Exemple #1
    def as_real_imag(self, deep=True, **hints):
        from sympy.core.symbol import symbols
        from sympy.polys.polytools import poly
        from sympy.core.function import expand_multinomial
        if self.exp.is_Integer:
            exp = self.exp
            re, im = self.base.as_real_imag(deep=deep)
            if re.func == C.re or im.func == C.im:
                return self, S.Zero
            a, b = symbols('a b', cls=Dummy)
            if exp >= 0:
                if re.is_Number and im.is_Number:
                    # We can be more efficient in this case
                    expr = expand_multinomial(self.base**exp)
                    return expr.as_real_imag()

                expr = poly((a + b)**exp) # a = re, b = im; expr = (a + b*I)**exp
                mag = re**2 + im**2
                re, im = re/mag, -im/mag
                if re.is_Number and im.is_Number:
                    # We can be more efficient in this case
                    expr = expand_multinomial((re + im*S.ImaginaryUnit)**-exp)
                    return expr.as_real_imag()

                expr = poly((a + b)**-exp)

            # Terms with even b powers will be real
            r = [i for i in expr.terms() if not i[0][1] % 2]
            re_part = Add(*[cc*a**aa*b**bb for (aa, bb), cc in r])
            # Terms with odd b powers will be imaginary
            r = [i for i in expr.terms() if i[0][1] % 4 == 1]
            im_part1 = Add(*[cc*a**aa*b**bb for (aa, bb), cc in r])
            r = [i for i in expr.terms() if i[0][1] % 4 == 3]
            im_part3 = Add(*[cc*a**aa*b**bb for (aa, bb), cc in r])

            return (re_part.subs({a: re, b: S.ImaginaryUnit*im}),
            im_part1.subs({a: re, b: im}) + im_part3.subs({a: re, b: -im}))

        elif self.exp.is_Rational:
            # NOTE: This is not totally correct since for x**(p/q) with
            #       x being imaginary there are actually q roots, but
            #       only a single one is returned from here.
            re, im = self.base.as_real_imag(deep=deep)
            if re.func == C.re or im.func == C.im:
                return self, S.Zero
            r = Pow(Pow(re, 2) + Pow(im, 2), S.Half)
            t = C.atan2(im, re)

            rp, tp = Pow(r, self.exp), t*self.exp

            return (rp*C.cos(tp), rp*C.sin(tp))

            if deep:
                hints['complex'] = False
                return (C.re(self.expand(deep, **hints)),
                        C.im(self.expand(deep, **hints)))
                return (C.re(self), C.im(self))
Exemple #2
    def as_real_imag(self, deep=True, **hints):
        from sympy.core.symbol import symbols
        from sympy.polys.polytools import poly
        from sympy.core.function import expand_multinomial
        if self.exp.is_Integer:
            exp = self.exp
            re, im = self.base.as_real_imag(deep=deep)
            a, b = symbols('a b', cls=Dummy)
            if exp >= 0:
                if re.is_Number and im.is_Number:
                    # We can be more efficient in this case
                    expr = expand_multinomial(self.base**exp)
                    return expr.as_real_imag()

                expr = poly((a + b)**exp) # a = re, b = im; expr = (a + b*I)**exp
                mag = re**2 + im**2
                re, im = re/mag, -im/mag
                if re.is_Number and im.is_Number:
                    # We can be more efficient in this case
                    expr = expand_multinomial((re + im*S.ImaginaryUnit)**-exp)
                    return expr.as_real_imag()

                expr = poly((a + b)**-exp)

            # Terms with even b powers will be real
            r = [i for i in expr.terms() if not i[0][1] % 2]
            re_part = Add(*[cc*a**aa*b**bb for (aa, bb), cc in r])
            # Terms with odd b powers will be imaginary
            r = [i for i in expr.terms() if i[0][1] % 4 == 1]
            im_part1 = Add(*[cc*a**aa*b**bb for (aa, bb), cc in r])
            r = [i for i in expr.terms() if i[0][1] % 4 == 3]
            im_part3 = Add(*[cc*a**aa*b**bb for (aa, bb), cc in r])

            return (re_part.subs({a: re, b: S.ImaginaryUnit*im}),
            im_part1.subs({a: re, b: im}) + im_part3.subs({a: re, b: -im}))

        elif self.exp.is_Rational:
            # NOTE: This is not totally correct since for x**(p/q) with
            #       x being imaginary there are actually q roots, but
            #       only a single one is returned from here.
            re, im = self.base.as_real_imag(deep=deep)

            r = Pow(Pow(re, 2) + Pow(im, 2), S.Half)
            t = C.atan2(im, re)

            rp, tp = Pow(r, self.exp), t*self.exp

            return (rp*C.cos(tp), rp*C.sin(tp))

            if deep:
                hints['complex'] = False
                return (C.re(self.expand(deep, complex=False)),
                C.im(self. expand(deep, **hints)))
                return (C.re(self), C.im(self))
Exemple #3
def do_integral(expr, prec, options):
    func = expr.args[0]
    x, xlow, xhigh = expr.args[1]
    orig = mp.prec

    oldmaxprec = options.get("maxprec", DEFAULT_MAXPREC)
    options["maxprec"] = min(oldmaxprec, 2 * prec)

        mp.prec = prec + 5
        xlow = as_mpmath(xlow, prec + 15, options)
        xhigh = as_mpmath(xhigh, prec + 15, options)

