Exemple #1
 def fill_opacity(value):
     """ValueRef : int or float, opacity of the fill (0 to 1)
     if value.value:
         _assert_is_type('fill_opacity.value', value.value, (float, int))
         if value.value < 0 or value.value > 1:
             raise ValueError('fill_opacity must be between 0 and 1')
Exemple #2
 def stroke_width(value):
     """ValueRef : int, width of the stroke in pixels
     if value.value:
         _assert_is_type('stroke_width.value', value.value, int)
         if value.value < 0:
             raise ValueError('stroke width cannot be negative')
Exemple #3
 def stroke_width(value):
     """ValueRef : int, width of the stroke in pixels
     if value.value:
         _assert_is_type('stroke_width.value', value.value, int)
         if value.value < 0:
             raise ValueError('stroke width cannot be negative')
Exemple #4
    def values(value):
        """list : Data contents

        Data is represented in tabular form, where each element of
        ``values`` corresponds to a row of data.  Each row of data is
        represented by a dict or a raw number. The keys of the dict are
        columns and the values are individual data points. The keys of the
        dicts must be strings for the data to correctly serialize to JSON.

        The data will often have an "index" column representing the
        independent variable, with the remaining columns representing the
        dependent variables, though this is not required. The ``Data`` class
        itself, however, is agnostic to which columns are dependent and

        For example, the values attribute
        ``[{'x': 0, 'y': 3.2}, {'x': 1, 'y': 1.3}]``
        could represent two rows of two variables - possibly an independent
        variable ``'x'`` and a dependent variable ``'y'``.
        For simple data sets, an alternative values attribute could be a
        simple list of numbers such as
        ``[2, 12, 3, 5]``.

        It may be more convenient to load data from pandas or NumPy objects.
        See the methods :func:`Data.from_pandas` and
        for row in value:
            _assert_is_type('values row', row, (float, int, dict))
Exemple #5
    def values(value):
        """list : Data contents

        Data is represented in tabular form, where each element of
        ``values`` corresponds to a row of data.  Each row of data is
        represented by a dict or a raw number. The keys of the dict are
        columns and the values are individual data points. The keys of the
        dicts must be strings for the data to correctly serialize to JSON.

        The data will often have an "index" column representing the
        independent variable, with the remaining columns representing the
        dependent variables, though this is not required. The ``Data`` class
        itself, however, is agnostic to which columns are dependent and

        For example, the values attribute
        ``[{'x': 0, 'y': 3.2}, {'x': 1, 'y': 1.3}]``
        could represent two rows of two variables - possibly an independent
        variable ``'x'`` and a dependent variable ``'y'``.
        For simple data sets, an alternative values attribute could be a
        simple list of numbers such as
        ``[2, 12, 3, 5]``.

        It may be more convenient to load data from pandas or NumPy objects.
        See the methods :func:`Data.from_pandas` and
        for row in value:
            _assert_is_type('values row', row, (float, int, dict))
Exemple #6
 def stroke_opacity(value):
     """ValueRef : number, opacity of the stroke (0 to 1)
     if value.value:
         _assert_is_type('stroke_opacity.value', value.value, (float, int))
         if value.value < 0 or value.value > 1:
             raise ValueError('stroke_opacity must be between 0 and 1')
Exemple #7
    def axes(value):
        """list or KeyedList of ``Axis`` : Axis definitions

        Axes define the locations of the data being mapped by the scales.
        See the :class:`Axis` class for details.
        for i, entry in enumerate(value):
            _assert_is_type('axes[{0}]'.format(i), entry, Axis)
Exemple #8
    def data(value):
        """list or KeyedList of ``Data`` : Data definitions

        This defines the data being visualized. See the :class:`Data` class
        for details.
        for i, entry in enumerate(value):
            _assert_is_type('data[{0}]'.format(i), entry, Data)
Exemple #9
    def path(value):
        """ValueRef : string, SVG path string

