def load_execute_host_plugins(): """ Import and run host plugins """ textutils.output_info('Executing ' + str(len(host.__all__)) + ' host plugins') for plugin_name in host.__all__: plugin = __import__ ("" + plugin_name, fromlist=[plugin_name]) if hasattr(plugin , 'execute'): plugin.execute()
def sample_root_404(): """ Get the root 404, this has to be done as soon as possible since plugins could use this information. """ manager = ThreadManager() textutils.output_info('Benchmarking root 404') for ext in conf.crafted_404_extensions: random_file = str(uuid.uuid4()) path = conf.path_template.copy() if path['url'] != '/': path['url'] = '/' + random_file + ext else: path['url'] = random_file + ext # Were not using the fetch cache for 404 sampling database.fetch_queue.put(path) # Forced bogus path check random_file = str(uuid.uuid4()) path = conf.path_template.copy() path['url'] = '/' + random_file + '/' # Were not using the fetch cache for 404 sampling database.fetch_queue.put(path) workers = manager.spawn_workers(len(conf.crafted_404_extensions), FetchCrafted404Worker) manager.wait_for_idle(workers, database.fetch_queue)
def output_stats(workers=None): elapsed_time = - database.scan_start_time if not elapsed_time.seconds: request_per_seconds = 0 else: request_per_seconds = database.successful_fetch_count / elapsed_time.seconds if request_per_seconds: remaining_seconds = int(database.fetch_queue.qsize() / request_per_seconds) remaining_timedelta = timedelta(seconds=remaining_seconds) else: remaining_seconds = 0 remaining_timedelta = timedelta(seconds=remaining_seconds) request_per_seconds = "%.2f" % round(request_per_seconds,2) stats_string = ''.join([ str(request_per_seconds), ' reqs/sec', ', Done: ', str(database.successful_fetch_count), ', Queued: ', str(database.fetch_queue.qsize()), ', Timeouts: ', str(database.total_timeouts), ' (~', str(database.latest_successful_request_time), 's)', ', Remaining: ', str(remaining_timedelta), ', Workers: ', str(len(workers)), ' (hit ctrl+c again to exit)' ]) textutils.output_info(stats_string)
def load_execute_file_plugins(): """ Import and run path plugins """ textutils.output_info('Executing ' + str(len(file.__all__)) + ' file plugins') for plugin_name in file.__all__: plugin = __import__ ("plugins.file." + plugin_name, fromlist=[plugin_name]) if hasattr(plugin , 'execute'): plugin.execute()
def execute(): """ Fetch /.svn/entries and parse for target paths """ textutils.output_info(" - Svn Plugin: Searching for /.svn/entries") target_url = conf.target_base_path + "/.svn/entries" fetcher = Fetcher() response_code, content, headers = fetcher.fetch_url( target_url, conf.user_agent, conf.fetch_timeout_secs, limit_len=False ) if response_code is 200 or response_code is 302: if conf.allow_download: textutils.output_info(" - Svn Plugin: /.svn/entries found! crawling... (will download files to output/)") else: textutils.output_info( " - Svn Plugin: /.svn/entries found! crawling... (use -a to download files instead of printing)" ) # parse entries parse_svn_entries(conf.target_base_path) # Clean up display if conf.allow_download: textutils.output_info("") else: textutils.output_info(" - Svn Plugin: no /.svn/entries found")
def execute(): """ Generate common simple paths (a-z, 0-9) """ path_added = 0 file_added = 0 for char in range(ord('a'), ord('z')): add_generated_dir(chr(char)) path_added += 1 add_generated_file(chr(char)) file_added += 1 for char in range(ord('0'), ord('9')): add_generated_dir(chr(char)) path_added += 1 add_generated_file(chr(char)) file_added += 1 for year in range(1990, + 5): add_generated_dir(str(year)) path_added += 1 textutils.output_info(' - PathGenerator Plugin: added ' + str(path_added) + ' computer generated path.') textutils.output_info(' - PathGenerator Plugin: added ' + str(file_added) + ' computer generated files.')
def execute(): """ Fetch /.svn/entries and parse for target paths """ textutils.output_info(' - Svn Plugin: Searching for /.svn/entries') target_url = conf.target_base_path + "/.svn/entries" fetcher = Fetcher() response_code, content, headers = fetcher.fetch_url( target_url, conf.user_agent, conf.fetch_timeout_secs, limit_len=False) if response_code is 200 or response_code is 302: if conf.allow_download: textutils.output_info( ' - Svn Plugin: /.svn/entries found! crawling... (will download files to output/)' ) else: textutils.output_info( ' - Svn Plugin: /.svn/entries found! crawling... (use -a to download files instead of printing)' ) # parse entries parse_svn_entries(conf.target_base_path) # Clean up display if conf.allow_download: textutils.output_info('') else: textutils.output_info(' - Svn Plugin: no /.svn/entries found')
def execute(): """ Generate common simple paths (a-z, 0-9) """ path_added = 0 file_added = 0 if "skipAlpha" not in plugin_settings: for char in range(ord('a'), ord('z') + 1): add_generated_path(chr(char)) path_added += 1 add_generated_file(chr(char)) file_added += 1 if "skipNumeric" not in plugin_settings: for char in range(ord('0'), ord('9') + 1): add_generated_path(chr(char)) path_added += 1 add_generated_file(chr(char)) file_added += 1 if "skipYear" not in plugin_settings: for year in range(1990, + 5): add_generated_path(str(year)) path_added += 1 textutils.output_info(' - PathGenerator Plugin: added ' + str(path_added) + ' computer generated path.') textutils.output_info(' - PathGenerator Plugin: added ' + str(file_added) + ' computer generated files.')
def execute(): """ Generate common simple paths (a-z, 0-9) """ path_added = 0 file_added = 0 if "skipAlpha" not in plugin_settings: for char in range(ord('a'), ord('z')+1): add_generated_path(chr(char)) path_added += 1 add_generated_file(chr(char)) file_added += 1 if "skipNumeric" not in plugin_settings: for char in range(ord('0'), ord('9')+1): add_generated_path(chr(char)) path_added += 1 add_generated_file(chr(char)) file_added += 1 if "skipYear" not in plugin_settings: for year in range(1990, + 5): add_generated_path(str(year)) path_added += 1 textutils.output_info(' - PathGenerator Plugin: added ' + str(path_added) + ' computer generated path.') textutils.output_info(' - PathGenerator Plugin: added ' + str(file_added) + ' computer generated files.')
