Exemple #1
def test_unassign(db, test_profile, test_project_data, test_queue, test_redis):
    fill_queue(test_queue, orderby='random')

    assert test_redis.llen('queue:' + str(test_queue.pk)) == test_queue.length
    assert test_redis.scard('set:' + str(test_queue.pk)) == test_queue.length

    datum = get_assignments(test_profile, test_project_data, 1)[0]

    assert test_redis.llen('queue:' +
                           str(test_queue.pk)) == (test_queue.length - 1)
    assert test_redis.scard('set:' + str(test_queue.pk)) == test_queue.length
    assert AssignedData.objects.filter(data=datum,

    unassign_datum(datum, test_profile)

    assert test_redis.llen('queue:' + str(test_queue.pk)) == test_queue.length
    assert test_redis.scard('set:' + str(test_queue.pk)) == test_queue.length
    assert not AssignedData.objects.filter(data=datum,

    # The unassigned datum should be the next to be assigned
    reassigned_datum = get_assignments(test_profile, test_project_data, 1)[0]

    assert reassigned_datum == datum
Exemple #2
def test_percent_agree_table(seeded_database, client, admin_client, test_project_all_irr_data, test_all_irr_all_queues, test_labels_all_irr):
    This tests that the percent agree table can be called and returns correctly.
    Note: the exact values of the table are checked in the util tests.
    labels = test_labels_all_irr
    normal_queue, admin_queue, irr_queue = test_all_irr_all_queues
    project = test_project_all_irr_data

    client.login(username=SEED_USERNAME, password=SEED_PASSWORD)
    client_profile = Profile.objects.get(user__username=SEED_USERNAME)
    admin_client.login(username=SEED_USERNAME2, password=SEED_PASSWORD2)
    admin_profile = Profile.objects.get(user__username=SEED_USERNAME2)
    third_profile = Profile.objects.get(user__username="******")
    fill_queue(normal_queue, 'random', irr_queue, project.percentage_irr, project.batch_size)

    # non-admin should not be able to call the test
    response = client.get('/api/perc_agree_table/' + str(project.pk) + '/')
    assert 403 == response.status_code and "Invalid permission. Must be an admin" in str(

    data = get_assignments(client_profile, project, 15)
    data2 = get_assignments(admin_profile, project, 15)
    for i in range(15):
        response = admin_client.post('/api/annotate_data/' + str(data[i].pk) + '/', {
                                     "labelID": labels[i % 3].pk,
                                     "labeling_time": 3
        assert 'error' not in response.json() and 'detail' not in response.json()
        response = client.post('/api/annotate_data/' + str(data2[i].pk) + '/', {
                               "labelID": labels[i % 3].pk,
                               "labeling_time": 3
        assert 'error' not in response.json() and 'detail' not in response.json()
    # check that the three user pairs are in table
    response = admin_client.get('/api/perc_agree_table/' + str(project.pk) + '/').json()
    assert 'data' in response
    response_frame = pd.DataFrame(response['data'])
    # should have combination [adm, cl] [adm, u3], [cl, u3]
    assert response_frame['First Coder'].tolist() == [SEED_USERNAME, SEED_USERNAME, SEED_USERNAME2]
    assert response_frame['Second Coder'].tolist(
    ) == [SEED_USERNAME2, str(third_profile), str(third_profile)]

    # check that the table has just those three combinations
    assert len(response_frame) == 3

    # should have "no samples" for combos with user3
    assert response_frame.loc[response_frame['Second Coder'] == str(
        third_profile)]["Percent Agreement"].tolist() == ["No samples", "No samples"]

    # check that the percent agreement matches n%, n between 0 and 100
    perc = response_frame["Percent Agreement"].tolist()[0]
    assert float(perc[:len(perc) - 1]) <= 100 and float(perc[:len(perc) - 1]) >= 0
def test_restore_data(
    """This tests that data can be restored after it is discarded."""
    project = test_project_data
        test_queue, "random", test_irr_queue, project.percentage_irr, project.batch_size

    admin_client.login(username=SEED_USERNAME2, password=SEED_PASSWORD2)
    admin_profile = Profile.objects.get(user__username=SEED_USERNAME2)
        profile=admin_profile, project=project, permission="ADMIN"

    client.login(username=SEED_USERNAME, password=SEED_PASSWORD)
    client_profile = Profile.objects.get(user__username=SEED_USERNAME)

        profile=client_profile, project=project, permission="CODER"

    # assign a batch of data. Should be IRR and non-IRR
    data = get_assignments(client_profile, project, 30)
    for i in range(30):
        response = client.post("/api/skip_data/" + str(data[i].pk) + "/")

    # have the admin also get a batch and call skip on everything
    data = get_assignments(admin_profile, project, 30)
    for i in range(30):
        response = admin_client.post("/api/skip_data/" + str(data[i].pk) + "/")

    admin_data = DataQueue.objects.filter(data__project=project, queue=test_admin_queue)
    # discard all data
    for datum in admin_data:
        admin_client.post("/api/discard_data/" + str(datum.data.pk) + "/")

    # check for admin privalidges
    response = client.post(
        "/api/restore_data/" + str(admin_data[0].data.pk) + "/"
    assert (
        "detail" in response
        and "Invalid permission. Must be an admin" in response["detail"]