        This would typically be used for maps and other things where the
        path is taken from the data.
        if value.value:
            _assert_is_type('path.value', value.value, str)
Exemple #10
    def path(value):
        """ValueRef : string, SVG path string

        This would typically be used for maps and other things where the
        path is taken from the data.
        if value.value:
            _assert_is_type('path.value', value.value, str)
Exemple #11
    def axes(value):
        """list or KeyedList of ``Axis`` : Axis definitions

        Axes define the locations of the data being mapped by the scales.
        See the :class:`Axis` class for details.
        for i, entry in enumerate(value):
            _assert_is_type('axes[{0}]'.format(i), entry, Axis)
Exemple #12
    def legends(value):
        """list or KeyedList of ``Legends`` : Legend definitions

        Legends visualize scales, and take one or more scales as their input.
        They can be customized via a LegendProperty object.
        for i, entry in enumerate(value):
            _assert_is_type('legends[{0}]'.format(i), entry, Legend)
Exemple #13
    def legends(value):
        """list or KeyedList of ``Legends`` : Legend definitions

        Legends visualize scales, and take one or more scales as their input.
        They can be customized via a LegendProperty object.
        for i, entry in enumerate(value):
            _assert_is_type('legends[{0}]'.format(i), entry, Legend)
Exemple #14
    def data(value):
        """list or KeyedList of ``Data`` : Data definitions

        This defines the data being visualized. See the :class:`Data` class
        for details.
        for i, entry in enumerate(value):
            _assert_is_type('data[{0}]'.format(i), entry,  Data)
Exemple #15
    def stroke(value):
        """ValueRef : color, stroke color for the mark

        Colors can be specified in standard HTML hex notation or as CSS3
        compatible strings. The color string is not validated due to its
        large number of valid values.
        if value.value:
            _assert_is_type('stroke.value', value.value, str)
Exemple #16
 def fill_opacity(value):
     """ValueRef : int or float, opacity of the fill (0 to 1)
     if value.value:
         _assert_is_type('fill_opacity.value', value.value,
                         (float, int))
         if value.value < 0 or value.value > 1:
             raise ValueError(
                 'fill_opacity must be between 0 and 1')
Exemple #17
    def stroke(value):
        """ValueRef : color, stroke color for the mark

        Colors can be specified in standard HTML hex notation or as CSS3
        compatible strings. The color string is not validated due to its
        large number of valid values.
        if value.value:
            _assert_is_type('stroke.value', value.value, str)
Exemple #18
    def scales(value):
        """list or KeyedList of ``Scale`` : Scale definitions

        Scales map the data from the domain of the data to some
        visualization space (such as an x-axis). See the :class:`Scale`
        class for details.
        for i, entry in enumerate(value):
            _assert_is_type('scales[{0}]'.format(i), entry, Scale)
Exemple #19
 def stroke_opacity(value):
     """ValueRef : number, opacity of the stroke (0 to 1)
     if value.value:
         _assert_is_type('stroke_opacity.value', value.value,
                         (float, int))
         if value.value < 0 or value.value > 1:
             raise ValueError(
                 'stroke_opacity must be between 0 and 1')
Exemple #20
    def marks(value):
        """list or KeyedList of ``Mark`` : Mark definitions

        Marks are the visual objects (such as lines, bars, etc.) that
        represent the data in the visualization space. See the :class:`Mark`
        class for details.
        for i, entry in enumerate(value):
            _assert_is_type('marks[{0}]'.format(i), entry, Mark)
Exemple #21
    def scales(value):
        """list or KeyedList of ``Scale`` : Scale definitions

        Scales map the data from the domain of the data to some
        visualization space (such as an x-axis). See the :class:`Scale`
        class for details.
        for i, entry in enumerate(value):
            _assert_is_type('scales[{0}]'.format(i), entry, Scale)
Exemple #22
    def marks(value):
        """list or KeyedList of ``Mark`` : Mark definitions

