Exemple #1
    def validate_detail_columns(self, columns):
        from corehq.apps.app_manager.suite_xml.const import FIELD_TYPE_LOCATION
        from corehq.apps.locations.util import parent_child
        from corehq.apps.locations.fixtures import should_sync_hierarchical_fixture

        hierarchy = None
        for column in columns:
            if column.field_type == FIELD_TYPE_LOCATION:
                domain = self.module.get_app().domain
                domain_obj = Domain.get_by_name(domain)
                    if not should_sync_hierarchical_fixture(domain_obj, self.module.get_app()):
                        # discontinued feature on moving to flat fixture format
                        raise LocationXpathValidationError(
                            _('That format is no longer supported. To reference the location hierarchy you need to'
                              ' use the "Custom Calculations in Case List" feature preview. For more information '
                              'see: https://confluence.dimagi.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=38276915'))
                    hierarchy = hierarchy or parent_child(domain)
                    LocationXpath('').validate(column.field_property, hierarchy)
                except LocationXpathValidationError as e:
                    yield {
                        'type': 'invalid location xpath',
                        'details': str(e),
                        'module': self.get_module_info(),
                        'column': column,
Exemple #2
    def validate(self, ref, hierarchy):
        my_type, ref_type, property = self._parse_input(ref)
        types = self._ordered_types(hierarchy)
        for type in [my_type, ref_type]:
            if type not in types:
                raise LocationXpathValidationError(
                    _('Type {type} must be in list of domain types: {list}').
                    format(type=type, list=', '.join(types)))

        if types.index(ref_type) > types.index(my_type):
            raise LocationXpathValidationError(
                _('Reference type {ref} cannot be a child of primary type {main}.'
Exemple #3
 def _parse_input(self, input):
         my_type, ref = input.split(':')
         ref_type, property = ref.split('/')
         return my_type, ref_type, property
     except ValueError:
         raise LocationXpathValidationError(
             _('Property not correctly formatted. '
               'Must be formatted like: loacation:mytype:referencetype/property. '
               'For example: location:outlet:state/name'))