    # restore all data. It should not be in recycle bin
    for datum in admin_data:
        admin_client.post("/api/restore_data/" + str(datum.data.pk) + "/")
        assert RecycleBin.objects.filter(data=datum.data).count() == 0
        assert not Data.objects.get(pk=datum.data.pk).irr_ind
Exemple #4
def test_model_task_redis_no_dupes_data_unassign_assigned_data(
        test_project_labeled_and_tfidf, test_queue_labeled,
        test_irr_queue_labeled, test_admin_queue_labeled, test_redis, tmpdir,
    project = test_project_labeled_and_tfidf
    person2 = create_profile('test_profilezzz', 'password',
    person3 = create_profile('test_profile2', 'password',
    initial_training_set = project.get_current_training_set().set_number
    queue = project.queue_set.get(type="normal")
    queue.length = 40

    irr_queue = project.queue_set.get(type="irr")
    irr_queue.length = 40

    model_path_temp = tmpdir.listdir()[0].mkdir('model_pickles')
    settings.MODEL_PICKLE_PATH = str(model_path_temp)

    batch_size = project.batch_size

    labels = project.labels.all()
    assignments = get_assignments(project.creator, project, batch_size)
    for assignment in assignments:
        label_data(random.choice(labels), assignment, project.creator, 3)

    assert project.get_current_training_set(
    ).set_number == initial_training_set + 1
    redis_items = test_redis.lrange(redis_serialize_queue(queue), 0, -1)
    assert len(redis_items) == len(set(redis_items))

    assignments = get_assignments(project.creator, project, 40)
    for assignment in assignments[:batch_size]:
        label_data(random.choice(labels), assignment, project.creator, 3)

    assert project.get_current_training_set(
    ).set_number == initial_training_set + 2
    redis_items = test_redis.lrange(redis_serialize_queue(queue), 0, -1)
    assert len(redis_items) == len(set(redis_items))

    redis_items = test_redis.lrange(redis_serialize_queue(queue), 0, -1)
    assert len(redis_items) == len(set(redis_items))
Exemple #5
def test_get_irr_metrics(seeded_database, client, admin_client, test_project_half_irr_data, test_half_irr_all_queues, test_labels_half_irr):
    This tests the irr metrics api call.
    Note: the exact values are checked in the util tests.

    # sign in users
    labels = test_labels_half_irr
    normal_queue, admin_queue, irr_queue = test_half_irr_all_queues
    project = test_project_half_irr_data

    client.login(username=SEED_USERNAME, password=SEED_PASSWORD)
    client_profile = Profile.objects.get(user__username=SEED_USERNAME)
    admin_client.login(username=SEED_USERNAME2, password=SEED_PASSWORD2)
    admin_profile = Profile.objects.get(user__username=SEED_USERNAME2)

    fill_queue(normal_queue, 'random', irr_queue, project.percentage_irr, project.batch_size)

    # non-admin should not be able to call the test
    response = client.get('/api/get_irr_metrics/' + str(project.pk) + '/')
    assert 403 == response.status_code and "Invalid permission. Must be an admin" in str(

    # initially, should have no irr data processed
    response = admin_client.get('/api/get_irr_metrics/' + str(project.pk) + '/').json()
    assert 'error' not in response and 'detail' not in response
    assert 'kappa' in response and response['kappa'] == "No irr data processed"
    assert 'percent agreement' in response and response['percent agreement'] == "No irr data processed"

    # have each person label three irr data
    data = get_assignments(client_profile, project, 3)
    data2 = get_assignments(admin_profile, project, 3)
    for i in range(3):
        response = client.post('/api/annotate_data/' + str(data[i].pk) + '/', {
                               "labelID": labels[i].pk,
                               "labeling_time": 3
        assert 'error' not in response.json() and 'detail' not in response.json()
        response = admin_client.post('/api/annotate_data/' + str(data2[i].pk) + '/', {
                                     "labelID": labels[(i + 1) % 3].pk,
                                     "labeling_time": 3
        assert 'error' not in response.json()

    response = admin_client.get('/api/get_irr_metrics/' + str(project.pk) + '/').json()
    # the percent agreement should be a number between 0 and 100 with a %
    assert 'percent agreement' in response
    percent = float(response['percent agreement'][:len(response['percent agreement']) - 1])
    assert percent <= 100 and percent >= 0 and '%' == response['percent agreement'][-1]
    # kappa should be a value between -1 and 1
    assert 'kappa' in response and response['kappa'] >= -1 and response['kappa'] <= 1
Exemple #6
def test_predicted_table(seeded_database, admin_client, client, test_project_unlabeled_and_tfidf, test_queue, test_labels, test_irr_queue, test_admin_queue):
    This tests that the predicted table contains what it should
    project = test_project_unlabeled_and_tfidf
    client_profile, admin_profile = sign_in_and_fill_queue(
        project, test_queue, client, admin_client)
    # first, check that it is empty
    response = client.get('/api/data_predicted_table/' + str(project.pk) + '/')
    assert 'detail' in response.json() and "Invalid permission. Must be an admin" in response.json()[

    response = admin_client.get('/api/data_predicted_table/' + str(project.pk) + '/').json()
    assert len(response['data']) == 0

    # label 15 things and check that it is still empty
    data = get_assignments(client_profile, project, 15)
    data_text = []
    label_names = []
    for i in range(15):
        label_names.append(test_labels[i % 3].name)
        response = client.post('/api/annotate_data/' + str(data[i].pk) + '/', {
                               "labelID": test_labels[i % 3].pk, "labeling_time": 1
    response = admin_client.get('/api/data_predicted_table/' + str(project.pk) + '/').json()
    assert len(response['data']) == 0
    # label 15 more things and let the predictions be created
    # check that the unlabeled items are in the table
    data = get_assignments(client_profile, project, 15)
    for i in range(15):
        label_names.append(test_labels[i % 3].name)
        response = client.post('/api/annotate_data/' + str(data[i].pk) + '/', {
                               "labelID": test_labels[i % 3].pk, "labeling_time": 1
    response = admin_client.get('/api/data_predicted_table/' + str(project.pk) + '/').json()

