def __init__(self): #Boolean controls self.verbose = True self.unityControl = False self.useControlPenalty = False self.simoControl = 1.0 self.simoLimit = 0.0 #data holders self.parseEquations = ParseEquations() self.parseEquations.identity = "I" self.originalObjective = {} self.newObjective = '' self.primeControlLimits = {} self.dualControlLimits = {} #ControlLibrary Values self.regulationLibrary= {} self.controlPrefixMap = {} self.libdata = [] self.rGeneMap = None self.geneList = None #static value defaults self.controlMin = 0 self.controlMax = 1 self.minOObjective = 0.0 self.posControlBound = 1e3 self.negControlBound = -1e3 self.posfluxControlBound = 100 self.negfluxControlBound = -100 self.coeffecentDefault = 0.0 self.objectiveCoeffecent = 1.0 self.regCoeffecent = 1.0 = 1e-4 self.controlDelta = 1e-6 #Variable Names self.pName = "" #prefix for prime variables self.dName = "__lamda__" #dual variables for row equality self.cName = "__y__" #prefix for binary control variable" self.cdName = "__sigma__" #prefix for slack dual variable self.cvName = "__n__" #prefix for analog control variable" self.cnvName = "__nv__" #prefix for slack analog control variable" #Relation names self.primeRName = "c1_" #prime limits self.dualRName = "c2_" #dual limits self.equalityRName = "c3_" #prime dual equality relation
class ConstructRegulationOptimization: ''' primal: min Z=c'*v st S*v = 0 a <= v <= b dual: max Z_dual = u*nu - l*mu st S'*lamda - mu + nu = c' mu >= 0 nu >= o Equality condition: Z = Z_dual c'*v = -l*mu + u*nu Control: Z += a'*n y = 0 : n = 0 y = 1 : n = v primal control: n > 0 Z += a'*n S += v - n > 0 n + vMax*y < vMax n + vMin*y > vMin Dual Control: S'*lambda + nd = a' n=0 -> nd = free or n=v -> nd = 0 sigma - sMax*y < 0 sigma + sMin*y > 0 columns: : prime Names __lambda__" dual names __y__; control name __n__: controled value __nv__: negative controled value rows: __c1__: prime contstraints __c2__: dual constraints __c3__: equality constraints ''' def __init__(self): #Boolean controls self.verbose = True self.unityControl = False self.useControlPenalty = False self.simoControl = 1.0 self.simoLimit = 0.0 #data holders self.parseEquations = ParseEquations() self.parseEquations.identity = "I" self.originalObjective = {} self.newObjective = '' self.primeControlLimits = {} self.dualControlLimits = {} #ControlLibrary Values self.regulationLibrary= {} self.controlPrefixMap = {} self.libdata = [] self.rGeneMap = None self.geneList = None #static value defaults self.controlMin = 0 self.controlMax = 1 self.minOObjective = 0.0 self.posControlBound = 1e3 self.negControlBound = -1e3 self.posfluxControlBound = 100 self.negfluxControlBound = -100 self.coeffecentDefault = 0.0 self.objectiveCoeffecent = 1.0 self.regCoeffecent = 1.0 = 1e-4 self.controlDelta = 1e-6 #Variable Names self.pName = "" #prefix for prime variables self.dName = "__lamda__" #dual variables for row equality self.cName = "__y__" #prefix for binary control variable" self.cdName = "__sigma__" #prefix for slack dual variable self.cvName = "__n__" #prefix for analog control variable" self.cnvName = "__nv__" #prefix for slack analog control variable" #Relation names self.primeRName = "c1_" #prime limits self.dualRName = "c2_" #dual limits self.equalityRName = "c3_" #prime dual equality relation def _scaleMap(self,m,s): ''' mulitply values in map m by scalar s @type m: dict @type s: float ''' result = {} for key in m.keys(): value = m[key] result[key] = value*s return result def _confirmControlTargets(self,libraryName,targets): libraryControlNames = self.regulationLibrary[libraryName] result = set(libraryControlNames).intersection(targets) return result def _addControlLibrary(self,name,values): ivalues = {} for (key,value) in values.items(): ivalue = float(value) if abs(ivalue) > self.controlDelta: ivalues[key] = ivalue else: continue self.regulationLibrary[name] = ivalues return None def extendControl(self,constructor): self.regulationLibrary.update(constructor.regulationLibrary) self.controlPrefixMap.update(constructor.controlPrefixMap) for lib in constructor.libdata: if lib not in self.libdata: self.libdata.append(lib) if self.rGeneMap == None: self.rGeneMap = {} self.rGeneMap.update(constructor.rGeneMap) return None def