Exemple #1
    def format_email_report(content, dirs, dir_log, logfile, book_archive):
        # Formats the daily report message in html format for email. img_string penguin for linux

        img_string = ("<img src=\""
    # + siste del: "=\" alt=\"DATA\">")

        message = ""
        first_dir_log = True
        timeout = 600
        timeout_start = time.time()

        for line in content:
            if time.time() > timeout_start + timeout:
                return message
            if "(li) " in line:
                line = line.replace("(li) ", "")
                message = message + "\n<ul>\n<li>" + line + "</li>\n</ul>"
            elif "(href) " in line:
                line = line.replace("(href) ", "")
                for dir in dirs:
                    dir_unc = Filesystem.networkpath(dir)[2]
                    if dir_unc in line:
                        split_href = line.split(", ")
                        if len(split_href) == 3:
                            smb_img_string = img_string + "=\" alt=\"{}\">".format(split_href[-1])
                            message = message + "\n<ul>\n<li><a href=\"file:///{}\">{}</a> {}</li>\n</ul>".format(split_href[1], split_href[0], smb_img_string)
                if logfile in line:
                    if first_dir_log:
                        split_href = line.split(", ")
                        smb_img_string = img_string + "=\" alt=\"{}\">".format(split_href[-1])
                        if len(split_href) == 3:
                            short_path = "log.txt"
                            message = message + "\n<ul>\n<li><a href=\"file:///{}\">{}</a> {}</li>\n</ul>".format(split_href[1], short_path, smb_img_string)
                            first_dir_log = False
            elif line != "":
                first_dir_log = True
                if "mail:" in line:
                    splitline = line.split("mail: ")
                    splitmail = splitline[-1].split(", ")
                    smb_img_string = img_string + "=\" alt=\"{}\">".format(splitmail[-1])
                    message = message + "\n<p><b>{}<a href=\"file:///{}\">Link</a> {}</b></p>".format(splitline[0], splitmail[0], smb_img_string)
                elif "[" in line:
                    message = message + "\n" + "<p><b>" + line + "</b></p>"
        return message
def getDirectories(structure):
    if structure == "ranked":
        return jsonify(Directory.dirs_ranked)

    elif structure == "resolved":
        dirs = {}

        buffered_network_paths = Config.get("buffered_network_paths", {})
        buffered_network_hosts = Config.get("buffered_network_hosts", {})

        for dir in Directory.dirs_flat:
            if isinstance(dir, str) and dir not in buffered_network_paths:
                smb, file, unc = Filesystem.networkpath(Directory.dirs_flat[dir])
                host = Filesystem.get_host_from_url(smb)
                buffered_network_paths[dir] = smb
                Config.set("buffered_network_paths." + dir, smb)
                buffered_network_hosts[dir] = host
                Config.set("buffered_network_hosts." + dir, host)
            dirs[dir] = buffered_network_paths[dir]

        return jsonify(dirs)

        return jsonify(Directory.dirs_flat)
Exemple #3
    def email(self, recipients, subject=None, should_email=True, should_message_slack=True, should_attach_log=True, should_escape_chars=True):
        if not subject:
            assert isinstance(self.title, str) or self.pipeline is not None, "either title or pipeline must be specified when subject is missing"
            subject = self.title if self.title else self.pipeline.title

        smtp = {
            "host": Config.get("email.smtp.host", None),
            "port": Config.get("email.smtp.port", None),
            "user": Config.get("email.smtp.user", None),
            "pass": Config.get("email.smtp.pass", None)
        sender = Address(Config.get("email.sender.name", "undefined"), addr_spec=Config.get("email.sender.address", "*****@*****.**"))

        # 0. Create attachment with complete log (including DEBUG statements)
        if should_attach_log is True:

        attachments = []
        for m in self._messages["attachment"]:
            smb, file, unc = Filesystem.networkpath(m["text"])
            base_path = Filesystem.get_base_path(m["text"], self.pipeline.dir_base)
            relpath = os.path.relpath(m["text"], base_path) if base_path else None
            if m["text"].startswith(self.reportDir()):
                relpath = os.path.relpath(m["text"], self.reportDir())
            if not [a for a in attachments if a["unc"] == unc]:
                    "title": "{}{}".format(relpath, ("/" if os.path.isdir(m["text"]) else "")),
                    "smb": smb,
                    "file": file,
                    "unc": unc,
                    "severity": m["severity"]