    training_set = TrainingSet.objects.get(
        set_number=project.get_current_training_set().set_number - 1)
    model = Model.objects.get(training_set=training_set)
    # check that the table holds the predicted data
    assert len(response['data']) == (DataPrediction.objects.filter(
        data__project=project, model=model).count()) // len(test_labels)
    # check that the table has the number of unlabeled data
    assert len(response['data']) == (Data.objects.filter(
        project=project).count() - DataLabel.objects.filter(data__project=project).count())
    # check that the table does not have the labeled data
    data_list = list(DataPrediction.objects.filter(data__project=project).values_list("data__text"))
    for d in data_text:
        assert d not in data_list
Exemple #7
def test_modify_label_to_skip(seeded_database, client, test_project_data,
                              test_queue, test_irr_queue, test_labels,
    '''This tests the history table's ability to change labeled items
    to skipped items.'''
    request_info = {"labelID": test_labels[0].pk, "labeling_time": 3}
    project = test_project_data
    client_profile, admin_profile = sign_in_and_fill_queue(
        project, test_queue, client)
    # have a user annotate some data
    data = get_assignments(client_profile, project, 1)[0]
    assert data is not None
    response = client.post('/api/annotate_data/' + str(data.pk) + '/',
    assert DataLabel.objects.filter(data=data).count() == 1

    # Call the change to skip function. Should now be in admin table, not be
    # in history table.
    change_info = {"dataID": data.pk, "oldLabelID": test_labels[0].pk}
    response = client.post('/api/modify_label_to_skip/' + str(data.pk) + '/',
    assert 'error' not in response.json() and 'detail' not in response.json()

    assert DataLabel.objects.filter(data=data).count() == 0
    assert DataQueue.objects.filter(queue=test_admin_queue).count() == 1
    # check it's in change log
    assert LabelChangeLog.objects.filter(data=data,
                                         new_label="skip").count() == 1
Exemple #8
def test_modify_label(seeded_database, client, test_project_data, test_queue,
                      test_labels, test_irr_queue, test_admin_queue):
    This tests the history table's ability to modify a label
    request_info = {"labelID": test_labels[0].pk, "labeling_time": 3}
    project = test_project_data
    client_profile, admin_profile = sign_in_and_fill_queue(
        project, test_queue, client)
    # have a user annotate some data
    data = get_assignments(client_profile, project, 1)[0]
    assert data is not None
    response = client.post('/api/annotate_data/' + str(data.pk) + '/',
    assert DataLabel.objects.filter(data=data).count() == 1

    # call modify label to change it to something else
    change_info = {
        "dataID": data.pk,
        "oldLabelID": test_labels[0].pk,
        "labelID": test_labels[1].pk
    response = client.post('/api/modify_label/' + str(data.pk) + '/',
    assert 'error' not in response.json() and 'detail' not in response.json()
    # check that the label is updated and it's in the correct places
    # check that there are no duplicate labels
    assert DataLabel.objects.filter(data=data).count() == 1
    assert DataLabel.objects.get(data=data).label.pk == test_labels[1].pk
    # check it's in change log
    assert LabelChangeLog.objects.filter(data=data).count() == 1
Exemple #9
def test_annotate_data(seeded_database, client, test_project_data, test_queue,
                       test_labels, test_admin_queue, test_irr_queue):
    '''This tests the basic ability to annotate a datum'''
    # get a datum from the queue
    project = test_project_data
    fill_queue(test_queue, 'random')
    request_info = {"labelID": test_labels[0].pk, "labeling_time": 3}
    permission_message = 'Account disabled by administrator.  Please contact project owner for details'
    # call annotate data without the user having permission. Check that
    # the data is not annotated and the response has an error.
    client.login(username=SEED_USERNAME, password=SEED_PASSWORD)
    client_profile = Profile.objects.get(user__username=SEED_USERNAME)

    data = get_assignments(client_profile, project, 1)
    response = client.post('/api/annotate_data/' + str(data[0].pk) + '/',
    assert 'detail' in response.json() and permission_message in response.json(

    assert DataLabel.objects.filter(data=data[0]).count() == 0

    # give the user permission and call annotate again
    # The data should be labeled and in the proper places
    # check that the response was {} (no error)
    response = client.post('/api/annotate_data/' + str(data[0].pk) + '/',
    assert 'error' not in response.json() and 'detail' not in response.json()
    assert DataLabel.objects.filter(data=data[0]).count() == 1
    assert DataQueue.objects.filter(data=data[0]).count() == 0
Exemple #10
def get_card_deck(request, project_pk):
    """Grab data using get_assignments and send it to the frontend react app.

        request: The request to the endpoint
        project_pk: Primary key of project
        labels: The project labels
        data: The data in the queue
    profile = request.user.profile
    project = Project.objects.get(pk=project_pk)

    # Calculate queue parameters
    batch_size = project.batch_size
    num_coders = len(project.projectpermissions_set.all()) + 1
    coder_size = math.ceil(batch_size / num_coders)

    data = get_assignments(profile, project, coder_size)
    # shuffle so the irr is not all at the front
    labels = Label.objects.all().filter(project=project)

    return Response({
        'labels': LabelSerializer(labels, many=True).data,
        'data': DataSerializer(data, many=True).data
Exemple #11
def test_coded_table(seeded_database, client, admin_client, test_project_data, test_queue, test_admin_queue, test_irr_queue, test_labels):
    This tests the table that displays the labeled table
    project = test_project_data
    client_profile, admin_profile = sign_in_and_fill_queue(
        project, test_queue, client, admin_client)

