def run_game():
    """Run the game
    This function starts the game. It initializes pygame, instantiates the
    screen, play button, stats, scoreboard, corgi, borks, kitties and an army
    thereof. It then starts the main loop which updates the screen and checks
    for events. When the game is active, it also updates the corgi, the borks
    and the kitties."""
    settings = Settings()

    screen = pygame.display.set_mode(
        (settings.screen_width, settings.screen_height))

    logo = Logo(settings, screen)
    play_button = Button(screen, settings, settings.play_button_text)
    stats = GameStats(settings)
    scoreboard = Scoreboard(settings, screen, stats)
    corgi = Corgi(settings, screen)
    borks = Group()
    kitties = Group()

    gf.create_army(settings, screen, corgi, kitties)

    # game loop
    while True:
        gf.update_screen(settings, screen, stats,
                         scoreboard, corgi, kitties, borks, play_button, logo)
        gf.check_events(settings, screen, stats,
                        scoreboard, play_button, kitties, corgi, borks)

        if stats.game_active:
            gf.update_borks(settings, screen, stats,
                            scoreboard, corgi, kitties, borks)
            gf.update_kitties(settings, stats, screen,
                              scoreboard, corgi, kitties, borks)