getGeneTargetMap(self): if self.rGeneMap == None: return None result = {} for (r,gs) in self.rGeneMap.items(): for g in gs: if g not in result.keys(): result[g] = set() result[g].add(r) return result def addRegulationLibrary(self,name,prefix,value): ''' @type name: string @type prefix: string @type value: dict ''' if len(value) == 0: return None self.controlPrefixMap[name] = prefix self.libdata.append((name,prefix)) self._addControlLibrary(name,value) return None def clearControlLibraries(self): self.regulationLibrary= {} self.controlPrefixMap = {} self.libdata = [] return None def addRegulationLibraries(self,values): ''' @type values: [(name,prefix,dict)] ''' for v in values: name = v[0] prefix = v[1] value = v[2] self.addRegulationLibrary(name,prefix,value) return None def setGeneMap(self,data): ''' @type data: {string,set(string)} ''' if data == None: return None self.rGeneMap = data self.geneList = set() for (key,values) in data.items(): self.geneList = self.geneList.union(set(values)) return None def _getRegulationCoeffecent(self,lib,name): ''' Retrieve coeffecent value for control variable @type name: string @rtype: double ''' if lib not in self.regulationLibrary.keys(): pass if lib in self.regulationLibrary.keys(): l = self.regulationLibrary[lib] if name in l.keys(): value = l[name] return value return self.coeffecentDefault def _getNonZeroRegulationNames(self,libName,names): result = [] for name in names: value = self._getRegulationCoeffecent(libName,name) if value != 0: result.append(name) return result def getGeneControlMap(self,libName,geneName): result = {} if libName not in self.regulationLibrary.keys(): return None controlMap = self.regulationLibrary[libName] for (key,value) in controlMap.items(): if key not in self.rGeneMap: continue iGeneControls = self.rGeneMap[key] if geneName in iGeneControls: result[key] = value return result def getLibraryGeneControlMap(self,libName): result = {} for geneName in self.geneList: geneControlMap = self.getGeneControlMap(libName, geneName) if geneControlMap != {}: result[geneName] = geneControlMap return result def _primalDual(self,model,objective,prime=True,dual=True,equal=True): ''' class PathwayTarget: @type model: LinearModel @rtype: LinearModel Construct Core Linear Optimization Matrix with primal dual equality row i and column j Primal: min Z = sum(j): [c(j)*v(j)] ST. sum(j) [S(ij)*v(j)] = 0 E i l(j) < v(j) < u(j) E j Hameltonian: Max(lambda,mu,nu): Min(v): sum(j)c(j)*v(j) + sum(i)lambda(i)*S(ij)v(j) + mu(j)(l(j)-v(j)) + nu(j)(v(j)-u(j)) => c'v + lambda*(Sv) + mu(l-v) + nu(v-u) => Max: mu*l - nu*u ST c + lambda*S + mu + nu = 0 Dual: max Z_dual = l*mu - u*nu ST. S'*lambda - mu + nu = -c' mu(j) > 0 E j nu(j) > 0 E j Equality condition: Z = Z_dual ==> sum(j) [c(j)'*v(j)] = sum(j) [l(j)*mu(j) - u(j)*nu] ==> -c*v + mu*l - u*nu = 0 ''' pName = self.pName dName = self.dName result = LinearModel() #Primal: if prime: #S*v for (row, column, value) in model.getSparseMatrix(): result.addData(self.primeRName + row, pName + column, value) #S*v <=> b for row in model.getRowLimits().keys(): result.addRowLimit(self.primeRName + row, model.getRowLimit(row)) #u<=v<=l for column in model.getColumnNames(): result.addColumnLimit(pName + column, model.getColumnLimit(column)) #Dual: if dual: #S'*lambda for (row, column, value) in model.getSparseMatrix(): result.addData(self.dualRName + column, dName + row, value) #lambda <=> +- inf for row in model.getRowLimits().keys(): result.addColumnLimit(dName + row, (None,None)) #S'*lambda = -c' for column in model.getColumnNames(): if column in objective.keys(): value = objective[column] result.addRowLimit(self.dualRName + column, (-value, -value)) else: result.addRowLimit(self.dualRName + column, (0.0, 0.0)) #S'*lambda - mu + nu = -c' for column in model.getColumnLimits().keys(): (lower, upper) = model.getColumnLimit(column) if lower != None: result.addData(self.dualRName + column, '__mu__' + column, -1) result.addColumnLimit('__mu__' + column, (0.0, None)) if upper != None: result.addData(self.dualRName + column, '__nu__' + column, 1) result.addColumnLimit('__nu__' + column, (0.0, None)) if equal: #objective relation #Z^prime = Z^dual # cv = l*mu - u*nu = 0 # -cv + l*mu - u*nu = 0 for column in