Exemple #1
def analysis(http_objs):

    requests = http_objs["total_requests"]
    response_body = http_objs["response_body"]
    response_headers = http_objs["response_headers"]
    request_URLs = http_objs["request_URL"]

    json_rows = []

    rpt = report.htmltags()

    for i in xrange(0, requests):
        protocol = request_URLs[i]["protocol"]
        url = request_URLs[i]["url"]
        path = request_URLs[i]["path"]
        params = request_URLs[i]["params"]
        query = request_URLs[i]["query"]

        full_path = protocol + "://" + url + path

        if response_headers[i].has_key("Content-Type"):
            if "application/json" in str(response_headers[i]["Content-Type"]):
                json_rows.append("<td>" + rpt.href(full_path) + "</td><td>" +
                                 response_body[i] + "</td>")

    collums = {"JSON": ["Path", "JSON Analyzed"]}
    rows = {"JSON": json_rows}

    tip = "Tip: <a href='https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Testing_for_AJAX_Vulnerabilities_%28OWASP-AJ-001%29' target='_blank'>Testing for AJAX Vulnerabilities</a> and <a href='http://haacked.com/archive/2009/06/25/json-hijacking.aspx' target='_blank'>JSON Hijacking</a>"

    rpt.make_table("json", tip, collums, rows)
Exemple #2
def load_modules(log_file):
    Put docstring here
    total_spent = 0.0
    begin = time.time()
    requests = parser.headers_pool(log_file)
    http_objs = requests.get_http_objs()
    end = time.time()
    total_spent = end - begin
    utils.print_info("info", "Parser Done! | Seconds %.3f" % total_spent)


    rpt = report.htmltags()

    modules_dict = utils.parser_xml("conf/config.xml", "modules", "config")

    while modules_dict:
        i = modules_dict.pop()
        begin = time.time()
        content = eval("modules." + i["name"] + ".analysis(http_objs)")
        end = time.time()
        spent = end - begin
        total_spent = total_spent + spent
            "- \033[1;33m" + i["name"] + "\033[1;m Spent %.3f" % spent + "\033[1;m Seconds")
    utils.print_info("info", "Total Time spent: %.3f" % total_spent)
Exemple #3
def analysis(http_objs):
    requests = http_objs["total_requests"]
    response_headers = http_objs["response_headers"]
    request_headers = http_objs["request_headers"]
    headers = {"Server":"Application Server",
    "X-Aspnet-Version":"Asp.Net Version",
    "X-Varnish":"Varnish Cache"}
    fingerprint_rows = []
    servers = []
    hash_group = []
    rpt = report.htmltags()
    for i in xrange(0, requests):
        for header in response_headers[i].iterkeys():
            if header in headers.iterkeys():
                if utils.md5_object(str(request_headers[i]["Host"]) + str(headers[header])) not in hash_group:
                    if response_headers[i].has_key("Server"):                    
                        fingerprint_rows.append("<td>" + request_headers[i]["Host"] + "</td><td>" + str(response_headers[i]["Server"]) + "</td>")
                        fingerprint_rows.append("<td>" + request_headers[i]["Host"] + "</td><td>" + str(header) + "</td>")
                    hash_group.append(utils.md5_object(str(request_headers[i]["Host"]) +  str(headers[header])))

    collums = {"Fingerprint":["Path", "-"]}
    rows = {"Fingerprint":fingerprint_rows}

    tip = "Tip: <a href='https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Testing_for_Web_Application_Fingerprint_%28OWASP-IG-004%29' target='_blank'>Testing for Web Application Fingerprint</a>"

    rpt.make_table("fingerprint", tip, collums, rows)
Exemple #4
def analysis(http_objs):

    requests = http_objs["total_requests"]
    response_body  = http_objs["response_body"]
    response_headers = http_objs["response_headers"]
    request_URLs =  http_objs["request_URL"]

    json_rows = []

    rpt = report.htmltags()

    for i in xrange(0, requests):
        protocol = request_URLs[i]["protocol"]
        url = request_URLs[i]["url"]
        path = request_URLs[i]["path"]
        params = request_URLs[i]["params"]
        query = request_URLs[i]["query"]
        full_path = protocol + "://" + url + path