        # Determine overall status
        status = "INFO"
        for message_type in self._messages:
            for m in self._messages[message_type]:

                if m["severity"] == "SUCCESS" and status in ["INFO"]:
                    status = "SUCCESS"
                elif m["severity"] == "WARN" and status in ["INFO", "SUCCESS"]:
                    status = "WARN"
                elif m["severity"] == "ERROR":
                    status = "ERROR"

            assert isinstance(smtp, dict), "smtp must be a dict"
            assert isinstance(sender, Address), "sender must be a Address"
            assert isinstance(recipients, str) or isinstance(recipients, list) or isinstance(recipients, tuple), "recipients must be a str, list or tuple"
            assert isinstance(self.title, str) or self.pipeline and isinstance(self.pipeline.title, str), "title or pipeline.title must be a str"

            if isinstance(recipients, str):
                recipients = [recipients]
            elif isinstance(recipients, tuple):
                recipients = list(recipients)

            if status == "ERROR":
                for key in Config.get("administrators", default=[]):
                    if key not in recipients:

            # when testing, only allow e-mail addresses defined in the ALLOWED_EMAIL_ADDRESSES_IN_TEST env var
            if Config.get("test"):
                subject = "[test] " + subject
                filtered_recipients = []
                for recipient in recipients:
                    if recipient in Config.get("email.allowed_email_addresses_in_test"):
                recipients = filtered_recipients

            # 1. join lines with severity SUCCESS/INFO/WARN/ERROR
            markdown_text = []
            for m in self._messages["message"]:
                if should_escape_chars:
                    text = m['text'].replace("&", "&amp;").replace("<", "&lt;").replace(">", "&gt;")
                    text = m['text']
                if m['preformatted'] is True:
                elif m['severity'] != 'DEBUG':
            if attachments != [] or should_attach_log is True:
                markdown_text.append("\n# Lenker\n")
                markdown_text.append("\n<ul style=\"list-style: none;\">")

                # Pick icon and style for INFO-attachments
                attachment_styles = {
                    "DEBUG": {
                        "icon": "🗎",
                        "style": ""
                    "INFO": {
                        "icon": "🛈",
                        "style": ""
                    "SUCCESS": {
                        "icon": "😄",
                        "style": "background-color: #bfffbf;"
                    "WARN": {
                        "icon": "😟",
                        "style": "background-color: #ffffbf;"
                    "ERROR": {
                        "icon": "😭",
                        "style": "background-color: #ffbfbf;"

                for attachment in attachments:
                    # UNC links seems to be preserved when viewed in Outlook.
                    # file: and smb: URIs are disallowed or removed.
                    # So these links will only work in Windows.
                    # If we need this to work cross-platform, we would have
                    # to map the network share paths to a web server so that
                    # the transfers go through http:. This could maybe be mapped
                    # using environment variables.
                    li = "<li>"
                    li += "<span style=\"vertical-align: middle; font-size: 200%;\">" + attachment_styles[attachment["severity"]]["icon"] + "</span> "
                    li += "<span style=\"vertical-align: middle; " + attachment_styles[attachment["severity"]]["style"] + "\">"
                    li += "<a href=\"file:///" + attachment["unc"] + "\">" + attachment["title"] + "</a> "
                    li += "<a href=\"" + attachment["smb"] + "\">" + self.img_string + "=\" alt=\"" + attachment["smb"] + "\"/>" + "</a> "
                    li += "</span>"
                    li += "</li>"
                label_string = ""
                for label in self.pipeline.labels:
                    label_string += "[{}] ".format(label)
                markdown_text.append("\n[{}] {} [{}] [status:{}]".format(self.pipeline.uid, label_string, self.pipeline.publication_format, status))
            markdown_text = "\n".join(markdown_text)