def wait_for_idle(self, workers, queue): """ Wait until fetch queue is empty and handle user interrupt """ while not self.kill_received and not queue.empty(): try: sleep(0.1) except KeyboardInterrupt: try: stats.output_stats() sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: textutils.output_info('Keyboard Interrupt Received, cleaning up threads') # Clean reference to sockets database.connection_pool = None self.kill_received = True # Kill remaining workers but don't join the queue (we want to abort:)) for worker in workers: worker.kill_received = True if worker is not None and worker.isAlive(): worker.join(1) # Kill the soft sys.exit() # Make sure everything is done before sending control back to application textutils.output_debug("Threads: joining queue of size: " + str(queue.qsize())) queue.join() textutils.output_debug("Threads: join done") for worker in workers: worker.kill_received = True worker.join()
def wait_for_idle(self, workers, queue): """ Wait until fetch queue is empty and handle user interrupt """ while not database.kill_received and not queue.empty(): try: # Make sure everything is done before sending control back to application textutils.output_debug("Threads: joining queue of size: " + str(queue.qsize())) queue.join() textutils.output_debug("Threads: join done") except KeyboardInterrupt: try: stats.output_stats(workers) sleep( 1 ) # The time you have to re-press ctrl+c to kill the app. except KeyboardInterrupt: textutils.output_info( 'Keyboard Interrupt Received, waiting for blocking threads to exit' ) # Clean reference to sockets database.connection_pool = None database.kill_received = True self.kill_workers(workers) sys.exit(0) # Make sure we get all the worker's results before continuing the next step self.kill_workers(workers)
def output_stats(): elapsed_time = - database.scan_start_time if not elapsed_time.seconds: request_per_seconds = 0 else: request_per_seconds = database.successful_fetch_count / elapsed_time.seconds if request_per_seconds: remaining_seconds = int(database.fetch_queue.qsize() / request_per_seconds) remaining_timedelta = timedelta(seconds=remaining_seconds) else: remaining_seconds = 0 remaining_timedelta = timedelta(seconds=remaining_seconds) stats_string = ''.join([ str(request_per_seconds), ' reqs/sec', ', Done: ', str(database.successful_fetch_count), ', Queued: ', str(database.fetch_queue.qsize()), ', Timeouts: ', str(database.total_timeouts), ' (~', str(database.latest_successful_request_time), 's)', ', remaining: ', str(remaining_timedelta), ' (hit ctrl+c again to exit)' ]) textutils.output_info(stats_string)
def wait_for_idle(self, workers, queue): """ Wait until fetch queue is empty and handle user interrupt """ while not self.kill_received and not queue.empty(): try: sleep(0.1) except KeyboardInterrupt: try: stats.output_stats() sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: textutils.output_info( 'Keyboard Interrupt Received, cleaning up threads') self.kill_received = True # Kill remaining workers but don't join the queue (we want to abort:)) for worker in workers: worker.kill_received = True if worker is not None and worker.isAlive(): worker.join(1) # Kill the soft sys.exit() # Make sure everything is done before sending control back to application textutils.output_debug("Threads: joining queue of size: " + str(queue.qsize())) queue.join() textutils.output_debug("Threads: join done") for worker in workers: worker.kill_received = True worker.join()
def test_paths_exists(): """ Test for path existence using http codes and computed 404 Spawn workers and turn off output for now, it would be irrelevant at this point. """ manager = ThreadManager() # Fill work queue with fetch list for path in database.paths: dbutils.add_path_to_fetch_queue(path) # Consider some file target as potential path for file in database.files: if not file.get('no_suffix'): file_as_path = file.copy() file_as_path['url'] = '/' + file_as_path['url'] dbutils.add_path_to_fetch_queue(file_as_path) done_paths = [] recursion_depth = 0 textutils.output_debug('Cached: ' + str(database.path_cache)) while database.fetch_queue.qsize() > 0: textutils.output_info('Probing ' + str(database.fetch_queue.qsize()) + ' paths') # Wait for initial valid path lookup workers = manager.spawn_workers(conf.thread_count, TestPathExistsWorker) manager.wait_for_idle(workers, database.fetch_queue) recursion_depth += 1 if not conf.recursive: break if recursion_depth >= conf.recursive_depth_limit: break for validpath in database.valid_paths: if validpath['url'] == '/' or validpath['url'] in done_paths: continue done_paths.append(validpath['url']) for path in database.paths: if path['url'] in ('/', ''): continue path = path.copy() path['url'] = validpath['url'] + path['url'] dbutils.add_path_to_fetch_queue(path) textutils.output_info('Found ' + str(len(database.valid_paths)) + ' valid paths')
def parse_svn_entries(url): description_file = 'SVN entries file at' description_dir = "SVN entries Dir at" target_url = url + "/.svn/entries" fetcher = Fetcher() response_code, content, headers = fetcher.fetch_url( target_url, conf.user_agent, conf.fetch_timeout_secs, limit_len=False, add_headers=base_headers) if response_code in conf.expected_file_responses and content: tokens = content.decode().split('\n') if 'dir' in tokens: for pos, token in enumerate(tokens): if token == 'dir': # Fetch more entries recursively if tokens[pos - 1] != '': textutils.output_debug(' - Svn Plugin: Found dir: ' + url + '/' + tokens[pos - 1]) if conf.allow_download: textutils.output_info( ' - Svn Plugin: Downloading: ' + url + '/' + tokens[pos - 1] + '\r') else: textutils.output_found(description_dir + ' at: ' + url + '/' + tokens[pos - 1]) # Parse next parse_svn_entries(url + "/" + tokens[pos - 1]) elif token == 'file': textutils.output_debug(' - Svn Plugin: Found file: ' + url + '/' + tokens[pos - 1]) if conf.allow_download: textutils.output_info(' - Svn Plugin: Downloading: ' + url + '/' + tokens[pos - 1] + '\r') # Fetch text-base file path = url + "/.svn/text-base" + '/' + tokens[ pos - 1] + ".svn-base" fetcher = Fetcher() response_code, content, headers = fetcher.fetch_url( path, conf.user_agent, conf.fetch_timeout_secs, limit_len=False) save_file(url + '/' + tokens[pos - 1], content) else: textutils.output_found(description_file + ' at: ' + url + '/' + tokens[pos - 1])
def get_session_cookies(): """ Fetch initial session cookies """ textutils.output_info('Fetching session cookie') path = conf.path_template.copy() path['url'] = '/' # Were not using the fetch cache for session cookie sampling fetcher = Fetcher() code, content, headers = fetcher.fetch_url('/', conf.user_agent, 10) if code is 200: cookies = headers.get('Set-Cookie') if cookies: database.session_cookie = cookies
def execute(): """ Fetch /.svn/entries and parse for target paths """ current_template = dict(conf.path_template) current_template['description'] = '/.svn/entries found directory' target_url = urljoin(conf.target_base_path, "/.svn/entries") fetcher = Fetcher() response_code, content, headers = fetcher.fetch_url(target_url, conf.user_agent, conf.fetch_timeout_secs, limit_len=False) if response_code is 200 or response_code is 302 and content: added = 0 try: tree = ElementTree.fromstring(content) entry_tags = tree.iter() if entry_tags: for entry in entry_tags: kind = entry.attrib.get("kind") if kind and kind == "dir": current_template = current_template.copy() current_template['url'] = '/' + entry.attrib["name"] database.paths.append(current_template) added += 1 except Exception: textutils.output_info(' - Svn Plugin: no usable entries in /.svn/entries') else: if added > 0: textutils.output_info(' - Svn Plugin: added ' + str(added) + ' base paths using /.svn/entries') else : textutils.output_info(' - Svn Plugin: no usable entries in /.svn/entries') else: textutils.output_info(' - Svn Plugin: no /.svn/entries found')