        if response_headers[i].has_key("Content-Type"):
            if "application/json" in str(response_headers[i]["Content-Type"]):
                json_rows.append("<td>" + rpt.href(full_path) + "</td><td>" + response_body[i] + "</td>")

    collums = {"JSON":["Path", "JSON Analyzed"]}
    rows = {"JSON":json_rows}

    tip = "Tip: <a href='https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Testing_for_AJAX_Vulnerabilities_%28OWASP-AJ-001%29' target='_blank'>Testing for AJAX Vulnerabilities</a> and <a href='http://haacked.com/archive/2009/06/25/json-hijacking.aspx' target='_blank'>JSON Hijacking</a>"
    rpt.make_table("json", tip, collums, rows)
Exemple #5
def analysis(http_objs):

    requests = http_objs["total_requests"]
    request_headers = http_objs["request_headers"]
    response_headers = http_objs["response_headers"]
    request_URLs =  http_objs["request_URL"]

    auth_rows = []
    authenticate_types_rows = []

    rpt = report.htmltags()

    for i in xrange(0, requests):
        protocol = request_URLs[i]["protocol"]
        url = request_URLs[i]["url"]
        path = request_URLs[i]["path"]
        params = request_URLs[i]["params"]
        query = request_URLs[i]["query"]
        full_path = protocol + "://" + url + path

        if request_headers[i].has_key("Authorization"):
            auth_rows.append("<td>" + rpt.href(full_path) + "</td><td>" + request_headers[i]["Authorization"] + "</td>")
        if response_headers[i].has_key("WWW-Authenticate"):
            authenticate_types_rows.append("<td>" + rpt.href(full_path) + "</td><td>" + response_headers[i]["WWW-Authenticate"] + "</td>")
    collums = {"Authorization":["Path", "Authorization Analyzed"], "Authenticate":["Path", "Authenticate Type Analyzed"]}
    rows = {"Authorization":auth_rows, "Authenticate": authenticate_types_rows}
    tip = "Tip: <a href='https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Testing_for_authentication' target='_blank'>Testing for authentication</a>"

    rpt.make_table("auth", tip, collums, rows)
Exemple #6
def analysis(http_objs):
    requests = http_objs["total_requests"]
    response_headers = http_objs["response_headers"]
    request_headers = http_objs["request_headers"]

    headers = {
        "Server": "Application Server",
        "X-Powered-By": "Platform",
        "X-Aspnet-Version": "Asp.Net Version",
        "X-Varnish": "Varnish Cache"

    fingerprint_rows = []
    servers = []

    hash_group = []
    rpt = report.htmltags()

    for i in xrange(0, requests):
        for header in response_headers[i].iterkeys():
            if header in headers.iterkeys():
                if utils.md5_object(
                        str(request_headers[i]["Host"]) +
                        str(headers[header])) not in hash_group:
                    if response_headers[i].has_key("Server"):
                            "<td>" + request_headers[i]["Host"] + "</td><td>" +
                            str(response_headers[i]["Server"]) + "</td>")
                        fingerprint_rows.append("<td>" +
                                                request_headers[i]["Host"] +
                                                "</td><td>" + str(header) +

                            str(request_headers[i]["Host"]) +

    collums = {"Fingerprint": ["Path", "-"]}
    rows = {"Fingerprint": fingerprint_rows}

    tip = "Tip: <a href='https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Testing_for_Web_Application_Fingerprint_%28OWASP-IG-004%29' target='_blank'>Testing for Web Application Fingerprint</a>"

    rpt.make_table("fingerprint", tip, collums, rows)
Exemple #7
def analysis(http_objs):

    requests = http_objs["total_requests"]
    request_headers = http_objs["request_headers"]
    response_headers = http_objs["response_headers"]
    request_URLs = http_objs["request_URL"]

    auth_rows = []
    authenticate_types_rows = []

    rpt = report.htmltags()

    for i in xrange(0, requests):
        protocol = request_URLs[i]["protocol"]
        url = request_URLs[i]["url"]
        path = request_URLs[i]["path"]
        params = request_URLs[i]["params"]
        query = request_URLs[i]["query"]

