Exemple #1
    def do_login(self):
        utils.print_info("Reauthen using credentials from: {0}".format(

        login_url = 'https://account.shodan.io/login'
        r = sender.send_get(self.options, login_url, cookies=None)

        if r.status_code == 200:
            cookies = r.cookies
            form = utils.soup(r.text).find_all("form")
            if form:
                inputs = form[0].findChildren('input')

            for tag in inputs:
                if tag.get('name') == 'csrf_token':
                    csrf_token = tag.get('value')

            username, password = utils.get_cred(self.options, source='shodan')
            data = {"username": username, "password": password, "grant_type": "password",
                          "continue": "https://www.shodan.io/", "csrf_token": csrf_token, "login_submit": "Login"}

            really_login_url = 'https://account.shodan.io/login'
            r1 = sender.send_post(
                self.options, really_login_url, cookies, data, follow=False)

            if r1.status_code == 302:
                for item in r1.cookies.items():
                    if item.get('polito'):
                        shodan_cookies = item.get('polito')
                            self.options, shodan_cookies, source='shodan')
                        return shodan_cookies
        return False
Exemple #2
    def do_login(self):
        utils.print_info("Reauthen using credentials from: {0}".format(

        login_url = 'https://censys.io/login'
        r = sender.send_get(self.options, login_url, cookies=None)

        if r.status_code == 200:
            cookies = r.cookies
            form = utils.soup(r.text).find_all("form")
            if form:
                inputs = form[0].findChildren('input')

            for tag in inputs:
                if tag.get('name') == 'csrf_token':
                    csrf_token = tag.get('value')

            username, password = utils.get_cred(self.options, source='censys')

            data = {"csrf_token": csrf_token, "came_from": "/",
                    "from_censys_owned_external": "False", "login": username, "password": password}

            really_login_url = 'https://censys.io/login'
            r1 = sender.send_post(
                self.options, really_login_url, cookies, data, follow=False)

            if r1.status_code == 302:
                for item in r1.cookies.items():
                    if item[1]:
                        censys_cookies = item[1]
                            self.options, censys_cookies, source='censys')
                        return censys_cookies
        return False
Exemple #3
 def get_asn_ip(self, asn):
     asn_num = utils.get_asn_num(asn)
     url = 'https://mxtoolbox.com/Public/Lookup.aspx/DoLookup2'
     data = {"inputText": f"asn:{asn_num}", "resultIndex": 1}
     r = sender.send_post(
         self.options, url, data, is_json=True)
     content = r.text
     ips = utils.grep_the_IP(content, verbose=True)
     return ips
Exemple #4
 def sending(self, data):
     # sending request and return the response
     r = sender.send_post(self.options, self.base_url, data, is_json=True)
     if r.status_code == 200:
         response = json.loads(r.text)
         if response.get('result') == "OK":
             output = self.analyze(response)
             # write csv here
Exemple #5
    def sending(self, data):
        # sending request and return the response
        r = sender.send_post(self.options, self.base_url, data, is_json=True)
        if r.status_code == 200:
            response = json.loads(r.text)
            output = self.analyze(response)

            if output:
                page_num = int(response.get('exploits_total')) / 10
                # checking if there is many pages or not
                if self.pages(page_num):
                    output += self.pages(page_num)
                # write csv here
Exemple #6
    def do_login(self):
        utils.print_info("Reauthen using credentials from: {0}".format(

        login_url = 'https://i.nosec.org/login?service=http%3A%2F%2Ffofa.so%2Fusers%2Fservice'
        r = sender.send_get(self.options, login_url, cookies=None)

        if r.status_code == 200:
            cookies = r.cookies
            form = utils.soup(r.text).find(id="login-form")
            inputs = form.findChildren('input')

            for tag in inputs:
                if tag.get('name') == 'authenticity_token':
                    authenticity_token = tag.get('value')
                if tag.get('name') == 'lt':
                    lt = tag.get('value')
                if tag.get('name') == 'authenticity_token':
                    authenticity_token = tag.get('value')

            username, password = utils.get_cred(self.options, source='fofa')

            data = {
                "utf8": "\xe2\x9c\x93",
                "authenticity_token": authenticity_token,
                "lt": lt,
                "service": "http://fofa.so/users/service",
                "username": username,
                "password": password,
                "rememberMe": "1",
                "button": ''

            really_login_url = 'https://i.nosec.org/login'
            r1 = sender.send_post(self.options, really_login_url, cookies,

            if r1.status_code == 200:
                fofa_cookie = r1.cookies.get('_fofapro_ars_session')
                utils.set_session(self.options, fofa_cookie, source='fofa')
                return fofa_cookie
        return False
Exemple #7
    def pages(self, page_num):
        more_output = []
        for i in range(1, int(page_num) + 1):
            utils.print_debug(self.options, "Sleep for couple seconds")
            utils.random_sleep(1, 3)
            utils.print_info("Get more result from page: {0}".format(str(i)))

            data = {"type": "exploits", "sort": "default",
                    "query": self.query,
                    "title": not self.options.get('relatively'), "offset": i * 10}
            r = sender.send_post(
                self.options, self.base_url, data, is_json=True)
            if r.status_code == 200:
                response = json.loads(r.text)
                if self.analyze(response):
                    more_output += self.analyze(response)
                    return False

        return more_output