    # first, check that it is empty
    response = client.get('/api/data_coded_table/' + str(project.pk) + '/')
    assert 'detail' in response.json() and "Invalid permission. Must be an admin" in response.json()[

    response = admin_client.get('/api/data_coded_table/' + str(project.pk) + '/').json()
    assert len(response['data']) == 0
    # label a few things, and check that they are in the table
    data = get_assignments(client_profile, project, 3)
    data_text = []
    label_names = []
    for i in range(3):
        response = client.post('/api/annotate_data/' + str(data[i].pk) + '/', {
                               "labelID": test_labels[i].pk, "labeling_time": 1
    response = admin_client.get('/api/data_coded_table/' + str(project.pk) + '/').json()
    assert len(response['data']) == 3
    for row in response['data']:
        assert row['Text'] in data_text
        assert row['Label'] in label_names
        assert row['Coder'] == str(client_profile)
Exemple #12
def test_unassign_after_fillqueue(db, test_profile, test_project_data,
                                  test_queue, test_labels, test_redis):
    fill_queue(test_queue, 'random')

    assert test_redis.llen('queue:' + str(test_queue.pk)) == test_queue.length
    assert test_redis.scard('set:' + str(test_queue.pk)) == test_queue.length

    data = get_assignments(test_profile, test_project_data, 10)

    assert test_redis.llen('queue:' +
                           str(test_queue.pk)) == (test_queue.length - 10)
    assert test_redis.scard('set:' + str(test_queue.pk)) == test_queue.length

    test_label = test_labels[0]
    for i in range(5):
        label_data(test_label, data[i], test_profile, 3)

    assert test_redis.llen('queue:' +
                           str(test_queue.pk)) == (test_queue.length - 10)
    assert test_redis.scard('set:' +
                            str(test_queue.pk)) == (test_queue.length - 5)

    fill_queue(test_queue, 'random')

    assert test_redis.llen('queue:' +
                           str(test_queue.pk)) == test_queue.length - 5
    assert test_redis.scard('set:' + str(test_queue.pk)) == test_queue.length
Exemple #13
def test_get_assignments_no_existing_assignment_one_assignment(
        db, test_profile, test_project_data, test_queue, test_redis):
    fill_queue(test_queue, orderby='random')

    assert AssignedData.objects.count() == 0

    data = get_assignments(test_profile, test_project_data, 1)

    assert len(data) == 1
    assert isinstance(data[0], Data)
    assert_obj_exists(AssignedData, {'data': data[0], 'profile': test_profile})
Exemple #14
def test_get_assignments_one_existing_assignment(db, test_profile,
                                                 test_project_data, test_queue,
    fill_queue(test_queue, orderby='random')

    assigned_datum = assign_datum(test_profile, test_project_data)

    data = get_assignments(test_profile, test_project_data, 1)

    assert isinstance(data[0], Data)
    # We should just get the datum that was already assigned
    assert data[0] == assigned_datum
def test_unlabeled_table(
    """This tests that the unlabeled data table contains what it should."""
    project = test_project_unlabeled_and_tfidf
    # first, check that it has all the unlabeled data
    client_profile, admin_profile = sign_in_and_fill_queue(
        project, test_queue, client, admin_client
    response = client.get("/api/data_unlabeled_table/" + str(project.pk) + "/")
    assert (
        "detail" in response.json()
        and "Invalid permission. Must be an admin" in response.json()["detail"]

    response = admin_client.get(
        "/api/data_unlabeled_table/" + str(project.pk) + "/"
    assert "data" in response
    assert (
        == Data.objects.filter(project=project).count()
        - DataQueue.objects.filter(data__project=project).count()

    # label something. Check it is not in the table.
    data = get_assignments(client_profile, project, 2)
    response = client.post(
        "/api/annotate_data/" + str(data[0].pk) + "/",
        {"labelID": test_labels[0].pk, "labeling_time": 1},
    response = admin_client.get(
        "/api/data_unlabeled_table/" + str(project.pk) + "/"
    data_ids = [d["ID"] for d in response["data"]]
    assert data[0].pk not in data_ids

    # skip something. Check it is not in the table.
    response = client.post("/api/skip_data/" + str(data[1].pk) + "/")
    response = admin_client.get(
        "/api/data_unlabeled_table/" + str(project.pk) + "/"
    data_ids = [d["ID"] for d in response["data"]]
    assert data[1].pk not in data_ids
Exemple #16
def label_project(project, profile, num_labels):
    labels = project.labels.all()

    current_training_set = project.get_current_training_set()

    assignments = get_assignments(profile, project, num_labels)
    for i in range(min(len(labels), len(assignments))):
        label_data(labels[i], assignments[i], profile, random.randint(0, 25))
    for assignment in assignments[len(labels):]:
        label_data(random.choice(labels), assignment, profile, random.randint(0, 25))

    task_num = tasks.send_model_task.apply(args=[project.pk])
    current_training_set.celery_task_id = task_num
Exemple #17
def test_get_assignments_no_existing_assignment_max_queue_length(
        db, test_profile, test_project_data, test_queue, test_redis):
    fill_queue(test_queue, orderby='random')

    assert AssignedData.objects.count() == 0

    data = get_assignments(test_profile, test_project_data, TEST_QUEUE_LEN)

    assert len(data) == TEST_QUEUE_LEN
    for datum in data:
        assert isinstance(datum, Data)
        assert_obj_exists(AssignedData, {
            'data': datum,
            'profile': test_profile
def test_admin_table(
    """This tests that the admin table holds the correct items."""
    project = test_project_data
    client_profile, admin_profile = sign_in_and_fill_queue(
        project, test_queue, client, admin_client
    # check that a non-admin can't get the table
    response = client.get("/api/data_admin_table/" + str(project.pk) + "/").json()
    assert (
        "detail" in response
        and "Invalid permission. Must be an admin" in response["detail"]

    response = admin_client.get("/api/data_admin_table/" + str(project.pk) + "/").json()
    # first, check that it is empty
    assert len(response["data"]) == 0

