def comm_ue(self, satellite, ue, comm_t): """ Args: satellite (list of tuple): {'s1': [1,2,..]) ue (numpy array): ([r,i,theta], tp) comm_t: UPLINK or DOWNLINK Return: throughput (numpy array): numpy.array([1,2,3,4...]) .. note:: TODO: multiple UEs and satellite """ # ss_idx: satellite system idx. s_idx: satellite idx in system for ss_idx, s_idx in satellite.iteritems(): s_pos = self.satellites[ss_idx].satellite_pos(s_idx) bw = self.satellites[ss_idx].earth_bw f = self.satellites[ss_idx].get_antenna_param(s_idx, 'earth_f') if comm_t == UPLINK: noise = cal_thermal_noise(bw, 2.73) tp = tr_pos = ue.pos rv_pos = s_pos gt = 0 gr = self.satellites[ss_idx].get_antenna_param(s_idx, 'gain') else: noise = cal_thermal_noise(bw, 290) tp = self.satellites[ss_idx].get_antenna_param(s_idx, 'max_tp') tr_pos = s_pos rv_pos = ue.pos gt = self.satellites[ss_idx].get_antenna_param(s_idx, 'gain') gr = 0 rp = cal_recv_power(tr_pos, rv_pos, 10**(tp / 10), 1, 1, dist_func=cal_dist_3d, dist_args=[], pl_func=cal_fiirs, pl_args=[f, gt, gr], fading_func=gen_rician, fading_args=[10, 1], shadowing_func=gen_logNshadowing, shadowing_args=[4]) throughput = cal_shannon_cap(bw, rp, noise=noise) return throughput, rp
def cal_D2D_opt_tp(d2d_ues, cc_ues, pmax_d, pmax_c, g_d2d_bs, g_cc, g_d2d, g_cc_d2d, sinr_d2d, sinr_cc, bw, alpha, freq): """ This function calculates the RRM for D2D UEs (Device-to-Device Communications Underlaying Cellular Networks) Args: d2d_ues (numpy array): d2d_ues positions g_d2d_cc (): channel gain between d2d and cc ues kappa (float): scale param for cc bw (float): bandwidth for d2d_ues alpha (float): pathloss parameter freq (float): frequency Returns: list of numpy array. The transmit power of D2D UEs and CC UEs. ::TODO: only consider one D2D """ noise = cal_thermal_noise(bw, 273) # set up reuse array idx_avail = [] p_c = (g_d2d*sinr_cc+g_d2d_bs*sinr_cc*sinr_d2d)*noise / \ (g_d2d*g_cc-sinr_d2d*sinr_cc*g_cc_d2d*g_d2d_bs) p_d2d = (g_cc_d2d*sinr_cc*sinr_d2d+g_cc*sinr_d2d)*noise / \ (g_d2d*g_cc-sinr_cc*sinr_d2d*g_cc_d2d*g_d2d_bs) for i in range(cc_ues.size): if (p_d2d > 0 and p_d2d <= pmax_c) and (p_c > 0 and p_c <= pmax_c): idx_avail.append(i) # calculate optimal transmit power # FIXME: one D2D def _argmax(tp_pairs): f = 0 idx = 0 for i, (pc, pd) in enumerate(tp_pairs): fc = np.log2(1+pc*g_cc/(pd*g_d2d_bs+noise))+np.log2(1+pd*g_d2d/(pc*g_cc_d2d+noise)) if fc > f: f = fc idx = i return tp_pairs[idx] p1 = (pmax_c*g_cc_d2d[idx_avail]+noise)*sinr_d2d/g_d2d p2 = (pmax_c*g_cc[idx_avail]-sinr_cc*noise)/(sinr_cc*g_d2d_bs) p3 = (pmax_d*g_d2d-sinr_d2d*noise)/(sinr_d2d*g_cc_d2d[idx_avail]) p4 = (pmax_d*g_d2d_bs+noise)*sinr_cc/g_cc[idx_avail] opt_tp_pairs = [] for i, j in enumerate(idx_avail): if (pmax_c*g_cc[i])/(noise+pmax_d*g_d2d_bs) <= sinr_cc: opt_tp_pairs.append(_argmax([(pmax_c, p1[j]), (pmax_c, p2[j])])) elif pmax_d*g_d2d/(noise+pmax_c*g_cc_d2d[i]) < sinr_d2d: opt_tp_pairs.append(_argmax([(p3[j], pmax_d), (p4[j], pmax_d)])) else: opt_tp_pairs.append(_argmax([(pmax_c, p1[j]), (pmax_c, pmax_d), (p4[j], pmax_d)])) # calculate channel allocation. return _argmax(opt_tp_pairs)
