Exemple #1
def test_rmsspotsize():
    raybundle = RayBundle(x0=np.array([[1, 0, 0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 0, 1, 2],
                                       [0, 0, 1, 1, 2]]),
                          k0=np.zeros((3, 5)),
                          Efield0=np.zeros((3, 5)))
    rayanalysis = RayBundleAnalysis(raybundle)
    rmssize = rayanalysis.getRMSspotSize(np.array([0, 0, 0]))
    assert np.isclose(rmssize, math.sqrt(18.0 / 4.0))
Exemple #2
def test_centroid():
    raybundle = RayBundle(x0=np.array([[1, 0, 0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 0, 1, 2],
                                       [0, 0, 1, 1, 2]]),
                          k0=np.zeros((3, 5)),
                          Efield0=np.zeros((3, 5)))
    rayanalysis = RayBundleAnalysis(raybundle)
    centroid = rayanalysis.getCentroidPosition()
    assert np.allclose(centroid, 4. / 5.)
Exemple #3
def bundle_step1(nrays=100, rpup=7.5):
    Creates an on-axis collimated RayBundle for step 1.

    (px, py) = RectGrid().getGrid(nrays)
    o = np.vstack((rpup * px, rpup * py, np.zeros_like(px)))
    k = np.zeros_like(o)
    k[2, :] = 1.  #2.*math.pi/wavelength
    E0 = np.cross(k, canonical_ex, axisa=0, axisb=0).T

    return RayBundle(o, k, E0, wave=dline)
Exemple #4
def meritfunctionrms(s):
    initialbundle_local = RayBundle(x0=o, k0=k, Efield0=E0, wave=wavelength)
    rpaths = s.seqtrace(initialbundle_local, sysseq)
    # other constructions lead to fill up of initial bundle with intersection values

    # for glassy asphere only one path necessary
    x = rpaths[0].raybundles[-1].x[-1, 0, :]
    y = rpaths[0].raybundles[-1].x[-1, 1, :]

    res = np.sum(x**2 + y**2)

    return res
Exemple #5
def test_direction_centroid():
    k0 = np.zeros((3, 5))
    k0[2, :] = 1
    E0 = np.zeros((3, 5))
    E0[1, :] = 1.
    raybundle = RayBundle(x0=np.array([[1, 0, 0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 0, 1, 2],
                                       [0, 0, 1, 1, 2]]),
    rayanalysis = RayBundleAnalysis(raybundle)
    centroiddir = rayanalysis.getCentroidDirection()
    assert np.allclose(centroiddir, np.array([0, 0, 1]))
Exemple #6
def bundles_step3(nrays=100, rpup=7.5, maxfield_deg=2.):
    Creates an array of collimated RayBundle objects for step 3.
    bundles = []
    fields_rad = np.array([0, .5 * np.sqrt(2), 1]) * maxfield_deg * pi / 180.

    (px, py) = RectGrid().getGrid(nrays)

    for field in fields_rad:
        starty = -30 * np.tan(
        )  # TODO: this step explicitly sets the pupil, so the stop position is ignored. Better get Aimy to run ...
        o = np.vstack((rpup * px, rpup * py + starty, np.zeros_like(px)))
        k = np.zeros_like(o)
        k[1, :] = np.sin(field)
        k[2, :] = np.cos(field)
        E0 = np.cross(k, canonical_ex, axisa=0, axisb=0).T

        bundles += [RayBundle(o, k, E0, wave=Fline)]
        bundles += [RayBundle(o, k, E0, wave=dline)]
        bundles += [RayBundle(o, k, E0, wave=Cline)]

    return bundles
Exemple #7
def final_meritfunction(s, rpup, fno, maxfield_deg):
    Merit function (=function to be minimized) for step 3 and following.
    merit = 0

    initialbundles = bundles_step3(rpup=rpup, maxfield_deg=maxfield_deg)
    for (ind, b) in enumerate(initialbundles):
        rpaths = s.seqtrace(b, seq)
        x = rpaths[0].raybundles[-1].x[-1, 0, :]
        #y = rpaths[0].raybundles[-1].x[-1, 1, :]

        #x = x - np.sum(x) / ( float(len(x)) + 1E-200 )
        #y = y - np.sum(y) / ( float(len(y)) + 1E-200 )
        rba.raybundle = rpaths[0].raybundles[-1]
        merit += rba.getRMSspotSizeCentroid()  #np.sum(x**2 + y**2)
        # FIXME: somehow this former calculation leads not to a useful rms spot calculation and therefore
        # the decz variable is not changed; the rba.getRMS... function is slower but leads to a change in thickness
        merit += 1. / (len(x) + 1e-18)  #10000.*math.exp(-len(x))

