Exemple #1
def test_listo():
    x = variables("x")
    goal = listo(x)
    s_inf = goal(Substitution())
    v1 = variables('__1')
    v2 = variables('__2')
    v3 = variables('__3')
    assert next(s_inf) == Substitution({x: []})
    assert next(s_inf) == Substitution({x: [v1]})
    assert next(s_inf) == Substitution({x: [v1, v2]})
    assert next(s_inf) == Substitution({x: [v1, v2, v3]})

    s_inf = listo([1, 2, 3])(Substitution())
    assert list(s_inf) == [Substitution()]
Exemple #2
def test_appendo():
    w, x, y, z = variables("w, x, y, z")

    goal = conj(same(z, (x, y)), appendo(x, y, [1, 2, 3]))
    assert list(run(z, goal)) == [([], [1, 2, 3]), ([1], [2, 3]), ([1,
                                                                    2], [3]),
                                  ([1, 2, 3], [])]

    goal = conj(same(z, (x, y)), appendo([1, 2, 3], x, y))
    assert list(run(3, z, goal)) == [([], [1, 2, 3]), (['_0'], [1, 2, 3,
                                     (['_0', '_1'], [1, 2, 3, '_0', '_1'])]

    goal = conj(same(z, (x, y)), appendo(x, [1, 2, 3], y))
    assert list(run(3, z, goal)) == [([], [1, 2, 3]), (['_0'], ['_0', 1, 2,
                                     (['_0', '_1'], ['_0', '_1', 1, 2, 3])]

    goal = conj(same(z, (w, x, y)), appendo(w, x, y))
    assert list(run(6, z, goal)) == [([], [], []), ([], ['_0'], ['_0']),
                                     (['_0'], [], ['_0']),
                                     ([], ['_0', '_1'], ['_0', '_1']),
                                     (['_0'], ['_1'], ['_0', '_1']),
                                     (['_0', '_1'], [], ['_0', '_1'])]
Exemple #3
def test_disj():
    x = variables("x")
    goal = disj(same("olive", x), same("oil", x))
    assert set(goal(Substitution())) == {
        Substitution({x: "olive"}),
        Substitution({x: "oil"})
Exemple #4
def test_disj_x_never():
    x = variables("x")
    goal = disj(same("olive", x), never)
    s_inf = goal(Substitution())
    assert next(s_inf) == Substitution({x: "olive"})
    s_inf = assert_suspended(s_inf)
    s_inf = assert_suspended(s_inf)
Exemple #5
def test_walk1():
    a, w, x, y, z = variables("a, w, x, y, z")

    substitution = Substitution({z: a, x: w, y: z})

    assert substitution.walk(x) is w
    assert substitution.walk(y) is a
    assert substitution.walk(z) is a
Exemple #6
def test_defrel():
    def teacupo(t):
        return disj(same('tea', t), same('cup', t))

    x = variables('x')
    r = run(x, teacupo(x))
    assert list(r) == ['tea', 'cup']
Exemple #7
def test_walk2():
    v, w, x, y = variables("v, w, x, y")

    substitution = Substitution({x: y, v: x, w: x})

    assert substitution.walk(x) is y
    assert substitution.walk(v) is y
    assert substitution.walk(w) is y
Exemple #8
def fresh(body):
    spec = inspect.signature(body)
    var_names = spec.parameters.keys()
    fresh_vars = [variables(gen_name(name)) for name in var_names]
    subgoals = body(*fresh_vars)
        return conj(*subgoals)
    except TypeError:
        return subgoals
Exemple #9
def test_occurs():
    x, y = variables("x, y")
    assert Substitution().occurs(x, x)
    assert Substitution({y: x}).occurs(x, (y, ))
    assert Substitution({y: x}).occurs(x, [y])
    assert Substitution({y: x}).occurs(x, {y})
    assert not Substitution({y: x}).occurs(x, "x")
    assert not Substitution({y: x}).occurs(x, {"x": "y"})
    assert Substitution({y: x}).occurs(x, {"y": y})
    assert Substitution({y: x}).occurs(x, {y: "y"})
Exemple #10
def test_ifte_disj():
    x, y = variables("x, y")
    goal = ifte(disj(same(True, x), same(False, x)), same(False, y),
                same(True, y))
    assert list(goal(Substitution())) == [
            x: True,
            y: False
            x: False,
            y: False
Exemple #11
def test_local_fresh():
    def caro(l, a):
        return fresh(lambda d: (same(a, l[0]), same(d, l[1:])))

    def cdro(l, d):
        return fresh(lambda a: (same(a, l[0]), same(d, l[1:])))

    q = variables('q')
    l = ['a', 'c', 'o', 'r', 'n']

    assert list(run(q, caro(l, q))) == ['a']
    assert list(run(q, cdro(l, q))) == [['c', 'o', 'r', 'n']]
Exemple #12
def test_make_goal():
    x = variables("x")

    def positive_integers(s, var):
        i = 0
        while True:
            yield s.unify(var, i)
            i += 1

    goal = positive_integers(x)

