Exemple #1
 def test_memory_usage(self):
     import tracemalloc
     import inspect
     from corpus import InMemoryDocument, InMemoryCorpus
     from suffixarray import SuffixArray
     corpus = InMemoryCorpus()
         InMemoryDocument(0, {
             "a": "o  o\n\n\no\n\no",
             "b": "o o\no   \no"
     corpus.add_document(InMemoryDocument(1, {"a": "ba", "b": "b bab"}))
     corpus.add_document(InMemoryDocument(2, {"a": "o  o O o", "b": "o o"}))
     corpus.add_document(InMemoryDocument(3, {"a": "oO" * 10000, "b": "o"}))
         InMemoryDocument(4, {
             "a": "cbab o obab O ",
             "b": "o o " * 10000
     snapshot1 = tracemalloc.take_snapshot()
     engine = SuffixArray(corpus, ["a", "b"], self._normalizer,
     snapshot2 = tracemalloc.take_snapshot()
     for statistic in snapshot2.compare_to(snapshot1, "filename"):
         if statistic.traceback[0].filename == inspect.getfile(SuffixArray):
             self.assertLessEqual(statistic.size_diff, 2000000,
                                  "Memory usage seems excessive.")
 def test_access_documents(self):
     from corpus import InMemoryDocument, InMemoryCorpus
     corpus = InMemoryCorpus()
     corpus.add_document(InMemoryDocument(0, {"body": "this is a Test"}))
     corpus.add_document(InMemoryDocument(1, {"title": "prØve", "body": "en to tre"}))
     self.assertEqual(corpus.size(), 2)
     self.assertListEqual([d.document_id for d in corpus], [0, 1])
     self.assertListEqual([corpus[i].document_id for i in range(0, corpus.size())], [0, 1])
     self.assertListEqual([corpus.get_document(i).document_id for i in range(0, corpus.size())], [0, 1])
Exemple #3
def assignment_a():

    # Use these throughout below.
    normalizer = BrainDeadNormalizer()
    tokenizer = BrainDeadTokenizer()

    # Dump postings for a dummy two-document corpus.
    corpus = InMemoryCorpus()
    corpus.add_document(InMemoryDocument(0, {"body": "this is a Test"}))
    corpus.add_document(InMemoryDocument(1, {"body": "test TEST prØve"}))
    index = InMemoryInvertedIndex(corpus, ["body"], normalizer, tokenizer)
    for (term, expected) in zip(index.get_terms("PRøvE wtf tesT"),
                                [[(1, 1)], [], [(0, 1), (1, 2)]]):
        assert term in ["prøve", "wtf", "test"]
        postings = list(index.get_postings_iterator(term))
        for posting in postings:
        assert len(postings) == len(expected)
        assert [(p.document_id, p.term_frequency)
                for p in postings] == expected

    # Again, for a slightly bigger corpus.
    corpus = InMemoryCorpus("data/mesh.txt")
    index = InMemoryInvertedIndex(corpus, ["body"], normalizer, tokenizer)
    for (term, expected_length) in [("hydrogen", 8), ("hydrocephalus", 2)]:
        for posting in index.get_postings_iterator(term):
        assert len(list(index.get_postings_iterator(term))) == expected_length