def cal_D2D_basic_tp(d2d_ues, g_d2d_bs, kappa, bw, alpha, freq): """ This function calculates the transmit power for D2D UEs (Spectrum Sharing Scheme Between Cellular Users and Ad-hoc Device-to-Device Users) Args: d2d_ues (numpy array): d2d_ues positions g_d2d_cc (): channel gain between d2d and cc ues kappa (float): scale param for cc bw (float): bandwidth for d2d_ues alpha (float): pathloss parameter freq (float): frequency Returns: numpy array. The transmit power of D2D UEs. """ noise = cal_thermal_noise(bw, 273) pathloss = cal_umi_nlos(np.abs(d2d_ues), alpha, freq) return (kappa - 1) * pathloss * noise / g_d2d_bs
def intra_comm(self, start, dest, comm_t=INTRA_COMM): """ Args: start (dict): {system_key: idx_list (list, None for all)}, end (dict): {system_key: idx_list (list, None for all)} .. note:: The elements in start and end should be consistent, e.g. all elements in start/end are satellites or earth stations. Returns: Shannon capacity (numpy array): array of the shannon capacity between all trs and rvs. """ tr_pos = np.array([[0, 0, 0]]) rv_pos = np.array([[0, 0, 0]]) f = np.array([]) gt = np.array([]) gr = np.array([]) bw = np.array([]) tp = np.array([]) n = 0 for key, idx in start.iteritems(): if comm_t == INTRA_COMM: s = self.satellites[key] tr_pos = np.append(tr_pos, s.satellite_pos(idx), axis=0) f = np.append(f, s.get_antenna_param(idx, 'intra_f')) bw = np.append(bw, s.intra_bw * np.ones(len(idx))) tp = np.append(tp, s.get_antenna_param(idx, 'max_tp')) gt = np.append(gt, s.get_antenna_param(idx, 'gain')) elif comm_t == DOWNLINK: s = self.satellites[key] tr_pos = np.append(tr_pos, s.satellite_pos(idx), axis=0) f = np.append(f, s.get_antenna_param(idx, 'earth_f')) bw = np.append(bw, s.earth_bw * np.ones(len(idx))) tp = np.append(tp, s.get_antenna_param(idx, 'max_tp')) gt = np.append(gt, s.get_antenna_param(idx, 'gain')) else: s = self.satellites[key].stations tr_pos = np.append(tr_pos, s.stations.station_pos(idx), axis=0) f = np.append(f, s.stations.get_antenna_param(idx, 'f')) bw = np.append(bw, * np.ones(len(idx))) tp = np.append(tp, s.stations.get_antenna_param(idx, 'max_tp')) gt = np.append(gt, s.stations.get_antenna_param(idx, 'gain')) n = n + len(idx) for key, idx in dest.iteritems(): if comm_t == INTRA_COMM or UPLINK: e = self.satellites[key] rv_pos = np.append(rv_pos, e.satellite_pos(idx), axis=0) gr = np.append(gr, e.get_antenna_param(idx, 'gain')) else: e = self.satellites[key].stations rv_pos = np.append(rv_pos, e.stations.station_pos(idx), axis=0) gr = np.append(gr, e.sations.get_antenna_param(idx, 'gain')) tr_pos = tr_pos[1:, :] rv_pos = rv_pos[1:, :] rp = cal_recv_power(tr_pos, rv_pos, 10**(tp / 10), n, 1, dist_func=cal_dist_3d, dist_args=[], pl_func=cal_fiirs, pl_args=[f, gt, gr], fading_func=gen_rician, fading_args=[10, 1], shadowing_func=gen_logNshadowing, shadowing_args=[4]) if comm_t == INTRA_COMM or comm_t == UPLINK: noise = cal_thermal_noise(bw * 1e6, 2.73) else: noise = cal_thermal_noise(bw * 1e6, 290) throughput = cal_shannon_cap(bw * 1e6, rp, noise=noise) return throughput