    # label something. Should still be empty.
    data = get_assignments(client_profile, project, 2)
    response = client.post(
        "/api/annotate_data/" + str(data[0].pk) + "/",
        {"labelID": test_labels[0].pk, "labeling_time": 1},
    response = admin_client.get("/api/data_admin_table/" + str(project.pk) + "/").json()
    assert len(response["data"]) == 0

    # skip something. Should be in the table.
    response = client.post("/api/skip_data/" + str(data[1].pk) + "/")
    response = admin_client.get("/api/data_admin_table/" + str(project.pk) + "/").json()
    assert len(response["data"]) == 1
    assert response["data"][0]["ID"] == data[1].pk

    # admin annotate the data. Admin table should be empty again.
    response = admin_client.post(
        "/api/label_admin_label/" + str(data[1].pk) + "/",
        {"labelID": test_labels[0].pk},
    response = admin_client.get("/api/data_admin_table/" + str(project.pk) + "/").json()
    assert len(response["data"]) == 0
def test_get_assignments_no_existing_assignment_half_max_queue_length(
        db, test_profile, test_project_data, test_queue, test_redis):
    fill_queue(test_queue, orderby="random")

    assert AssignedData.objects.count() == 0

    data = get_assignments(test_profile, test_project_data,
                           TEST_QUEUE_LEN // 2)

    assert len(data) == TEST_QUEUE_LEN // 2
    for datum in data:
        assert isinstance(datum, Data)
        assert_obj_exists(AssignedData, {
            "data": datum,
            "profile": test_profile
Exemple #20
def test_get_assignments_multiple_existing_assignments(db, test_profile,
                                                       test_queue, test_redis):
    fill_queue(test_queue, orderby='random')

    assigned_data = []
    for i in range(5):
        assigned_data.append(assign_datum(test_profile, test_project_data))

    data = get_assignments(test_profile, test_project_data, 5)

    assert len(data) == 5
    assert len(data) == len(assigned_data)
    for datum, assigned_datum in zip(data, assigned_data):
        assert isinstance(datum, Data)
    # We should just get the data that was already assigned
    assert len(data) == len(assigned_data)
def test_get_label_history(
    """This tests the function that returns the elements that user has already
    project = test_project_data
    client_profile, admin_profile = sign_in_and_fill_queue(
        project, test_queue, client, admin_client
    # before anything has been labeled, the history table should be empty
    response = admin_client.get("/api/get_label_history/" + str(project.pk) + "/")
    assert response.json()["data"] == []

    # skip an item. Should still be empty
    data = get_assignments(client_profile, project, 2)
    datum = data[0]
    assert datum is not None
    response = client.post("/api/skip_data/" + str(datum.pk) + "/")
    assert "error" not in response.json() and "detail" not in response.json()

    response = client.get("/api/get_label_history/" + str(project.pk) + "/")
    assert response.json()["data"] == []

    # have one user label something. Call label history on two users.
    request_info = {"labelID": test_labels[0].pk, "labeling_time": 3}
    datum = data[1]
    response = client.post("/api/annotate_data/" + str(datum.pk) + "/", request_info)
    assert "error" not in response.json() and "detail" not in response.json()

    response_client = client.get("/api/get_label_history/" + str(project.pk) + "/")
    assert response_client.json()["data"] != []

    response_admin = admin_client.get("/api/get_label_history/" + str(project.pk) + "/")
    assert response_admin.json()["data"] == []

    # the label should be in the correct person's history
    response_data = response_client.json()["data"][0]
    assert response_data["id"] == datum.pk
    assert response_data["labelID"] == test_labels[0].pk
def test_coded_table(
    """This tests the table that displays the labeled table."""
    project = test_project_data
    client_profile, admin_profile = sign_in_and_fill_queue(
        project, test_queue, client, admin_client)

    # first, check that it is empty
    response = client.get("/api/data_coded_table/" + str(project.pk) + "/")
    assert ("detail" in response.json()
            and "Invalid permission. Must be an admin"
            in response.json()["detail"])

    response = admin_client.get("/api/data_coded_table/" + str(project.pk) +
    assert len(response["data"]) == 0
    # label a few things, and check that they are in the table
    data = get_assignments(client_profile, project, 3)
    data_text = []
    label_names = []
    for i in range(3):
        response = client.post(
            "/api/annotate_data/" + str(data[i].pk) + "/",
                "labelID": test_labels[i].pk,
                "labeling_time": 1
    response = admin_client.get("/api/data_coded_table/" + str(project.pk) +
    assert len(response["data"]) == 3
    for row in response["data"]:
        assert row["Text"] in data_text
        assert row["Label"] in label_names
        assert row["Coder"] == str(client_profile)
Exemple #23
def test_admin_table(seeded_database, admin_client, client, test_project_data,
                     test_queue, test_irr_queue, test_admin_queue,
    This tests that the admin table holds the correct items
    project = test_project_data
    client_profile, admin_profile = sign_in_and_fill_queue(
        project, test_queue, client, admin_client)
    # check that a non-admin can't get the table
    response = client.get('/api/data_admin_table/' + str(project.pk) +
    assert 'detail' in response and 'Invalid permission. Must be an admin' in response[

    response = admin_client.get('/api/data_admin_table/' + str(project.pk) +
    # first, check that it is empty
    assert len(response['data']) == 0

    # label something. Should still be empty.
    data = get_assignments(client_profile, project, 2)
    response = client.post('/api/annotate_data/' + str(data[0].pk) + '/', {
        "labelID": test_labels[0].pk,
        "labeling_time": 1
    response = admin_client.get('/api/data_admin_table/' + str(project.pk) +
    assert len(response['data']) == 0