        full_path = protocol + "://" + url + path

        if request_headers[i].has_key("Authorization"):
            auth_rows.append("<td>" + rpt.href(full_path) + "</td><td>" +
                             request_headers[i]["Authorization"] + "</td>")
        if response_headers[i].has_key("WWW-Authenticate"):
                "<td>" + rpt.href(full_path) + "</td><td>" +
                response_headers[i]["WWW-Authenticate"] + "</td>")

    collums = {
        "Authorization": ["Path", "Authorization Analyzed"],
        "Authenticate": ["Path", "Authenticate Type Analyzed"]
    rows = {
        "Authorization": auth_rows,
        "Authenticate": authenticate_types_rows

    tip = "Tip: <a href='https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Testing_for_authentication' target='_blank'>Testing for authentication</a>"

    rpt.make_table("auth", tip, collums, rows)
Exemple #8
def analysis(http_objs):

    requests = http_objs["total_requests"]
    response_headers = http_objs["response_headers"]
    request_URLs = http_objs["request_URL"]

    headers = {"Cache-Control":"Cache-Control",
    cache_rows = []
    hash_group = []

    rpt = report.htmltags()

    for i in xrange(0, requests):
        for header in response_headers[i].iterkeys():
            if header in headers.iterkeys():
                protocol = request_URLs[i]["protocol"]
                url = request_URLs[i]["url"]
                path = request_URLs[i]["path"]
                params = request_URLs[i]["params"]
                query = request_URLs[i]["query"]

                full_path = protocol + "://" + url + path

                if utils.md5_object(full_path + str(header)) not in hash_group:
                    cache_rows.append("<td>" + rpt.href(full_path) + "</td><td>" + str(response_headers[i][header]) + "</td>")
                hash_group.append(utils.md5_object(full_path + str(header)))

    collums = {"Cache":["Path", "Cache Analyzed"]}
    rows = {"Cache":cache_rows}
    tip = "Tip: <a href='https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Testing_for_Logout_and_Browser_Cache_Management_%28OWASP-AT-007%29' target='_blank'>Testing for Logout and Browser Cache Management</a>"

    rpt.make_table("cache", tip, collums, rows)
Exemple #9
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from conf import utils
from core import report

rpt = report.htmltags()

def xml_analys(urls, requests, response_body, response_headers):

    url = urls
    xml_full_path = []
    xml_rows = []

    for i in xrange(0, requests):
        protocol = url[i]["protocol"]
        domain = url[i]["url"]
        path = url[i]["path"]
        params = url[i]["params"]
        query = url[i]["query"]

        full_path = protocol + "://" + domain + path

        if response_headers[i].has_key("Content-Type"):
            if "xml" in str(response_headers[i]["Content-Type"]
                            ) and full_path not in xml_full_path:
                content = utils.syntaxhighlighter("xml", rpt.href(full_path),
                xml_rows.append("<td>" + rpt.href(full_path) + "</td><td>" +
Exemple #10
def analysis(http_objs):

    requests = http_objs["total_requests"]
    response_body  = http_objs["response_body"]
    request_headers = http_objs["request_headers"]
    response_headers = http_objs["response_headers"]
    request_URLs =  http_objs["request_URL"]

    path_flasm = utils.parser_xml("conf/config.xml", "path", "flasm")
    path_report = utils.__workspace_path__

    swf_files = []
    flash_rows = []
    swf_paths = []

    rpt = report.htmltags()

    for i in xrange(0, requests):
        protocol = request_URLs[i]["protocol"]
        url = request_URLs[i]["url"]
        path = request_URLs[i]["path"]
        params = request_URLs[i]["params"]
        query = request_URLs[i]["query"]

        full_path = protocol + "://" + url + path

        if path.endswith(".swf"):
            split_url = full_path.split('/')
            file = len(split_url)
            getoutput('cd ' + path_report + ';' + utils.curl_conn() +
                ' ' + full_path + ';' + path_flasm[0] + '/./flasm -d ' +
                split_url[file - 1] + ' > ' + split_url[file - 1] + '.html')
            swf_files.append(split_url[file - 1] + '.html')

            if request_headers[i].has_key("Referer") is True:
                origin = rpt.href(request_headers[i]["Referer"])
                origin = "No Referer Header"
    for i in swf_files:
        readfile = open(path_report + i, "r")
        swf_content = readfile.read()

