class AssetChangeForm(forms.ModelForm): person = PersonField() def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs): super(AssetChangeForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # The following two lines look stupid, but they are not. request.units contains a set of units. # in order to be used this way, we need an actual queryset. # # In this case, we also include subunits. If you manage assets for a parent unit, chances are you may be # adding/removing them for events in your children units. unit_ids = [ for unit in Unit.sub_units(request.units)] units = Unit.objects.filter(id__in=unit_ids) # Get current events + any events in the last 12 weeks, that should give enough time to fix inventory based # on events. self.fields['event'].queryset = OutreachEvent.objects.visible(units).\ exclude( - datetime.timedelta(weeks=12)) class Meta: model = AssetChangeRecord widgets = {'date': CalendarWidget} fields = ['person', 'qty', 'event', 'date'] def is_valid(self, *args, **kwargs): PersonField.person_data_prep(self) return super(AssetChangeForm, self).is_valid(*args, **kwargs)
class BookingRecordForm(forms.ModelForm): person = PersonField() class Meta: exclude = ['location'] model = BookingRecord field_classes = { 'start_time': forms.SplitDateTimeField, 'end_time': forms.SplitDateTimeField, } widgets = { 'start_time': forms.SplitDateTimeWidget, 'end_time': forms.SplitDateTimeWidget, 'notes': forms.Textarea, } def clean(self): cleaned_data = super(BookingRecordForm, self).clean() print(cleaned_data) start_time = cleaned_data.get("start_time") end_time = cleaned_data.get("end_time") if end_time is not None and start_time is not None and end_time < start_time: raise forms.ValidationError({ 'end_time': "End date/time cannot be before start date.", 'start_time': "End date/time cannot be before start date." }) def is_valid(self, *args, **kwargs): PersonField.person_data_prep(self) return super(BookingRecordForm, self).is_valid(*args, **kwargs)
class AssetForm(forms.ModelForm): user = PersonField(required=False) def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs): super(AssetForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) unit_ids = [ for unit in request.units] units = Unit.objects.filter(id__in=unit_ids) self.fields['unit'].queryset = units self.fields['unit'].empty_label = None SORTED_CATEGORIES = sorted(CATEGORY_CHOICES, key=lambda x: x[1]) self.fields['category'].choices = SORTED_CATEGORIES class Meta: exclude = [] model = Asset widgets = { 'notes': forms.Textarea, 'price': DollarInput, 'last_order_date': CalendarWidget, 'vendor': forms.Textarea, 'service_records': forms.Textarea, 'calibration_date': CalendarWidget, 'eol_date': CalendarWidget, 'date_shipped': CalendarWidget, } def is_valid(self, *args, **kwargs): PersonField.person_data_prep(self) return super(AssetForm, self).is_valid(*args, **kwargs)
class VisaForm(forms.ModelForm): def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs): super(VisaForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # The following two lines look stupid, but they are not. request.units contains a set of units. # in order to be used this way, we need an actual queryset. # # In this case, we also include subunits. If you manage visas for a parent unit, chances are you may be # adding/removing them for people in your children units. unit_ids = [ for unit in Unit.sub_units(request.units)] units = Unit.objects.filter(id__in=unit_ids) self.fields['unit'].queryset = units self.fields['unit'].empty_label = None person = PersonField() class Meta: exclude = [] model = Visa widgets = {'start_date': CalendarWidget, 'end_date': CalendarWidget} def clean(self): cleaned_data = super(VisaForm, self).clean() start_date = cleaned_data.get("start_date") end_date = cleaned_data.get("end_date") if end_date is not None and start_date is not None and end_date < start_date: raise forms.ValidationError( {'end_date': "End date cannot be before start date."}) def is_valid(self, *args, **kwargs): PersonField.person_data_prep(self) return super(VisaForm, self).is_valid(*args, **kwargs)
class AdminAssignFormForm(_AdminAssignForm): form = _FormModelChoiceField(required=True, queryset=Form.objects.none(), empty_label=None) assignee = PersonField(label='Assign to', required=True, needs_email=True) def __init__(self, query_set, *args, **kwargs): super(AdminAssignFormForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields['form'].queryset = query_set