    # skip something. Should be in the table.
    response = client.post('/api/skip_data/' + str(data[1].pk) + '/')
    response = admin_client.get('/api/data_admin_table/' + str(project.pk) +
    assert len(response['data']) == 1
    assert response['data'][0]['ID'] == data[1].pk

    # admin annotate the data. Admin table should be empty again.
    response = admin_client.post(
        '/api/label_admin_label/' + str(data[1].pk) + '/',
        {"labelID": test_labels[0].pk})
    response = admin_client.get('/api/data_admin_table/' + str(project.pk) +
    assert len(response['data']) == 0
def test_admin_label(
    """This tests the admin ability to label skipped items in the admin table."""
    # fill queue. The admin queue should be empty
    project = test_project_data
    client_profile, admin_profile = sign_in_and_fill_queue(
        project, test_queue, client, admin_client
    assert DataQueue.objects.filter(queue=test_admin_queue).count() == 0
    # have a normal client skip something and try to admin label. Should not
    # be allowed
    data = get_assignments(client_profile, project, 1)[0]
    response = client.post("/api/skip_data/" + str(data.pk) + "/")
    assert "error" not in response.json() and "detail" not in response.json()

    payload = {"labelID": test_labels[0].pk}
    response = client.post("/api/label_admin_label/" + str(data.pk) + "/", payload)

    assert (
        "detail" in response.json()
        and "Invalid permission. Must be an admin" in response.json()["detail"]

    # check datum is in proper places
    assert DataQueue.objects.filter(data=data, queue=test_admin_queue).count() == 1
    assert DataQueue.objects.filter(data=data, queue=test_queue).count() == 0
    assert DataLabel.objects.filter(data=data).count() == 0

    # Let admin label datum. Should work. Check it is now in proper places
    response = admin_client.post(
        "/api/label_admin_label/" + str(data.pk) + "/", payload
    assert "error" not in response.json() and "detail" not in response.json()
    assert DataQueue.objects.filter(data=data, queue=test_admin_queue).count() == 0
    assert DataLabel.objects.filter(data=data).count() == 1
def test_skip_data(
    """This tests that the skip data api works."""
    project = test_project_data
    fill_queue(test_queue, "random")
    permission_message = (
        "Account disabled by administrator.  Please contact project owner for details"
    # call skip data without the user having permission. Check that
    # the data is not in admin and the response has an error.
    client.login(username=SEED_USERNAME, password=SEED_PASSWORD)
    client_profile = Profile.objects.get(user__username=SEED_USERNAME)

    data = get_assignments(client_profile, project, 1)
    response = client.post("/api/skip_data/" + str(data[0].pk) + "/")
    assert (
        "detail" in response.json() and permission_message in response.json()["detail"]

    assert DataQueue.objects.filter(data=data[0], queue=test_queue).count() == 1
    assert DataQueue.objects.filter(data=data[0], queue=test_admin_queue).count() == 0
        profile=client_profile, project=project, permission="CODER"

    # have someone skip something with permission. Should
    # be in admin queue, not in normal queue, not in datalabel
    response = client.post("/api/skip_data/" + str(data[0].pk) + "/")
    assert "error" not in response.json() and "detail" not in response.json()

    assert DataQueue.objects.filter(data=data[0], queue=test_queue).count() == 0
    assert DataQueue.objects.filter(data=data[0], queue=test_admin_queue).count() == 1
    assert DataLabel.objects.filter(data=data[0]).count() == 0
Exemple #26
def test_admin_counts(seeded_database, client, admin_client, test_project_data,
                      test_queue, test_irr_queue, test_labels,
                      test_admin_queue, test_project_no_irr_data,
                      test_no_irr_all_queues, test_labels_no_irr):
    This tests the admin counts api
    projects = [test_project_data, test_project_no_irr_data]
    normal_queues = [test_queue, test_no_irr_all_queues[0]]
    irr_queues = [test_irr_queue, test_no_irr_all_queues[2]]

    # log in the users into both projects
    client.login(username=SEED_USERNAME, password=SEED_PASSWORD)
    admin_client.login(username=SEED_USERNAME2, password=SEED_PASSWORD2)
    client_profile = Profile.objects.get(user__username=SEED_USERNAME)
    admin_profile = Profile.objects.get(user__username=SEED_USERNAME2)
    for i in range(2):
        fill_queue(normal_queues[i], 'random', irr_queues[i],
                   projects[i].percentage_irr, projects[i].batch_size)
        # check for admin priviledges
        response = client.get('/api/data_admin_counts/' + str(projects[i].pk) +
        assert 'detail' in response and 'Invalid permission. Must be an admin' in response[

    # counts should be 0 for both projects. IRR project should have two counts.
    response = admin_client.get('/api/data_admin_counts/' +
                                str(projects[0].pk) + '/').json()
    assert 'detail' not in response and len(response["data"]) == 2
    assert list(response['data'].values()) == [0, 0]

    response = admin_client.get('/api/data_admin_counts/' +
                                str(projects[1].pk) + '/').json()
    assert 'detail' not in response and len(response["data"]) == 1
    assert list(response['data'].values()) == [0]

    # have admin and non_admin skip everything. The count should be 30 for non-irr project
    irr_count = 0
    non_irr_count = 0
    data = get_assignments(client_profile, projects[0], 30)
    for i in range(30):
        if data[i].irr_ind:
            irr_count += 1
            non_irr_count += 1
        response = client.post('/api/skip_data/' + str(data[i].pk) + '/')
    data = get_assignments(admin_profile, projects[0], 30)
    for i in range(30):
        if not data[i].irr_ind:
            non_irr_count += 1
        response = admin_client.post('/api/skip_data/' + str(data[i].pk) + '/')

    response = admin_client.get('/api/data_admin_counts/' +
                                str(projects[0].pk) + '/').json()
    assert 'detail' not in response and len(response["data"]) == 2
    assert response['data']['IRR'] == irr_count
    assert response['data']['SKIP'] == non_irr_count