    # Test that we merge posting lists correctly. Note implicit test for case- and whitespace robustness.
    merger = PostingsMerger()
    and_query = ("HIV  pROtein", "AND", [11316, 11319, 11320, 11321])
    or_query = ("water Toxic", "OR",
                [3078, 8138, 8635, 9379, 14472, 18572, 23234, 23985] +
                [i for i in range(25265, 25282)])
    for (query, operator, expected_document_ids) in [and_query, or_query]:
        print(re.sub("\W+", " " + operator + " ", query))
        terms = list(index.get_terms(query))
        assert len(terms) == 2
        postings = [
            index.get_postings_iterator(terms[i]) for i in range(len(terms))
        merged = {
            "AND": merger.intersection,
            "OR": merger.union
        }[operator](postings[0], postings[1])
        documents = [
            corpus.get_document(posting.document_id) for posting in merged
        print(*documents, sep="\n")
        assert len(documents) == len(expected_document_ids)
        assert [d.get_document_id()
                for d in documents] == expected_document_ids
Exemple #4
 def test_multiple_fields(self):
     from corpus import InMemoryDocument, InMemoryCorpus
     from suffixarray import SuffixArray
     corpus = InMemoryCorpus()
         InMemoryDocument(0, {
             "field1": "a b c",
             "field2": "b c d"
     corpus.add_document(InMemoryDocument(1, {
         "field1": "x",
         "field2": "y"
     corpus.add_document(InMemoryDocument(2, {
         "field1": "y",
         "field2": "z"
     engine0 = SuffixArray(corpus, ["field1", "field2"], self._normalizer,
     engine1 = SuffixArray(corpus, ["field1"], self._normalizer,
     engine2 = SuffixArray(corpus, ["field2"], self._normalizer,
     self._process_query_and_verify_winner(engine0, "b c", [0], 2)
     self._process_query_and_verify_winner(engine0, "y", [1, 2], 1)
     self._process_query_and_verify_winner(engine1, "x", [1], 1)
     self._process_query_and_verify_winner(engine1, "y", [2], 1)
     self._process_query_and_verify_winner(engine1, "z", [], None)
     self._process_query_and_verify_winner(engine2, "z", [2], 1)
Exemple #5
def assignment_a_postingsmerger_1():

    # A small but real corpus.
    normalizer = BrainDeadNormalizer()
    tokenizer = BrainDeadTokenizer()
    corpus = InMemoryCorpus("./data/mesh.txt")
    index = InMemoryInvertedIndex(corpus, ["body"], normalizer, tokenizer)

    # Test that we merge posting lists correctly. Note implicit test for case- and whitespace robustness.
    merger = PostingsMerger()
    and_query = ("HIV  pROtein", "AND", [11316, 11319, 11320, 11321])
    or_query = ("water Toxic", "OR",
                [3078, 8138, 8635, 9379, 14472, 18572, 23234, 23985] +
                [i for i in range(25265, 25282)])
    for (query, operator, expected_document_ids) in [and_query, or_query]:
        print(re.sub("\W+", " " + operator + " ", query))
        terms = list(index.get_terms(query))
        assert len(terms) == 2
        postings = [index[terms[i]] for i in range(len(terms))]
        merged = {
            "AND": merger.intersection,
            "OR": merger.union
        }[operator](postings[0], postings[1])
        documents = [corpus[posting.document_id] for posting in merged]
        print(*documents, sep="\n")
        assert len(documents) == len(expected_document_ids)
        assert [d.document_id for d in documents] == expected_document_ids
Exemple #6
def main():
    import os.path
    from normalization import BrainDeadNormalizer
    from tokenization import ShingleGenerator
    from corpus import InMemoryCorpus
    from invertedindex import InMemoryInvertedIndex
    from ranking import BrainDeadRanker
    from searchengine import SimpleSearchEngine
    print("Indexing MeSH corpus...")
    normalizer = BrainDeadNormalizer()
    tokenizer = ShingleGenerator(3)
    corpus = InMemoryCorpus(os.path.join(data_path, 'mesh.txt'))
    index = InMemoryInvertedIndex(corpus, ["body"], normalizer, tokenizer)
    ranker = BrainDeadRanker()
    engine = SimpleSearchEngine(corpus, index)
    options = {"debug": False, "hit_count": 5, "match_threshold": 0.5}
    print("Enter a query and find matching documents.")
    print(f"Lookup options are {options}.")
    print(f"Tokenizer is {tokenizer.__class__.__name__}.")
    print(f"Ranker is {ranker.__class__.__name__}.")