        content = ""
        text_warning = utils.grep_statement("flash_patterns", swf_content, "text")
        load_warning = utils.grep_statement("flash_patterns", swf_content, "load")
        net_warning = utils.grep_statement("flash_patterns", swf_content, "net")
        url_warning = utils.grep_statement("flash_patterns", swf_content, "url")
        crossdomain_warning = utils.grep_statement("flash_patterns", swf_content, "crossdomain")
        xml_warning = utils.grep_statement("flash_patterns", swf_content, "xml")
        lso_warning = utils.grep_statement("flash_patterns", swf_content, "lso")
        header_warning = utils.grep_statement("flash_patterns", swf_content, "header")
        externalinterface_warning = utils.grep_statement("flash_patterns", swf_content, "externalinterface")
        globalvariables_warning = utils.grep_statement("flash_patterns", swf_content, "globalvariables")
        content = content + utils.syntaxhighlighter("as3", rpt.href(full_path), swf_content)
        rpt.make_module_report_file(content, str(i) + "ActionScript")
        flash_rows.append("<td>" + rpt.href(full_path) + "</td><td>" + origin + "</td><td>" + rpt.href(str(i) + "ActionScript") + "</td><td>" + text_warning + "</td><td>" + load_warning + "</td><td>" + net_warning + "</td>"  + "</td><td>" + url_warning + "</td><td>" + crossdomain_warning  + "</td><td>" + xml_warning  + "</td><td>" + lso_warning  + "</td><td>" + header_warning  + "</td><td>" + externalinterface_warning + "</td><td>" + globalvariables_warning +"</td>")

    collums = {"flash":["Path", "Origin", "Flash Analyzed", "Text Write", "Load", "Net Connections",
    "Url Parameter", "Cross Domain", "XML Send", "lSO", "Add Header", "External Interface", "Global Variables"]}
    rows = {"flash":flash_rows}

    tip = "Tip: <a href='https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Category:OWASP_Flash_Security_Project' target='_blank'>OWASP Flash Security Project</a> and <a href='https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Flash_Testing' target='_blank'>OWASP Testing Guide - Flash</a>"

    rpt.make_table("flash", tip, collums, rows)
Exemple #11
def analysis(http_objs):
    Requests analysis

    @param log_parser: Objects parsed at Burp Log File.
    rpt = report.htmltags()
    hash = utils.md5_object
    hash_group = []

    requests = http_objs["total_requests"]
    request_methods = http_objs["request_methods"]
    request_URLs = http_objs["request_URL"]
    status = http_objs["response_status"]
    request_body = http_objs["request_body"]
    csrf_rows = []
    params_form = []

    header_poc = "<html><title>CSRF PoC</title><body>"
    footer_poc = "'</form> <script>document.forms[0].submit()</script></body></html>"

    for i in xrange(0, requests):
        protocol = request_URLs[i]["protocol"]
        url = request_URLs[i]["url"]
        path = request_URLs[i]["path"]
        params = request_URLs[i]["params"]
        query = request_URLs[i]["query"]
        out_escope = request_URLs[i]["out_escope"]
        full_path = protocol + "://" + url + path

        if out_escope is False:
            if status[i] != 0 and status[i] < 300:
                if request_methods[i] == "GET" and query != "":
                    body_poc = "<form method='GET' action='" + protocol + "://" + url + path + "?" + query + "'"
                    content = header_poc + body_poc + footer_poc
                    content_source = header_poc + utils.html_escape(body_poc + "</form> <script>document.forms[0].submit()</script>") + "</body></html>" 
                    rpt.make_module_report_file(content, str(i) + "CSRF_POC")
                    rpt.make_module_report_file(content_source, str(i) + "CSRF_SOURCE_POC")
                    csrf_rows.append("<td>" + rpt.href(full_path) + "</td><td>" + rpt.href(str(i) + "CSRF_POC") + "</td><td>" + rpt.href(str(i) + "CSRF_SOURCE_POC") + "</td><td>" + request_methods[i] + "</td>")