    # biconvex lens with same radii
    merit += 10000* (  s.elements["stdelem"].surfaces["lens4front"].shape.curvature() \
                     + s.elements["stdelem"].surfaces["lens4rear"].shape.curvature()  )**2

    # outer radii of both doulets should be symmetric
    merit += 10000* (  s.elements["stdelem"].surfaces["elem2front"].shape.curvature() \
                     + s.elements["stdelem"].surfaces["elem3rear"].shape.curvature()  )**2

    # inner radii of both doulets should be symmetric
    merit += 10000* (  s.elements["stdelem"].surfaces["elem2rear"].shape.curvature() \
                     + s.elements["stdelem"].surfaces["elem3front"].shape.curvature()  )**2
    # f number
    o = np.array([[0], [7.5], [0]])
    k = np.zeros_like(o)
    k[2, :] = 1
    E0 = np.cross(k, canonical_ex, axisa=0, axisb=0).T

    initial_marginal = RayBundle(o, k, E0, wave=dline)
    marginal_path = s.seqtrace(initial_marginal, seq)

    kyim = marginal_path[0].raybundles[-1].k[-1, 1, :]
    kzim = marginal_path[0].raybundles[-1].k[-1, 2, :]

    merit += 10 * sum(fno + .5 * np.real(kzim) / np.real(kyim))**2

    return merit
Exemple #8
def generatebundle(openangle=0.01, numrays=11):

    o = np.zeros((3, numrays))
    k = np.zeros_like(o)

    angles = np.linspace(-openangle, openangle, num=numrays)

    k0 = 1.  #2.*math.pi/wavelength

    k[1, :] = k0 * np.sin(angles)
    k[2, :] = k0 * np.cos(angles)

    ey = np.zeros_like(o)
    ey[1, :] = 1.

    E0 = np.cross(k, ey, axisa=0, axisb=0).T

    return RayBundle(x0=o, k0=k, Efield0=E0, wave=wavelength)
Exemple #9
def test_rms_angularsize():
    k0 = np.zeros((3, 5))
    k0[2, :] = 1
    E0 = np.zeros((3, 5))
    E0[1, :] = 1.
    raybundle = RayBundle(x0=np.array([[1, 0, 0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 0, 1, 2],
                                       [0, 0, 1, 1, 2]]),
    rayanalysis = RayBundleAnalysis(raybundle)
    angularsize = rayanalysis.getRMSangluarSize(
            math.sin(1. * math.pi / 180.0), 0,
            math.cos(1. * math.pi / 180.0)
    assert np.isclose(angularsize, (1. * math.pi / 180.0))
Exemple #10
def test_arc_length():
    k0 = np.zeros((3, 2))
    E0 = np.zeros((3, 2))
    raybundle = RayBundle(x0=np.array([[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]]),
    x1 = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]])
    x2 = np.array([[1, 1], [1, 1], [0, 0]])
    x3 = np.array([[0, 2], [1, 2], [0, 0]])
    x4 = np.array([[0, 3], [0, 3], [0, 0]])
    valid = np.ones_like([1, 1])
    raybundle.append(x1, k0, E0, valid)
    raybundle.append(x2, k0, E0, valid)
    raybundle.append(x3, k0, E0, valid)
    raybundle.append(x4, k0, E0, valid)
    arclen = RayBundleAnalysis(raybundle).getArcLength()
    assert np.allclose(arclen, np.array([4., 3 * np.sqrt(2)]))
Exemple #11
                    ("m2", False, {}),
                    ("m1", False, {}),
                    ("m2", False, {}),
                    ("m1", False, {}),
                    ("m2", False, {})
phi = 5.*math.pi/180.0

obj_dx = 0.1
obj_dphi = 1.*math.pi/180.0

kwave = 2.*math.pi/wavelength

initialbundle = RayBundle(x0=o, k0=k, Efield0=E0, wave=wavelength)
r2 = s.seqtrace(initialbundle, sysseq)

#pilotbundle = RayBundle(
#                x0 = np.array([[0], [0], [0]]), 
#                k0 = np.array([[0], [kwave*math.sin(phi)], [kwave*math.cos(phi)]]), 
#                Efield0 = np.array([[1], [0], [0]]), wave=wavelength
#                )
#pilotray = s.seqtrace(pilotbundle, sysseq_pilot)

pilotbundles = core.helpers.build_pilotbundle(objectsurf, air, (obj_dx, obj_dx), (obj_dphi, obj_dphi), num_sampling_points=3)

rays_pilot = [s.seqtrace(p, sysseq) for p in pilotbundles]