    def evaluator(query):
        matches = []
        engine.evaluate(query, options, ranker, lambda m: matches.append(m))
        return matches

    simple_repl("query", evaluator)
 def test_multiple_fields(self):
     from corpus import InMemoryDocument, InMemoryCorpus
     from invertedindex import InMemoryInvertedIndex
     document = InMemoryDocument(
         0, {
             'felt1': 'Dette er en test. Test, sa jeg. TEST!',
             'felt2': 'test er det',
             'felt3': 'test TEsT',
     corpus = InMemoryCorpus()
     index = InMemoryInvertedIndex(corpus, ['felt1', 'felt3'],
                                   self._normalizer, self._tokenizer)
     posting = next(index.get_postings_iterator('test'))
     self.assertEqual(posting.document_id, 0)
     self.assertEqual(posting.term_frequency, 5)
Exemple #8
def main():
    import os.path
    from normalization import BrainDeadNormalizer
    from tokenization import BrainDeadTokenizer
    from corpus import InMemoryCorpus
    from ahocorasick import Trie, StringFinder
    print("Building trie from MeSH corpus...")
    normalizer = BrainDeadNormalizer()
    tokenizer = BrainDeadTokenizer()
    corpus = InMemoryCorpus(os.path.join(data_path, 'mesh.txt'))
    dictionary = Trie()
    for document in corpus:
    engine = StringFinder(dictionary, tokenizer)
    print("Enter some text and locate words and phrases that are MeSH terms.")

    def evaluator(text):
        matches = []
                    lambda m: matches.append(m))
        return matches

    simple_repl("text", evaluator)
Exemple #9
    def test_mesh_terms_in_cran_corpus(self):
        import os.path
        from corpus import InMemoryCorpus
        from ahocorasick import Trie, StringFinder

        mesh = InMemoryCorpus(os.path.join(data_path, 'mesh.txt'))
        cran = InMemoryCorpus(os.path.join(data_path, 'cran.xml'))
        trie = Trie()
        for d in mesh:
            trie.add(d["body"] or "", self._tokenizer)
        finder = StringFinder(trie, self._tokenizer)
        self._scan_buffer_verify_matches(finder, cran[0]["body"],
                                         ["wing", "wing"])
        self._scan_buffer_verify_matches(finder, cran[3]["body"],
                                         ["solutions", "skin", "friction"])
        self._scan_buffer_verify_matches(finder, cran[1254]["body"],
                                         ["electrons", "ions"])
Exemple #10
def assignment_b_stringfinder():

    # Use these throughout below.
    tokenizer = BrainDeadTokenizer()
    results = []

    # Simple test of using a trie-encoded dictionary for efficiently locating substrings in a buffer.
    trie = Trie()
    for s in [
            "romerike", "apple computer", "norsk", "norsk ørret", "sverige",
            "ørret", "banan"
        trie.add(s, tokenizer)
    finder = StringFinder(trie, tokenizer)
    buffer = "det var en gang en norsk  ørret fra romerike som likte abba fra sverige"
    finder.scan(buffer, lambda m: results.append(m))
    print("Buffer \"" + buffer + "\" contains", results)
    assert [m["match"] for m in results
            ] == ["norsk", "norsk ørret", "ørret", "romerike", "sverige"]

    # Find all MeSH terms that occur verbatim in some selected Cranfield documents! Since MeSH
    # documents are medical terms and the Cranfield documents have technical content, the
    # overlap probably isn't that big.
    mesh = InMemoryCorpus("data/mesh.txt")
    cranfield = InMemoryCorpus("data/cran.xml")
    trie = Trie()
    for d in mesh:
        trie.add(d["body"] or "", tokenizer)
    finder = StringFinder(trie, tokenizer)
    for (document_id,
         expected_matches) in [(0, ["wing", "wing"]),
                               (3, ["solutions", "skin", "friction"]),
                               (1254, ["electrons", "ions"])]:
        document = cranfield.get_document(document_id)
        buffer = document["body"] or ""
        finder.scan(buffer, lambda m: results.append(m))
        print("Cranfield document", document, "contains MeSH terms", results)
        assert [m["match"] for m in results] == expected_matches
Exemple #11
def assignment_a_inverted_index_3():
    # tests that multiple fields are handled correctly

    normalizer = BrainDeadNormalizer()
    tokenizer = BrainDeadTokenizer()

    doc = InMemoryDocument(document_id=0, fields={
        'felt 1': 'Dette er en test. Test, sa jeg. TEST!',
        'felt 2': 'test er det',
        'felt 3': 'test TEsT',
    corpus = InMemoryCorpus()

