def reactionBounds(self,model,reactionName,objDir = -1.0): solver = LPSolver() posObjective = {reactionName:objDir} negObjective = {reactionName:1.0*objDir} posPrediction =,posObjective) posValue = posPrediction[reactionName] negPrediction =,negObjective) negValue = negPrediction[reactionName] return (negValue,posValue)
def findBoundaryProduction(originalModel, bounds, combiLimits, objectiveName, productionName): model = LinearModel() model.extend(originalModel) if combiLimits != None: for (targetValues,limit) in combiLimits: model = addCombinationLimit(model, targetValues,limit) #objectiveMap = {objectiveName:-1.0} objectiveMap = {productionName:1.0} model.addColumnLimits(bounds) lp = LPSolver() fluxMap =,objectiveMap) objectiveValue = fluxMap[objectiveName] productionValue = fluxMap[productionName] return (fluxMap,objectiveValue,productionValue)
def exportMetabolite(self,model,metaboliteName,max=1e3): solver= LPSolver() exportTag = "EX_test_export" reaction = {metaboliteName:-1.0} objective = {exportTag:-1.0} model.addColumn(exportTag,reaction) model.addColumnLimit(exportTag,(0.0,max)) prediction =,objective) exportValue = prediction[exportTag] model.removeColumn(exportTag) return exportValue
def simpleTestOpt(con,originalModel,controlTargets,naturalObjectiveName,syntheticObjectiveName,verbose = False,naturalCoefficient=-0.05): ''' Optimiztaion Tester for depdenency anlaysis Construciton object contains union of all libraries which are used by target sets. ''' gRMap = con.getGeneTargetMap() regulationLibrary = con.regulationLibrary objective = {} for (lib,prefix,target) in controlTargets: if gRMap != None: if target in gRMap.keys(): targets = gRMap[target] else: print "target %s not found in gene map" % (target) targets = [target] else: targets = [target] for target in targets: if lib in regulationLibrary.keys(): if target in con.regulationLibrary[lib].keys(): controlValue = con.regulationLibrary[lib][target] objective[target] = -1.0 * controlValue iObjective = dict(objective) objective[naturalObjectiveName] = naturalCoefficient lp = LPSolver() prediction =, objective= objective) rObjective = iObjective if verbose: print "Current objective[%s]: %s" % (str(len(iObjective)),iObjective) (iGeneObjective,iOtherObjective) = (None,None) if originalModel.controlMap != None: (iGeneObjective,iOtherObjective) = originalModel.printGeneObjective(iObjective) if verbose: print "Current Genetic objective[%s]: %s" % (str(len(iGeneObjective)),iGeneObjective) if verbose: print "Current Other objective: %s" % (iOtherObjective) rObjective = iGeneObjective lp.clear() del lp return (prediction,rObjective)
def checkSolverScip(self,modelMatrix,predVal,delta=1e-3): lp = LPSolver() lp.setModel(modelMatrix) lp.runIntOpt() scipPredVal = lp.getMipPredictionMap() (testRows,badRows) = self.checkValues(,scipPredVal,modelMatrix.getRowLimits()) if self.verbose: print "--Debug: number of failed rows %s" % (len(badRows)) lp.clear() solverDiff = self.debugCompareFluxes(predVal,scipPredVal) if self.verbose: print "--Debug: difference in glpk / scip %s" % (len(solverDiff)) return (testRows,badRows,solverDiff)
def main_function(): parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False, help="set verbose mode") parser.add_option( "--config", type="string", metavar="FILE", dest="config", default="redirector.config", help="Master configuration file that provides most setting for the Flux Balanace Analysis. Extra variable settings will be ingnored. Hence the same config can be used for multiple analysis functions", ) parser.add_option( "-c", "--modelConfig", type="string", metavar="FILE", dest="configFileName", default="model_config.txt", help="Configuration file which sets model files", ) parser.add_option( "-n", "--configNames", type="string", metavar="String", dest="configNames", default="Default", help="A comma separated list of the names of configurations to use, as set out in the configuration file", ) parser.add_option( "-m", "--modelname", type="string", metavar="String", dest="modelName", default="", help="Name of