Exemple #1
    def visit(self, node, state):
        stoponthis = False
        newobj = None
        # Methodes are not traveled untill called, this enables us to call methods from within methods
        method = node._parent_node._object_var._obj_def.get_method(node.name)
        if method:
            # Method object was already created, travel the children           
            # Create method so we can travel childres nodes when called
            parentscope = self.locate_scope(node, state) 
            # Create new Scope and push it onto the stack
            newscope = Scope(node, parent_scope=parentscope, is_root=True)
            # node seen
            node._seen = True
            # add builtins to scope
            newscope._builtins = dict(
                    ((uv, VariableDef(uv, -1, newscope)) for uv in VariableDef.USER_VARS))            
            # Don't trigger vulnerabilities in this scope untill code is no longer dead
            newscope._dead_code = True
            newobj = Method(node.name, node.lineno, newscope, ast_node=node)
            node._scope = newscope
            # add this method to object
            # Stop parsing children nodes
            stoponthis = True

        return newobj, stoponthis

    def visit(self, node, state):
        # global parent scope
        parentscope = self.locate_scope(node, state)

        # Create new Scope and push it onto the stack
        newscope = Scope(node, parent_scope=parentscope, is_root=True)

        # add builtins to scope
        newscope._builtins = dict(((uv, VariableDef(uv, -1, newscope)) for uv in VariableDef.USER_VARS))

        # Don't trigger vulnerabilities in this scope untill code is no longer dead
        newscope._dead_code = True


        node._scope = newscope

        # create Function object
        newobj = Function(node.name, node.lineno, newscope, ast_node=node)

        # Store custom function
        state.functions_declarations[node.name] = newobj

        return newobj, False