    index = InMemoryInvertedIndex(corpus, ['felt 1', 'felt 3'], normalizer, tokenizer)
    p = next(index.get_postings_iterator('test'))
    print(f"term-freq: {p.term_frequency} (correct is 5)")
    assert p.document_id == 0
    assert p.term_frequency == 5
    def test_mesh_corpus(self):
        import os.path
        from corpus import InMemoryCorpus
        from invertedindex import InMemoryInvertedIndex

        corpus = InMemoryCorpus(os.path.join(data_path, 'mesh.txt'))
        index = InMemoryInvertedIndex(corpus, ["body"], self._normalizer,
        self.assertEqual(len(list(index["hydrogen"])), 8)
        self.assertEqual(len(list(index["hydrocephalus"])), 2)
Exemple #13
 def test_cran_corpus(self):
     import os.path
     from corpus import InMemoryCorpus
     from suffixarray import SuffixArray
     corpus = InMemoryCorpus(os.path.join(data_path, 'cran.xml'))
     engine = SuffixArray(corpus, ["body"], self._normalizer,
     self._process_query_and_verify_winner(engine, "visc", [328], 11)
     self._process_query_and_verify_winner(engine, "Of  A", [946], 10)
     self._process_query_and_verify_winner(engine, "", [], None)
     self._process_query_and_verify_winner(engine, "approximate solution",
                                           [159, 1374], 3)
Exemple #14
def assignment_a_inverted_index_1():

    # Use these throughout below.
    normalizer = BrainDeadNormalizer()
    tokenizer = BrainDeadTokenizer()

    # Dump postings for a dummy two-document corpus.
    corpus = InMemoryCorpus()
    corpus.add_document(InMemoryDocument(0, {"body": "this is a Test"}))
    corpus.add_document(InMemoryDocument(1, {"body": "test TEST prØve"}))
    index = InMemoryInvertedIndex(corpus, ["body"], normalizer, tokenizer)
    for (term, expected) in zip(index.get_terms("PRøvE wtf tesT"), [[(1, 1)], [], [(0, 1), (1, 2)]]):
        assert term in ["prøve", "wtf", "test"]
        postings = list(index[term])
        for posting in postings:
        assert len(postings) == len(expected)
        assert [(p.document_id, p.term_frequency) for p in postings] == expected

    # Document counts should be correct.
    assert index.get_document_frequency("wtf") == 0
    assert index.get_document_frequency("test") == 2
    assert index.get_document_frequency("prøve") == 1
 def test_synthetic_corpus(self):
     from itertools import product, combinations_with_replacement
     from corpus import InMemoryDocument, InMemoryCorpus
     from invertedindex import InMemoryInvertedIndex
     from searchengine import SimpleSearchEngine
     corpus = InMemoryCorpus()
     words = ("".join(term) for term in product("bcd", "aei", "jkl"))
     texts = (" ".join(word) for word in combinations_with_replacement(words, 3))
     for text in texts:
         corpus.add_document(InMemoryDocument(corpus.size(), {"a": text}))
     engine = SimpleSearchEngine(corpus, InMemoryInvertedIndex(corpus, ["a"], self._normalizer, self._tokenizer))
     epsilon = 0.0001
     self._process_query_verify_matches("baj BAJ    baj", engine,
                                        {"match_threshold": 1.0, "hit_count": 27},
                                        (27, 9.0, [0]))
     self._process_query_verify_matches("baj caj", engine,
                                        {"match_threshold": 1.0, "hit_count": 100},
                                        (27, None, None))
     self._process_query_verify_matches("baj caj daj", engine,
                                        {"match_threshold": 2/3 + epsilon, "hit_count": 100},
                                        (79, None, None))
     self._process_query_verify_matches("baj caj", engine,
                                        {"match_threshold": 2/3 + epsilon, "hit_count": 100},
                                        (100, 3.0, [0, 9, 207, 2514]))
     self._process_query_verify_matches("baj cek dil", engine,
                                        {"match_threshold": 1.0, "hit_count": 10},
                                        (1, 3.0, [286]))
     self._process_query_verify_matches("baj cek dil", engine,
                                        {"match_threshold": 1.0, "hit_count": 10},
                                        (1, None, None))
     self._process_query_verify_matches("baj cek dil", engine,
                                        {"match_threshold": 2/3 + epsilon, "hit_count": 80},
                                        (79, 3.0, [13, 26, 273, 286, 377, 3107, 3198]))
     self._process_query_verify_matches("baj xxx yyy", engine,
                                        {"match_threshold": 2/3 + epsilon, "hit_count": 100},
                                        (0, None, None))
     self._process_query_verify_matches("baj xxx yyy", engine,
                                        {"match_threshold": 2/3 - epsilon, "hit_count": 100},
                                        (100, None, None))
 def test_mesh_corpus(self):
     import os.path
     from corpus import InMemoryCorpus
     from invertedindex import InMemoryInvertedIndex
     from searchengine import SimpleSearchEngine
     corpus = InMemoryCorpus(os.path.join(data_path, 'mesh.txt'))
     index = InMemoryInvertedIndex(corpus, ["body"], self._normalizer, self._tokenizer)
     engine = SimpleSearchEngine(corpus, index)
     query = "polluTION Water"
     self._process_two_term_query_verify_matches(query, engine,
                                                 {"match_threshold": 0.1, "hit_count": 10},
                                                 (10, [25274, 25275, 25276]))
     self._process_two_term_query_verify_matches(query, engine,
                                                 {"match_threshold": 1.0, "hit_count": 10},
                                                 (3, [25274, 25275, 25276]))
Exemple #17
def assignment_a_inverted_index_2():