class AccessRuleForm(ModelForm): person = PersonField(label="Emplid", help_text="or type to search") class Meta: model = AccessRule exclude = ('report', 'hidden', 'config', 'created_at') def is_valid(self, *args, **kwargs): PersonField.person_data_prep(self) return super(AccessRuleForm, self).is_valid(*args, **kwargs)
class EmployeeSearchForm(forms.Form): search = PersonField(label="Person") email = forms.BooleanField( required=False, initial=True, help_text="Should this member be emailed when submissions come in?") def is_valid(self, *args, **kwargs): PersonField.person_data_prep(self) return super(EmployeeSearchForm, self).is_valid(*args, **kwargs)
class RAForm(forms.ModelForm): person = PersonField(label='Hire') sin = forms.IntegerField(label='SIN', required=False) use_hourly = forms.BooleanField( label='Use Hourly Rate', initial=False, required=False, help_text= 'Should the hourly rate be displayed on the contract (or total hours for lump sum contracts)?' ) class Meta: model = RAAppointment exclude = ('config', 'offer_letter_text', 'deleted') def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(RAForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) choices = self.fields['hiring_category'].choices choices = [(k, v) for k, v in choices if k not in HIRING_CATEGORY_DISABLED] self.fields['hiring_category'].choices = choices def is_valid(self, *args, **kwargs): PersonField.person_data_prep(self) return super(RAForm, self).is_valid(*args, **kwargs) def clean_sin(self): sin = self.cleaned_data['sin'] try: emplid = int(self['person'].value()) except ValueError: raise forms.ValidationError( "The correct format for a SIN is XXXXXXXXX, all numbers, no spaces or dashes." ) people = Person.objects.filter(emplid=emplid) if people: person = people[0] person.set_sin(sin) return sin def clean_hours(self): data = self.cleaned_data['hours'] if self.cleaned_data['pay_frequency'] == 'L': return data if int(data) > 168: raise forms.ValidationError("There are only 168 hours in a week.") if int(data) < 0: raise forms.ValidationError("One cannot work negative hours.") return data def clean(self): cleaned_data = self.cleaned_data return cleaned_data
class SessionalContractForm(forms.ModelForm): person = PersonField() offering = OfferingField() def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs): super(SessionalContractForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) unit_ids = [ for unit in request.units] units = Unit.objects.filter(id__in=unit_ids) accounts = SessionalAccount.objects.visible(units) self.fields['account'].queryset = accounts self.fields['account'].empty_label = None self.fields['unit'].queryset = units self.fields['unit'].empty_label = None class Meta: exclude = ['sessional'] model = SessionalContract widgets = { 'pay_start': CalendarWidget, 'pay_end': CalendarWidget, 'appointment_start': CalendarWidget, 'appointment_end': CalendarWidget, 'contract_hours': forms.NumberInput(attrs={'class': 'smallnumberinput'}), 'total_salary': DollarInput, 'appt_guarantee': forms.RadioSelect, 'appt_type': forms.RadioSelect } help_texts = { 'notes': 'These will appear in the "Remarks" field of the payroll form.' } fields = ['person', 'account', 'unit', 'sin', 'visa_verified', 'appointment_start', 'appointment_end', 'pay_start', 'pay_end', 'offering', 'course_hours_breakdown','appt_guarantee', 'appt_type', 'contact_hours', 'total_salary', 'notes'] def is_valid(self, *args, **kwargs): PersonField.person_data_prep(self) return super(SessionalContractForm, self).is_valid(*args, **kwargs) def clean(self): cleaned_data = super(SessionalContractForm, self).clean() appointment_start = cleaned_data.get("appointment_start") appointment_end = cleaned_data.get("appointment_end") if appointment_end < appointment_start: raise forms.ValidationError({'appointment_end': "Appointment end date cannot be before appointment start " "date.", 'appointment_start': "Appointment end date cannot be before appointmentstart " "date."}) pay_start = cleaned_data.get("pay_start") pay_end = cleaned_data.get("pay_end") if pay_end < pay_start: raise forms.ValidationError({'pay_end': "Pay end date cannot be before pay start date.", 'pay_start': "Pay end date cannot be before pay start date."}) sin = cleaned_data.get("sin") if sin and len(sin) != 9: raise forms.ValidationError({'sin': "SIN has to be exactly 9 digits."})