def execute(): """ Fetch /.svn/entries and parse for target paths """ textutils.output_info(' - Svn Plugin: Searching for /.svn/entries') target_url = conf.target_base_path + "/.svn/entries" fetcher = Fetcher() response_code, content, headers = fetcher.fetch_url( target_url, conf.user_agent, conf.fetch_timeout_secs, limit_len=False) svn_legacy = True if response_code in conf.expected_file_responses and content: if conf.allow_download: textutils.output_info( ' - Svn Plugin: /.svn/entries found! crawling... (will download files to output/)' ) else: textutils.output_info( ' - Svn Plugin: /.svn/entries found! crawling... (use -a to download files instead of printing)' ) # test for version 1.7+ target_url = conf.target_base_path + "/.svn/wc.db" fetcher = Fetcher() response_code, content, headers = fetcher.fetch_url( target_url, conf.user_agent, conf.fetch_timeout_secs, limit_len=False) #if response_code in conf.expected_file_responses and content: # textutils.output_info(' - Svn Plugin: SVN 1.7+ detected, parsing wc.db') # svn_legacy = False # save_file(conf.target_base_path + '/wc.db', content) # Process index if svn_legacy: # parse entries parse_svn_entries(conf.target_base_path) else: parse_svn_17_db(conf.target_base_path + '/wc.db') # Clean up display if conf.allow_download: textutils.output_info('') else: textutils.output_info(' - Svn Plugin: no /.svn/entries found')
def load_cookie_file(afile): """ Loads the supplied cookie file """ if not afile: return None try: with open(afile, 'r') as cookie_file: content = content = content.replace('Cookie: ', '') content = content.replace('\n', '') return content except IOError: textutils.output_info('Supplied cookie file not found, will use server provided cookies') return None
def output_stats(): lock = Lock() lock.acquire() average_timeouts = database.timeouts / database.item_count estimated_future_timeouts = average_timeouts * database.fetch_queue.qsize() estimated_total_remaining = int(estimated_future_timeouts + database.fetch_queue.qsize()) total_requests = database.item_count + database.timeouts elapsed_time = - database.scan_start_time request_per_seconds = elapsed_time / total_requests remaining = request_per_seconds * estimated_total_remaining textutils.output_info(str(total_requests / elapsed_time.seconds) + ' reqs/sec' + ', Done: ' + str(database.item_count) + ', Queued: ' + str(database.fetch_queue.qsize()) + ', Timeouts: ' + str(database.timeouts) + ', throttle: ' + str(database.throttle_delay) + "s, remaining: " + str(remaining)[:-7] + " (press ctrl+c again to exit)") lock.release()
def load_cookie_file(afile): """ Loads the supplied cookie file """ if not afile: return None try: with open(afile, 'r') as cookie_file: content = content = content.replace('Cookie: ', '') content = content.replace('\n', '') return content except IOError: textutils.output_info( 'Supplied cookie file not found, will use server provided cookies') return None
def execute(): """ Fetch /.svn/entries and parse for target paths """ textutils.output_info(' - Svn Plugin: Searching for /.svn/entries') target_url = conf.target_base_path + "/.svn/entries" fetcher = Fetcher() response_code, content, headers = fetcher.fetch_url(target_url, conf.user_agent, conf.fetch_timeout_secs, limit_len=False) svn_legacy = True if not isinstance(content, str): content = content.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') if response_code in conf.expected_file_responses and content: if conf.allow_download: textutils.output_info(' - Svn Plugin: /.svn/entries found! crawling... (will download files to output/)') else: textutils.output_info(' - Svn Plugin: /.svn/entries found! crawling... (use -a to download files instead of printing)') # test for version 1.7+ target_url = conf.target_base_path + "/.svn/wc.db" fetcher = Fetcher() response_code, content, headers = fetcher.fetch_url(target_url, conf.user_agent, conf.fetch_timeout_secs, limit_len=False) #if response_code in conf.expected_file_responses and content: # textutils.output_info(' - Svn Plugin: SVN 1.7+ detected, parsing wc.db') # svn_legacy = False # save_file(conf.target_base_path + '/wc.db', content) # Process index if svn_legacy: # parse entries parse_svn_entries(conf.target_base_path) #else: # parse_svn_17_db(conf.target_base_path + '/wc.db') # Clean up display if conf.allow_download: textutils.output_info('') else: textutils.output_info(' - Svn Plugin: no /.svn/entries found')
def wait_for_idle(self, workers, queue): """ Wait until fetch queue is empty and handle user interrupt """ while not database.kill_received and not queue.empty(): try: sleep(0.1) except KeyboardInterrupt: try: stats.output_stats() sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: textutils.output_info( 'Keyboard Interrupt Received, cleaning up threads') # Clean reference to sockets database.connection_pool = None database.kill_received = True # Kill remaining workers but don't join the queue (we want to abort:)) for worker in workers: if worker is not None and worker.isAlive(): worker.kill_received = True worker.join(0) # Set leftover done in cas of a kill. while not queue.empty(): queue.get() queue.task_done() break # Make sure everything is done before sending control back to application textutils.output_debug("Threads: joining queue of size: " + str(queue.qsize())) queue.join() textutils.output_debug("Threads: join done") # Make sure we get all the worker's results before continuing the next step for worker in workers: if worker is not None and worker.isAlive(): worker.kill_received = True worker.join()
def wait_for_idle(self, workers, queue): """ Wait until fetch queue is empty and handle user interrupt """ while not database.kill_received and not queue.empty(): try: # Make sure everything is done before sending control back to application textutils.output_debug("Threads: joining queue of size: " + str(queue.qsize())) queue.join() textutils.output_debug("Threads: join done") except KeyboardInterrupt: try: stats.output_stats(workers) sleep(1) # The time you have to re-press ctrl+c to kill the app. except KeyboardInterrupt: textutils.output_info('Keyboard Interrupt Received, waiting for blocking threads to exit') # Clean reference to sockets database.connection_pool = None database.kill_received = True self.kill_workers(workers) sys.exit(0) # Make sure we get all the worker's results before continuing the next step self.kill_workers(workers)
def parse_svn_entries(url): description_file = "SVN entries file at" description_dir = "SVN entries Dir at" target_url = url + "/.svn/entries" fetcher = Fetcher() response_code, content, headers = fetcher.fetch_url( target_url, conf.user_agent, conf.fetch_timeout_secs, limit_len=False ) if response_code is 200 or response_code is 302 and content: tokens = content.split("\n") if "dir" in tokens: for pos, token in enumerate(tokens): if token == "dir": # Fetch more entries recursively if tokens[pos - 1] != "": textutils.output_debug(" - Svn Plugin: Found dir: " + url + "/" + tokens[pos - 1]) if conf.allow_download: textutils.output_info(" - Svn Plugin: Downloading: " + url + "/" + tokens[pos - 1] + "\r") else: textutils.output_found(description_dir + " at: " + url + "/" + tokens[pos - 1]) # Parse next parse_svn_entries(url + "/" + tokens[pos - 1]) elif token == "file": textutils.output_debug(" - Svn Plugin: Found file: " + url + "/" + tokens[pos - 1]) if conf.allow_download: textutils.output_info(" - Svn Plugin: Downloading: " + url + "/" + tokens[pos - 1] + "\r") # Fetch text-base file path = url + "/.svn/text-base" + "/" + tokens[pos - 1] + ".svn-base" fetcher = Fetcher() response_code, content, headers = fetcher.fetch_url( path, conf.user_agent, conf.fetch_timeout_secs, limit_len=False ) save_file(url + "/" + tokens[pos - 1], content) else: textutils.output_found(description_file + " at: " + url + "/" + tokens[pos - 1])
