Exemple #1
def findOrCreate(roles, extra_roles, lvalues, extra_lvalues, rvalues,
    statements = []
    data = []
    conditions = []
    query = f"select role.l from {roles[0]}cn role "
    for (i, role) in enumerate(roles[1:]):
        query += f"join {role}cn role{i} on (role{i}.l = role.l) "
    for (i, (rel, value)) in enumerate(lvalues):
        query += f"join {rel}cn1 lvalue{i} on (lvalue{i}.l = role.l) "
        conditions += [f"lvalue{i}.r = ? "]
        data += [value]
    for (i, (rel, value)) in enumerate(rvalues):
        query += f"join {rel}c1n rvalue{i} on (rvalue{i}.r = role.l) "
        conditions += [f"rvalue{i}.l = ? "]
        data += [value]
    for (i, condition) in enumerate(conditions):
        query += "where " if i == 0 else "and "
        query += condition
    query += "limit 1"
    c = core.conn.cursor()
    c.execute(query, data)
    found = None
    for row in c:
        found = row[0]
    if not found:
        found = str(uuid.uuid4())
        for role in roles:
            statements += core.relate([found, role])
        for (rel, value) in lvalues:
            statements += core.relate([found, rel, value])
        for (rel, value) in rvalues:
            statements += core.relate([value, rel, found])
    statements += addRoles(found, extra_roles)
    for (rel, value) in extra_lvalues:
        statements += link(found, rel, value)
    for (rel, value) in extra_rvalues:
        statements += link(value, rel, found)
    return (statements, found)
Exemple #2
def trackFile(path, label, id, contenttype, mutable=None):
    basename = os.path.basename(path)
    if not mutable:
         mutable) = findOrCreate(["EntityE", "MutableE", "FileE"], [],
                                 [("LabelES", label),
                                  ("IdentityES", f"{id} [in file] {basename}"),
                                  ("PathES", path)], [], [], [])
        statements = addRoles(mutable, "FileE")
        statements += weakLLink(mutable, "PathES", path)
        statements += weakLLink(mutable, "LabelES", label)
        statements += weakLLink(mutable, "IdentityES",
                                f"{id} [in file] {basename}")

    sha = sha256sum(path)

    c = core.conn.cursor()
        """select constant.l from ConstantEcn constant
					left join ShaEScn1 sha on (constant.l = sha.l)
					left join ContentTypeEScn1 contenttype on (constant.l = contenttype.l)
					where sha.r = ?
					and contenttype.r = ?
					limit 1""", (sha, contenttype))
    constant = None
    for row in c:
        constant = row[0]
    if not constant:
        mtime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
        constant = str(uuid.uuid4())
        statements += core.relate([constant, "EntityE"])
        statements += core.relate([constant, "LabelES", mtime])
        basename = os.path.basename(path)
        statements += core.relate([
            constant, "IdentityES", f"{id} [in file] {basename} [at] {mtime}"
        statements += core.relate([constant, "ConstantE"])
        statements += core.relate([constant, "ShaES", sha])
        statements += core.relate([constant, "ContentTypeES", contenttype])
        statements += core.relate([constant, "CreationTimeES", mtime])
        statements += core.relate(
            [constant, "ContentEB",
             sqlite3.Binary(open(path, "rb").read())])

    statements += link(mutable, "ContentEE", constant)

    return (statements, mutable, constant)
Exemple #3
def trackEmbedded(value, label, id, contenttype, mtime, mutable=None):
    statements = []
    if not mutable:
        (statements, mutable) = findOrCreate(["EntityE", "MutableE"], [],
                                             [("LabelES", label),
                                              ("IdentityES", id)], [], [], [])
        statements = weakLLink(mutable, "LabelES", label)
        statements += weakLLink(mutable, "IdentityES", id)

    sha = sha256sum(value, value=True)

    c = core.conn.cursor()
        """select constant.l from ConstantEcn constant
					left join ShaEScn1 sha on (constant.l = sha.l)
					left join ContentTypeEScn1 contenttype on (constant.l = contenttype.l)
					where sha.r = ?
					and contenttype.r = ?
					limit 1""", (sha, contenttype))
    constant = None
    for row in c:
        constant = row[0]
    if not constant:
        constant = str(uuid.uuid4())
        statements += core.relate([constant, "EntityE"])
        statements += core.relate([constant, "LabelES", mtime])
        statements += core.relate(
            [constant, "IdentityES", f"{id} [at] {mtime}"])
        statements += core.relate([constant, "ConstantE"])
        statements += core.relate([constant, "ShaES", sha])
        statements += core.relate([constant, "ContentTypeES", contenttype])
        statements += core.relate([constant, "CreationTimeES", mtime])
        statements += core.relate(
            [constant, "ContentEB",
        statements += core.relate([constant, "EmbeddedE"])

    statements += link(mutable, "ContentEE", constant)

    return (statements, mutable, constant)
Exemple #4
def addRoles(entity, roles):
    if not entity:
        raise PiiException("addRoles(): entity is null")
    statements = []
    if isinstance(roles, str):
        roles = [roles]
    c = core.conn.cursor()
    c.execute("""select role.r from RoleEScnn role 
					where role.l = ?""", (entity, ))
    existing = []
    for row in c:
        existing += [row[0]]
    for role in roles:
        if not role in existing:
            statements += core.relate([entity, role])
    return statements
Exemple #5
def weakLLink(l, rel, r, card="cnn"):
    if not l:
        raise PiiException("weakLLink(): l is null")
    if not r:
        raise PiiException("weakLLink(): r is null")
    statements = []
    c = core.conn.cursor()
        f"""select rel.l, rel.r from {rel}{card} rel 
					where rel.l = ?
					limit 1""", (l, ))
    lnk = None
    for row in c:
        lnk = row[0]
    if not lnk:
        statements += core.relate([l, rel, r])
    return statements
Exemple #6
# Performing a Test on an Implementation yields a TestResult
statements += core.model(
    "TestResultE -- ImplementationEEcn1 -- ImplementationE")
statements += core.model("TestResultE -- TestEEcn1 -- TestE")

# A Guide tells you how to use an Appliance
statements += core.model("ApplianceE -- GuideEEcnn -- GuideE")

# A version in Git have additional properties.
statements += core.model("GitVersionE -- CommitEScn1")
statements += core.model("GitVersionE -- DateETcn1")
statements += core.model("GitVersionE -- CommentEBcn1")

# Graphical Presentation
statements += core.relate(["EntityE", "ShapeSS", "box"])

statements += core.relate(["EntityE", "RedSI", 255])
statements += core.relate(["EntityE", "GreenSI", 255])
statements += core.relate(["EntityE", "BlueSI", 255])

statements += core.relate(["ArtifactE", "RedSI", 128])
statements += core.relate(["VersionE", "RedSI", 192])

statements += core.relate(["MutableE", "BlueSI", 0])
statements += core.relate(["ContainerE", "BlueSI", 64])
statements += core.relate(["ConstantE", "BlueSI", 128])
statements += core.relate(["EmbeddedE", "BlueSI", 192])

statements += core.relate(["SpecificationE", "GreenSI", 128])
statements += core.relate(["ImplementationE", "GreenSI", 192])