model(s) from the modelconfiguration file", ) parser.add_option( "-b", "--bioObjective", type="string", dest="bioObj", default="Biomass", help="Name / ID of biological objective reaction", metavar="String", ) parser.add_option( "-o", "--outputfile", dest="outputFileName", default=None, help="Name of report file to be generated", metavar="FILE", ) parser.add_option( "-r", "--result_directory", type="string", metavar="directory", dest="resultDirectory", default="../../results/", help="Directory where results are stored", ) parser.add_option( "--targets", type="string", metavar="String", dest="targets", default="", help="List of valid reaction target, if left blank will be automatically filled in from metabolic network file", ) parser.add_option( "--report", action="store_true", dest="isReport", default=False, help="When this tag is used a report will be generated when the analysis is finished", metavar="boolean", ) parser.add_option("--debug", action="store_true", dest="debug", default=False, help="turn on debug mode") parser.add_option("--gm", "--GeneMap", action="store_true", dest="useGeneMap", default=False, help="Use Gene Map") parser.add_option( "--section", type="string", metavar="String", dest="subSections", default="", help="Comma separated list of sections of the model files to use", ) # ------------------------------- # Parse options # ------------------------------- (options, args) = parser.parse_args() config = ReflectionConfig() config.readfp(open("Redirector.config")) # --------------------------- # configure preset analysis # --------------------------- configNames = options.configNames.split(",") configNames.insert(0, "Redirector Model") for name in configNames: config.merge(name, "Redirector", append=True) # ---------------------------------------- # reflect options from configuration # ---------------------------------------- config.reflect("Redirector", options) config.load("Redirector", options.__dict__, override=False) # ----------------------------------------- # Check and Build Storage Directories # ----------------------------------------- dataDirectory = config.getValue("Redirector", "dataDirectory", classType="".__class__) resultsDirectory = config.getValue("Redirector", "resultDirectory", classType="".__class__) analysisDirectory = config.getValue("Redirector", "analysisDirectory", classType="".__class__) if not os.path.exists(dataDirectory): raise IOError("unable to find required data directory" % dataDirectory) if not os.path.exists(resultsDirectory): os.makedirs(resultsDirectory) if not os.path.exists(analysisDirectory): os.makedirs(analysisDirectory) # ---------------------------- # Parse Inputs # ---------------------------- verbose = options.verbose modelName = options.modelName objectiveName = options.bioObj outputFileName = options.outputFileName """ #---------------------------------------------------- # Initialize and set values for tools and factories #---------------------------------------------------- """ naturalObjective = {objectiveName: -1.0} if verbose: print "Flux Balanace Analysis Version 1.6" if verbose: print "Model names: [%s]" % (modelName) if verbose: print "Parsing data files for [%s]" % (modelName) """ I. Parse data files and configuration settings """ if verbose: print "----------------Loading Metabolic Models---------------" modelNames = modelName.split(",") modelFactory = ModelFactory() config.reflect("Redirector", modelFactory) (fluxModel, modelMatrix, reducer, geneReduction) = modelFactory.loadModel(modelNames) model = modelMatrix if verbose: print "removing objectives from target set" targets = modelMatrix.targets if verbose: print "Targets List Size [%s]" % len(targets) lps = LPSolver() predictions =, naturalObjective) objectiveValue = predictions[objectiveName] lps.clear() if verbose: print "Optimized Objective [%s] Value [%s]" % (objectiveName, objectiveValue) report = fluxModel.getReport() report.addColumnHash("Flux", predictions) if outputFileName == None or outputFileName == "": outputFileName = resultsDirectory + "FBA_%s_%s.txt" % (modelName, strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%S")) writer = ReportWriter() writer.setFile(outputFileName) writer.write(report) writer.closeFile() if verbose: print "Report Written [%s]" % (outputFileName)