def parse_svn_entries(url): description_file = 'SVN entries file at' description_dir = "SVN entries Dir at" target_url = url + "/.svn/entries" fetcher = Fetcher() response_code, content, headers = fetcher.fetch_url(target_url, conf.user_agent, conf.fetch_timeout_secs, limit_len=False, add_headers=base_headers) if not isinstance(content, str): content = content.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') if response_code in conf.expected_file_responses and content: tokens = content.split('\n') if 'dir' in tokens: for pos, token in enumerate(tokens): if token == 'dir': # Fetch more entries recursively if tokens[pos-1] != '': textutils.output_debug(' - Svn Plugin: Found dir: ' + url + '/' + tokens[pos-1]) if conf.allow_download: textutils.output_info(' - Svn Plugin: Downloading: ' + url + '/' + tokens[pos-1] + '\r') else: textutils.output_found(description_dir + ' at: ' + url + '/' + tokens[pos-1]) # Parse next parse_svn_entries(url + "/" + tokens[pos-1]) elif token == 'file': textutils.output_debug(' - Svn Plugin: Found file: ' + url + '/' + tokens[pos-1]) if conf.allow_download: textutils.output_info(' - Svn Plugin: Downloading: ' + url + '/' + tokens[pos-1] + '\r') # Fetch text-base file path = url + "/.svn/text-base" + '/' + tokens[pos-1] + ".svn-base" fetcher = Fetcher() response_code, content, headers = fetcher.fetch_url(path, conf.user_agent, conf.fetch_timeout_secs, limit_len=False) save_file(url + '/' + tokens[pos-1], content) else: textutils.output_found(description_file + ' at: ' + url + '/' + tokens[pos-1])
def output_stats(): lock = Lock() lock.acquire() average_timeouts = database.timeouts / database.item_count estimated_future_timeouts = average_timeouts * database.fetch_queue.qsize() estimated_total_remaining = int(estimated_future_timeouts + database.fetch_queue.qsize()) total_requests = database.item_count + database.timeouts elapsed_time = - database.scan_start_time request_per_seconds = elapsed_time / total_requests remaining = request_per_seconds * estimated_total_remaining textutils.output_info( str(total_requests / elapsed_time.seconds) + ' reqs/sec' + ', Done: ' + str(database.item_count) + ', Queued: ' + str(database.fetch_queue.qsize()) + ', Timeouts: ' + str(database.timeouts) + ', throttle: ' + str(database.throttle_delay) + "s, remaining: " + str(remaining)[:-7] + " (press ctrl+c again to exit)") lock.release()
def wait_for_idle(self, workers, queue): """ Wait until fetch queue is empty and handle user interrupt """ while not database.kill_received and not queue.empty(): try: sleep(0.1) except KeyboardInterrupt: try: stats.output_stats() sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: textutils.output_info('Keyboard Interrupt Received, cleaning up threads') # Clean reference to sockets database.connection_pool = None database.kill_received = True # Kill remaining workers but don't join the queue (we want to abort:)) for worker in workers: if worker is not None and worker.isAlive(): worker.kill_received = True worker.join(0) # Set leftover done in cas of a kill. while not queue.empty(): queue.get() queue.task_done() break # Make sure everything is done before sending control back to application textutils.output_debug("Threads: joining queue of size: " + str(queue.qsize())) queue.join() textutils.output_debug("Threads: join done") # Make sure we get all the worker's results before continuing the next step for worker in workers: if worker is not None and worker.isAlive(): worker.kill_received = True worker.join()
def execute(): """ Fetch sitemap.xml and add each entry as a target """ current_template = dict(conf.path_template) current_template['description'] = 'sitemap.xml entry' target_url = urljoin(conf.target_base_path, "/sitemap.xml") fetcher = Fetcher() response_code, content, headers = fetcher.fetch_url( target_url, conf.user_agent, conf.fetch_timeout_secs, limit_len=False, add_headers={}) if not isinstance(content, str): content = content.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') if response_code is 200 or response_code is 302 and content: regexp = re.compile('(?im).*<url>\s*<loc>(.*)</loc>\s*</url>.*') matches = re.findall(regexp, content) textutils.output_debug("SitemapXML plugin") added = 0 for match in matches: if not isinstance(match, str): match = match.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') parsed = urlparse(match) if parsed.path: new_path = parsed.path else: continue # Remove trailing / if new_path.endswith('/'): new_path = new_path[:-1] if add_path(new_path): added += 1 textutils.output_debug(" - Added: %s from /sitemap.xml" % new_path) if added > 0: textutils.output_info(' - SitemapXML Plugin: added %d base paths ' 'using /sitemap.xml' % added) else: textutils.output_info(' - SitemapXML Plugin: no usable entries ' 'in /sitemap.xml') else: textutils.output_info( ' - SitemapXML Plugin: /sitemap.xml not found on ' 'target site')
def execute(): """ Fetch /robots.txt and add the disallowed paths as target """ current_template = dict(conf.path_template) current_template['description'] = 'Robots.txt entry' target_url = urljoin(conf.target_base_path, "/robots.txt") fetcher = Fetcher() response_code, content, headers = fetcher.fetch_url( target_url, conf.user_agent, conf.fetch_timeout_secs, limit_len=False) if isinstance(content, str): content = content.encode('utf-8') if response_code is 200 or response_code is 302 and content: if not isinstance(content, str): content = content.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') matches = re.findall(r'Disallow:\s*/[a-zA-Z0-9-/\r]+\n', content) textutils.output_debug(content) added = 0 for match in matches: # Filter out some characters match = filter(lambda c: c not in ' *?.\n\r\t', match) if match: match = ''.join(match) # Split on ':' splitted = match.split(':') if splitted[1]: target_path = splitted[1] textutils.output_debug(target_path) # Remove trailing / if target_path.endswith('/'): target_path = target_path[:-1] current_template = current_template.copy() current_template['url'] = target_path database.paths.append(current_template) textutils.output_debug(' - Robots Plugin Added: ' + str(target_path) + ' from robots.txt') added += 1 if added > 0: textutils.output_info(' - Robots Plugin: added ' + str(added) + ' base paths using /robots.txt') else: textutils.output_info( ' - Robots Plugin: no usable entries in /robots.txt') else: textutils.output_info( ' - Robots Plugin: /robots.txt not found on target site')
def execute(): """ Fetch sitemap.xml and add each entry as a target """ current_template = dict(conf.path_template) current_template['description'] = 'sitemap.xml entry' target_url = urljoin(conf.target_base_path, "/sitemap.xml") fetcher = Fetcher() response_code, content, headers = fetcher.fetch_url(target_url, conf.user_agent, conf.fetch_timeout_secs, limit_len=False, add_headers={} ) if not isinstance(content, str): content = content.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') if response_code is 200 or response_code is 302 and content: regexp = re.compile('(?im).*<url>\s*<loc>(.*)</loc>\s*</url>.*') matches = re.findall(regexp, content) textutils.output_debug("SitemapXML plugin") added = 0 for match in matches: new_path = match.decode().split(conf.target_host)[1] # Remove trailing / if new_path.endswith('/'): new_path = new_path[:-1] add_path(new_path) add_file(new_path) textutils.output_debug(" - Added: %s from /sitemap.xml" % new_path) added += 1 if added > 0: textutils.output_info(' - SitemapXML Plugin: added %d base paths ' 'using /sitemap.xml' % added) else : textutils.output_info(' - SitemapXML Plugin: no usable entries ' 'in /sitemap.xml') else: textutils.output_info(' - SitemapXML Plugin: /sitemap.xml not found on ' 'target site')