            # 2. parse string as Markdown and render as HTML
            if should_escape_chars:
                markdown_html = markdown.markdown(markdown_text, extensions=['markdown.extensions.fenced_code', 'markdown.extensions.codehilite'])
                markdown_html = markdown_text
            markdown_html = '''<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=\"utf-8\"/>
<title>''' + subject.replace("&", "&amp;").replace("<", "&lt;").replace(">", "&gt;") + '''</title>
''' + markdown_html + '''

            if not should_email:
                logging.info("[e-mail] Not sending email")
                # 3. build e-mail
                msg = EmailMessage()
                msg['Subject'] = re.sub(r"\s", " ", subject).strip()
                msg['From'] = sender
                msg['To'] = Report.emailStringsToAddresses(recipients)
                msg.add_alternative(markdown_html, subtype="html")
                logging.info("[e-mail] E-mail with subject '{}' will be sent to: {}".format(msg['Subject'], ", ".join(recipients)))

                # 4. send e-mail
                if smtp["host"] and smtp["port"]:
                    smtp_server = "{}:{}".format(smtp["host"], smtp["port"])
                    logging.info("[e-mail] SMTP server: {}".format(smtp_server))
                    with smtplib.SMTP(smtp_server) as s:
                        # s.starttls()
                        if smtp["user"] and smtp["pass"]:
                            s.login(smtp["user"], smtp["pass"])
                            logging.debug("[e-mail] user/pass not configured")
                        logging.debug("[e-mail] sending…")
                        logging.debug("[e-mail] sending complete.")
                    logging.warning("[e-mail] host/port not configured")

                temp_md_obj = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".md")
                temp_html_obj = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".html")
                with open(temp_md_obj.name, "w") as f:
                    logging.debug("[e-mail] markdown: {}".format(temp_md_obj.name))
                with open(temp_html_obj.name, "w") as f:
                    logging.debug("[e-mail] html: {}".format(temp_html_obj.name))
                if should_attach_log is True:
                    path_mail = os.path.join(self.reportDir(), "email.html")
                    shutil.copy(temp_html_obj.name, path_mail)
                    self.mailpath = Filesystem.networkpath(path_mail)
                    yesterday = datetime.now() - timedelta(1)
                    yesterday = str(yesterday.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
                    path_mail = os.path.join(self.pipeline.dir_reports, "logs", "dagsrapporter", yesterday, self.pipeline.uid + ".html")
                    shutil.copy(temp_html_obj.name, path_mail)
                    self.mailpath = Filesystem.networkpath(path_mail)

        except AssertionError as e:
            logging.error("[e-mail] " + str(e))
        if not should_message_slack:
            logging.warning("Not sending message to slack")
            # 5. send message to Slack
            slack_attachments = []
            for attachment in attachments:
                color = None
                if attachment["severity"] == "SUCCESS":
                    color = "good"
                elif attachment["severity"] == "WARN":
                    color = "warning"
                elif attachment["severity"] == "ERROR":
                    color = "danger"
                    "title_link": attachment["smb"],
                    "title": attachment["title"],
                    "fallback": attachment["title"],
                    "color": color
            Slack.slack(text=subject, attachments=slack_attachments)
Exemple #4
    def plot(self, uids, name):
        dot = Digraph(name="Produksjonssystem", format="png")
        dot.graph_attr["bgcolor"] = "transparent"

        node_ranks = {}
        for rank in Directory.dirs_ranked:
            node_ranks[rank["id"]] = []