        # Integration is like summation, and we can phone home from
        # the integrand function to update accuracy summation style
        # Note that this accuracy is inaccurate, since it fails
        # to account for the variable quadrature weights,
        # but it is better than nothing

        have_part = [False, False]
        max_real_term = [MINUS_INF]
        max_imag_term = [MINUS_INF]

        def f(t):
            re, im, re_acc, im_acc = evalf(func, mp.prec, {"subs": {x: t}})

            have_part[0] = re or have_part[0]
            have_part[1] = im or have_part[1]

            max_real_term[0] = max(max_real_term[0], fastlog(re))
            max_imag_term[0] = max(max_imag_term[0], fastlog(im))

            if im:
                return mpc(re or fzero, im)
            return mpf(re or fzero)

        if options.get("quad") == "osc":
            A = C.Wild("A", exclude=[x])
            B = C.Wild("B", exclude=[x])
            D = C.Wild("D")
            m = func.match(C.cos(A * x + B) * D)
            if not m:
                m = func.match(C.sin(A * x + B) * D)
            if not m:
                raise ValueError(
                    "An integrand of the form sin(A*x+B)*f(x) "
                    "or cos(A*x+B)*f(x) is required for oscillatory quadrature"
            period = as_mpmath(2 * S.Pi / m[A], prec + 15, options)
            result = quadosc(f, [xlow, xhigh], period=period)
            # XXX: quadosc does not do error detection yet
            quadrature_error = MINUS_INF
            result, quadrature_error = quadts(f, [xlow, xhigh], error=1)
            quadrature_error = fastlog(quadrature_error._mpf_)

        options["maxprec"] = oldmaxprec
        mp.prec = orig

    if have_part[0]:
        re = result.real._mpf_
        if re == fzero:
            re, re_acc = scaled_zero(min(-prec, -max_real_term[0], -quadrature_error))
            re = scaled_zero(re)  # handled ok in evalf_integral
            re_acc = -max(max_real_term[0] - fastlog(re) - prec, quadrature_error)
        re, re_acc = None, None

    if have_part[1]:
        im = result.imag._mpf_
        if im == fzero:
            im, im_acc = scaled_zero(min(-prec, -max_imag_term[0], -quadrature_error))
            im = scaled_zero(im)  # handled ok in evalf_integral
            im_acc = -max(max_imag_term[0] - fastlog(im) - prec, quadrature_error)
        im, im_acc = None, None

    result = re, im, re_acc, im_acc
    return result
Exemple #4
def do_integral(expr, prec, options):
    func = expr.args[0]
    x, xlow, xhigh = expr.args[1]
    orig = mp.prec

    oldmaxprec = options.get('maxprec', DEFAULT_MAXPREC)
    options['maxprec'] = min(oldmaxprec, 2 * prec)

        mp.prec = prec + 5
        xlow = as_mpmath(xlow, prec + 15, options)
        xhigh = as_mpmath(xhigh, prec + 15, options)

        # Integration is like summation, and we can phone home from
        # the integrand function to update accuracy summation style
        # Note that this accuracy is inaccurate, since it fails
        # to account for the variable quadrature weights,
        # but it is better than nothing

        have_part = [False, False]
        max_real_term = [MINUS_INF]
        max_imag_term = [MINUS_INF]

        def f(t):
            re, im, re_acc, im_acc = evalf(func, mp.prec, {'subs': {x: t}})

            have_part[0] = re or have_part[0]
            have_part[1] = im or have_part[1]

            max_real_term[0] = max(max_real_term[0], fastlog(re))
            max_imag_term[0] = max(max_imag_term[0], fastlog(im))

            if im:
                return mpc(re or fzero, im)
            return mpf(re or fzero)

        if options.get('quad') == 'osc':
            A = C.Wild('A', exclude=[x])
            B = C.Wild('B', exclude=[x])
            D = C.Wild('D')
            m = func.match(C.cos(A * x + B) * D)
            if not m:
                m = func.match(C.sin(A * x + B) * D)
            if not m:
                raise ValueError(
                    "An integrand of the form sin(A*x+B)*f(x) "
                    "or cos(A*x+B)*f(x) is required for oscillatory quadrature"
            period = as_mpmath(2 * S.Pi / m[A], prec + 15, options)
            result = quadosc(f, [xlow, xhigh], period=period)
            # XXX: quadosc does not do error detection yet
            quadrature_error = MINUS_INF
            result, quadrature_error = quadts(f, [xlow, xhigh], error=1)
            quadrature_error = fastlog(quadrature_error._mpf_)

        options['maxprec'] = oldmaxprec
        mp.prec = orig

    if have_part[0]:
        re = result.real._mpf_
        if re == fzero:
            re = mpf_shift(fone,
                           min(-prec, -max_real_term[0], -quadrature_error))
            re_acc = -1
            re_acc = -max(max_real_term[0] - fastlog(re) - prec,
        re, re_acc = None, None

    if have_part[1]:
        im = result.imag._mpf_
        if im == fzero:
            im = mpf_shift(fone,
                           min(-prec, -max_imag_term[0], -quadrature_error))
            im_acc = -1
            im_acc = -max(max_imag_term[0] - fastlog(im) - prec,
        im, im_acc = None, None

    result = re, im, re_acc, im_acc
    return result