    # Use these throughout below.
    normalizer = BrainDeadNormalizer()
    tokenizer = BrainDeadTokenizer()

    # Dump postings for a slightly bigger corpus.
    corpus = InMemoryCorpus("./data/mesh.txt")
    index = InMemoryInvertedIndex(corpus, ["body"], normalizer, tokenizer)
    for (term, expected_length) in [("hydrogen", 8), ("hydrocephalus", 2)]:
        for posting in index[term]:
        assert len(list(index[term])) == expected_length
    def test_shingled_mesh_corpus(self):
        import os.path
        from tokenization import ShingleGenerator
        from corpus import InMemoryCorpus
        from invertedindex import InMemoryInvertedIndex
        from searchengine import SimpleSearchEngine

        tokenizer = ShingleGenerator(3)
        corpus = InMemoryCorpus(os.path.join(data_path, 'mesh.txt'))
        index = InMemoryInvertedIndex(corpus, ["body"], self._normalizer, tokenizer)
        engine = SimpleSearchEngine(corpus, index)
        self._process_query_verify_matches("orGAnik kEMmistry", engine,
                                           {"match_threshold": 0.1, "hit_count": 10},
                                           (10, 8.0, [4408, 4410, 4411, 16980, 16981]))
        self._process_query_verify_matches("synndrome", engine,
                                           {"match_threshold": 0.1, "hit_count": 10},
                                           (10, 7.0, [1275]))
Exemple #19
def assignment_c_simplesearchengine_1():

    # Use these throughout below.
    normalizer = BrainDeadNormalizer()
    tokenizer = BrainDeadTokenizer()

    # Load and index MeSH terms.
    corpus = InMemoryCorpus("../data/mesh.txt")
    inverted_index = InMemoryInvertedIndex(corpus, ["body"], normalizer,

    # Do ranked retrieval, using a simple ranker.
    engine = SimpleSearchEngine(corpus, inverted_index)
    simple_ranker = BrainDeadRanker()
    results = []

    # Callback for receiving matches.
    def match_collector(match):
        print("*** WINNER", match["score"], match["document"])

    query = "polluTION Water"
    for match_threshold in [0.1, 1.0]:
            f"SEARCHING for '{query}' with match threshold {str(match_threshold)}..."
        options = {
            "match_threshold": match_threshold,
            "hit_count": 10,
            "debug": False
        engine.evaluate(query, options, simple_ranker, match_collector)
        assert len(results) == {0.1: 10, 1.0: 3}[match_threshold]
        for (score, document_id) in [(match["score"],
                                     for match in results[:3]]:
            assert score == 2.0  # Both 'pollution' and 'water'.
            assert document_id in [25274, 25275, 25276]
        for score in [match["score"] for match in results[3:]]:
            assert score == 1.0  # Only 'pollution' or 'water', but not both.
Exemple #20
def assignment_d_betterranker():