def execute(): """ Fetch /robots.txt and add the disallowed paths as target """ current_template = dict(conf.path_template) current_template['description'] = 'Robots.txt entry' target_url = urljoin(conf.target_base_path, "/robots.txt") fetcher = Fetcher() response_code, content, headers = fetcher.fetch_url(target_url, conf.user_agent, conf.fetch_timeout_secs, limit_len=False) if isinstance(content, str): content = content.encode('utf-8') if response_code is 200 or response_code is 302 and content: if not isinstance(content, str): content = content.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') matches = re.findall(r'Disallow:\s*/[a-zA-Z0-9-/\r]+\n', content) textutils.output_debug(content) added = 0 for match in matches: # Filter out some characters match = filter(lambda c: c not in ' *?.\n\r\t', match) if match: match = ''.join(match) # Split on ':' splitted = match.split(':') if splitted[1]: target_path = splitted[1] textutils.output_debug(target_path) # Remove trailing / if target_path.endswith('/'): target_path = target_path[:-1] current_template = current_template.copy() current_template['url'] = target_path database.paths.append(current_template) textutils.output_debug(' - Robots Plugin Added: ' + str(target_path) + ' from robots.txt') added += 1 if added > 0: textutils.output_info(' - Robots Plugin: added ' + str(added) + ' base paths using /robots.txt') else : textutils.output_info(' - Robots Plugin: no usable entries in /robots.txt') else: textutils.output_info(' - Robots Plugin: /robots.txt not found on target site')
def execute(): """ Fetch /.svn/entries and parse for target paths """ current_template = dict(conf.path_template) current_template['description'] = '/.svn/entries found directory' target_url = urljoin(conf.target_base_path, "/.svn/entries") fetcher = Fetcher() response_code, content, headers = fetcher.fetch_url( target_url, conf.user_agent, conf.fetch_timeout_secs, limit_len=False) if response_code is 200 or response_code is 302 and content: added = 0 try: tree = ElementTree.fromstring(content) entry_tags = tree.iter() if entry_tags: for entry in entry_tags: kind = entry.attrib.get("kind") if kind and kind == "dir": current_template = current_template.copy() current_template['url'] = '/' + entry.attrib["name"] database.paths.append(current_template) added += 1 except Exception: textutils.output_info( ' - Svn Plugin: no usable entries in /.svn/entries') else: if added > 0: textutils.output_info(' - Svn Plugin: added ' + str(added) + ' base paths using /.svn/entries') else: textutils.output_info( ' - Svn Plugin: no usable entries in /.svn/entries') else: textutils.output_info(' - Svn Plugin: no /.svn/entries found')
def load_target_paths(): """ Load the target paths in the database """ textutils.output_info('Loading target paths') # Add files database.paths += loaders.load_targets('data/path.lst')
conf.target_base_path = parsed_path conf.is_ssl = is_ssl textutils.output_debug('Version: ' + str(conf.version)) textutils.output_debug('Max timeouts per url: ' + str(conf.max_timeout_count)) textutils.output_debug('Worker threads: ' + str(conf.thread_count)) textutils.output_debug('Target Host: ' + str(conf.target_host)) textutils.output_debug('Using Tor: ' + str(conf.use_tor)) textutils.output_debug('Eval-able output: ' + str(conf.eval_output)) textutils.output_debug('Using User-Agent: ' + str(conf.user_agent)) textutils.output_debug('Search only for files: ' + str(conf.files_only)) textutils.output_debug('Search only for subdirs: ' + str(conf.directories_only)) textutils.output_info('Starting Discovery on ' + conf.target_host) if conf.use_tor: textutils.output_info('Using Tor, be patient it WILL be slow!') textutils.output_info( 'Max timeout count and url fetch timeout doubled for the occasion ;)' ) conf.max_timeout_count *= 2 conf.fetch_timeout_secs *= 2 # Handle keyboard exit before multi-thread operations try: # Resolve target host to avoid multiple dns lookups resolved, port = dnscache.get_host_ip(parsed_host, parsed_port) # Benchmark target host
def run(self): while not self.kill_received: try: queued = database.fetch_queue.get(block=False) url = conf.target_base_path + queued.get('url') description = queued.get('description') textutils.output_debug("Testing directory: " + url + " " + str(queued)) stats.update_stats(url) # Add trailing / for paths if not url.endswith('/') and url != '/': url += '/' # Fetch directory start_time = response_code, content, headers = self.fetcher.fetch_url(url, conf.user_agent, database.latest_successful_request_time, limit_len=False) end_time = # Fetch '/' but don't submit it to more logging/existance tests if queued.get('url') == '/': if queued not in database.valid_paths: database.valid_paths.append(queued) database.fetch_queue.task_done() continue if response_code == 500: textutils.output_debug("HIT 500 on: " + str(queued)) # handle timeout if response_code in conf.timeout_codes: handle_timeout(queued, url, self.thread_id, output=self.output) elif response_code == 404 and detect_tomcat_fake_404(content): database.valid_paths.append(queued) textutils.output_found('Tomcat redirect, ' + description + ' at: ' + conf.base_url + url, { "description": description, "url": conf.base_url + url, "code": response_code, "special": "tomcat-redirect", "severity": queued.get('severity'), }) elif response_code in conf.expected_path_responses: # Compare content with generated 404 samples is_valid_result = test_valid_result(content) if is_valid_result: # Test if behavior is ok. normal_behavior = test_behavior(content) else: # We don't compute behavior on invalid results normal_behavior = True if normal_behavior and database.behavior_error: textutils.output_info('Normal behavior seems to be restored.') database.behavior_error = False if is_valid_result and not normal_behavior: # We don't declare a behavior change until the current hit has exceeded the maximum # chances it can get. if not database.behavior_error and queued.get('behavior_chances', 0) >= conf.max_behavior_tries: textutils.output_info('Behavior change detected! Results may ' 'be incomplete or tachyon may never exit.') textutils.output_debug('Chances taken: ' + str(queued.get('behavior_chances', 0))) textutils.output_debug(queued.get('url')) database.behavior_error = True # If we find a valid result but the behavior buffer is not full, we give a chance to the # url and increase it's chances count. We consider this a false behavior test. # We do this since an incomplete behavior buffer could give false positives # Additionally, if the fetch queue is empty and we're still not in global behavior error, we # consider all the remaining hits as valid, as they are hits that were given a chance. if is_valid_result and len(database.behavioral_buffer) < conf.behavior_queue_size \ and not database.behavior_error and database.fetch_queue.qsize() != 0: if not queued.get('behavior_chances'): queued['behavior_chances'] = 1 else: queued['behavior_chances'] += 1 if queued['behavior_chances'] < conf.max_behavior_tries: textutils.output_debug('Time for a chance') textutils.output_debug('Chance left to target ' + queued.get('url') + ', re-queuing ' + ' qsize: ' + str(database.fetch_queue.qsize()) + ' chances: ' + str(queued.get('behavior_chances'))) database.fetch_queue.put(queued) database.fetch_queue.task_done() continue else: textutils.output_debug('Chances count busted! ' + queued.get('url') + ' qsize: ' + str(database.fetch_queue.qsize())) elif response_code == 401: # Output result, but don't keep the url since we can't poke in protected folder textutils.output_found('Password Protected - ' + description + ' at: ' + conf.base_url + url, { "description": description, "url": conf.base_url + url, "code": response_code, "severity": queued.get('severity'), }) # At this point, we have a valid result and the behavioral buffer is full. # The behavior of the hit has been taken in account and the app is not in global behavior error elif is_valid_result: # Add path to valid_path for future actions database.valid_paths.append(queued) # If we reach this point, all edge-cases should be handled and all subsequent requests # should be benchmarked against this new behavior reset_behavior_database() if response_code == 500: textutils.output_found('ISE, ' + description + ' at: ' + conf.base_url + url, { "description": description, "url": conf.base_url + url, "code": response_code, "severity": queued.get('severity'), }) elif response_code == 403: textutils.output_found('*Forbidden* ' + description + ' at: ' + conf.base_url + url, { "description": description, "url": conf.base_url + url, "code": response_code, "severity": queued.get('severity'), }) else: textutils.output_found(description + ' at: ' + conf.base_url + url, { "description": description, "url": conf.base_url + url, "code": response_code, "severity": queued.get('severity'), }) elif response_code in conf.redirect_codes: if queued.get('handle_redirect', True): location = headers.get('location') if location: handle_redirects(queued, location) # Stats if response_code not in conf.timeout_codes: stats.update_processed_items() compute_request_time(start_time, end_time) # Mark item as processed database.fetch_queue.task_done() except Empty: continue
textutils.output_debug('Version: ' + str(conf.version)) textutils.output_debug('Max timeouts per url: ' + str(conf.max_timeout_count)) textutils.output_debug('Worker threads: ' + str(conf.thread_count)) textutils.output_debug('Target Host: ' + str(conf.target_host)) textutils.output_debug('Using Tor: ' + str(conf.use_tor)) textutils.output_debug('Eval-able output: ' + str(conf.eval_output)) textutils.output_debug('JSON output: ' + str(conf.json_output)) textutils.output_debug('Using User-Agent: ' + str(conf.user_agent)) textutils.output_debug('Search only for files: ' + str(conf.files_only)) textutils.output_debug('Search only for subdirs: ' + str(conf.directories_only)) if conf.proxy_url: textutils.output_debug('Using proxy: ' + str(conf.proxy_url)) textutils.output_info('Starting Discovery on ' + conf.target_host) if conf.use_tor: textutils.output_info('Using Tor, be patient it WILL be slow!') textutils.output_info('Max timeout count and url fetch timeout doubled for the occasion ;)') conf.max_timeout_count *= 2 conf.fetch_timeout_secs *= 2 # Handle keyboard exit before multi-thread operations print_results_worker = None try: # Resolve target host to avoid multiple dns lookups if not conf.proxy_url: resolved, port = dnscache.get_host_ip(conf.target_host, conf.target_port) # disable urllib'3 SSL warning (globally)
def run(self): while not self.kill_received: try: # Non-Blocking get since we use the queue as a ringbuffer queued = database.fetch_queue.get(block=False) url = conf.target_base_path + queued.get('url') description = queued.get('description') match_string = queued.get('match_string') textutils.output_debug("Testing: " + url + " " + str(queued)) stats.update_stats(url) # Fetch the target url start_time = if match_string: response_code, content, headers = self.fetcher.fetch_url(url, conf.user_agent, database.latest_successful_request_time, limit_len=False) # Make sure we always match string against a string content if not isinstance(content, str): content = content.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') else: response_code, content, headers = self.fetcher.fetch_url(url, conf.user_agent, database.latest_successful_request_time) end_time = # handle timeout if response_code in conf.timeout_codes: handle_timeout(queued, url, self.thread_id, output=self.output) elif response_code == 500: textutils.output_found('ISE, ' + description + ' at: ' + conf.base_url + url, { "description": description, "url": conf.base_url + url, "code": response_code, "severity": queued.get('severity'), }) elif response_code in conf.expected_file_responses: # Test if result is valid is_valid_result = test_valid_result(content, is_file=True) if is_valid_result: # Test if behavior is ok. normal_behavior = test_behavior(content) textutils.output_debug('Normal behavior ' + str(normal_behavior) + ' ' + str(response_code)) else: normal_behavior = True # Reset behavior chance when we detect a new state if normal_behavior and database.behavior_error: textutils.output_info('Normal behavior seems to be restored.') database.behavior_error = False if is_valid_result and not normal_behavior: # Looks like the new behavior is now the norm. It's a false positive. # Additionally, we report a behavior change to the user at this point. if not database.behavior_error: textutils.output_info('Behavior change detected! Results may ' 'be incomplete or tachyon may never exit.') textutils.output_debug('Chances taken: ' + str(queued.get('behavior_chances', 0))) textutils.output_debug(queued.get('url')) database.behavior_error = True # If we find a valid result but the behavior buffer is not full, we give a chance to the # url and increase it's chances count. We consider this a false behavior test. # We do this since an incomplete behavior buffer could give false positives # Additionally, if the fetch queue is empty and we're still not in global behavior error, we # consider all the remaining hits as valid, as they are hits that were given a chance. elif is_valid_result and len(database.behavioral_buffer) < conf.behavior_queue_size \ and not database.behavior_error and database.fetch_queue.qsize() != 0: if not queued.get('behavior_chances'): queued['behavior_chances'] = 1 else: queued['behavior_chances'] += 1 if queued['behavior_chances'] < conf.max_behavior_tries: textutils.output_debug('Chance left to target, re-queuing') database.fetch_queue.put(queued) elif is_valid_result: # Make sure we base our next analysis on that positive hit reset_behavior_database() if len(content) == 0: textutils.output_found('Empty ' + description + ' at: ' + conf.base_url + url, { "description": "Empty " + description, "url": conf.base_url + url, "code": response_code, "severity": 'info', }) else: textutils.output_found(description + ' at: ' + conf.base_url + url, { "description": description, "url": conf.base_url + url, "code": response_code, "severity": queued.get('severity'), }) elif match_string and, content, re.I): textutils.output_found("String-Matched " + description + ' at: ' + conf.base_url + url, { "description": description, "url": conf.base_url + url, "code": response_code, "string": match_string, "severity": queued.get('severity'), }) elif response_code in conf.redirect_codes: if queued.get('handle_redirect', True): location = headers.get('location') if location: handle_redirects(queued, location) # Stats if response_code not in conf.timeout_codes: stats.update_processed_items() compute_request_time(start_time, end_time) # Mark item as processed database.fetch_queue.task_done() except Empty: continue