    # the counts should be split with the non-irr project
    data = get_assignments(client_profile, projects[1], 30)
    for i in range(30):
        response = client.post('/api/skip_data/' + str(data[i].pk) + '/')
    data = get_assignments(admin_profile, projects[1], 30)
    for i in range(30):
        response = admin_client.post('/api/skip_data/' + str(data[i].pk) + '/')

    response = admin_client.get('/api/data_admin_counts/' +
                                str(projects[1].pk) + '/').json()
    assert 'detail' not in response and len(response["data"]) == 1
    assert response['data']['SKIP'] == 60
Exemple #27
def test_recycle_bin_table(seeded_database, client, admin_client,
                           test_project_data, test_queue, test_irr_queue,
                           test_labels, test_admin_queue):
    This tests that the recycle bin table is populated correctly
    project = test_project_data
    fill_queue(test_queue, 'random', test_irr_queue, project.percentage_irr,

    admin_client.login(username=SEED_USERNAME2, password=SEED_PASSWORD2)
    admin_profile = Profile.objects.get(user__username=SEED_USERNAME2)

    client.login(username=SEED_USERNAME, password=SEED_PASSWORD)
    client_profile = Profile.objects.get(user__username=SEED_USERNAME)


    # check for admin privalidges
    response = client.get('/api/recycle_bin_table/' + str(project.pk) +
    assert 'detail' in response and 'Invalid permission. Must be an admin' in response[

    # check that the table is currently empty
    response = admin_client.get('/api/recycle_bin_table/' + str(project.pk) +
    assert 'detail' not in response
    assert len(response["data"]) == 0

    # assign a batch of data. Should be IRR and non-IRR
    irr_count = 0
    non_irr_count = 0
    data = get_assignments(client_profile, project, 30)
    for i in range(30):
        if data[i].irr_ind:
            irr_count += 1
            non_irr_count += 1
        response = client.post('/api/skip_data/' + str(data[i].pk) + '/')

    # have the admin also get a batch and call skip on everything
    data = get_assignments(admin_profile, project, 30)
    for i in range(30):
        if not data[i].irr_ind:
            non_irr_count += 1
        response = admin_client.post('/api/skip_data/' + str(data[i].pk) + '/')

    admin_data = DataQueue.objects.filter(data__project=project,
    # discard all data
    for datum in admin_data:
        admin_client.post('/api/discard_data/' + str(datum.data.pk) + '/')

    # check that the table has 30 elements that match the discarded data
    response = admin_client.get('/api/recycle_bin_table/' + str(project.pk) +
    assert 'detail' not in response
    assert len(response["data"]) == non_irr_count + irr_count
    assert_collections_equal([d["ID"] for d in response["data"]],

    # restore all data
    for datum in admin_data:
        admin_client.post('/api/restore_data/' + str(datum.data.pk) + '/')

    # check that the table is empty again
    response = admin_client.get('/api/recycle_bin_table/' + str(project.pk) +
    assert 'detail' not in response
    assert len(response["data"]) == 0
Exemple #28
def test_model_metrics(seeded_database, admin_client, client, test_project_unlabeled_and_tfidf, test_queue, test_admin_queue, test_irr_queue, test_labels):
    This function tests the model metrics api
    project = test_project_unlabeled_and_tfidf
    client_profile, admin_profile = sign_in_and_fill_queue(
        project, test_queue, client, admin_client)
    # at the beginning, shouldn't have any
    for metric in ['accuracy', 'f1', 'precision', 'recall']:
        response = admin_client.get('/api/model_metrics/'
                                    + str(project.pk) + '/?metric=' + metric).json()
        if len(response) == 1:
            assert response[0]['key'] == 'Accuracy'
            assert len(response) == len(test_labels)
        for temp_dict in response:
            assert len(temp_dict['values']) == 0
    # label 30 items. The model should run.
    data = get_assignments(client_profile, project, 30)
    for i in range(30):
        response = client.post('/api/annotate_data/' + str(data[i].pk) + '/', {
                               "labelID": test_labels[i % 3].pk, "labeling_time": 1
    assert DataLabel.objects.filter(data__in=data).count() == 30

    # check that metrics were generated
    # for metric in ['accuracy', 'f1', 'precision', 'recall']:
    for metric in ['accuracy', 'f1', 'precision', 'recall']:
        response = admin_client.get('/api/model_metrics/'
                                    + str(project.pk) + '/?metric=' + metric).json()
        if len(response) == 1:
            assert response[0]['key'] == 'Accuracy'
            assert len(response) == len(test_labels)

        # check there is some value for the first run
        for temp_dict in response:
            assert len(temp_dict['values']) == 1
    # do this again and check that a new metric is generated
    fill_queue(test_queue, project.learning_method)

    data = get_assignments(client_profile, project, 30)
    for i in range(30):
        response = client.post('/api/annotate_data/' + str(data[i].pk) + '/', {
                               "labelID": test_labels[i % 3].pk, "labeling_time": 1

    fill_queue(test_queue, project.learning_method)

    data = get_assignments(client_profile, project, 10)
    for i in range(10):
        response = client.post('/api/annotate_data/' + str(data[i].pk) + '/', {
                               "labelID": test_labels[i % 3].pk, "labeling_time": 1

    for metric in ['accuracy', 'f1', 'precision', 'recall']:
        response = admin_client.get('/api/model_metrics/'
                                    + str(project.pk) + '/?metric=' + metric).json()
        if len(response) == 1:
            assert response[0]['key'] == 'Accuracy'
            assert len(response) == len(test_labels)