        Marks are the visual objects (such as lines, bars, etc.) that
        represent the data in the visualization space. See the :class:`Mark`
        class for details.
        for i, entry in enumerate(value):
            _assert_is_type('marks[{0}]'.format(i), entry, Mark)
Exemple #23
    def from_numpy(cls, np_obj, name, columns, index=None, index_key=None,
        """Load values from a numpy array

        np_obj : numpy.ndarray
            numpy array to load data from
        name : string
            ``name`` field for the data
        columns : iterable
            Sequence of column names, from left to right. Must have same
            length as the number of columns of ``np_obj``.
        index : iterable, default None
            Sequence of indices from top to bottom. If ``None`` (default),
            then the indices are integers starting at 0. Must have same
            length as the number of rows of ``np_obj``.
        index_key : string, default None
            Key to use for the index. If ``None`` (default), ``idx`` is
        **kwargs : dict
            Additional arguments passed to the :class:`Data` constructor

        The individual elements of ``np_obj``, ``columns``, and ``index``
        must return valid values from :func:`Data.serialize`.
        if not np:
            raise LoadError('numpy could not be imported')

        _assert_is_type('numpy object', np_obj, np.ndarray)

        # Integer index if none is provided
        index = index or range(np_obj.shape[0])
        # Explicitly map dict-keys to strings for JSON serializer.
        columns = map(str, columns)

        index_key = index_key or cls._default_index_key

        if len(index) != np_obj.shape[0]:
            raise LoadError(
                'length of index must be equal to number of rows of array')
        elif len(columns) != np_obj.shape[1]:
            raise LoadError(
                'length of columns must be equal to number of columns of '

        data = cls(name=name, **kwargs)
        data.values = [
            dict([(index_key, cls.serialize(idx))] +
                 [(col, x) for col, x in zip(columns, row)])
            for idx, row in zip(index, np_obj.tolist())]

        return data
Exemple #24
    def shape(value):
        """ValueRef : string, type of symbol to use

        Possible values are ``'circle'`` (default), ``'square'``,
        ``'cross'``, ``'diamond'``, ``'triangle-up'``, and
        ``'triangle-down'``. Only used if ``type`` is ``'symbol'``.
        if value.value:
            _assert_is_type('shape.value', value.value, str)
            if value.value not in PropertySet._valid_shapes:
                raise ValueError(value.value + ' is not a valid shape')
Exemple #25
    def size(value):
        """ValueRef : number, area of the mark in pixels

        This is the total area of a symbol. For example, a value of 500 and
        a ``shape`` of ``'circle'`` would result in circles with an area of
        500 square pixels. Only used if ``type`` is ``'symbol'``.
        if value.value:
            _assert_is_type('size.value', value.value, int)
            if value.value < 0:
                raise ValueError('size cannot be negative')
Exemple #26
    def size(value):
        """ValueRef : number, area of the mark in pixels

        This is the total area of a symbol. For example, a value of 500 and
        a ``shape`` of ``'circle'`` would result in circles with an area of
        500 square pixels. Only used if ``type`` is ``'symbol'``.
        if value.value:
            _assert_is_type('size.value', value.value, int)
            if value.value < 0:
                raise ValueError('size cannot be negative')
Exemple #27
    def shape(value):
        """ValueRef : string, type of symbol to use

        Possible values are ``'circle'`` (default), ``'square'``,
        ``'cross'``, ``'diamond'``, ``'triangle-up'``, and
        ``'triangle-down'``. Only used if ``type`` is ``'symbol'``.
        if value.value:
            _assert_is_type('shape.value', value.value, str)
            if value.value not in PropertySet._valid_shapes:
                raise ValueError(value.value + ' is not a valid shape')
Exemple #28
    def viewport(value):
        """2-element list of ints : Dimensions of the viewport

        The viewport is a bounding box containing the visualization. If the
        dimensions of the visualization are larger than the viewport, then
        the visualization will be scrollable.

