Exemple #1
def match_one_weight(food: Food, measurement: str) -> FoodWeight:
    """Finds best matching weight (FoodWeight object) to a measurement.

    Most of Food objects have common Weight entries, so this function uses difflib.get_close_matches()
    to find the most matching to the ingredient unit.
    If there's no match, returns last Weight in the list.

        food: Food which weights are searched.
        measurement: Measurement to be searched.
        Best matching FoodWeight
        AttributeError if Food doesn't have Weight entries.
    if not food.weight.exists():
        raise AttributeError(f"{food} has no weights.")
    weights = food.weight.all()
    matches = get_close_matches(measurement, [w.desc for w in weights],
    if matches:
        return weights.filter(desc=matches[0])[0]
    # If couldn't match default measurement then try it's varations
    if measurement == utils.DEFAULT_MEASUREMENT:
        for def_measurement in utils.DEFAULT_MEASUREMENT_VARIATIONS:
            for weight in weights:
                if def_measurement == utils.singularize(weight.desc):
    if matches:
        return weights.filter(desc=matches[0])[0]
        return food.weight.last()
Exemple #2
 def test_singularize(self):
     for unit in utils.all_units:
         if unit[-1] != "s":
             assert utils.singularize(unit) == unit
     for measure in utils.measurements:
         assert utils.singularize(measure) == measure
     assert utils.singularize("chickens") == "chicken"
     assert utils.singularize("leaves") == "leaf"
     assert utils.singularize("flour") == "flour"
     assert utils.singularize("pasta") == "pasta"
Exemple #3
def naive_parse_ingredient(string: str) -> dict:
    """Parses string and returns unit, amount, measurement and name of ingredient

    It is a very basic and naive implementation of parsing a string (ingredient).
    Based on simple checks if string starts with an amount or with a unit, etc.
    Ideally would be implemented with CRF (e.g. using PyStruct).

    Usage example:
    >>> parse_ingredient("1 onion")
    {'amount': 1.0, 'unit': '', 'measurement': 'serving', 'name': 'onion', 'raw': '1 onion'}

    >>> parse_ingredient("150 grams of chicken breasts (boneless and skinless)")
    {'amount': 150.0, 'unit': 'g', 'measurement': '', 'name': 'chicken breast boneless skinless', 'raw': '150 grams of chicken breasts (boneless and skinless)'}

        string: A string to be parsed.
            'amount': float
            'unit': str (may be empty)
            'measurement': str (may be empty)
            'name': str
            'raw': str
        ParseIngredientError: When string is empty.
    if not string:
        raise ParseIngredientError(string, "String cannot be empty.")
    raw = string
    string = utils.strip_special_chars(string)
    string = utils.separate_letters_from_numbers(string)
    string = utils.remove_or_ingredients(string)
    string = utils.strip_stop_words(string)
    string = utils.convert_range_to_one_amount(string)
    if not string:  # Re-check in case of invalid strings like "$$" etc.
        raise ParseIngredientError(raw, "String is not valid.")
    string_split = string.split()

    amount = 0
    unit = ""
    measurement = ""
    name = ""
    if (len(string_split) > 1 and string_split[0].isnumeric()
            and utils.is_decimal_amount(string_split[1])):
        # 1.0 - 1st and 2nd word are amounts (2nd is decimal)
        amount = list(map(int, string_split[1].split("/")))
        amount = amount[0] / amount[1]
        amount = amount + int(string_split[0])
        if len(string_split) > 2 and utils.is_measure_or_unit(string_split[2]):
            # 1.1 - With unit e.g '1 1/2 cup of flour'
            if utils.is_measurement(string_split[2]):
                measurement = string_split[2]
                unit = utils.get_unit(string_split[2])
            name = utils.singularize(" ".join(string_split[3:]))
            # 1.2 - No unit e.g. '1 1/2 of chicken breast'
            measurement = utils.DEFAULT_MEASUREMENT
            name = utils.singularize(" ".join(string_split[2:]))
    elif utils.is_decimal_amount(string_split[0]):
        # 2.0 - 1st word is a decimal amount (and 2nd is not)
        amount = list(map(int, string_split[0].split("/")))
        amount = amount[0] / amount[1]
        if len(string_split) > 1 and utils.is_measure_or_unit(string_split[1]):
            # 2.1 - With unit e.g. '1/2 cup of flour'
            if utils.is_measurement(string_split[1]):
                measurement = string_split[1]
                unit = utils.get_unit(string_split[1])
            name = utils.singularize(" ".join(string_split[2:]))
            # 2.2 - No unit e.g. '1/2 of chicken breast'
            measurement = utils.DEFAULT_MEASUREMENT
            name = utils.singularize(" ".join(string_split[1:]))
    elif string_split[0].isnumeric():
        # 3.0 - 1st word is an integer amount
        if len(string_split) > 1 and utils.is_measure_or_unit(string_split[1]):
            # 3.1 - With unit e.g. '1 cup of flour'
            amount = int(string_split[0])
            if utils.is_measurement(string_split[1]):
                measurement = string_split[1]
                unit = utils.get_unit(string_split[1])
            name = utils.singularize(" ".join(string_split[2:]))
            # 3.2 - No unit e.g. '1 chicken breast'
            amount = int(string_split[0])
            measurement = utils.DEFAULT_MEASUREMENT
            name = utils.singularize(" ".join(string_split[1:]))
        # 4.0 - 1st word is not an amount
        if utils.is_measure_or_unit(string_split[0]):
            # 4.1 - With unit e.g. 'cup of flour'
            amount = 1
            if utils.is_measurement(string_split[0]):
                measurement = string_split[0]
                unit = utils.get_unit(string_split[0])
            name = utils.singularize(" ".join(string_split[1:]))
            # 4.2 - No unit e.g. 'chicken breast'
            amount = 1
            measurement = utils.DEFAULT_MEASUREMENT
            name = utils.singularize(" ".join(string_split[0:]))
    return {
        "amount": float(amount),
        "unit": unit,
        "measurement": measurement,
        "name": name,
        "raw": raw,
Exemple #4
def getIngredientList(ingredient_name_list):
    ingredient_list_id = [
        match_one_food(singularize(i)) for i in ingredient_name_list
    ingredient_list_id = [i.id for i in ingredient_list_id if i]
    return ingredient_list_id