        # remember edges so that we don't plot them twice
        edges = {}

        for uid in uids:
            pipeline = None
            for p in self.pipelines:
                if p[0].uid == uid:
                    pipeline = p
            if not pipeline:

            group_pipeline = pipeline[0].get_current_group_pipeline()

            title = group_pipeline.get_group_title()
            pipeline_id = group_pipeline.get_group_id()  # re.sub(r"[^a-z\d]", "", title.lower())

            queue = group_pipeline.get_queue()

            queue_created = len([book for book in queue if Pipeline.get_main_event(book) == "created"]) if queue else 0
            queue_deleted = len([book for book in queue if Pipeline.get_main_event(book) == "deleted"]) if queue else 0
            queue_modified = len([book for book in queue if Pipeline.get_main_event(book) == "modified"]) if queue else 0
            queue_triggered = len([book for book in queue if Pipeline.get_main_event(book) == "triggered"]) if queue else 0
            queue_autotriggered = len([book for book in queue if Pipeline.get_main_event(book) == "autotriggered"]) if queue else 0
            queue_string = []
            if queue_created:
            if queue_modified:
            if queue_deleted:
            if queue_triggered:
            if queue_autotriggered:
            queue_string = ", ".join(queue_string)

            queue_size = 0
            if queue:
                queue_size = len(queue)
                if not group_pipeline.should_handle_autotriggered_books():
                    queue_size -= queue_autotriggered
            book = Metadata.pipeline_book_shortname(group_pipeline)

            relpath_in = None
            netpath_in = ""
            rank_in = None
            if pipeline[0].dir_in:
                for rank in Directory.dirs_ranked:
                    for dir in rank["dirs"]:
                        if os.path.normpath(pipeline[0].dir_in) == os.path.normpath(rank["dirs"][dir]):
                            rank_in = rank["id"]
            if pipeline[0].dir_in and not pipeline[0].dir_base:
                relpath_in = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(pipeline[0].dir_in))
            elif pipeline[0].dir_in and pipeline[0].dir_base:
                base_path = Filesystem.get_base_path(pipeline[0].dir_in, pipeline[0].dir_base)
                relpath_in = os.path.relpath(pipeline[0].dir_in, base_path)
                if "master" in pipeline[0].dir_base and pipeline[0].dir_base["master"] == base_path:
                    if pipeline[0].dir_in not in self.buffered_network_paths:
                        smb, file, unc = Filesystem.networkpath(pipeline[0].dir_in)
                        host = Filesystem.get_host_from_url(smb)
                        self.buffered_network_paths[pipeline[0].dir_in] = smb
                        self.buffered_network_hosts[pipeline[0].dir_in] = host
                    netpath_in = self.buffered_network_hosts[pipeline[0].dir_in]
                    if not netpath_in:
                        netpath_in = self.buffered_network_paths[pipeline[0].dir_in]
            book_count_in = self.get_book_count(pipeline[0].dir_in)
            label_in = "< <font point-size='24'>{}</font>{}{} >".format(
                "\n<br/><i><font point-size='20'>{} {}</font></i>".format(book_count_in, "bok" if book_count_in == 1 else "bøker"),
                "\n<br/><i><font point-size='20'>{}</font></i>".format(netpath_in.replace("\\", "\\\\")) if netpath_in else "")

            relpath_out = None
            netpath_out = ""
            rank_out = None
            if pipeline[0].dir_out:
                for rank in Directory.dirs_ranked:
                    for dir in rank["dirs"]:
                        if os.path.normpath(pipeline[0].dir_out) == os.path.normpath(rank["dirs"][dir]):
                            rank_out = rank["id"]
            if pipeline[0].dir_out and not pipeline[0].dir_base:
                relpath_out = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(pipeline[0].dir_out))
            elif pipeline[0].dir_out and pipeline[0].dir_base:
                base_path = Filesystem.get_base_path(pipeline[0].dir_out, pipeline[0].dir_base)
                relpath_out = os.path.relpath(pipeline[0].dir_out, base_path)
                if "master" in pipeline[0].dir_base and pipeline[0].dir_base["master"] == base_path:
                    if pipeline[0].dir_out not in self.buffered_network_paths:
                        smb, file, unc = Filesystem.networkpath(pipeline[0].dir_out)
                        host = Filesystem.get_host_from_url(smb)
                        self.buffered_network_paths[pipeline[0].dir_out] = unc
                        self.buffered_network_hosts[pipeline[0].dir_out] = host
                    netpath_out = self.buffered_network_hosts[pipeline[0].dir_out]
                    if not netpath_out:
                        netpath_out = self.buffered_network_paths[pipeline[0].dir_out]
            book_count_out = self.get_book_count(pipeline[0].dir_out, pipeline[0].parentdirs)
            label_out = "< <font point-size='24'>{}</font>{}{} >".format(
                "\n<br/><i><font point-size='20'>{} {}</font></i>".format(book_count_out, "bok" if book_count_out == 1 else "bøker"),
                "\n<br/><i><font point-size='20'>{}</font></i>".format(netpath_out.replace("\\", "\\\\")) if netpath_out else "")