        If undefined, then the full visualization is shown.
        if len(value) != 2:
            raise ValueError('viewport must have 2 dimensions')
        for v in value:
            _assert_is_type('viewport dimension', v, int)
            if v < 0:
                raise ValueError('viewport dimensions cannot be negative')
Exemple #29
    def viewport(value):
        """2-element list of ints : Dimensions of the viewport

        The viewport is a bounding box containing the visualization. If the
        dimensions of the visualization are larger than the viewport, then
        the visualization will be scrollable.

        If undefined, then the full visualization is shown.
        if len(value) != 2:
            raise ValueError('viewport must have 2 dimensions')
        for v in value:
            _assert_is_type('viewport dimension', v, int)
            if v < 0:
                raise ValueError('viewport dimensions cannot be negative')
Exemple #30
    def padding(value):
        """int or dict : Padding around visualization

        The padding defines the distance between the edge of the
        visualization canvas to the visualization box. It does not count as
        part of the visualization width/height. Values cannot be negative.

        If a dict, padding must have all keys ``''top'``, ``'left'``,
        ``'right'``, and ``'bottom'`` with int values.
        if isinstance(value, dict):
            required_keys = ['top', 'left', 'right', 'bottom']
            for key in required_keys:
                if key not in value:
                    error = ('Padding must have keys "{0}".'
                             .format('", "'.join(required_keys)))
                    raise ValueError(error)
                _assert_is_type('padding: {0}'.format(key), value[key], int)
                if value[key] < 0:
                    raise ValueError('Padding cannot be negative.')
            if value < 0:
                raise ValueError('Padding cannot be negative.')
Exemple #31
    def padding(value):
        """int or dict : Padding around visualization

        The padding defines the distance between the edge of the
        visualization canvas to the visualization box. It does not count as
        part of the visualization width/height. Values cannot be negative.

        If a dict, padding must have all keys ``''top'``, ``'left'``,
        ``'right'``, and ``'bottom'`` with int values.
        if isinstance(value, dict):
            required_keys = ['top', 'left', 'right', 'bottom']
            for key in required_keys:
                if key not in value:
                    error = ('Padding must have keys "{0}".'.format(
                        '", "'.join(required_keys)))
                    raise ValueError(error)
                _assert_is_type('padding: {0}'.format(key), value[key], int)
                if value[key] < 0:
                    raise ValueError('Padding cannot be negative.')
            if value < 0:
                raise ValueError('Padding cannot be negative.')
Exemple #32
    def from_numpy(cls,
        """Load values from a numpy array

        np_obj : numpy.ndarray
            numpy array to load data from
        name : string
            ``name`` field for the data
        columns : iterable
            Sequence of column names, from left to right. Must have same
            length as the number of columns of ``np_obj``.
        index : iterable, default None
            Sequence of indices from top to bottom. If ``None`` (default),
            then the indices are integers starting at 0. Must have same
            length as the number of rows of ``np_obj``.
        index_key : string, default None
            Key to use for the index. If ``None`` (default), ``idx`` is
        **kwargs : dict
            Additional arguments passed to the :class:`Data` constructor

        The individual elements of ``np_obj``, ``columns``, and ``index``
        must return valid values from :func:`Data.serialize`.
        if not np:
            raise LoadError('numpy could not be imported')

        _assert_is_type('numpy object', np_obj, np.ndarray)

        # Integer index if none is provided
        index = index or range(np_obj.shape[0])
        # Explicitly map dict-keys to strings for JSON serializer.
        columns = map(str, columns)

        index_key = index_key or cls._default_index_key

        if len(index) != np_obj.shape[0]:
            raise LoadError(
                'length of index must be equal to number of rows of array')
        elif len(columns) != np_obj.shape[1]:
            raise LoadError(
                'length of columns must be equal to number of columns of '

        data = cls(name=name, **kwargs)
        data.values = [
            dict([(index_key, cls.serialize(idx))] +
                 [(col, x) for col, x in zip(columns, row)])
            for idx, row in zip(index, np_obj.tolist())

        return data