model.getColumnNames(): if column in objective.keys(): value = objective[column] result.addData(self.equalityRName, pName + column, -value) else: result.addData(self.equalityRName, pName + column, 0) for column in model.getColumnLimits().keys(): (lower, upper) = model.getColumnLimit(column) if lower != None and lower != 0.0: result.addData(self.equalityRName, '__mu__' + column, lower) if upper != None and upper != 0.0: result.addData(self.equalityRName, '__nu__' + column, -upper) result.addRowLimit(self.equalityRName,(0,0)) objective = {} objective[self.pName + self.newObjective] = -1 result.setObjective(objective) return result def _constructRegulationObjecive(self,model,names,lib,prefix,dir): ''' Hybrid Objective Z += C'v + A'n Control of adjustment objective in hybrid objective if y = 1: n = v, d=0 if y = 0: n = 0, d=v ==> n + d - v = 0 -G * (y(i)) <= n <= G * (y(i)) : objective coefficient -G * (1-y(i))<= d <= G * (1-y(i)) : slack variable ==> n + d - v = 0 0 <= n + G * y(i) n - G * y(i) <= 0 0 <= d + (1- y(y(i)) * G d - (1 - y(i)) * G <= 0 it is important to only create controls for coefficients that exist in the library ''' #! This is a new addition and may change the way RD works. Added to fix target / lib comparison failure. names = self._confirmControlTargets(lib, names) limits = model.getColumnLimits() rName = prefix + "reg__" jmodel = LinearModel() equation = "%s:n + d + %sI= 0" % (prefix+ "reg__%s",dir) jmodel = self.parseEquations.applyRelation(jmodel,rName,equation,names,prefixPattern=prefix+"%s__") imodel = LinearModel() rName = prefix + "reg__" for name in names: if name in limits: limit = limits[name] else: limit = (self.negfluxControlBound,self.posfluxControlBound) vName = name rName = prefix + "reg__" + name cName = prefix + "n__" + name dName = prefix + "d__" + name imodel.addColumnLimit(cName,(None,None)) imodel.addColumnLimit(dName,(None,None)) #!imodel.addColumnLimit(cName,(limit[0],limit[1])) #!imodel.addColumnLimit(dName,(limit[0],limit[1])) imodel.addRowLimit(rName,(0.0,0.0)) imodel.addData(rName, vName, dir) imodel.addData(rName, cName, 1.0) imodel.addData(rName, dName, 1.0) if not jmodel == imodel: print "----------------------------apply equation failure-----------------------------" model.addConstraints(imodel) ''' Z^hybrid = C^nat*v + C^adj*n ''' objective = {} originalObjective = model.getObjective() objective.update(originalObjective) imodel = LinearModel() #Set coefficients for controls for name in names: iname = prefix + "n__" + name coeffecent = self._getRegulationCoeffecent(lib,name) iCoeffecent = float(coeffecent) * float(self.regCoeffecent) objective[iname] = -iCoeffecent imodel.addData("adjValue",iname,-iCoeffecent) #This constraint maybe cause of failure because of overloading of coefficients * fluxes in dual #This constraint combined with the use of the control penalty causes infeasibility issues #imodel.addRowLimit("adjValue",(None,None)) #model.addConstraints(imodel) jmodel = LinearModel() equation = "adjValue%s:objectiveVar + adjVar = 0" jmodel = self.parseEquations.applyRelation(jmodel,relationName="adjValue",value=equation,targets=[''],prefixPattern="%s") del jmodel.columnLimits["objectiveVar"] jmodel.addColumnLimit("objectiveVar",(None,None)) imodel = LinearModel() imodel.addData("adjValue","objectiveVar",1) imodel.addData("adjValue","adjVar",1) imodel.addRowLimit("adjValue",(0,0)) imodel.addColumnLimit("adjVar",(None,None)) imodel.addColumnLimit("objectiveVar",(None,None)) if not jmodel == imodel: print "---------------------------------apply equation faliure: control objective-----------------------------------------" #This constraint maybe cause of failure because of overloading of coefficients * fluxes in dual #This constraint along with a control penalty causes infeasibility issues in the optimization #model.addConstraints(imodel)#! consider removing to insure that adjValue is not messing up the system model.setObjective(objective) return model def _constructDualRegulation(self,model,names,prefix): ''' Construct limit / freedom variable for dual These are the dual analog control variables S'lambda + ... - delta - c' = 0 ''' rName = self.dualRName + prefix jmodel = LinearModel() equation = "%s" % (self.cdName) jmodel = self.parseEquations.applyRelation(jmodel,rName,equation,names,prefixPattern="%s"+prefix) imodel = LinearModel() for name in names: rName = self.dualRName + prefix + name sName = self.cdName + prefix + name imodel.addData(rName,sName,1) imodel.addColumnLimit(sName,(None,None)) if not imodel == jmodel: print "---------------------------------apply equation faliure: Dual control-----------------------------------------" model.addConstraints(imodel) return model def _constructControl(self,model,controlNames,binaryPrefix,controlValuePref,regPrefix,climits,zero): ''' Create binary control variables one = off: if y = 0: low < v < high if y = 1: v = 0 v + high*y <= high v + low*y >= low zero = off: if y = 1: 0 < v < d if y = 0: v = 0 v - high*y <= 0 v - low*y >= 0 ==> for v in reaction targets pc: v - high*pc < 0 nc: v - low* < 0 ''' binaryLimitName = "control_" posControlRow = regPrefix+"_pc_" negControlRow = regPrefix+"_nc_" jmodel = LinearModel() if zero: equation1 = "%s_pc_%s:%s + %s %s < 0" % (regPrefix,"%s",controlValuePref,-1.0*self.posControlBound,binaryPrefix) equation2 = "%s_nc_%s:%s + %s %s > 0" % (regPrefix,"%s",controlValuePref,-1.0*self.negControlBound,binaryPrefix) else: equation1 = "%s_pc_%s:%s + %s %s < %s" % (regPrefix,"%s",controlValuePref,self.posControlBound,binaryPrefix,self.posControlBound) equation2 = "%s_nc_%s:%s + %s %s > %s" % (regPrefix,"%s",controlValuePref,self.negControlBound,binaryPrefix,self.negControlBound) jmodel = self.parseEquations.applyRelation(jmodel,posControlRow,equation1,controlNames,prefixPattern="%s") jmodel = self.parseEquations.applyRelation(jmodel,negControlRow,equation2,controlNames,prefixPattern="%s") result = LinearModel() for columnName in controlNames: iCName = binaryPrefix + columnName iDName = controlValuePref + columnName posControlName = regPrefix + "_pc_" + columnName negControlName = regPrefix + "_nc_" + columnName if columnName in climits and False: # this method is currently broken (negBound,posBound) = climits[columnName] if negBound == None: negBound = self.negControlBound if posBound == None: posBound = self.posControlBound else: posBound = self.posControlBound negBound = self.negControlBound ''' y = 1: l < v < u ''' if(zero): result.addData(posControlName,iDName,1.0) result.addData(negControlName,iDName,1.0) result.addData(posControlName,iCName,-posBound) result.addData(negControlName,iCName,-negBound) result.addRowLimit(posControlName,(None,0.0)) result.addRowLimit(negControlName,(0.0,None)) else: result.addData(posControlName, iDName, 1.0) result.addData(negControlName, iDName, 1.0) result.addData(posControlName, iCName, posBound) result.addData(negControlName, iCName, negBound) result.addRowLimit(posControlName,(None,posBound)) result.addRowLimit(negControlName,(negBound,None)) jmodel.columnLimits = {} if not result == jmodel: #print "---------------------------------apply equation failure: control-----------------------------------------" #! currently apply version does not handleA a map/list of boundary values pass model.addConstraints(result) ''' w is limit of controls y is actual control state variable w - y = 0 as starting state ie all controls default to 0 sum w > control min sum w < control max ''' self.parseEquations.defaultLimit = (0.0,1.0) iCName = binaryPrefix iDName = controlValuePref rowName = "_rcr_" + binaryPrefix equation = "_rcr_%s:_rc_%s + -1.0 %s = 0" % (binaryPrefix+"%s",iCName,iCName) jmodel = LinearModel() jmodel = self.parseEquations.applyRelation(jmodel,rowName,equation,controlNames,prefixPattern="%s") jmodel.setMipColumnNames(controlNames,tag=iCName+"%s") self.parseEquations.defaultLimit = (None,None) result = LinearModel() for columnName in controlNames: iCName = binaryPrefix + columnName iDName = controlValuePref + columnName result.setMipColumnName(iCName) result.addColumnLimit(iCName,(0.0,1.0)) result.addColumnLimit("_rc_" + iCName,(0.0,1.0)) result.addData("_rcr_" + iCName, "_rc_" + iCName, 1.0) result.addData("_rcr_" + iCName, iCName, -1.0) result.addRowLimit("_rcr_" + iCName, (0.0,0.0)) if not result == (jmodel): print "---------------------------------apply equation failure: control-----------------------------------------" for columnName in controlNames: iCName = binaryPrefix + columnName iDName = controlValuePref + columnName result.addData(binaryLimitName,"_rc_"+ iCName,1.0) #Limit on control variables result.addRowLimit(binaryLimitName,(self.controlMin,self.controlMax)) model.addConstraints(result) return model def _constructPDControlRelation(self,model,controlNames,controlPrefix,variablePrefix,rowPrefix,zeroed,controlLibraryName): ''' Construct primal and dual control limitation relation to binary control variable. ''' controlNames = self._confirmControlTargets(controlLibraryName, controlNames) result = model pRowPrefix = "__p_" + rowPrefix + "__" #prime control dRowPrefix = "__d_" + rowPrefix + "__" #dual control result = self._constructControl(result, controlNames, controlPrefix, variablePrefix, pRowPrefix, self.primeControlLimits, zeroed) result = self._constructControl(result, controlNames, controlPrefix, "__sigma__" + variablePrefix, dRowPrefix, self.dualControlLimits, not zeroed) result = self._constructDualRegulation(result,controlNames,variablePrefix) return result def _constructControlRestriction(self,model,names,prefix): ''' Build restriction that one control library can be used for a control type. Hopefully limit search space somewhat. updated 8 12 08 0 < y + ny < 1 ''' scLimit = float(self.simoControl) result = model for name in names: vname = prefix + name rowName = "__rest_row__" + name model.addData(rowName,vname, 1) #model.addRowLimit(rowName,(0,1)) model.addRowLimit(rowName,(0,scLimit)) return result def _constructControlPenalty(self,model,controlNames,prefix): ''' This method can cause optimization infeasiblity problems if variable boundaries are to large or model is large. cp = y objective = objective + delta*cp ''' result = model cpRow = "r_control_pentalty" cpColumn = "c_control_penalty" for name in controlNames: iName = prefix+name result.addData(cpRow,iName,1.0) #These relations and controls are repeatedly created, so far does not cause problems result.addData(cpRow,cpColumn,-1.0) result.addRowLimit(cpRow,(0,0)) result.addColumnLimit(cpColumn,(0,None)) objective = model.getObjective() iObjective = {} iObjective.update(objective) iObjective.update({cpColumn:self.controlDelta}) result.setObjective(iObjective) return result def _controlValueLimit(self,model,controlNames,postfix): ''' Limits the absolute value of control effects from any single flux control Sum(t)Y(tj)*beta(tj) <= k ''' result = model if self.simoLimit == 0: return model for name in controlNames: cpRow = "r_con_val_limit_%s" % name for (libName,libPrefix) in self.libdata: controlValue = self._getRegulationCoeffecent(libName, name) iName = libPrefix+postfix+name result.addData(cpRow,iName,controlValue) cvLimit = (-self.simoLimit,self.simoLimit) result.addRowLimit(cpRow,cvLimit) return result def constructControl(self,lp,controlNames, prefix, controlLibraryName): result = lp #! This is a new addition and may change the way RD works. controlNames = self._confirmControlTargets(controlLibraryName, controlNames) #Construct control relation in primal form of bi-level model result = self._constructPDControlRelation(result, controlNames, prefix + "y__", prefix + "n__" , prefix + "p_", True, controlLibraryName) #Construct control relation in dual form of bi-level model result = self._constructPDControlRelation(result, controlNames, prefix + "y__", prefix + "d__" , prefix + "g_", False, controlLibraryName) #Restriction that positive and negative part of control cannot be used together: !seems to be broken taken out for testing! result = self._constructControlRestriction(result, controlNames, prefix + "y__",) #Creates objective for minimizing controls, causes infeasible solution in larger models if self.useControlPenalty: result = self._constructControlPenalty(result,controlNames, prefix + "y__") return result def _getGeneNames(self): return self.geneList def _getReactionGenePairs(self): result = [] for (rxn,genes) in self.rGeneMap.items(): for gene in genes: result.append((rxn,gene)) return result def geneControl(self,lp,prefix,controlNames,libName): ''' Gene level control optimization relations geneData in format [(rxn name, gene name)] for reaction i in mapping to gene g: reaction control(i) - gene control(g) = 0 or rc(i) - gc(g) > 0 rc(i) - gc(g) < 0 ''' geneData = self._getReactionGenePairs() libData = self.regulationLibrary[libName] controlNames = self._confirmControlTargets(libName, controlNames) binaryLimitName = "control_" geneBinaryLimitName = "geneControl_" geneControlNames = set() reactionControlNames = set() if geneData == None: return lp iGeneData = [] for (key,value) in geneData: if key in controlNames: iGeneData.append((key,value)) geneData = iGeneData for (key,value) in geneData: if key not in controlNames: continue if value == None: print "Failed to map (%s, %s)" % (key,value) continue if key not in libData.keys(): if self.verbose: print "In control Library [%s] gene [%s] linked to rxn [%s] no control value" % (libName,value,key) continue equalRowName = "_meta_gene_" + prefix + key lowRowName = "_low_meta_gene_" + prefix + key highRowName = "_high_meta_gene_" + prefix + key reactionControl = prefix + key geneControl = prefix + value geneControlNames.add(geneControl) reactionControlNames.add(reactionControl) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Scip previously could not cannot handle this binary equality # This may have been a large variable problem and could currently be solved. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if self.unityControl: lp.addData(equalRowName,reactionControl,1.0) lp.addData(equalRowName,geneControl,-1.0) lp.addRowLimit(equalRowName,(0,0)) else: lp.addData(lowRowName,reactionControl,1.0) lp.addData(lowRowName,geneControl,-1.0) lp.addRowLimit(lowRowName,(0,None)) lp.addData(highRowName,reactionControl,1.0) lp.addData(highRowName,geneControl,-1.0) lp.addRowLimit(highRowName,(None,0)) equation1 = "%s: %s + -1.0 %s > 0" % (lowRowName,reactionControl,geneControl) equation2 = "%s: %s + -1.0 %s < 0" % (highRowName,reactionControl,geneControl) ''' w is limit of change in controls y is actual control state variable sum w > control min sum w < control max ''' for name in geneControlNames: lp.addColumnLimit(name,(0,1)) lp.addColumnLimit("_rc_" + name,(0.0,1.0)) lp.setMipColumnName(name) lp.setMipColumnName("_rc_" + name) lp.addData("_rcr_" + name, "_rc_" + name, 1.0) lp.addData("_rcr_" + name, name, -1.0) lp.addRowLimit("_rcr_" + name, (0.0,0.0)) lp.addData(geneBinaryLimitName,"_rc_"+ name,1.0) #Limit on control variables lp.addRowLimit(binaryLimitName,(None,None)) lp.addRowLimit(geneBinaryLimitName,(self.controlMin,self.controlMax)) return lp def construct(self,model,controlNames,newObjective): ''' Top Level Function Build Complete Framework ''' self.newObjective = newObjective result = LinearModel() result.addModel(model) sObjective = self._scaleMap(model.getObjective(),self.objectiveCoeffecent) sObjective[self.newObjective] = .01 result.setObjective(sObjective) for (libName,libPrefix) in self.libdata: result = self._constructRegulationObjecive(result, controlNames, libName, libPrefix, -1.0) pass result = self._primalDual(result, result.getObjective()) for (libName,libPrefix) in self.libdata: result = self.constructControl(result,controlNames,libPrefix,libName) if self.rGeneMap != None: self.geneControl(result,libPrefix + "y__",controlNames,libName) if self.simoLimit !=0: result = self._controlValueLimit(result,controlNames,postfix="y__") return result def _aproxEqual(self,v1,v2,delta): return abs(v1 - v2) < delta def _updateIterationControl(self,model,names,prefix,prediction,controlLibrary): ''' updates framework status to new neighborhood point. w,y in {0,1} y is active / inactive variable w is search limitation variable if y = 1 and w = 0: control is on and unchanged: w + y = 1 if y = 0 and w = 0: control is off, return to state w=y: w - y = 0 if y = 1 and w = 1: Means control has been turned on, change to default y = 1, when w = 0 w + y = 1 if y = 0 and w = 1: Means control has been turned off, change default to y = 0 and w = 0 w - y = 0 y = prefix + name w = _rc_ + prefix + name ''' for name in names: iCName = prefix + name #Acitive control tCName = "_rc_" + iCName #Change control if iCName not in prediction.keys(): continue else: value = prediction[iCName] if tCName not in prediction.keys(): if self.verbose: print "Analog slack variable %s not found" % (tCName) else: tValue = prediction[tCName] value = round(value,4) tValue = round(tValue,4) #!if value == 1.0 and tValue == 1.0: if value == 1.0: #if self.verbose: print "Making %s default active" % (name) model.addData("_rcr_" + iCName, tCName, 1.0) model.addData("_rcr_" + iCName, iCName, 1.0) model.addRowLimit("_rcr_" + iCName, (1.0,1.0)) #equation = "_rcr_%s:%s + %s = 1.0" % (iCName,tCName,iCName) #!if value == 0.0 and tValue == 1.0: if value == 0.0: model.addData("_rcr_" + iCName, tCName, 1.0) model.addData("_rcr_" + iCName, iCName, -1.0) model.addRowLimit("_rcr_" + iCName, (0.0,0.0)) #equation = "_rcr_%s:%s + %s = 0.0" % (iCName,tCName,iCName) return model def setControl(self,model,prefix,targets,on,binary=False): #! merge with iterative control update ''' updates framework status to new neighborhood point. w,y in {0,1} if y = 1 and w = 1: Means control has been turned on, change to default y = 1, when w = 0 w + y = 1 if y = 0 and w = 1: Means control has been turned off, change default to y = 0 and w = 0 w - y = 0 y = prefix + name w = _rc_ + prefix + name ''' for name in targets: iCName = prefix + name tCName = "_rc_" + iCName if iCName not in model.getColumnNames(): if self.verbose: print "%s control not found" % (iCName) continue if tCName not in model.getColumnNames(): if self.verbose: print "%s slack control not found" % (tCName) continue if on == True: #Turn control on if binary: model.addColumnLimit(iCName,(1.0,1.0)) model.addColumnLimit(tCName,(0.0,1.0)) else: model.addColumnLimit(iCName,(0.0,1.0)) model.addColumnLimit(tCName,(0.0,1.0)) model.addData("_rcr_" + iCName, iCName, 1.0) model.addData("_rcr_" + iCName, tCName, 1.0) model.addRowLimit("_rcr_" + iCName, (1.0,1.0)) if on == False: # Turn control off if binary: model.addColumnLimit(iCName,(0.0,1.0)) model.addColumnLimit(tCName,(0.0,1.0)) else: model.addColumnLimit(iCName,(0.0,1.0)) model.addColumnLimit(tCName,(0.0,1.0)) model.addData("_rcr_" + iCName, tCName, 1.0) model.addData("_rcr_" + iCName, iCName, -1.0) model.addRowLimit("_rcr_" + iCName, (0.0,0.0)) #equation = "_rcr_%s:%s - %s = 0.0" % (iCName,tCName,iCName) return model def activateControl(self,model,libControl,on=True): for(libName,targets) in libControl.items(): prefix = self.controlPrefixMap[libName] self.setControl(model, prefix+"y__", targets, on) return model def iterate(self,model,targets,libdata,prediction): for (libName,prefix) in libdata: if self.rGeneMap != None: itargets = self.geneList else: itargets = self._confirmControlTargets(libName, targets) self._updateIterationControl(model,itargets,prefix + "y__",prediction, libName) return model def findControl(self,controlMap): result = [] for (key,prefix) in self.libdata: valueMap = self.regulationLibrary[key] ukeys = set(valueMap.keys()).intersection(controlMap.keys()) for uk in ukeys: if valueMap[uk] == controlMap[uk]: result.append((uk,prefix,valueMap[uk])) return result def generateControlObjective(self,activeControl): yControlNames = [] wControlNames = [] controlLibrary = self.findControl(activeControl) for (key,prefix,value) in controlLibrary: if self.rGeneMap == None or len(self.rGeneMap) == 0: yControlName = prefix + "y__" + key yControlNames.append(yControlName) wControlNames.append("_rc_" + yControlName) elif self.rGeneMap != None: if key in self.rGeneMap.keys(): gNames = self.rGeneMap[key] for gName in gNames: yControlName = prefix + "y__" + gName yControlNames.append(yControlName) wControlNames.append("_rc_" + yControlName) result = {} for i in yControlNames: result[i] = 1.0 for i in wControlNames: result[i] = 1.0 return result def iterateObjectiveControl(self,model,targets,prefix,libdata,objective,prediction): #controls = self._activateControl(prefix,objective.keys()) model = self.iterate(model,targets,libdata,prediction) return model def generateCoeffecents(self,targets,prefix,predictions,controlName): result = {} for name in targets: iCName = prefix + name if iCName not in predictions: continue value = predictions[iCName] if value >= 1.0 - controlValue = self._getRegulationCoeffecent(controlName, name) controlValue = -1.0 * controlValue result[name] = controlValue return result def _convertToGeneNames(self,reactionName): if reactionName not in self.rGeneMap.keys(): return None geneNames = self.rGeneMap[reactionName] if type(geneNames) == type(""): return set([geneNames]) else: return geneNames def _convertToGeneTag(self,reactionName,geneClusters = None): geneNames = self._convertToGeneNames(reactionName) if geneNames == None: return reactionName iGeneNames = set(geneNames) for geneName in geneNames: if geneClusters != None: if geneName in geneClusters.keys(): for iGeneName in geneClusters[geneName]: iGeneNames.add(iGeneName) geneTag = '' for iGeneName in iGeneNames: geneTag = geneTag + " " + iGeneName geneTag = geneTag[1:] return geneTag def printGeneObjective(self,iObjective,geneClusters=None): iGeneObjective = {} iOtherObjective = {} igControl = {} for rxnName in iObjective.keys(): rControl = iObjective[rxnName] if rxnName not in self.rGeneMap.keys(): iOtherObjective[rxnName] = rControl else: geneTag = self._convertToGeneTag(rxnName, geneClusters) if geneTag not in iGeneObjective: igControl[geneTag] = [] igControl[geneTag].append(rControl) for k in igControl.keys(): iGeneObjective[k] = mean(igControl[k]) return (iGeneObjective,iOtherObjective) def generateObjective(self,model,targets,predictions): result = {} libresult = {} objective = model.getObjective() for name in objective.keys(): value = objective[name] result[name] = value * self.objectiveCoeffecent for pair in self.libdata: libName = pair[0] prefix = pair[1] controls = self.generateCoeffecents(targets,prefix + "y__",predictions,libName) libcontrols = {} for key in controls.keys(): libcontrols[(libName,key)] = controls[key] if key not in result.keys(): result[key] = 0 ir = result[key] result[key] = ir + controls[key] libresult.update(libcontrols) return (result,libresult) def getControlNames(self,targets,predictions,prefix=True): rControls = [] for pair in self.libdata: libName = pair[0] libPrefix = pair[1] iControls = self._getNonZeroRegulationNames(libName,targets) controls = self.generateCoeffecents(targets,libPrefix + "y__",predictions,libName) iControls = controls if self.rGeneMap != None: zControls = set() for controlName in iControls: if controlName in self.rGeneMap.keys(): for gcn in self.rGeneMap[controlName]: zControls.add(gcn) iControls = zControls for controlName in iControls: if prefix: rControl = (libName,libPrefix,controlName) else: rControl = (libName,controlName) if rControl not in rControls: rControls.append(rControl) controlNames = rControls #tcontrolNames = controlNames.intersection(self.targets) return controlNames def _createReportItem(self,predictions,names,prefix): ''' Create report item from framework result ''' result = {} for name in names: tName = prefix + name if tName in predictions: result[name] = predictions[tName] return result def getFluxValues(self,predictions,fluxNames): return self._createReportItem(predictions, fluxNames, self.pName) def createReport(self, predictions, fluxNames, targets, geneReduction = None): ''' Create report from framework result ''' fluxNames.append("objectiveVar") fluxNames.append("objectiveVarFull") report = Report() report["flux"] = self._createReportItem(predictions, fluxNames, self.pName) geneSet = set() if self.rGeneMap != None: for (key,values) in self.rGeneMap.items(): geneSet = geneSet.union(set(values)) for (libName,prefix) in self.libdata: controlMap = self.regulationLibrary[libName] report[libName] = self._createReportItem(predictions,targets,prefix+"y__") report[libName+"_Value"] = controlMap if self.rGeneMap != None: geneControl = self._createReportItem(predictions,geneSet,prefix+"y__") if geneReduction != None: reducedGeneValues = {} for k in geneControl.keys(): if k in geneReduction.keys(): for reducedGene in geneReduction[k]: reducedGeneValues[reducedGene] = geneControl[k] geneControl.update(reducedGeneValues) r1 = report[libName] r1.update(geneControl) report[libName] = r1 #report["BioControl"] = self._createReportItem(predictions,targets,"__y__") #report["adjustment pos"] = self._createReportItem(predictions,targets,self.cvName) #report["difference pos"] = self._createReportItem(predictions,targets,"__d__") #report["BioCoeffecents"] = self.posCoeffecentMap #report["SynControl"] = self._createReportItem(predictions,targets,"__ny__") #report["adjustment neg"] = self._createReportItem(predictions,targets,"__nn__") #report["difference neg"] = self._createReportItem(predictions,targets,"__nd__") #report["SynCoeffecents"] = self.negCoeffecentMap return report