Exemple #1
    def linecount(self, message: core.BotMessage) -> None:
        """Gets a user's linecount

            message (message: core.BotMessage) -> None: the Message object that invoked the command
        if len(message.arguments) < 3:
            return message.respond(
                f"Usage: ``{config.commandCharacter}linecount <user>, <room>, [optional number of days]``."

        userID = psclient.toID(message.arguments[1])
        roomID = psclient.toID(message.arguments[2])
            days = int(message.arguments[3])
        except (IndexError, ValueError):
            days = 30

        room = message.connection.getRoom(roomID)
        if not message.connection.rustChatlogger:
            return message.respond("There is currently no chatlogger loaded.")
        if not room: return message.respond(f"Invalid room: {roomID}")
        if not message.sender.can("searchlog", room):
            return message.respond("Permission denied.")

                roomID, userID, days))
Exemple #2
    def topusers(self, message: core.BotMessage) -> None:
        """Gets the top users of a room

            message (message: core.BotMessage) -> None: the Message object that invoked the command
        if len(message.arguments) < 2:
            return message.respond(
                f"Usage: ``{config.commandCharacter}topusers <room>, [optional number of days]``."

        roomID = psclient.toID(message.arguments[1])
            days = int(message.arguments[2])
        except (IndexError, ValueError):
            days = 30

        room = message.connection.getRoom(roomID)
        if not message.connection.rustChatlogger:
            return message.respond("There is currently no chatlogger loaded.")
        if not room: return message.respond(f"Invalid room: {roomID}")
        if not message.sender.can("searchlog", room):
            return message.respond("Permission denied.")
        message.respond("Please wait; fetching userstats...")

        return message.respondHTMLPatched(
            message.connection.rustChatlogger.topusers_html(roomID, days, 30))
Exemple #3
    def listRepeats(self, message: core.BotMessage) -> None:
        """listrepeats: lists repeats

            message {Message} -- the Message object that invoked the command
        room = message.room
        if not room:
            if len(message.arguments) != 2:
                return message.respond(
                    "You must specify a room when using this command in PMs.")
            room = message.connection.getRoom(message.arguments[1])
            if not room:
                return message.respond(
                    f"I'm not in the room '{message.arguments[1]}'.")

        if not message.sender.can('searchlog', room):
            return message.respond("Permission denied.")
        repeats = data.get("repeats")
        if not (repeats and room.id in repeats and repeats[room.id]):
            return message.respond(
                f"There are no repeats for the room '{room.id}'")
        htmlBuf = f"<details><summary>Repeats for the room <strong>{room.id}</strong></summary><ul>"
        for repeat in repeats[room.id]:
            htmlBuf += f"<li>Repeated every {list(repeat.values())[0]} minutes: \"{list(repeat.keys())[0]}\"</li>"
        htmlBuf += "</ul></details>"
        return message.respondHTMLPatched(htmlBuf)
    def showSampleTeams(self, message: core.BotMessage) -> None:
        """Displays sample teams

            message {Message} -- the Message object that invoked the command
        if message.room and not message.sender.can('broadcast', message.room):
        formatid = psclient.toID(','.join(message.arguments[1:])
                                 if len(message.arguments) > 1 else '')
        if not formatid or formatid not in htmlboxes:
            return message.respond(
                f"You must specify a format that I have sample teams for: {', '.join(list(htmlboxes.keys()))}"
        return message.respondHTMLPatched(generateHTML(htmlboxes[formatid]))
Exemple #5
    def audio(self, message: core.BotMessage) -> None:
        """audio: displays audio in the room

            message {Message} -- the Message object that invoked the command
        if len(message.arguments) < 2:
            return message.respond(f"Usage: ``{ config.commandCharacter}audio <URL to audio file>``.")

        url = ','.join(message.arguments[1:]).strip()
        if not isAudioURL(url):
            return message.respond(
                "You must specify a valid URL beginning with ``http://`` or ``https://``; the URL must refer to an audio file."