class VisaForm(forms.ModelForm): person = PersonField() class Meta: exclude = [] model = Visa widgets = {'start_date': CalendarWidget, 'end_date': CalendarWidget} def clean(self): cleaned_data = super(VisaForm, self).clean() start_date = cleaned_data.get("start_date") end_date = cleaned_data.get("end_date") if end_date is not None and end_date < start_date: raise forms.ValidationError( "End date cannot be before start date.") def is_valid(self, *args, **kwargs): PersonField.person_data_prep(self) return super(VisaForm, self).is_valid(*args, **kwargs)
class NewRoleForm(forms.ModelForm): person = PersonField(label="Emplid", help_text="or type to search") class Meta: model = Role exclude = ("config", "role") def is_valid(self, *args, **kwargs): PersonField.person_data_prep(self) return super(NewRoleForm, self).is_valid(*args, **kwargs) def clean(self): data = self.cleaned_data person = data['person'] unit = data['unit'] if Role.objects.filter(person=person, unit=unit, role='FAC').exists(): raise forms.ValidationError( 'This person already has a faculty role in that unit.') return super(NewRoleForm, self).clean()
class NewRoleForm(forms.ModelForm): person = PersonField(label="Emplid", help_text="or type to search") class Meta: model = Role exclude = ("config", "role") def is_valid(self, *args, **kwargs): PersonField.person_data_prep(self) return super(NewRoleForm, self).is_valid(*args, **kwargs) def clean(self): data = self.cleaned_data person = data['person'] unit = data['unit'] self.old_role = None existing = Role.objects.filter(person=person, unit=unit, role='FAC') if existing.exists(): self.old_role = existing[0] return super(NewRoleForm, self).clean()
class AssetChangeForm(forms.ModelForm): person = PersonField() def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs): super(AssetChangeForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # The following two lines look stupid, but they are not. request.units contains a set of units. # in order to be used this way, we need an actual queryset. # # In this case, we also include subunits. If you manage assets for a parent unit, chances are you may be # adding/removing them for events in your children units. unit_ids = [ for unit in Unit.sub_units(request.units)] units = Unit.objects.filter(id__in=unit_ids) class Meta: model = AssetChangeRecord widgets = {'date': CalendarWidget} fields = ['person', 'qty', 'date'] def is_valid(self, *args, **kwargs): PersonField.person_data_prep(self) return super(AssetChangeForm, self).is_valid(*args, **kwargs)
class AdminAssignSheetForm(_AdminAssignForm): sheet = _FormModelChoiceField(required=True, queryset=Sheet.objects.none(), empty_label=None) assignee = PersonField(label='Assign to', required=True, needs_email=True) comment = forms.CharField( required=False, widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={ 'rows': '3', 'cols': '70' }), help_text= "Optional comment on the form: this becomes part of the form history. If you have additional info about this submission, you can record it here." ) note = forms.CharField(required=False, widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={ 'rows': '3', 'cols': '70' }), help_text="Optional private note to the assignee") def __init__(self, query_set, *args, **kwargs): super(_AdminAssignForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields['sheet'].queryset = query_set
def is_valid(self, *args, **kwargs): PersonField.person_data_prep(self) return super(SessionalContractForm, self).is_valid(*args, **kwargs)
def is_valid(self, *args, **kwargs): PersonField.person_data_prep(self) return super(NewRoleForm, self).is_valid(*args, **kwargs)
class PositionPersonForm(forms.Form): person = PersonField(label="Emplid", help_text="or type to search") def is_valid(self, *args, **kwargs): PersonField.person_data_prep(self) return super(PositionPersonForm, self).is_valid(*args, **kwargs)
def is_valid(self, *args, **kwargs): PersonField.person_data_prep(self) return super(PositionPersonForm, self).is_valid(*args, **kwargs)
def is_valid(self, *args, **kwargs): PersonField.person_data_prep(self) return super(AssetChangeForm, self).is_valid(*args, **kwargs)
def is_valid(self, *args, **kwargs): PersonField.person_data_prep(self) return super(BookingRecordForm, self).is_valid(*args, **kwargs)
def is_valid(self, *args, **kwargs): PersonField.person_data_prep(self) return super(RARequestForm, self).is_valid(*args, **kwargs)