                elif request_methods[i] == "POST" and request_body[i] != "":
                    params_split = request_body[i].split("&")
                    for x in params_split:
                        param = x.split("=")
                        params_form.append("<input type='text' name='" + str(param[0]) + "' value='" + str(i) + "' />")
                    input_form = ""
                    for param in params_form:
                        input_form = input_form + param
                    body_poc = "<form method='POST' action='" + protocol + "://" + url + path + "'"
                    body_poc = body_poc + input_form
                    content = header_poc + body_poc + footer_poc
                    content_source = header_poc + utils.html_escape(body_poc + "</form> <script>document.forms[0].submit()</script>") + "</body></html>" 
                    rpt.make_module_report_file(content, str(i) + "CSRF_POC")
                    rpt.make_module_report_file(content_source, str(i) + "CSRF_SOURCE_POC")
                    csrf_rows.append("<td>" + rpt.href(full_path) + "</td><td>" + request_methods[i] + "</td><td>" + rpt.href(str(i) + "CSRF_SOURCE_POC") + "</td><td>" + rpt.href(str(i) + "CSRF_POC") + "</td>")
    collums = {"CSRF":["Path", "Method", "PoC", "Source PoC"]}
    rows = {"CSRF":csrf_rows}

    tip = "Tip: <a href='https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Cross-Site_Request_Forgery_(CSRF)_Prevention_Cheat_Sheet' target='_blank'>Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Prevention Cheat Sheet</a> and <a href='https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Testing_for_CSRF_%28OWASP-SM-005%29' target='_blank'>Testing for CSRF</a>"

    rpt.make_table("csrf", tip, collums, rows)    
Exemple #12
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from conf import utils
from core import report
import re

rpt = report.htmltags()

def grep_domobjects(http_objs, requests, response_data, dom_regex):

    request_URLs = http_objs["request_URL"]

    dom_rows = []

    hash_group = []
    for i in xrange(0, requests):
        protocol = request_URLs[i]["protocol"]
        url = request_URLs[i]["url"]
        path = request_URLs[i]["path"]
        params = request_URLs[i]["params"]
        query = request_URLs[i]["query"]

        full_path = protocol + "://" + url + path
        content = re.findall(eval(dom_regex), response_data[i], re.I) 
        content = str(content)
        if content != "[]":
            if utils.md5_object(full_path + utils.html_escape(content)) not in hash_group:
                dom_rows.append("<td>" + rpt.href(full_path) + "</td><td>" + utils.html_escape(content) + "</td>")
Exemple #13
def analysis(http_objs):

    requests = http_objs["total_requests"]
    response_body = http_objs["response_body"]
    request_headers = http_objs["request_headers"]
    response_headers = http_objs["response_headers"]
    request_URLs = http_objs["request_URL"]

    path_flasm = utils.parser_xml("conf/config.xml", "path", "flasm")
    path_report = utils.__workspace_path__

    swf_files = []
    flash_rows = []
    swf_paths = []

    rpt = report.htmltags()

    for i in xrange(0, requests):
        protocol = request_URLs[i]["protocol"]
        url = request_URLs[i]["url"]
        path = request_URLs[i]["path"]
        params = request_URLs[i]["params"]
        query = request_URLs[i]["query"]

        full_path = protocol + "://" + url + path

        if path.endswith(".swf"):
            split_url = full_path.split('/')
            file = len(split_url)
            getoutput('cd ' + path_report + ';' + utils.curl_conn() + ' ' +
                      full_path + ';' + path_flasm[0] + '/./flasm -d ' +
                      split_url[file - 1] + ' > ' + split_url[file - 1] +
            swf_files.append(split_url[file - 1] + '.html')

            if request_headers[i].has_key("Referer") is True:
                origin = rpt.href(request_headers[i]["Referer"])
                origin = "No Referer Header"

    for i in swf_files:
        readfile = open(path_report + i, "r")
        swf_content = readfile.read()

        content = ""
        text_warning = utils.grep_statement("flash_patterns", swf_content,
        load_warning = utils.grep_statement("flash_patterns", swf_content,
        net_warning = utils.grep_statement("flash_patterns", swf_content,
        url_warning = utils.grep_statement("flash_patterns", swf_content,
        crossdomain_warning = utils.grep_statement("flash_patterns",
                                                   swf_content, "crossdomain")
        xml_warning = utils.grep_statement("flash_patterns", swf_content,
        lso_warning = utils.grep_statement("flash_patterns", swf_content,
        header_warning = utils.grep_statement("flash_patterns", swf_content,
        externalinterface_warning = utils.grep_statement(
            "flash_patterns", swf_content, "externalinterface")
        globalvariables_warning = utils.grep_statement("flash_patterns",

