        image_kwargs['owner'] = extras['owner']
    # Using Glance:
    #image = image_manager.get_image(image_id)
    #image_manager.update_image(image, **image_kwargs)

    # Using rtwo/libcloud:
    esh_driver = image_manager.admin_driver
    esh_machine = esh_driver.get_machine(image_id)
    update_machine_metadata(esh_driver, esh_machine, properties)

    logger.info("Machine<%s> new app data: %s" % (image_id, properties))
Exemple #8
def _os_update_owner(provider_machine, tenant_name):
    from core.models import Provider
    from service.driver import get_admin_driver
    provider = provider_machine.provider
    if provider not in Provider.get_active(type_name='openstack'):
        raise Exception("An active openstack provider is required to"
                        " update image owner")
    esh_driver = get_admin_driver(provider)
    if not esh_driver:
        raise Exception("The account driver of Provider %s is required to"
                        " update image metadata" % provider)
    esh_machine = esh_driver.get_machine(provider_machine.identifier)
    if not esh_machine:
        raise Exception("Machine with ID  %s not found"
                        % provider_machine.identifier)
    tenant_id = _tenant_name_to_id(provider_machine.provider, tenant_name)
    update_machine_metadata(esh_driver, esh_machine,
                            {"owner": tenant_id,
                             "application_owner": tenant_name})
Exemple #9
def clear_app_data(provider_machine):
    esh_driver = get_app_driver(provider_machine)
    esh_machine = esh_driver.get_machine(provider_machine.identifier)
    mach_data = {
        # Specific to the provider machine
        "application_version": "",
        # Specific to the application
        "application_uuid": "",
        "application_name": "",
        "application_owner": "",
        "application_tags": "",
        "application_description": "",
    return update_machine_metadata(esh_driver, esh_machine, mach_data)
Exemple #10
def clear_app_data(provider_machine):
    esh_driver = get_app_driver(provider_machine)
    esh_machine = esh_driver.get_machine(provider_machine.identifier)
    mach_data = {
        # Specific to the provider machine
        "application_version": "",
        # Specific to the application
        "application_uuid": "",
        "application_name": "",
        "application_owner": "",
        "application_tags": "",
        "application_description": "",
    return update_machine_metadata(esh_driver, esh_machine, mach_data)
Exemple #11
    def _update_machine(self, request, provider_uuid, identity_uuid,
        #TODO: Determine who is allowed to edit machines besides
        user = request.user
        data = request.DATA
        esh_driver = prepare_driver(request, provider_uuid, identity_uuid)
        if not esh_driver:
            return invalid_creds(provider_uuid, identity_uuid)
        esh_machine = esh_driver.get_machine(machine_id)
        core_machine = convert_esh_machine(esh_driver, esh_machine,
                                           provider_uuid, user)
        if not user.is_staff\
           and user is not core_machine.application.created_by:
                '%s is Non-staff/non-owner trying to update a machine' %
            return failure_response(
                "Only Staff and the machine Owner " +
                "are allowed to change machine info.")

        partial_update = True if request.method == 'PATCH' else False
        serializer = ProviderMachineSerializer(core_machine,
        if serializer.is_valid():
            logger.info('metadata = %s' % data)
            update_machine_metadata(esh_driver, esh_machine, data)
            if 'created_by_identity' in request.DATA:
                identity = serializer.object.created_by_identity
                update_application_owner(core_machine.application, identity)
            return Response(serializer.data)
        return failure_response(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, serializer.errors)
Exemple #12
def write_app_data(esh_driver, provider_machine):
    esh_driver = get_app_driver(provider_machine)
    esh_machine = esh_driver.get_machine(provider_machine.identifier)
    mach_data = {
        # Specific to the provider machine
        "application_version": str(provider_machine.version),
        # Specific to the application
        "application_uuid": provider_machine.application.uuid,
        "application_name": provider_machine.application.name,
        "application_owner": provider_machine.application.created_by.username,
        "application_tags": json.dumps(
            [tag.name for tag in provider_machine.application.tags.all()]),
        "application_description": provider_machine.application.description,
    return update_machine_metadata(esh_driver, esh_machine, mach_data)
Exemple #13
def write_app_data(provider_machine):
    esh_driver = get_app_driver(provider_machine)
    esh_machine = esh_driver.get_machine(provider_machine.identifier)
    mach_data = {
        # Specific to the provider machine
        "application_version": str(provider_machine.version),
        # Specific to the application
        "application_uuid": provider_machine.application.uuid,
        "application_name": provider_machine.application.name,
        "application_owner": provider_machine.application.created_by.username,
        "application_tags": json.dumps(
            [tag.name for tag in provider_machine.application.tags.all()]),
        "application_description": provider_machine.application.description,
    logger.info("Machine<%s> new app data: %s"
                % (provider_machine.identifier, mach_data))
    return update_machine_metadata(esh_driver, esh_machine, mach_data)