class RARequestForm(forms.ModelForm): person = PersonField(label='Appointee') supervisor = PersonField(label='Supervisor') ra_duties_ex = forms.MultipleChoiceField( required=False, choices=DUTIES_CHOICES_EX, widget=forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple, label="Experimental/Research Activities") ra_duties_dc = forms.MultipleChoiceField( required=False, choices=DUTIES_CHOICES_DC, widget=forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple, label="Data Collection/Analysis") ra_duties_pd = forms.MultipleChoiceField( required=False, choices=DUTIES_CHOICES_PD, widget=forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple, label="Project Development") ra_duties_im = forms.MultipleChoiceField( required=False, choices=DUTIES_CHOICES_IM, widget=forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple, label="Information Management") ra_duties_eq = forms.MultipleChoiceField( required=False, choices=DUTIES_CHOICES_EQ, widget=forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple, label="Equipment/Inventory Management and Development") ra_duties_su = forms.MultipleChoiceField( required=False, choices=DUTIES_CHOICES_SU, widget=forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple, label="Supervision") ra_duties_wr = forms.MultipleChoiceField( required=False, choices=DUTIES_CHOICES_WR, widget=forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple, label="Writing/Reporting") ra_duties_pm = forms.MultipleChoiceField( required=False, choices=DUTIES_CHOICES_PM, widget=forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple, label="Project Management") people_comments = forms.CharField( required=False, widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={'rows': 3}), label="Any comments about the Appointee or Hiring Supervisor?") student = forms.ChoiceField(required=True, choices=STUDENT_TYPE, widget=forms.RadioSelect, label="Is the appointee a student?") coop = forms.ChoiceField(required=False, widget=forms.RadioSelect, choices=BOOL_CHOICES, label="Is the appointee a co-op student?") mitacs = forms.ChoiceField( required=False, widget=forms.RadioSelect, choices=BOOL_CHOICES, label= "Is the appointee's co-op funded by a Mitacs scholarship in their own name?" ) thesis = forms.ChoiceField( required=False, widget=forms.RadioSelect, choices=BOOL_CHOICES, label="Is the appointment for the student's thesis/project?") fs1_unit = forms.IntegerField( required=True, label="Department #1", help_text= "CS = 2110; ENSC = 2130; MSE = 2140; SEE = 2150; Dean's Office = 2010, 2020 or 2030" ) fs1_fund = forms.IntegerField(required=True, label="Fund #1", help_text="Example: 11, 13, 21, 31") fs1_project = forms.CharField( required=True, label="Project #1", help_text= "Example: N654321, S654321, X654321, R654321. If fund 11 enter X000000" ) fs1_percentage = forms.IntegerField( required=False, label="Percentage of Funding Source #1 to Total Funding", help_text="Percentages of all funding sources must add up to 100.") fs2_option = forms.BooleanField( required=False, label= "Please select the following if there is an additional funding source") fs2_unit = forms.IntegerField( required=False, label="Department #2", help_text= "CS = 2110; ENSC = 2130; MSE = 2140; SEE = 2150; Dean's Office = 2010, 2020 or 2030" ) fs2_fund = forms.IntegerField(required=False, label="Fund #2", help_text="Example: 11, 13, 21, 31") fs2_project = forms.CharField( required=False, label="Project #2", help_text= "Example: N654321, S654321, X654321, R654321. If fund 11 enter X000000" ) fs2_percentage = forms.IntegerField( required=False, label="Percentage of Funding Source #2 to Total Funding", help_text="Percentages of all funding sources must add up to 100.") fs3_option = forms.BooleanField( required=False, label= "Please select the following if there is an additional funding source") fs3_unit = forms.IntegerField( required=False, label="Department #3", help_text= "CS = 2110; ENSC = 2130; MSE = 2140; SEE = 2150; Dean's Office = 2010, 2020 or 2030" ) fs3_fund = forms.IntegerField(required=False, label="Fund #3", help_text="Example: 11, 13, 21, 31") fs3_project = forms.CharField( required=False, label="Percentage #3", help_text= "Example: N654321, S654321, X654321, R654321. If fund 11 enter X000000" ) fs3_percentage = forms.IntegerField( required=False, label="Percentage of Funding Source #3 to Total Funding", help_text="Percentages of all funding sources must add up to 100.") gras_payment_method = forms.ChoiceField( required=False, choices=GRAS_PAYMENT_METHOD_CHOICES, widget=forms.RadioSelect, label="Scholarship (No added benefit & vacation cost)", help_text= 'Canadian bank status impacts how students will be paid. This generally applies to International' + 'students currently working outside of Canada, who do not have banking status in Canada. If the status is' + 'unknown please confirm with the student.') ra_payment_method = forms.ChoiceField( required=False, choices=RA_PAYMENT_METHOD_CHOICES, widget=forms.RadioSelect, label="Please select from the following") rabw_total_gross = forms.DecimalField(required=False, label="Total Gross Salary Paid") rabw_weeks_vacation = forms.DecimalField( required=False, label="Weeks Vacation (Minimum 2)") rabw_biweekly_hours = forms.DecimalField(required=False, label="Bi-Weekly Hours") rabw_biweekly_salary = forms.DecimalField(required=False, widget=forms.HiddenInput) rabw_gross_hourly = forms.DecimalField(required=False, widget=forms.HiddenInput) rah_gross_hourly = forms.DecimalField(required=False, label="Gross Hourly") rah_vacation_pay = forms.DecimalField(required=False, label="Vacation Pay % (Minimum 4%)") rah_biweekly_hours = forms.DecimalField(required=False, label="Bi-Weekly Hours") grasls_total_gross = forms.DecimalField(required=False, label="Total Gross Salary Paid") grasbw_total_gross = forms.DecimalField(required=False, label="Total Gross Salary Paid") grasbw_biweekly_hours = forms.DecimalField(required=False, label="Bi-Weekly Hours") grasbw_biweekly_salary = forms.DecimalField(required=False, widget=forms.HiddenInput) grasbw_gross_hourly = forms.DecimalField(required=False, widget=forms.HiddenInput) ra_benefits = forms.ChoiceField( required=False, choices=RA_BENEFITS_CHOICES, widget=forms.RadioSelect, label="Are you willing to provide extended health benefits?") funding_comments = forms.CharField( required=False, widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={'rows': 3}), label="Any comments about funding?") ra_other_duties = forms.CharField(required=False, widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={'rows': 3}), label="Other RA Duties") class Meta: model = RARequest exclude = ( 'config', 'deleted', 'status', ) labels = { 'first_name': "Appointee First Name", 'last_name': "Appointee Last Name", 'email_address': "Appointee Email Address", 'nonstudent': "Select if appointee does not have an ID", 'department': "Appointee Department", 'start_date': "Date Appointment Begins", 'end_date': "Date Appointment Ends", 'file_attachment_1': "Supplementary Document #1", 'file_attachment_2': "Supplementary Document #2", } widgets = { 'hiring_category': forms.HiddenInput(), 'total_pay': forms.HiddenInput() } help_texts = { 'file_attachment_1': "Both of these fields are optional.", 'file_attachment_2': "If co-op appointment, please upload co-op forms.", } def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(RARequestForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) not_required = [ 'person', 'nonstudent', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email_address', 'file_attachment_1', 'file_attachment_2', 'ra_duties_ex', 'ra_duties_dc', 'ra_duties_pd', 'ra_duties_im', 'ra_duties_eq', 'ra_duties_su', 'ra_duties_wr', 'ra_duties_pm', 'ra_other_duties' ] for field in not_required: self.fields[field].required = False config_init = [ 'people_comments', 'coop', 'mitacs', 'student', 'thesis', 'fs1_unit', 'fs1_fund', 'fs1_project', 'fs1_percentage', 'fs2_option', 'fs2_unit', 'fs2_fund', 'fs2_project', 'fs2_percentage', 'fs3_option', 'fs3_unit', 'fs3_fund', 'fs3_project', 'fs3_percentage', 'rabw_total_gross', 'rabw_weeks_vacation', 'rabw_biweekly_salary', 'rabw_gross_hourly', 'rabw_biweekly_hours', 'rah_gross_hourly', 'rah_vacation_pay', 'rah_biweekly_hours', 'grasls_total_gross', 'grasbw_total_gross', 'grasbw_total_gross', 'grasbw_biweekly_hours', 'grasbw_biweekly_salary', 'ra_payment_method', 'gras_payment_method', 'ra_benefits', 'funding_comments', 'ra_other_duties' ] for field in config_init: self.initial[field] = getattr(self.instance, field) def is_valid(self, *args, **kwargs): PersonField.person_data_prep(self) return super(RARequestForm, self).is_valid(*args, **kwargs) # TODO: Make sure total pay and hiring category are calculated properly. Javascript only for now. def clean(self): cleaned_data = super().clean() config_clean = [ 'people_comments', 'coop', 'mitacs', 'student', 'thesis', 'fs1_unit', 'fs1_fund', 'fs1_project', 