    # Use these throughout below.
    normalizer = BrainDeadNormalizer()
    tokenizer = BrainDeadTokenizer()
    results = []
    hit_count = 10

    # Callback for receiving matches.
    def match_collector(match):
        print("*** WINNER", match["score"], match["document"])

    # Load and index some English news sentences. Look at the output and compare the two rankers!
    # The naive ranker assigns equal weight to all words (including stopwords), whereas the improved
    # ranker does not. The test below for the improved ranker (with document #24 being the winner)
    # assumes a straightforward implementation of a TF-IDF ranking scheme as described in the
    # textbook.
    corpus = InMemoryCorpus("data/en.txt")
    inverted_index = InMemoryInvertedIndex(corpus, ["body"], normalizer,
    simple_ranker = BrainDeadRanker()
    better_ranker = BetterRanker(corpus, inverted_index)
    engine = SimpleSearchEngine(corpus, inverted_index)
    for query in ["the terrorism attack and obama"]:
        options = {
            "match_threshold": 0.1,
            "hit_count": hit_count,
            "debug": False
        for ranker in [simple_ranker, better_ranker]:
            print("SEARCHING for '" + query + "' using " +
                  ranker.__class__.__name__ + "...")
            engine.evaluate(query, options, ranker, match_collector)
            winner_document_ids = {
                simple_ranker: [9221, 7263],
                better_ranker: [24]
            assert 0 < len(results) <= hit_count
            assert results[0]["document"].document_id in winner_document_ids
Exemple #21
def main():
    import os.path
    from normalization import BrainDeadNormalizer
    from tokenization import BrainDeadTokenizer
    from corpus import InMemoryCorpus
    from naivebayesclassifier import NaiveBayesClassifier
    print("Initializing naive Bayes classifier from news corpora...")
    normalizer = BrainDeadNormalizer()
    tokenizer = BrainDeadTokenizer()
    languages = ["en", "no", "da", "de"]
    training_set = {language: InMemoryCorpus(os.path.join(data_path,f"{language}.txt")) for language in languages}
    classifier = NaiveBayesClassifier(training_set, ["body"], normalizer, tokenizer)
    print(f"Enter some text and classify it into {languages}.")
    print(f"Returned scores are log-probabilities.")

    def evaluator(text):
        results = []
        classifier.classify(text, lambda m: results.append(m))
        return results
    simple_repl("text", evaluator)
Exemple #22
 def test_language_detection_trained_on_some_news_corpora(self):
     import os.path
     from corpus import InMemoryCorpus
     from naivebayesclassifier import NaiveBayesClassifier
     training_set = {
         language: InMemoryCorpus(os.path.join(data_path,
         for language in ["en", "no", "da", "de"]
     classifier = NaiveBayesClassifier(training_set, ["body"],
                                       self._normalizer, self._tokenizer)
         "Vil det riktige språket identifiseres? Dette er bokmål.",
         classifier, ["no"])
         "I don't believe that the number of tokens exceeds a billion.",
         classifier, ["en"])
         "De danske drenge drikker snaps!", classifier, ["da"])
         "Der Kriminalpolizei! Haben sie angst?", classifier, ["de"])
Exemple #23
def assignment_b_suffixarray_1():

    # Use these throughout below.
    normalizer = BrainDeadNormalizer()
    tokenizer = BrainDeadTokenizer()

    # Prepare for some suffix array lookups.
    corpus = InMemoryCorpus("data/cran.xml")
    engine = SuffixArray(corpus, ["body"], normalizer, tokenizer)
    results = []
    hit_count = 5

    # Callback for receiving matches.
    def match_collector(match):
        print("*** WINNER", match["score"], match["document"])

    # Define the actual test queries.
    test1 = ("visc", 11, [328])  # Look for {'viscous', 'viscosity', ...}.
    test2 = ("Of  A", 10, [946])  # Test robustness for case and whitespace.
    test3 = ("", 0, [])  # Safety feature: Match nothing instead of everything.
    test4 = ("approximate solution", 3, [1374, 159])  # Multiple winners.

