def testXFormPillowSingleCaseProcess(self):
        Test that xform pillow can process and cleanup a single xform with a case submission
        xform = XFORM_SINGLE_CASE
        pillow = XFormPillow(create_index=False, online=False)
        changed = pillow.change_transform(xform)

    def testXFormPillowSingleCaseProcess(self):
        Test that xform pillow can process and cleanup a single xform with a case submission
        xform = XFORM_SINGLE_CASE
        pillow = XFormPillow(create_index=False, online=False)
        changed = pillow.change_transform(xform)

    def testXFormPillowListCaseProcess(self):
        Test that xform pillow can process and cleanup a single xform with a list of cases in it
        xform = XFORM_MULTI_CASES
        pillow = XFormPillow(create_index=False, online=False)
        changed = pillow.change_transform(xform)

        changed_cases = extract_case_blocks(changed)
        orig_cases = extract_case_blocks(xform)

        [self.assertIsNotNone(x['@date_modified']) for x in orig_cases]
        [self.assertIsNone(x.get('@date_modified')) for x in changed_cases]
Exemple #4
    def testXFormPillowListCaseProcess(self):
        Test that xform pillow can process and cleanup a single xform with a list of cases in it
        xform = XFORM_MULTI_CASES
        pillow = XFormPillow(online=False)
        changed = pillow.change_transform(xform)

        changed_cases = extract_case_blocks(changed)
        orig_cases = extract_case_blocks(xform)

        [self.assertIsNotNone(x['@date_modified']) for x in orig_cases]
        [self.assertIsNone(x.get('@date_modified')) for x in changed_cases]
Exemple #5
    def test_get_list(self):
        Any form in the appropriate domain should be in the list from the API.

        # The actual infrastructure involves saving to CouchDB, having PillowTop
        # read the changes and write it to ElasticSearch.

        # In order to test just the API code, we set up a fake XFormES (this should
        # really be a parameter to the XFormInstanceResource constructor)
        # and write the translated form directly; we are not trying to test
        # the ptop infrastructure.

        #the pillow is set to offline mode - elasticsearch not needed to validate
        pillow = XFormPillow(online=False)
        fake_xform_es = FakeXFormES()
        v0_4.MOCK_XFORM_ES = fake_xform_es

        backend_form = XFormInstance(xmlns='fake-xmlns',
                                         '#type': 'fake-type',
                                         '@xmlns': 'fake-xmlns'
        translated_doc = pillow.change_transform(backend_form.to_json())
        fake_xform_es.add_doc(translated_doc['_id'], translated_doc)

        self.client.login(username=self.username, password=self.password)

        response = self.client.get(self.list_endpoint)
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)

        api_forms = simplejson.loads(response.content)['objects']
        self.assertEqual(len(api_forms), 1)

        api_form = api_forms[0]
        self.assertEqual(api_form['form']['@xmlns'], backend_form.xmlns)

Exemple #6
    def test_get_list(self):
        Any form in the appropriate domain should be in the list from the API.

        # The actual infrastructure involves saving to CouchDB, having PillowTop
        # read the changes and write it to ElasticSearch.

        # In order to test just the API code, we set up a fake XFormES (this should
        # really be a parameter to the XFormInstanceResource constructor)
        # and write the translated form directly; we are not trying to test
        # the ptop infrastructure.

        #the pillow is set to offline mode - elasticsearch not needed to validate
        pillow = XFormPillow(online=False)
        fake_xform_es = FakeXFormES()
        v0_4.MOCK_XFORM_ES = fake_xform_es

        backend_form = XFormInstance(xmlns = 'fake-xmlns',
                                     domain =,
                                     received_on = datetime.utcnow(),
                                     form = {
                                         '#type': 'fake-type',
                                         '@xmlns': 'fake-xmlns'
        translated_doc = pillow.change_transform(backend_form.to_json())
        fake_xform_es.add_doc(translated_doc['_id'], translated_doc)

        self.client.login(username=self.username, password=self.password)

        response = self.client.get(self.list_endpoint)
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)

        api_forms = simplejson.loads(response.content)['objects']
        self.assertEqual(len(api_forms), 1)

        api_form = api_forms[0]
        self.assertEqual(api_form['form']['@xmlns'], backend_form.xmlns)
        self.assertEqual(api_form['received_on'], backend_form.received_on.isoformat())