def execute(): """ This plugin process the hostname to generate host and filenames relatives to it """ target = conf.target_host # Remove char to figure out the human-likely expressed domain name # = hostcom, host, /host.ext # We don't test for domain.dom/domain since "cp * ./sitename" is unlikely to happen (questionable) added = 0 # -> target = target.replace('http://', '') target = target.replace('https://', '') # Remove subpath first_slash = target.find('/') if first_slash > 0: target = target[0:first_slash] target = target.replace('/', '') new_target = conf.path_template.copy() new_target['url'] = target new_target['description'] = "HostProcessor generated filename" database.files.append(new_target) textutils.output_debug(" - HostProcessor Plugin added: " + str(new_target)) added += 1 # -> target = target.replace('www.', '') new_target = conf.path_template.copy() new_target['url'] = target new_target['description'] = "HostProcessor generated filename" database.files.append(new_target) textutils.output_debug(" - HostProcessor Plugin added: " + str(new_target)) added += 1 # -> oksala dom_pos = target.rfind('.') nodom_target = target[0:dom_pos] new_target = conf.path_template.copy() new_target['url'] = nodom_target new_target['description'] = "HostProcessor generated filename" database.files.append(new_target) textutils.output_debug(" - HostProcessor Plugin added: " + str(new_target)) added += 1 # shortdom ( -> test) new_target = conf.path_template.copy() dom_pos = target.rfind('.') if dom_pos > 0: nodom_target = target[0:dom_pos] start_pos = nodom_target.rfind('.') if start_pos > 0: short_dom = nodom_target[start_pos + 1:] else: short_dom = nodom_target new_target['url'] = short_dom new_target['description'] = "HostProcessor generated filename" database.files.append(new_target) textutils.output_debug(" - HostProcessor Plugin added: " + str(new_target)) added += 1 new_target = new_target.copy() new_target['url'] = short_dom + 'admin' database.files.append(new_target) textutils.output_debug(" - HostProcessor Plugin added: " + str(new_target)) added += 1 new_target = new_target.copy() new_target['url'] = short_dom + '-admin' database.files.append(new_target) textutils.output_debug(" - HostProcessor Plugin added: " + str(new_target)) added += 1 # flatten subdomains target = target.replace('.', '') new_target = conf.path_template.copy() new_target['url'] = target new_target['description'] = "HostProcessor generated filename" database.files.append(new_target) textutils.output_debug(" - HostProcessor Plugin added: " + str(new_target)) added += 1 textutils.output_info(" - HostProcessor Plugin: added " + str(added) + " new filenames")
def run(self): while not self.kill_received: try: queued = database.fetch_queue.get(block=False) url = conf.target_base_path + queued.get('url') description = queued.get('description') textutils.output_debug("Testing directory: " + url + " " + str(queued)) stats.update_stats(url) # Add trailing / for paths if not url.endswith('/') and url != '/': url += '/' # Fetch directory start_time = response_code, content, headers = self.fetcher.fetch_url( url, conf.user_agent, database.latest_successful_request_time, limit_len=False) end_time = # Fetch '/' but don't submit it to more logging/existance tests if queued.get('url') == '/': if queued not in database.valid_paths: database.valid_paths.append(queued) database.fetch_queue.task_done() continue if response_code == 500: textutils.output_debug("HIT 500 on: " + str(queued)) # handle timeout if response_code in conf.timeout_codes: handle_timeout(queued, url, self.thread_id, output=self.output) elif response_code == 404 and detect_tomcat_fake_404(content): database.valid_paths.append(queued) textutils.output_found( 'Tomcat redirect, ' + description + ' at: ' + conf.base_url + url, { "description": description, "url": conf.base_url + url, "code": response_code, "special": "tomcat-redirect", "severity": queued.get('severity'), }) elif response_code in conf.expected_path_responses: # Compare content with generated 404 samples is_valid_result = test_valid_result(content) if is_valid_result: # Test if behavior is ok. normal_behavior = test_behavior(content) else: # We don't compute behavior on invalid results normal_behavior = True if normal_behavior and database.behavior_error: textutils.output_info( 'Normal behavior seems to be restored.') database.behavior_error = False if is_valid_result and not normal_behavior: # We don't declare a behavior change until the current hit has exceeded the maximum # chances it can get. if not database.behavior_error and queued.get( 'behavior_chances', 0) >= conf.max_behavior_tries: textutils.output_info( 'Behavior change detected! Results may ' 'be incomplete or tachyon may never exit.') textutils.output_debug( 'Chances taken: ' + str(queued.get('behavior_chances', 0))) textutils.output_debug(queued.get('url')) database.behavior_error = True # If we find a valid result but the behavior buffer is not full, we give a chance to the # url and increase it's chances count. We consider this a false behavior test. # We do this since an incomplete behavior buffer could give false positives # Additionally, if the fetch queue is empty and we're still not in global behavior error, we # consider all the remaining hits as valid, as they are hits that were given a chance. if is_valid_result and len(database.behavioral_buffer) < conf.behavior_queue_size \ and not database.behavior_error and database.fetch_queue.qsize() != 0: if not queued.get('behavior_chances'): queued['behavior_chances'] = 1 else: queued['behavior_chances'] += 1 if queued['behavior_chances'] < conf.max_behavior_tries: textutils.output_debug('Time for a chance') textutils.output_debug( 'Chance left to target ' + queued.get('url') + ', re-queuing ' + ' qsize: ' + str(database.fetch_queue.qsize()) + ' chances: ' + str(queued.get('behavior_chances'))) database.fetch_queue.put(queued) database.fetch_queue.task_done() continue else: textutils.output_debug( 'Chances count busted! ' + queued.get('url') + ' qsize: ' + str(database.fetch_queue.qsize())) elif response_code == 401: # Output result, but don't keep the url since we can't poke in protected folder textutils.output_found( 'Password Protected - ' + description + ' at: ' + conf.base_url + url, { "description": description, "url": conf.base_url + url, "code": response_code, "severity": queued.get('severity'), }) # At this point, we have a valid result and the behavioral buffer is full. # The behavior of the hit has been taken in account and the app is not in global behavior error elif is_valid_result: # Add path to valid_path for future actions database.valid_paths.append(queued) # If we reach this point, all edge-cases should be handled and all subsequent requests # should be benchmarked against this new behavior reset_behavior_database() if response_code == 500: textutils.output_found( 'ISE, ' + description + ' at: ' + conf.base_url + url, { "description": description, "url": conf.base_url + url, "code": response_code, "severity": queued.get('severity'), }) elif response_code == 403: textutils.output_found( '*Forbidden* ' + description + ' at: ' + conf.base_url + url, { "description": description, "url": conf.base_url + url, "code": response_code, "severity": queued.get('severity'), }) else: textutils.output_found( description + ' at: ' + conf.base_url + url, { "description": description, "url": conf.base_url + url, "code": response_code, "severity": queued.get('severity'), }) elif response_code in conf.redirect_codes: if queued.get('handle_redirect', True): location = headers.get('location') if location: handle_redirects(queued, location) # Stats if response_code not in conf.timeout_codes: stats.update_processed_items() compute_request_time(start_time, end_time) # Mark item as processed database.fetch_queue.task_done() except Empty: continue