            if rank_out:
            elif rank_in:
                next_rank = self.next_rank(rank_in)
                if next_rank:

            state = group_pipeline.get_state()
            status = group_pipeline.get_status()
            progress_text = group_pipeline.get_progress()
            pipeline_label = "< <font point-size='26'>{}</font>{} >".format(
                "".join(["\n<br/><i><font point-size='22'>{}</font></i>".format(val) for val in [queue_string, progress_text, status] if val]))

            fillcolor = "lightskyblue1"
            if book or queue_size:
                fillcolor = "lightslateblue"
            elif state == "considering":
                fillcolor = "lightskyblue3"
            elif not group_pipeline.running:
                fillcolor = "white"
            elif isinstance(group_pipeline, DummyPipeline):
                fillcolor = "snow"
            dot.attr("node", shape="box", style="filled", fillcolor=fillcolor)
            dot.node(pipeline_id, pipeline_label.replace("\\", "\\\\"))

            if relpath_in:
                fillcolor = "wheat"
                if not pipeline[0].dir_in_obj or not pipeline[0].dir_in_obj.is_available():
                    fillcolor = "white"
                dot.attr("node", shape="folder", style="filled", fillcolor=fillcolor)
                dot.node(pipeline[1], label_in)
                if pipeline[1] not in edges:
                    edges[pipeline[1]] = []
                if pipeline_id not in edges[pipeline[1]]:
                    dot.edge(pipeline[1], pipeline_id)

            if relpath_out:
                fillcolor = "wheat"
                if not pipeline[0].dir_out_obj or not pipeline[0].dir_out_obj.is_available():
                    fillcolor = "white"
                dot.attr("node", shape="folder", style="filled", fillcolor=fillcolor)
                dot.node(pipeline[2], label_out)
                if pipeline_id not in edges:
                    edges[pipeline_id] = []
                if pipeline[2] not in edges[pipeline_id]:
                    dot.edge(pipeline_id, pipeline[2])

        for rank in node_ranks:
            subgraph = Digraph("cluster_" + rank, graph_attr={"style": "dotted"})
            subgraph.graph_attr["bgcolor"] = "#FFFFFFAA"

            if node_ranks[rank]:
                subgraph.attr("node", shape="none", style="filled", fillcolor="transparent")
                subgraph.node("_ranklabel_" + rank, "< <i><font point-size='28'>{}</font></i> >".format(" <br/>".join(str(self.rank_name(rank)).split(" "))))

            for dir in node_ranks[rank]:


        dot.render(os.path.join(self.report_dir, name + "_"))

        # there seems to be some race condition when doing this across a mounted network drive,
        # so if we get an exception we retry a few times and hope that it works.
        # see: https://github.com/nlbdev/produksjonssystem/issues/81
        for t in reversed(range(10)):
                shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(self.report_dir, name + "_.png"), os.path.join(self.report_dir, name + ".png"))
                with open(os.path.join(self.report_dir, name + ".js"), "w") as javascript_file:
                    javascript_file.write("setTime(\"{}\");".format(datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
            except Exception as e:
                logging.debug(" Unable to copy plot image: {}".format(os.path.join(self.report_dir, name + "_.png")))
                if t == 0:
                    raise e

        dashboard_file = os.path.join(self.report_dir, name + ".html")
        if not os.path.isfile(dashboard_file):
            dashboard_template = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '../../dashboard.html'))
            if not os.path.exists(self.report_dir):
            shutil.copyfile(dashboard_template, dashboard_file)