    # Test that the simple occurrence ranking works. Be robust towards how ties are resolved.
    for (query, winner_score,
         winner_document_ids) in [test1, test2, test3, test4]:
        print("SEARCHING for '" + query + "'...")
        engine.evaluate(query, {
            "debug": False,
            "hit_count": hit_count
        }, match_collector)
        if winner_document_ids:
            assert results[0]["score"] == winner_score
            assert results[0]["document"].document_id in winner_document_ids
            assert len(results) <= hit_count
            assert len(results) == 0
Exemple #24
def assignment_d_shinglegenerator_2():

    # Use these throughout below.
    normalizer = BrainDeadNormalizer()
    tokenizer = ShingleGenerator(3)
    ranker = BrainDeadRanker()
    results = []
    hit_count = 10

    # Load MeSH terms.
    corpus = InMemoryCorpus("data/mesh.txt")

    # Do ranked retrieval, using n-grams (shingles) and a simple ranker. This allows for fuzzy retrieval.
    inverted_index = InMemoryInvertedIndex(corpus, ["body"], normalizer,
    engine = SimpleSearchEngine(corpus, inverted_index)

    # Callback for receiving matches.
    def match_collector(match):
        print("*** WINNER", match["score"], match["document"])

    # Test with some mispelled queries. Be robust for arbitrary resolving of ties.
    for (query, winner_score, winner_document_ids) in [
        ("orGAnik kEMmistry", 8.0, [16981, 16980, 4411, 4410, 4408]),
        ("synndrome", 7.0, [1275])
        print("SEARCHING for '" + query + "'...")
        options = {
            "match_threshold": 0.1,
            "hit_count": hit_count,
            "debug": False
        engine.evaluate(query, options, ranker, match_collector)
        assert 0 < len(results) <= hit_count
        assert results[0]["score"] == winner_score
        assert results[0]["document"].document_id in winner_document_ids
Exemple #25
def main():
    import os.path
    from normalization import BrainDeadNormalizer
    from tokenization import BrainDeadTokenizer
    from corpus import InMemoryCorpus
    from suffixarray import SuffixArray
    print("Building suffix array from Cranfield corpus...")
    normalizer = BrainDeadNormalizer()
    tokenizer = BrainDeadTokenizer()
    corpus = InMemoryCorpus(os.path.join(data_path, 'cran.xml'))
    engine = SuffixArray(corpus, ["body"], normalizer, tokenizer)
    options = {"debug": False, "hit_count": 5}
    print("Enter a prefix phrase query and find matching documents.")
    print(f"Lookup options are {options}.")
    print("Returned scores are occurrence counts.")

    def evaluator(query):
        matches = []
        engine.evaluate(query, options, lambda m: matches.append(m))
        return matches

    simple_repl("query", evaluator)
Exemple #26
def main():
    import os.path
    from normalization import BrainDeadNormalizer
    from tokenization import BrainDeadTokenizer
    from corpus import InMemoryCorpus
    from invertedindex import InMemoryInvertedIndex

    print("Building inverted index from Cranfield corpus...")
    normalizer = BrainDeadNormalizer()
    tokenizer = BrainDeadTokenizer()
    corpus = InMemoryCorpus(os.path.join(data_path, 'cran.xml'))
    index = InMemoryInvertedIndex(corpus, ["body"], normalizer, tokenizer)
    print("Enter one or more index terms and inspect their posting lists.")

    def evaluator(terms):
        terms = index.get_terms(terms)
        return {
            term: list(index.get_postings_iterator(term))
            for term in terms

    simple_repl("terms", evaluator)
Exemple #27
def assignment_e_naivebayes_1():

    # Use these throughout below. These are really language-specific functions, so it's a huge
    # simplification to use these for a language identifier.
    normalizer = BrainDeadNormalizer()
    tokenizer = BrainDeadTokenizer()
    results = []

    # Callback for receiving results. Received scores are log-probabilities.
    def match_collector(match: dict):
        print("*** WINNER", match["score"], match["category"])

    # Use this as the training set for our language identifier.
    training_set = {
        language: InMemoryCorpus("data/" + language + ".txt")
        for language in ["en", "no", "da", "de"]