    for i, s in zip(range(10), goal(Substitution())):
        assert s == Substitution({x: i})
Exemple #13
def test_fresh_multiple_conditions():
    goal = fresh(lambda x, y, z: (same(x, y), same(x, z)))
    r = goal(Substitution())
    x, y, z = variables('x1, y2, z3')
    allowed_results = [[Substitution({
        x: y,
        y: z
    })], [Substitution({
        x: y,
        z: x
    })], [Substitution({
        x: z,
        z: y
    })], [Substitution({
        x: z,
        y: z
    assert list(r) in allowed_results
Exemple #14
def test_recursion():
    def listo(l):
        return disj(nullo(l), fresh(lambda d: (cdro(l, d), listo(d))))

    def nullo(x):
        return same(x, ())

    def cdro(l, d):
        return fresh(lambda a: same((a, d), l))

    q = variables('q')

    goal = listo(())
    r = run(3, q, goal)
    assert list(r) == ['_0']

    r = run(4, q, listo(q))
    assert list(r) == [(), ('_0', ()), ('_0', ('_1', ())),
                       ('_0', ('_1', ('_2', ())))]
Exemple #15
def test_ifte_g2_suspended():
    y = variables("y")
    goal = ifte(fail, same(False, y), suspend(same(True, y)))
    s_inf = goal(Substitution())
    s_inf = assert_suspended(s_inf)
    assert list(s_inf) == [Substitution({y: True})]
Exemple #16
def test_same():
    x, y = variables("x, y")
    assert same.__doc__ == "produce a goal that succeeds if u and v are equivalent"
    assert set(same(True, False)(Substitution())) == set()
    assert set(same(x, y)(Substitution())) == {Substitution({x: y})}
Exemple #17
def test_reify():
    u, v, w, x, y, z = variables("u, v, w, x, y, z")
    sub = Substitution({x: (u, w, y, z, (["ice"], z)), y: "corn", w: (v, u)})
    re = sub.reify(x)
    assert re == ('_0', ('_1', '_0'), 'corn', '_2', (['ice'], '_2'))
Exemple #18
def test_extend():
    x, y = variables("x, y")
    assert Substitution().extend(x, [x]) is InvalidSubstitution()
    assert Substitution({y: x}).extend(x, [y]) is InvalidSubstitution()
Exemple #19
def test_extend_and_walk():
    x, y, z = variables("x, y, z")
    s = Substitution({z: x, y: z})
    s = s.extend(x, 'e')
    assert s.walk(y) == 'e'
Exemple #20
def test_walk3():
    b, v, w, x, y, z = variables("b, v, w, x, y, z")

    substitution = Substitution({x: b, z: y, w: (x, "e", z)})

    assert substitution.walk(w) == (x, "e", z)
Exemple #21
def test_reify_some():
    x = variables("x")
    goal = disj(same("olive", x), same("oil", x))
    subs = take(5, goal(Substitution()))
    results = map(reify(x), subs)
    assert list(results) == ['olive', 'oil']
Exemple #22
def test_rangeo():
    x = variables("x")
    assert list(run(x, rangeo(-2, 'abc', 2))) == []
    assert list(run(x, rangeo(-2, 42, 2))) == []
    assert list(run(x, rangeo(-2, -1, 2))) == ['_0']
    assert list(run(x, rangeo(-2, x, 2))) == [-2, -1, 0, 1]
Exemple #23
def test_symeq_integers():
    a, x, y, z = variables("a, x, y, z")
    goal = conj(same(a, (x, y, z)), rangeo(-1, y, 2), rangeo(1, z, 3),
                symeq(x + y, z))
    assert list(run(a, goal)) == [(2, -1, 1), (1, 0, 1), (3, -1, 2), (0, 1, 1),
                                  (2, 0, 2), (1, 1, 2)]
Exemple #24
def test_reify_run_goal_inf():
    x = variables("x")
    goal = disj(same("olive", x), same("oil", x))
    results = map(reify(x), run_goal(goal))
    assert list(results) == ['olive', 'oil']
Exemple #25
def test_poso():
    x = variables("x")
    assert list(run(3, x, poso('abc'))) == []
    assert list(run(3, x, poso(42))) == ['_0']
    assert list(run(3, x, poso(x))) == [1, 2, 3]
Exemple #26
def test_ifte_succeed():
    y = variables("y")
    goal = ifte(succeed, same(False, y), same(True, y))
    assert list(goal(Substitution())) == [Substitution({y: False})]
Exemple #27
def test_symeq_solve_hard():
    x = variables("x")
    goal = symeq(x**2, x)
    assert set(goal(
        Substitution())) == {Substitution({x: 0}),
                             Substitution({x: 1})}
Exemple #28
def test_symeq_solve_easy():
    x = variables("x")
    goal = symeq(x**2, 9)
    assert set(goal(
        Substitution())) == {Substitution({x: -3}),
                             Substitution({x: 3})}
Exemple #29
def test_ifte_FAIL():
    y = variables("y")
    goal = ifte(fail, same(False, y), same(True, y))
    assert list(goal(Substitution())) == [Substitution({y: True})]
Exemple #30
def test_ifte_cond_suspended():
    y = variables("y")
    goal = ifte(suspend(succeed), same(False, y), same(True, y))
    s_inf = goal(Substitution())
    s_inf = assert_suspended(s_inf)
    assert list(s_inf) == [Substitution({y: False})]