        return message.respondHTMLPatched(f'<audio controls src="{url}"></audio>')
Exemple #6
    def logsearch(self, message: core.BotMessage) -> None:
        """Searches logs

            message (message: core.BotMessage) -> None: the Message object that invoked the command
        if len(message.arguments) < 2:
            return message.respond(
                f"Usage: ``{config.commandCharacter}logsearch <room>, [optional user], [optional keyword]``."
        if not message.connection.rustChatlogger:
            return message.respond("There is currently no chatlogger loaded.")
        roomID = psclient.toID(message.arguments[1]).lower()
        userID = psclient.toID(message.arguments[2]).lower() if len(
            message.arguments) > 2 else None
        keywords = message.arguments[3:] if len(
            message.arguments) > 3 else None

        room = message.connection.getRoom(roomID)
        if not room: return message.respond(f"Invalid room: {roomID}")
        if not message.sender.can("searchlog", room):
            return message.respond("Permission denied.")

            f"Fetching the {MAX_MESSAGES} most recent messages in the room {roomID}"
            + (f" sent by the user '{userID}'" if userID else "") +
            (f" containing all of the following keywords: {', '.join(keywords)}"
             if keywords else "") + ".")

        return message.respondHTMLPatched(
                userID or None,
                None,  # `oldest` param in Rust
                keywords or None,
Exemple #7
    def superhero(self, message: core.BotMessage) -> None:
        """Gets information on a superhero from the Superhero API

            message {Message} -- the Message object that invoked the command
        if message.room and not message.sender.can('broadcast', message.room):
        superheroIDDictionary = data.get(
            "superheroIDDictionary") or _initializeData()
        superhero = psclient.toID(config.separator.join(message.arguments[1:]))
        if superhero not in superheroIDDictionary:
            return message.respond(
                f"{superhero} isn't a superhero that can be looked up with the API."
        superheroID = superheroIDDictionary[superhero]

        APIResponse = requests.get(
        if APIResponse['response'] != 'success':
            return message.respond(
                f"The API request for {superhero} (ID: {superheroID}) failed with response {APIResponse['response']}."

        # Aliases and relatives can be lists
        aliases = APIResponse['biography']['aliases']
        relatives = APIResponse['connections']['relatives']
        aliases = aliases if isinstance(aliases, str) else ", ".join(aliases)
        relatives = relatives if isinstance(relatives,
                                            str) else ", ".join(relatives)

        message.respond(f"!show {APIResponse['image']['url']}")
        html = f"""
            <b>Intelligence:</b> {APIResponse['powerstats']['intelligence']}<br>
            <b>Strength:</b> {APIResponse['powerstats']['strength']}<br>
            <b>Speed:</b> {APIResponse['powerstats']['speed']}<br>
            <b>Durability:</b> {APIResponse['powerstats']['durability']}<br>
            <b>Power:</b> {APIResponse['powerstats']['power']}<br>
            <b>Combat:</b> {APIResponse['powerstats']['combat']}<br>

            <b>Full Name:</b> {APIResponse['biography']['full-name']}<br>
            <b>Alter Egos:</b> {APIResponse['biography']['alter-egos']}<br>
            <b>Aliases:</b> {aliases}<br>
            <b>Birthplace:</b> {APIResponse['biography']['place-of-birth']}<br>
            <b>Debut:</b> {APIResponse['biography']['first-appearance']}<br>
            <b>Publisher:</b> {APIResponse['biography']['publisher']}<br>
            <b>Alignment:</b> {APIResponse['biography']['alignment']}<br>

            <b>Gender:</b> {APIResponse['appearance']['gender']}<br>
            <b>Race:</b> {APIResponse['appearance']['race']}<br>
            <b>Height:</b> {APIResponse['appearance']['height'][1]}<br>
            <b>Weight:</b> {APIResponse['appearance']['weight'][1]}<br>
            <b>Eye Color:</b> {APIResponse['appearance']['eye-color']}<br>
            <b>Hair Color:</b> {APIResponse['appearance']['hair-color']}<br>

            <b>Occupation:</b> {APIResponse['work']['occupation']}<br>
            <b>Base:</b> {APIResponse['work']['base']}<br>

            <b>Group Affiliation:</b> {APIResponse['connections']['group-affiliation']}<br>
            <b>Relatives:</b> {relatives}<br>

        return message.respondHTMLPatched(html)