def execute(): """ This plugin process the hostname to generate host and filenames relatives to it """ target = conf.target_host # Remove char to figure out the human-likely expressed domain name # = hostcom, host, /host.ext # We don't test for domain.dom/domain since "cp * ./sitename" is unlikely to happen (questionable) added = 0 # -> target = target.replace('http://', '') target = target.replace('https://', '') # Remove subpath first_slash = target.find('/') if first_slash > 0: target = target[0:first_slash] target = target.replace('/', '') new_target = dict(conf.path_template) new_target['url'] = target new_target['description'] = "HostProcessor generated filename" if new_target not in database.files: database.files.append(new_target) textutils.output_debug(" - HostProcessor Plugin added: " + str(new_target)) added += 1 # -> target = target.replace('www.', '') new_target = dict(conf.path_template) new_target['url'] = target new_target['description'] = "HostProcessor generated filename" if new_target not in database.files: database.files.append(new_target) textutils.output_debug(" - HostProcessor Plugin added: " + str(new_target)) added += 1 # -> oksala dom_pos = target.rfind('.') nodom_target = target[0:dom_pos] new_target = dict(conf.path_template) new_target['url'] = nodom_target new_target['description'] = "HostProcessor generated filename" if new_target not in database.files: database.files.append(new_target) textutils.output_debug(" - HostProcessor Plugin added: " + str(new_target)) added += 1 # shortdom ( -> test) new_target = dict(conf.path_template) dom_pos = target.rfind('.') if dom_pos > 0: nodom_target = target[0:dom_pos] start_pos = nodom_target.rfind('.') if start_pos > 0: short_dom = nodom_target[start_pos+1:] else: short_dom = nodom_target new_target['url'] = short_dom new_target['description'] = "HostProcessor generated filename" if new_target not in database.files: database.files.append(new_target) textutils.output_debug(" - HostProcessor Plugin: added " + str(new_target)) added += 1 new_target = dict(new_target) new_target['url'] = short_dom + 'admin' if new_target not in database.files: database.files.append(new_target) textutils.output_debug(" - HostProcessor Plugin: added " + str(new_target)) added += 1 new_target = dict(new_target) new_target['url'] = short_dom + '-admin' if new_target not in database.files: database.files.append(new_target) textutils.output_debug(" - HostProcessor Plugin: added " + str(new_target)) added += 1 # flatten subdomains target = target.replace('.', '') new_target = dict(conf.path_template) new_target['url'] = target new_target['description'] = "HostProcessor generated filename" if new_target not in database.files: database.files.append(new_target) textutils.output_debug(" - HostProcessor Plugin: added " + str(new_target)) added += 1 textutils.output_info(" - HostProcessor Plugin: added " + str(added) + " new filenames")
def load_target_paths(): """ Load the target paths in the database """ textutils.output_info('Loading target paths') database.paths += loaders.load_targets('data/path.lst')
def load_target_files(): """ Load the target files in the database """ textutils.output_info('Loading target files') database.files += loaders.load_targets('data/file.lst')
def load_target_paths(running_path): """ Load the target paths in the database """ textutils.output_info('Loading target paths') database.paths += loaders.load_targets(running_path + '/data/path.lst')
def load_target_files(running_path): """ Load the target files in the database """ textutils.output_info('Loading target files') database.files += loaders.load_targets(running_path + '/data/file.lst')
def run(self): while not self.kill_received: try: # Non-Blocking get since we use the queue as a ringbuffer queued = database.fetch_queue.get(block=False) url = conf.target_base_path + queued.get('url') description = queued.get('description') match_string = queued.get('match_string') textutils.output_debug("Testing: " + url + " " + str(queued)) stats.update_stats(url) # Fetch the target url start_time = if match_string: response_code, content, headers = self.fetcher.fetch_url( url, conf.user_agent, database.latest_successful_request_time, limit_len=False) # Make sure we always match string against a string content if not isinstance(content, str): content = content.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') else: response_code, content, headers = self.fetcher.fetch_url( url, conf.user_agent, database.latest_successful_request_time) end_time = # handle timeout if response_code in conf.timeout_codes: handle_timeout(queued, url, self.thread_id, output=self.output) elif response_code == 500: textutils.output_found( 'ISE, ' + description + ' at: ' + conf.base_url + url, { "description": description, "url": conf.base_url + url, "code": response_code, "severity": queued.get('severity'), }) elif response_code in conf.expected_file_responses: # Test if result is valid is_valid_result = test_valid_result(content, is_file=True) if is_valid_result: # Test if behavior is ok. normal_behavior = test_behavior(content) textutils.output_debug('Normal behavior ' + str(normal_behavior) + ' ' + str(response_code)) else: normal_behavior = True # Reset behavior chance when we detect a new state if normal_behavior and database.behavior_error: textutils.output_info( 'Normal behavior seems to be restored.') database.behavior_error = False if is_valid_result and not normal_behavior: # Looks like the new behavior is now the norm. It's a false positive. # Additionally, we report a behavior change to the user at this point. if not database.behavior_error: textutils.output_info( 'Behavior change detected! Results may ' 'be incomplete or tachyon may never exit.') textutils.output_debug( 'Chances taken: ' + str(queued.get('behavior_chances', 0))) textutils.output_debug(queued.get('url')) database.behavior_error = True # If we find a valid result but the behavior buffer is not full, we give a chance to the # url and increase it's chances count. We consider this a false behavior test. # We do this since an incomplete behavior buffer could give false positives # Additionally, if the fetch queue is empty and we're still not in global behavior error, we # consider all the remaining hits as valid, as they are hits that were given a chance. elif is_valid_result and len(database.behavioral_buffer) < conf.behavior_queue_size \ and not database.behavior_error and database.fetch_queue.qsize() != 0: if not queued.get('behavior_chances'): queued['behavior_chances'] = 1 else: queued['behavior_chances'] += 1 if queued['behavior_chances'] < conf.max_behavior_tries: textutils.output_debug( 'Chance left to target, re-queuing') database.fetch_queue.put(queued) elif is_valid_result: # Make sure we base our next analysis on that positive hit reset_behavior_database() if len(content) == 0: textutils.output_found( 'Empty ' + description + ' at: ' + conf.base_url + url, { "description": "Empty " + description, "url": conf.base_url + url, "code": response_code, "severity": 'info', }) else: textutils.output_found( description + ' at: ' + conf.base_url + url, { "description": description, "url": conf.base_url + url, "code": response_code, "severity": queued.get('severity'), }) elif match_string and, content, re.I): textutils.output_found( "String-Matched " + description + ' at: ' + conf.base_url + url, { "description": description, "url": conf.base_url + url, "code": response_code, "string": match_string, "severity": queued.get('severity'), }) elif response_code in conf.redirect_codes: if queued.get('handle_redirect', True): location = headers.get('location') if location: handle_redirects(queued, location) # Stats if response_code not in conf.timeout_codes: stats.update_processed_items() compute_request_time(start_time, end_time) # Mark item as processed database.fetch_queue.task_done() except Empty: continue