        content = content + utils.syntaxhighlighter("as3", rpt.href(full_path),
        rpt.make_module_report_file(content, str(i) + "ActionScript")
        flash_rows.append("<td>" + rpt.href(full_path) + "</td><td>" + origin +
                          "</td><td>" + rpt.href(str(i) + "ActionScript") +
                          "</td><td>" + text_warning + "</td><td>" +
                          load_warning + "</td><td>" + net_warning + "</td>" +
                          "</td><td>" + url_warning + "</td><td>" +
                          crossdomain_warning + "</td><td>" + xml_warning +
                          "</td><td>" + lso_warning + "</td><td>" +
                          header_warning + "</td><td>" +
                          externalinterface_warning + "</td><td>" +
                          globalvariables_warning + "</td>")

    collums = {
        "flash": [
            "Path", "Origin", "Flash Analyzed", "Text Write", "Load",
            "Net Connections", "Url Parameter", "Cross Domain", "XML Send",
            "lSO", "Add Header", "External Interface", "Global Variables"
    rows = {"flash": flash_rows}

    tip = "Tip: <a href='https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Category:OWASP_Flash_Security_Project' target='_blank'>OWASP Flash Security Project</a> and <a href='https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Flash_Testing' target='_blank'>OWASP Testing Guide - Flash</a>"

    rpt.make_table("flash", tip, collums, rows)
Exemple #14
def analysis(http_objs):
    Put docstring here

    rpt = report.htmltags()

    requests = http_objs["total_requests"]
    request_methods = http_objs["request_methods"]
    request_URLs = http_objs["request_URL"]
    status = http_objs["response_status"]
    request_body = http_objs["request_body"]
    response_headers = http_objs["response_headers"]

    get_rows = []
    post_rows = []
    redirect_rows = []
    error_rows = []
    files_rows = []
    escope_rows = []

    for i in xrange(0, requests):
        protocol = request_URLs[i]["protocol"]
        url = request_URLs[i]["url"]
        path = request_URLs[i]["path"]
        params = request_URLs[i]["params"]
        query = request_URLs[i]["query"]
        out_escope = request_URLs[i]["out_escope"]
        full_path = protocol + "://" + url + path

        if out_escope is False:
            if status[i] != 0 and status[i] < 300:
                if request_methods[i] == "GET":
                    get_rows.append("<td>" + rpt.href(full_path) +
                                    "</td><td>" + query + "</td><td>" +
                                    str(status[i]) + "</td>")
                elif request_methods[i] == "POST":
                    post_rows.append("<td>" + rpt.href(full_path) +
                                     "</td><td>" + request_body[i] +
                                     "</td><td>" + str(status[i]) + "</td>")

            elif status[i] >= 300 and status[i] <= 400:
                if response_headers[i].has_key("Location") is True:
                    redirect_rows.append("<td>" + rpt.href(full_path) +
                                         "</td><td>" +
                                         response_headers[i]["Location"] +
                                         "</td><td>" + str(status[i]) +
                    redirect_rows.append("<td>" + rpt.href(full_path) +
                                         "</td>" + "<td>-</td>" + "<td>" +
                                         str(status[i]) + "</td>")

            elif status[i] >= 401:
                error_rows.append("<td>" + rpt.href(full_path) + "</td><td>" +
                                  str(status[i]) + "</td>")

            elif status[i] == 0:
                files_rows.append("<td>" + rpt.href(full_path) + "</td><td>" +
                                  str(status[i]) + "</td>")

            escope_rows.append("<td>" + rpt.href(full_path) + "</td><td>" +
                               str(status[i]) + "</td>")

    collums = {
        "GET": ["Path", "Query", "Status Code"],
        "POST": ["Path", "Param", "Status Code"],
        "Redirect": ["Path", "Location", "Status Code"],
        "Error": ["Path", "Status Code"],
        "Files": ["Path", "Status Code"],
        "Escope": ["Path", "Status Code"]
    rows = {
        "GET": get_rows,
        "POST": post_rows,
        "Redirect": redirect_rows,
        "Error": error_rows,
        "Files": files_rows,
        "Escope": escope_rows

