def transform_mesh(mesh: InputTensor, matrix: InputTensor, vertices_are_points=True) -> t.Tensor: """Transforms a single 3D mesh. Args: mesh: The mesh's triangle vertices, float32[d1, ..., dn, num_tri, 3, 3] matrix: The transformation matrix, shape=[d1, ..., dn, 4, 4] vertices_are_points: Whether to interpret the vertices as points or vectors. Returns: The transformed mesh, same shape as input mesh """ mesh = util.to_tensor(mesh, dtype=t.float32) matrix = util.to_tensor(matrix, dtype=t.float32) assert mesh.shape[-2:] == (3, 3) assert matrix.shape[-2:] == (4, 4) assert mesh.shape[:-3] == matrix.shape[:-2] original_shape = mesh.shape mesh = mesh.reshape([-1, mesh.shape[-3] * 3, 3]) matrix = matrix.reshape([-1, 4, 4]) w = 1 if vertices_are_points else 0 mesh = transform_points_homogeneous(mesh, matrix, w=w) if vertices_are_points: mesh = mesh[..., :3] / mesh[..., 3:4] else: mesh = mesh[..., :3] return mesh.reshape(original_shape)
def transform_points_homogeneous(points: InputTensor, matrix: InputTensor, w: float) -> t.Tensor: """Transforms a batch of 3D points with a batch of matrices. Args: points: The points to transform, float32[d1, ..., dn, num_points, 3] matrix: The transformation matrix, float32[d1, ..., dn, 4, 4] w: The W value to use. Should be 1 for affine points, 0 for vectors Returns: The transformed points in homogeneous space, float32[d1, ..., dn, num_points, 4] """ points = util.to_tensor(points, dtype=t.float32) matrix = util.to_tensor(matrix, dtype=t.float32) assert points.shape[-1] == 3 assert matrix.shape[-2:] == (4, 4) assert points.shape[:-2] == matrix.shape[:-2] batch_dims = points.shape[:-2] # Fold all batch dimensions into a single one points = points.reshape([-1] + list(points.shape[-2:])) matrix = matrix.reshape([-1] + list(matrix.shape[-2:])) points = t.constant_pad_nd(points, [0, 1], value=w) result = t.einsum("bnm,bvm->bvn", matrix, points) result = result.reshape(batch_dims + result.shape[-2:]) return result
def scale(v: InputTensor) -> t.Tensor: """Computes a scale matrix. Args: v: The scale vector, float32[N]. Returns: The scale matrix, float32[N+1, N+1] """ v = util.to_tensor(v, dtype=t.float32) assert len(v.shape) == 1 return t.diag([v, v.new_ones([1])], dim=0))
def look_at_rh(eye: InputTensor, center: InputTensor, up: InputTensor) -> t.Tensor: """Computes a right-handed 4x4 look-at camera matrix.""" eye = util.to_tensor(eye, dtype=t.float32) center = util.to_tensor(center, dtype=t.float32) up = util.to_tensor(up, dtype=t.float32) assert eye.shape == (3, ) assert center.shape == (3, ) assert up.shape == (3, ) f = F.normalize(center - eye, dim=-1) s = F.normalize(t.cross(f, up), dim=-1) u = t.cross(s, f) return eye.new_tensor([ [s[0], s[1], s[2],, eye)], [u[0], u[1], u[2],, eye)], [-f[0], -f[1], -f[2],, eye)], [0, 0, 0, 1], ], dtype=t.float32)
def ortho_lh(left: InputTensor, right: InputTensor, bottom: InputTensor, top: InputTensor, z_near: InputTensor, z_far: InputTensor) -> t.Tensor: left = util.to_tensor(left, dtype=t.float32) right = util.to_tensor(right, dtype=t.float32) bottom = util.to_tensor(bottom, dtype=t.float32) top = util.to_tensor(top, dtype=t.float32) z_near = util.to_tensor(z_near, dtype=t.float32) z_far = util.to_tensor(z_far, dtype=t.float32) assert left.shape == () assert right.shape == () assert bottom.shape == () assert top.shape == () assert z_near.shape == () assert z_far.shape == () return left.new_tensor( [[2 / (right - left), 0, 0, -(right + left) / (right - left)], [0, 2 / (top - bottom), 0, -(top + bottom) / (top - bottom)], [0, 0, 2 / (z_far - z_near), -(z_far + z_near) / (z_far - z_near)], [0, 0, 0, 1]], dtype=t.float32)
def perspective_rh(fov_y: InputTensor, aspect: InputTensor, z_near: InputTensor, z_far: InputTensor) -> t.Tensor: fov_y = util.to_tensor(fov_y, dtype=t.float32) aspect = util.to_tensor(aspect, dtype=t.float32) z_near = util.to_tensor(z_near, dtype=t.float32) z_far = util.to_tensor(z_far, dtype=t.float32) assert fov_y.shape == () assert aspect.shape == () assert z_near.shape == () assert z_far.shape == () tan_half_fov_y = t.tan(fov_y / 2) return fov_y.new_tensor([ [1.0 / (aspect * tan_half_fov_y), 0, 0, 0], [0, 1.0 / tan_half_fov_y, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, -(z_far + z_near) / (z_far - z_near), -(2 * z_far * z_near) / (z_far - z_near) ], [0, 0, -1, 0], ], dtype=t.float32)