    # Assess probabilities from the training set.
    classifier = NaiveBayesClassifier(training_set, ["body"], normalizer,

    # Classify some previously unseen text fragments.
    for (buffer, language) in [
        ("Mon tro om det riktige språket identifiseres? Dette er norsk bokmål, forøvrig.",
        ("I don't believe that the number of tokens exceeds a billion.", "en"),
        ("De danske drenge drikker snaps!", "da"),
        ("Der Kriminalpolizei! Haben sie angst?", "de")
        classifier.classify(buffer, match_collector)
        assert results[0]["category"] == language
 def test_access_postings(self):
     from corpus import InMemoryDocument, InMemoryCorpus
     from invertedindex import InMemoryInvertedIndex
     corpus = InMemoryCorpus()
     corpus.add_document(InMemoryDocument(0, {"body": "this is a Test"}))
     corpus.add_document(InMemoryDocument(1, {"body": "test TEST prØve"}))
     index = InMemoryInvertedIndex(corpus, ["body"], self._normalizer,
     self.assertListEqual(list(index.get_terms("PRøvE wtf tesT")),
                          ["prøve", "wtf", "test"])
     self.assertListEqual([(p.document_id, p.term_frequency)
                           for p in index["prøve"]], [(1, 1)])
     self.assertListEqual([(p.document_id, p.term_frequency)
                           for p in index.get_postings_iterator("wtf")], [])
     self.assertListEqual([(p.document_id, p.term_frequency)
                           for p in index["test"]], [(0, 1), (1, 2)])
     self.assertEqual(index.get_document_frequency("wtf"), 0)
     self.assertEqual(index.get_document_frequency("prøve"), 1)
     self.assertEqual(index.get_document_frequency("test"), 2)
Exemple #29
 def test_china_example_from_textbook(self):
     import math
     from corpus import InMemoryDocument, InMemoryCorpus
     from naivebayesclassifier import NaiveBayesClassifier
     china = InMemoryCorpus()
         InMemoryDocument(0, {"body": "Chinese Beijing Chinese"}))
         InMemoryDocument(1, {"body": "Chinese Chinese Shanghai"}))
     china.add_document(InMemoryDocument(2, {"body": "Chinese Macao"}))
     not_china = InMemoryCorpus()
         InMemoryDocument(0, {"body": "Tokyo Japan Chinese"}))
     training_set = {"china": china, "not china": not_china}
     classifier = NaiveBayesClassifier(training_set, ["body"],
                                       self._normalizer, self._tokenizer)
     results = []
     classifier.classify("Chinese Chinese Chinese Tokyo Japan",
                         lambda m: results.append(m))
     self.assertEqual(len(results), 2)
     self.assertEqual(results[0]["category"], "china")
     self.assertAlmostEqual(math.exp(results[0]["score"]), 0.0003, 4)
     self.assertEqual(results[1]["category"], "not china")
     self.assertAlmostEqual(math.exp(results[1]["score"]), 0.0001, 4)
Exemple #30
def assignment_e_naivebayes_2():

    # Use these throughout below. These are really language-specific functions, so it's a huge
    # simplification to use these for a language identifier.
    normalizer = BrainDeadNormalizer()
    tokenizer = BrainDeadTokenizer()
    results = []

    # Callback for receiving results. Received scores are log-probabilities.
    def match_collector(match: dict):
        print("*** WINNER", match["score"], match["category"])

    # Replicate Example 13.1 on pages 241 and 242 in the textbook.
    china = InMemoryCorpus()
                                        {"body": "Chinese Beijing Chinese"}))
        InMemoryDocument(1, {"body": "Chinese Chinese Shanghai"}))
    china.add_document(InMemoryDocument(2, {"body": "Chinese Macao"}))
    not_china = InMemoryCorpus()
                                            {"body": "Tokyo Japan Chinese"}))
    training_set = {"china": china, "not china": not_china}
    classifier = NaiveBayesClassifier(training_set, ["body"], normalizer,
    buffer = "Chinese Chinese Chinese Tokyo Japan"
    classifier.classify(buffer, match_collector)
    assert len(results) == 2
    assert results[0]["category"] == "china"
    assert results[1]["category"] == "not china"
    assert math.isclose(math.exp(results[0]["score"]), 0.0003, abs_tol=0.00001)
    assert math.isclose(math.exp(results[1]["score"]), 0.0001, abs_tol=0.00005)