    tip = ""

    rpt.make_table("main", tip, collums, rows)
Exemple #15
def analysis(http_objs):

    requests = http_objs["total_requests"]
    response_headers = http_objs["response_headers"]
    request_URLs = http_objs["request_URL"]

    clickjacking_rows = []
    hsts_rows = []
    csp_rows = []
    csp_report_rows = []
    accesscontrol_rows = []
    xss_protection_rows = []

    rpt = report.htmltags()

    for i in xrange(0, requests):
        protocol = request_URLs[i]["protocol"]
        url = request_URLs[i]["url"]
        path = request_URLs[i]["path"]
        params = request_URLs[i]["params"]
        query = request_URLs[i]["query"]

        full_path = protocol + "://" + url + path

        if response_headers[i].has_key("X-Frame-Options"):
                "<td>" + rpt.href(full_path) + "</td><td>" + response_headers[i]["X-Frame-Options"] + "</td>"
        if response_headers[i].has_key("Strict-Transport-Security"):
                "<td>" + rpt.href(full_path) + "</td><td>" + response_headers[i]["Strict-Transport-Security"] + "</td>"
        if response_headers[i].has_key("X-Content-Security-Policy"):
                "<td>" + rpt.href(full_path) + "</td><td>" + response_headers[i]["X-Content-Security-Policy"] + "</td>"
        if response_headers[i].has_key("X-Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only"):
                + rpt.href(full_path)
                + "</td><td>"
                + response_headers[i]["X-Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only"]
                + "</td>"
        if response_headers[i].has_key("Access-Control-Allow-Origin"):
                + rpt.href(full_path)
                + "</td><td>"
                + response_headers[i]["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"]
                + "</td>"
        if response_headers[i].has_key("X-XSS-Protection"):
                "<td>" + rpt.href(full_path) + "</td><td>" + response_headers[i]["X-XSS-Protection"] + "</td>"

    collums = {
        "HeadersSecurity": ["Path", "Diretive"],
        "HSTS": ["Path", "Diretive"],
        "CSP": ["Path", "Diretive"],
        "CSP_Report": ["Path", "Diretive"],
        "AccessControl": ["Path", "Diretive"],
        "XSS_Protection": ["Path", "Diretive"],
    rows = {
        "HeadersSecurity": clickjacking_rows,
        "HSTS": hsts_rows,
        "CSP": csp_rows,
        "CSP_Report": csp_report_rows,
        "AccessControl": accesscontrol_rows,
        "XSS_Protection": xss_protection_rows,

    tip = "Tip: <a href='http://www.mcafee.com/us/resources/white-papers/foundstone/wp-recent-advances-web-app-security.pdf' target='_blank'>Recent Advances in Web Application Security</a>"

    rpt.make_table("headers", tip, collums, rows)
Exemple #16
def analysis(http_objs):
    Put docstring here

    rpt = report.htmltags()

    requests = http_objs["total_requests"]
    request_methods = http_objs["request_methods"]
    request_URLs = http_objs["request_URL"]
    status = http_objs["response_status"]
    request_body = http_objs["request_body"]
    response_headers = http_objs["response_headers"]

    get_rows = []
    post_rows = []
    redirect_rows = []
    error_rows = []
    files_rows = []
    escope_rows = []

    for i in xrange(0, requests):
        protocol = request_URLs[i]["protocol"]
        url = request_URLs[i]["url"]
        path = request_URLs[i]["path"]
        params = request_URLs[i]["params"]
        query = request_URLs[i]["query"]
        out_escope = request_URLs[i]["out_escope"]
        full_path = protocol + "://" + url + path

        if out_escope is False:
            if status[i] != 0 and status[i] < 300:
                if request_methods[i] == "GET":
                        "<td>" + rpt.href(full_path) + "</td><td>" + query + "</td><td>" + str(status[i]) + "</td>"
                elif request_methods[i] == "POST":
                        + rpt.href(full_path)
                        + "</td><td>"
                        + request_body[i]
                        + "</td><td>"
                        + str(status[i])
                        + "</td>"