def productionLevels(originalModel,options,minBio=0.20,verbose=False): naturalObjectiveName = options.bioObj syntheticObjectiveName = options.synthObj cellularObjective = {naturalObjectiveName:-1.0} syntheticObjective = {syntheticObjectiveName:-1.0} lo = LPSolver() lo.setModel(originalModel) oPredVal = = cellularObjective) oBioVal = oPredVal[naturalObjectiveName] oSynthVal = oPredVal[syntheticObjectiveName] if verbose: print "Max cellular: Biological [%s] Synthetic: [%s]" % (oBioVal, oSynthVal) #--------------------------------------- # Values for Max Synthetic Objective #--------------------------------------- sPredVal = = syntheticObjective) sBioVal = sPredVal[naturalObjectiveName] sSynthVal = sPredVal[syntheticObjectiveName] lo.clear() if verbose: print "Max synthetic: Biological [%s] Synthetic: [%s]" % (sBioVal, sSynthVal) #----------------------------------- # Values for minimum Natural objective #----------------------------------- minObjVal = oBioVal*0.20 originalModel.addColumnLimit(naturalObjectiveName,(minObjVal,None)) lo = LPSolver() s2PredVal =,objective = syntheticObjective) s2BioVal = s2PredVal[naturalObjectiveName] s2SynthVal = s2PredVal[syntheticObjectiveName] lo.clear() return (oPredVal,sPredVal,s2PredVal)
def findControlDependencies(con,originalModel,controls,exclusion,options,searchSize=0,targetPrecent = 0.40,verbose = False,usePersist=False): name = "".join(originalModel.modelName) naturalObjectiveName = options.bioObj syntheticObjectiveName = options.synthObj controlTag = options.control persistTag = "Dependency_persist_%s_%s_%s_%s_%s_%s" % (controlTag,name,naturalObjectiveName,syntheticObjectiveName,str(searchSize),str(targetPercent)) delta = 1e-4 iter = 0 iterSave = 100 completed = set() controlSet = set() controlMap = [] report = Report() persistValue = None if usePersist: persistValue = loadPersist(persistTag) if persistValue != None: print "loading persisted dependency search" (completed,controlMap,controlSet,report) = persistValue controlSubSets = combinations(controls,searchSize) xcontrolSubSets = set(controlSubSets) xcontrolSubSets = xcontrolSubSets.difference(completed) print "Control dependency depth [%s] search sets [%s]" % (searchSize,len(xcontrolSubSets)) lo = LPSolver() sObjective = {syntheticObjectiveName:-1.0} iPred = originalModel, objective = sObjective) synthVal = iPred[syntheticObjectiveName] targetSVal = synthVal * targetPrecent #print "Synthetic Target [%s] = %s * %s" % (targetSVal,synthVal,targetPercent) controlMin = con.controlMin controlMax = con.controlMax con.controlMin = 0 con.controlMax = 0 targets = [] gRMap = con.getGeneTargetMap() for (lib,prefix,target) in controls: if gRMap != None: if target in gRMap.keys(): rTargets = gRMap[target] targets.extend(rTargets) else: targets.append(target) #----------------------------- # Run optimization #----------------------------- iter = 0 for controlSub in xcontrolSubSets: iter += 1 completed.add(controlSub) #Analysis of control (prediction,objective) = simpleTestOpt(con, originalModel, controlSub, naturalObjectiveName,syntheticObjectiveName,verbose=False,naturalCoefficient=-0.5) #Save results syntheticFlux = prediction[syntheticObjectiveName] #if verbose: print "Objective [%s]" % (objective) #if verbose: print "Flux [%s]" % (prediction) if syntheticFlux > targetSVal: controlThresholds = controlThreshold([controlSub], exclusion) if controlSub in controlThresholds.keys(): if syntheticFlux <= controlThresholds[controlSub] + delta: #if verbose: print "no improvement" continue if verbose: print "Synthetic Production [%s]" % (syntheticFlux) controlResultMap = originalModel.annotateGenes(objective,annotationName = "bnumber", regex="[a-zA-Z0-9\(\)]+") controlTag = str(controlResultMap.keys()) controlSV = (controlSub,syntheticFlux) controlSet.add(controlSV) controlSV = (controlResultMap,syntheticFlux) controlMap.append(controlSV) #if verbose: print "Control Set [%s]" % (controlSub) if verbose: print "Control Map [%s]" % (controlResultMap) report.add(controlTag, "control values", controlResultMap) report.add(controlTag, "production", syntheticFlux) if iter % iterSave == 0: print "persisting iteration %s" % (iter) persistValue = (completed, controlSet,controlMap, report) persist(persistTag, persistValue) con.controlMin = controlMin con.controlMax = controlMax #Persist dependency search if usePersist: persistValue = (completed, controlSet,controlMap, report) persist(persistTag, persistValue) return (controlMap,controlSet,report)
def LinearModelVariableBoundarys(originalModel, objectiveName, targets=None, pickleFileName=None, strict=False, minObjectivePercent=None,searchSize=1): ''' Find min and max boundaries for the dependent variables of a linear model. Uses limitMap as constraints on model. Add cumulative boundary persistence as pickle file function. @param linearModel: linear model to be analyzed @type linearModel: LinearModel @param limitMap: map of variable names and lower and upper limits @type limitMap: {variableName, (float, float) @param targets: list of variables to perform analysis on @type targets: list @return: dictionary of lower and upper limits for each variable @rtype: {variableName: (lowerlimit, upperlimit)} ''' linearModel = LinearModel() linearModel.extend(originalModel) if pickleFileName != None: if os.path.isfile(pickleFileName): print "loading saved flux boundaries" pFile = open(pickleFileName) result = pickle.load(pFile) pFile.close() return result originalLimits = linearModel.getColumnLimits() originalObjectiveLimit = originalLimits[objectiveName] objectiveVector = {objectiveName:-1.0} solver = LPSolver() originalValues =, objective=objectiveVector) originalObjectiveValue = originalValues[objectiveName] if minObjectivePercent != None: minObjectiveValue = originalObjectiveValue * minObjectivePercent linearModel.addColumnLimit(objectiveName,(minObjectiveValue,None)) if targets == None: targets = linearModel.getColumnNames() targets.add(objectiveName) print "Searching flux boundaries for %s > %s" % (objectiveName, minObjectiveValue) result = {} targetValues = targetValueCombinations(targets, [-1.0,1.0]) controlSubSets = combinations(targetValues,searchSize) xcontrolSubSets = set(controlSubSets) for name in targets: nameTag = name # if name not in linearModel.getColumnNames(): # print "target %s not found in model" # print "boundary discovery not possible" # continue #for iTargetValues in xcontrolSubSets: # name = "testControlValue" # nameTag = iTargetValues # linearModel = combinationLimitBuilder(linearModel, iTargetValues, name) result[name] = (None,None) negObjective = {name:1.0} posObjective = {name:-1.0} solver.clearObjective() negValues =, objective=negObjective) negValue = negValues[name] solver.clearObjective() posValues =, objective=posObjective) posValue = posValues[name] delta = 1e-4 if posValue != 0 or negValue !=0: pass if False: originalValue = originalValues[name] originalLimit = originalLimits[name] if not (negValue - delta <= originalValue <= posValue + delta): print "original value not in boundary" print "objective value [%s] (%s) %s <= %s <= %s (%s)" % (name, originalLimit[0], negValue, originalValue, posValue, originalLimit[1]) #print "value neg code %s pos code %s" % (nscode, pscode) (negValue,posValue) = (originalLimit[0],originalLimit[1]) else: #print "objective value [%s] (%s) %s <= %s <= %s (%s)" % (name, originalLimit[0], negValue, originalValue, posValue, originalLimit[1]) pass if negValue == None or negValue == float("-inf"): continue if posValue == None or posValue == float("-inf"): continue result[nameTag] = (negValue,posValue) print "%s < [%s] < %s " % (negValue,nameTag,posValue) if pickleFileName != None: pFile = open(pickleFileName,'w') pickle.dump(result, pFile) pFile.close() solver.clear() del solver linearModel.addColumnLimit(objectiveName,originalObjectiveLimit) #targets.remove(objectiveName) return result