(pilotray2, r3) = s.para_seqtrace(pilotbundles[-1], initialbundle, sysseq, use6x6=False)
Exemple #12
sysseq = [("droplet", [("stop", {
    "is_stop": True
}), ("surf1", {}), ("surf2", {
    "is_mirror": True
}), ("surf3", {}), ("image", {})])]

sysseq2nd = [("droplet", [("stop", {
    "is_stop": True
}), ("surf1", {}), ("surf2", {
    "is_mirror": True
}), ("surf3", {}), ("image", {})])]

phi = 5. * math.pi / 180.0

initialbundle_red = RayBundle(x0=o, k0=k_red, Efield0=E0_red, wave=wave_red)
initialbundle_blue = RayBundle(x0=o,
r_red = s.seqtrace(initialbundle_red, sysseq)
r_blue = s.seqtrace(initialbundle_blue, sysseq)

#r_red2nd = s.seqtrace(initialbundle_red, sysseq2nd)
#r_blue2nd = s.seqtrace(initialbundle_blue, sysseq2nd)

fig = plt.figure(1)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

if StrictVersion(matplotlib.__version__) < StrictVersion('2.0.0'):
Exemple #13
# benchmark

# definition of rays
#nray = 1E5 # number of rays
#aimy = aim.aimFiniteByMakingASurfaceTheStop(s, pupilType=pupil.ObjectSpaceNA, #.StopDiameter,
#                                           pupilSizeParameter=0.2,#3.0,
#                                            fieldType= field.ObjectHeight,
#                                            rasterType= raster.RectGrid,
#                                            nray=nray, wavelength=wavelength, stopPosition=5)
#initialBundle = aimy.getInitialRayBundle(s, fieldXY=np.array([0, 0]), wavelength=wavelength)
#nray = len(initialBundle.o[0, :])

(x0, k0, E0) = collimated_bundle(nrays, -5., 0., 1., raster.RectGrid())
t0 = time.clock()
initialraybundle = RayBundle(x0=x0, k0=k0, Efield0=E0)
raypath = s.seqtrace(initialraybundle, seq)
logging.info("benchmark : " + str(time.clock() - t0) + "s for tracing " + str(nrays) + " rays through " + str(len(s.elements["stdelem"].surfaces) - 1) + " surfaces.")
logging.info("             That is " + str(int(round(nrays * (len(s.elements["stdelem"].surfaces) - 1) / (time.clock() - t0)))) + "ray-surface-operations per second")

# plot

(x0_draw, k0_draw, E0_draw)= collimated_bundle(nrays_draw, -5., 0., 1., raster.MeridionalFan())
initialraybundle_draw = RayBundle(x0=x0_draw, k0=k0_draw, Efield0=E0_draw)
raypath_draw = s.seqtrace(initialraybundle_draw, seq)

fig = plt.figure(1)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
if StrictVersion(matplotlib.__version__) < StrictVersion('2.0.0'):
Exemple #14
E2 = np.cross(k2, ey, axisa=0, axisb=0).T

k3 = np.zeros_like(o)
k3[1, :] = math.sin(-15 * degree)
k3[2, :] = math.cos(-15 * degree)
E3 = np.cross(k3, ey, axisa=0, axisb=0).T

sysseq = [("HUD", [("object", {
    "is_stop": True
}), ("d1", {}), ("s1", {}), ("d1p", {}), ("d2", {}), ("s2", {
    "is_mirror": True
}), ("d2p", {}), ("d3", {}), ("s3", {
    "is_mirror": True
}), ("d3p", {}), ("d4", {}), ("s4", {}), ("d4p", {}), ("image", {})])]

initialbundle1 = RayBundle(x0=o, k0=k1, Efield0=E1, wave=standard_wavelength)
initialbundle2 = RayBundle(x0=o, k0=k2, Efield0=E2, wave=standard_wavelength)
initialbundle3 = RayBundle(x0=o, k0=k3, Efield0=E3, wave=standard_wavelength)
r1 = s.seqtrace(initialbundle1, sysseq)
r2 = s.seqtrace(initialbundle2, sysseq)
r3 = s.seqtrace(initialbundle3, sysseq)

obj_dx = 0.1
obj_dphi = 5 * degree
pilotbundles = core.helpers.build_pilotbundle(objsurf,
                                              air, (obj_dx, obj_dx),
                                              (obj_dphi, obj_dphi),

rays_pilot = [s.seqtrace(p, sysseq) for p in pilotbundles[2:]]
# only last two bundles hit the next surface