            elif status[i] >= 300 and status[i] <= 400:
                if response_headers[i].has_key("Location") is True:
                        + rpt.href(full_path)
                        + "</td><td>"
                        + response_headers[i]["Location"]
                        + "</td><td>"
                        + str(status[i])
                        + "</td>"
                        "<td>" + rpt.href(full_path) + "</td>" + "<td>-</td>" + "<td>" + str(status[i]) + "</td>"

            elif status[i] >= 401:
                error_rows.append("<td>" + rpt.href(full_path) + "</td><td>" + str(status[i]) + "</td>")

            elif status[i] == 0:
                files_rows.append("<td>" + rpt.href(full_path) + "</td><td>" + str(status[i]) + "</td>")

            escope_rows.append("<td>" + rpt.href(full_path) + "</td><td>" + str(status[i]) + "</td>")

    collums = {
        "GET": ["Path", "Query", "Status Code"],
        "POST": ["Path", "Param", "Status Code"],
        "Redirect": ["Path", "Location", "Status Code"],
        "Error": ["Path", "Status Code"],
        "Files": ["Path", "Status Code"],
        "Escope": ["Path", "Status Code"],
    rows = {
        "GET": get_rows,
        "POST": post_rows,
        "Redirect": redirect_rows,
        "Error": error_rows,
        "Files": files_rows,
        "Escope": escope_rows,

    tip = ""

    rpt.make_table("main", tip, collums, rows)
Exemple #17
def analysis(http_objs):

    requests = http_objs["total_requests"]
    response_headers = http_objs["response_headers"]
    request_URLs = http_objs["request_URL"]

    clickjacking_rows = []
    hsts_rows = []
    csp_rows = []
    csp_report_rows = []
    accesscontrol_rows = []
    xss_protection_rows = []

    rpt = report.htmltags()

    for i in xrange(0, requests):
        protocol = request_URLs[i]["protocol"]
        url = request_URLs[i]["url"]
        path = request_URLs[i]["path"]
        params = request_URLs[i]["params"]
        query = request_URLs[i]["query"]

        full_path = protocol + "://" + url + path

        if response_headers[i].has_key("X-Frame-Options"):
            clickjacking_rows.append("<td>" + rpt.href(full_path) +
                                     "</td><td>" +
                                     response_headers[i]["X-Frame-Options"] +
        if response_headers[i].has_key("Strict-Transport-Security"):
            hsts_rows.append("<td>" + rpt.href(full_path) + "</td><td>" +
                             response_headers[i]["Strict-Transport-Security"] +
        if response_headers[i].has_key("X-Content-Security-Policy"):
            csp_rows.append("<td>" + rpt.href(full_path) + "</td><td>" +
                            response_headers[i]["X-Content-Security-Policy"] +
        if response_headers[i].has_key(
                "<td>" + rpt.href(full_path) + "</td><td>" +
                response_headers[i]["X-Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only"] +
        if response_headers[i].has_key("Access-Control-Allow-Origin"):
                "<td>" + rpt.href(full_path) + "</td><td>" +
                response_headers[i]["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] + "</td>")
        if response_headers[i].has_key("X-XSS-Protection"):
                "<td>" + rpt.href(full_path) + "</td><td>" +
                response_headers[i]["X-XSS-Protection"] + "</td>")

    collums = {
        "HeadersSecurity": ["Path", "Diretive"],
        "HSTS": ["Path", "Diretive"],
        "CSP": ["Path", "Diretive"],
        "CSP_Report": ["Path", "Diretive"],
        "AccessControl": ["Path", "Diretive"],
        "XSS_Protection": ["Path", "Diretive"]
    rows = {
        "HeadersSecurity": clickjacking_rows,
        "HSTS": hsts_rows,
        "CSP": csp_rows,
        "CSP_Report": csp_report_rows,
        "AccessControl": accesscontrol_rows,
        "XSS_Protection": xss_protection_rows

    tip = "Tip: <a href='http://www.mcafee.com/us/resources/white-papers/foundstone/wp-recent-advances-web-app-security.pdf' target='_blank'>Recent Advances in Web Application Security</a>"

    rpt.make_table("headers", tip, collums, rows)