        # check there is some value for the first run
        for temp_dict in response:
            assert len(temp_dict['values']) == 2
Exemple #29
def test_discard_data(seeded_database, client, admin_client, test_project_data,
                      test_queue, test_irr_queue, test_labels,
    This tests that data can be discarded
    project = test_project_data
    fill_queue(test_queue, 'random', test_irr_queue, project.percentage_irr,

    admin_client.login(username=SEED_USERNAME2, password=SEED_PASSWORD2)
    admin_profile = Profile.objects.get(user__username=SEED_USERNAME2)

    client.login(username=SEED_USERNAME, password=SEED_PASSWORD)
    client_profile = Profile.objects.get(user__username=SEED_USERNAME)


    # assign a batch of data. Should be IRR and non-IRR
    data = get_assignments(client_profile, project, 30)
    assert not all(not datum.irr_ind for datum in data)
    assert not all(datum.irr_ind for datum in data)

    # call skip data on a full batch of data
    for i in range(30):
        response = client.post('/api/skip_data/' + str(data[i].pk) + '/')

    # have the admin also get a batch and call skip on everything
    data = get_assignments(admin_profile, project, 30)
    assert not all(not datum.irr_ind for datum in data)
    assert not all(datum.irr_ind for datum in data)

    # call skip data on a full batch of data
    for i in range(30):
        response = admin_client.post('/api/skip_data/' + str(data[i].pk) + '/')

    admin_data = DataQueue.objects.filter(data__project=project,
    assert not all(not datum.data.irr_ind for datum in admin_data)
    assert not all(datum.data.irr_ind for datum in admin_data)

    # check for admin privalidges
    response = client.post('/api/discard_data/' + str(admin_data[0].data.pk) +
    assert 'detail' in response and 'Invalid permission. Must be an admin' in response[

    # get irr data and discard it. Check that the data is not in IRRLog, AssignedData DataQueue, in RecycleBin
    irr_data = admin_data.filter(data__irr_ind=True)
    for datum in irr_data:
        assert IRRLog.objects.filter(data=datum.data).count() > 0
        admin_client.post('/api/discard_data/' + str(datum.data.pk) + '/')
        assert IRRLog.objects.filter(data=datum.data).count() == 0
        assert DataQueue.objects.filter(data=datum.data).count() == 0
        assert AssignedData.objects.filter(data=datum.data).count() == 0
        assert RecycleBin.objects.filter(data=datum.data).count() == 1
        assert not RecycleBin.objects.get(data=datum.data).data.irr_ind

    # get normal data and discard it. Check that the data is not in IRRLog, AssignedData DataQueue, in RecycleBin
    non_irr_data = admin_data.filter(data__irr_ind=False)
    for datum in non_irr_data:
        admin_client.post('/api/discard_data/' + str(datum.data.pk) + '/')
        assert DataQueue.objects.filter(data=datum.data).count() == 0
        assert AssignedData.objects.filter(data=datum.data).count() == 0
        assert RecycleBin.objects.filter(data=datum.data).count() == 1
Exemple #30
def test_label_distribution_inverted(seeded_database, admin_client, client,
                                     test_project_data, test_queue,
                                     test_irr_queue, test_labels,
    This tests the api that produces the label counts chart for
    the skew page. It is stacked differently than the previous.
    project = test_project_data
    client_profile, admin_profile = sign_in_and_fill_queue(
        project, test_queue, client, admin_client)

    # at the beginning, should return empty list
    response = client.get('/api/label_distribution/' + str(project.pk) + '/')
    assert 'detail' in response.json(
    ) and "Invalid permission. Must be an admin" in response.json()['detail']

    response = admin_client.get('/api/label_distribution/' + str(project.pk) +
    assert len(response.json()) == 0

    # have client label three things differently. Check values.
    data = get_assignments(client_profile, project, 3)
    response = client.post('/api/annotate_data/' + str(data[0].pk) + '/', {
        "labelID": test_labels[0].pk,
        "labeling_time": 3
    response = client.post('/api/annotate_data/' + str(data[1].pk) + '/', {
        "labelID": test_labels[1].pk,
        "labeling_time": 3
    response = client.post('/api/annotate_data/' + str(data[2].pk) + '/', {
        "labelID": test_labels[2].pk,
        "labeling_time": 3
    assert DataLabel.objects.filter(data__in=data).count() == 3

    response = admin_client.get('/api/label_distribution_inverted/' +
                                str(project.pk) + '/').json()
    assert len(response) > 0

    for row in response:
        user = row['key']
        temp_dict = row['values']
        for label_row in temp_dict:
            if user == str(client_profile):
                assert label_row['y'] == 1
                assert user in [str(admin_profile), 'test_profile']
                assert label_row['y'] == 0

    # Have admin label three things the same. Check values.
    data = get_assignments(admin_profile, project, 3)
    response = admin_client.post('/api/annotate_data/' + str(data[0].pk) + '/',
                                     "labelID": test_labels[0].pk,
                                     "labeling_time": 3
    response = admin_client.post('/api/annotate_data/' + str(data[1].pk) + '/',
                                     "labelID": test_labels[0].pk,
                                     "labeling_time": 3
    response = admin_client.post('/api/annotate_data/' + str(data[2].pk) + '/',
                                     "labelID": test_labels[0].pk,
                                     "labeling_time": 3

    response = admin_client.get('/api/label_distribution_inverted/' +
                                str(project.pk) + '/').json()
    assert len(response) > 0

    for row in response:
        user = row['key']
        temp_dict = row['values']
        for label_row in temp_dict:
            if user == str(client_profile):
                assert label_row['y'] == 1
            elif user == str(admin_profile):
                if label_row['x'] == test_labels[0].name:
                    assert label_row['y'] == 3
                    assert label_row['y'] == 0
                assert label_row['y'] == 0