'fs1_percentage', 'fs2_option', 'fs2_unit', 'fs2_fund', 'fs2_project', 'fs2_percentage', 'fs3_option', 'fs3_unit', 'fs3_fund', 'fs3_project', 'fs3_percentage', 'rabw_total_gross', 'rabw_weeks_vacation', 'rabw_biweekly_salary', 'rabw_gross_hourly', 'rabw_biweekly_hours', 'rah_gross_hourly', 'rah_vacation_pay', 'rah_biweekly_hours', 'grasls_total_gross', 'grasbw_total_gross', 'grasbw_total_gross', 'grasbw_biweekly_hours', 'grasbw_biweekly_salary', 'ra_payment_method', 'gras_payment_method', 'ra_benefits', 'funding_comments', 'ra_other_duties' ] for field in config_clean: setattr(self.instance, field, cleaned_data[field]) total_pay = cleaned_data.get('total_pay') #print(total_pay) nonstudent = cleaned_data.get('nonstudent') first_name = cleaned_data.get('first_name') last_name = cleaned_data.get('last_name') email_address = cleaned_data.get('email_address') person = cleaned_data.get('person') # TODO: Why isn't this a required field regularly? Not in the list of non-required fields. if nonstudent: error_message = 'If the appointee does not have an SFU ID then you must answer this question.' if first_name == None: self.add_error('first_name', error_message) if last_name == None: self.add_error('last_name', error_message) if email_address == None: self.add_error('email_address', error_message) else: if person == None: self.add_error( 'person', 'You must provide an SFU ID. If the appointee does not have an SFU ID, please select the checkbox below.' ) if nonstudent == None and person == None: raise forms.ValidationError( "Cannot be a student and not have an SFU ID.") student = cleaned_data.get('student') coop = cleaned_data.get('coop') mitacs = cleaned_data.get('mitacs') thesis = cleaned_data.get('thesis') if student == 'U' or student == 'M' or student == 'P': error_message = 'If the appointee is a student then you must answer this question.' if coop == None: self.add_error('coop', error_message) if mitacs == None: self.add_error('mitacs', error_message) if mitacs == False: if thesis == None: self.add_error('thesis', 'You must answer this question.') fs2_option = cleaned_data.get('fs2_option') fs2_unit = cleaned_data.get('fs2_unit') fs2_fund = cleaned_data.get('fs2_fund') fs2_project = cleaned_data.get('fs2_project') if fs2_option: error_message = 'If you have a second funding source then you must answer this question.' if fs2_unit == None: self.add_error('fs2_unit', error_message) if fs2_fund == None: self.add_error('fs2_fund', error_message) if fs2_project == None: self.add_error('fs2_project', error_message) fs3_option = cleaned_data.get('fs3_option') fs3_unit = cleaned_data.get('fs3_unit') fs3_fund = cleaned_data.get('fs3_fund') fs3_project = cleaned_data.get('fs3_project') if fs3_option: error_message = 'If you have a third funding source then you must answer this question.' if fs3_unit == None: self.add_error('fs3_unit', error_message) if fs3_fund == None: self.add_error('fs3_fund', error_message) if fs3_project == None: self.add_error('fs3_project', error_message) gras_payment_method = cleaned_data.get('gras_payment_method') ra_payment_method = cleaned_data.get('ra_payment_method') grasbw_biweekly_hours = cleaned_data.get('grasbw_biweekly_hours') grasls_total_gross = cleaned_data.get('grasls_total_gross') if gras_payment_method: error_message = "Graduate Research Assistants must answer this question." if gras_payment_method == "LS" or gras_payment_method == "LE": if grasls_total_gross == 0 or grasls_total_gross == None: self.add_error('grasls_total_gross', error_message) if gras_payment_method == "BW": if grasbw_biweekly_hours == 0 or grasbw_biweekly_hours == None: self.add_error('grasbw_biweekly_hours', error_message) if ra_payment_method: raise forms.ValidationError("Cannot be both an RA and a GRAS.") #total_pay = cleaned_data.get('total_pay') #if total_pay == 0 or total_pay == None: # raise forms.ValidationError("Total pay must be calculated.") start_date = cleaned_data.get('start_date') end_date = cleaned_data.get('end_date') if end_date < start_date: error_message = "Start date must be before end date." self.add_error('end_date', error_message) self.add_error('start_date', error_message)
def is_valid(self, *args, **kwargs): PersonField.person_data_prep(self) return super(EmployeeSearchForm, self).is_valid(*args, **kwargs)
def is_valid(self, *args, **kwargs): PersonField.person_data_prep(self) return super(_AdminAssignForm, self).is_valid(*args, **kwargs)