def test_vlayout(lcfg): nplots = 7 layout = RendererLayout(lcfg, [1] * nplots) assert layout.wave_ncol == 3 assert layout.wave_nrow == 3 region2d: List[List[RegionSpec]] = layout.arrange(lambda arg: arg) assert len(region2d) == nplots for i, regions in enumerate(region2d): assert len(regions) == 1, (i, len(regions)) np.testing.assert_equal(region2d[0][0].pos, (0, 0)) np.testing.assert_equal(region2d[2][0].pos, (2, 0)) np.testing.assert_equal(region2d[3][0].pos, (0, 1)) np.testing.assert_equal(region2d[6][0].pos, (0, 2))
def test_hlayout(lcfg): nplots = 15 layout = RendererLayout(lcfg, [1] * nplots) assert layout.wave_ncol == 2 assert layout.wave_nrow == 8 region2d: List[List[RegionSpec]] = layout.arrange(lambda arg: arg) assert len(region2d) == nplots for i, regions in enumerate(region2d): assert len(regions) == 1, (i, len(regions)) np.testing.assert_equal(region2d[0][0].pos, (0, 0)) np.testing.assert_equal(region2d[1][0].pos, (0, 1)) np.testing.assert_equal(region2d[2][0].pos, (1, 0)) m = nplots - 1 npt.assert_equal(region2d[m][0].pos, (m // 2, m % 2))
def test_stereo_layout( orientation: Orientation, stereo_orientation: StereoOrientation, wave_nchans: List[int], nrow_ncol: int, is_nrows: bool, ): """ Not-entirely-rigorous test for layout computation. Mind-numbingly boring to write (and read?). Honestly I prefer a good naming scheme in RendererLayout.arrange() over unit tests. - This is a regression test... - And an obstacle to refactoring or feature development. """ # region Setup if is_nrows: nrows = nrow_ncol ncols = None else: nrows = None ncols = nrow_ncol lcfg = LayoutConfig( orientation=orientation, nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, stereo_orientation=stereo_orientation, ) nwaves = len(wave_nchans) layout = RendererLayout(lcfg, wave_nchans) # endregion # Assert layout dimensions correct assert layout.wave_ncol == ncols or ceildiv(nwaves, nrows) assert layout.wave_nrow == nrows or ceildiv(nwaves, ncols) region2d: List[List[RegionSpec]] = layout.arrange(lambda r_spec: r_spec) # Loop through layout regions assert len(region2d) == len(wave_nchans) for wave_i, wave_chans in enumerate(region2d): stereo_nchan = wave_nchans[wave_i] assert len(wave_chans) == stereo_nchan # Compute channel dims within wave. if stereo_orientation == StereoOrientation.overlay: chans_per_wave = [1, 1] elif stereo_orientation == StereoOrientation.v: # pos[0]++ chans_per_wave = [stereo_nchan, 1] else: assert stereo_orientation == StereoOrientation.h # pos[1]++ chans_per_wave = [1, stereo_nchan] # Sanity-check position of channel 0 relative to origin (wave grid). assert (np.add.reduce(wave_chans[0].pos) != 0) == (wave_i != 0) npt.assert_equal(wave_chans[0].pos % chans_per_wave, 0) for chan_j, chan in enumerate(wave_chans): # Assert 0 <= position < size. assert chan.pos.shape == chan.size.shape == (2, ) assert (0 <= chan.pos).all() assert (chan.pos < chan.size).all() # Sanity-check position of chan relative to origin (wave grid). npt.assert_equal(chan.pos // chans_per_wave, wave_chans[0].pos // chans_per_wave) # Check position of region (relative to channel 0) chan_wave_pos = chan.pos - wave_chans[0].pos if stereo_orientation == StereoOrientation.overlay: npt.assert_equal(chan_wave_pos, [0, 0]) elif stereo_orientation == StereoOrientation.v: # pos[0]++ npt.assert_equal(chan_wave_pos, [chan_j, 0]) else: assert stereo_orientation == StereoOrientation.h # pos[1]++ npt.assert_equal(chan_wave_pos, [0, chan_j]) # Check screen edges screen_edges = chan.screen_edges assert bool(screen_edges & Edges.Top) == (chan.row == 0) assert bool(screen_edges & Edges.Left) == (chan.col == 0) assert bool(screen_edges & Edges.Bottom) == (chan.row == chan.nrow - 1) assert bool(screen_edges & Edges.Right) == (chan.col == chan.ncol - 1) # Check stereo edges wave_edges = chan.wave_edges if stereo_orientation == StereoOrientation.overlay: assert wave_edges == ~Edges.NONE elif stereo_orientation == StereoOrientation.v: # pos[0]++ lr = Edges.Left | Edges.Right assert wave_edges & lr == lr assert bool(wave_edges & Edges.Top) == (chan.row % stereo_nchan == 0) assert bool(wave_edges & Edges.Bottom) == ((chan.row + 1) % stereo_nchan == 0) else: assert stereo_orientation == StereoOrientation.h # pos[1]++ tb = Edges.Top | Edges.Bottom assert wave_edges & tb == tb assert bool(wave_edges & Edges.Left) == (chan.col % stereo_nchan == 0) assert bool(wave_edges & Edges.Right) == ((chan.col + 1) % stereo_nchan == 0)
def _setup_axes(self, wave_nchans: List[int]) -> None: """ Creates a flat array of Matplotlib Axes, with the new layout. Sets up each Axes with correct region limits. """ self.layout = RendererLayout(self.lcfg, wave_nchans) self.layout_mono = RendererLayout(self.lcfg, [1] * self.nplots) if hasattr(self, "_fig"): raise Exception( "I don't currently expect to call _setup_axes() twice") # plt.close(self.fig) cfg = self.cfg self._fig = Figure() self._canvas_type(self._fig) px_inch = PX_INCH / cfg.res_divisor self._fig.set_dpi(px_inch) """ Requirements: - px_inch /= res_divisor (to scale visual elements correctly) - int(set_size_inches * px_inch) == self.w,h - matplotlib uses int instead of round. Who knows why. - round(set_size_inches * px_inch) == self.w,h - just in case matplotlib changes its mind Solution: - (set_size_inches * px_inch) == self.w,h + 0.25 - set_size_inches == (self.w,h + 0.25) / px_inch """ offset = 0.25 self._fig.set_size_inches((self.w + offset) / px_inch, (self.h + offset) / px_inch) real_dims = self._fig.canvas.get_width_height() assert (self.w, self.h) == real_dims, [(self.w, self.h), real_dims] # Setup background self._fig.set_facecolor(cfg.bg_color) # Create Axes (using self.lcfg, wave_nchans) # _axes2d[wave][chan] = Axes self._axes2d = self.layout.arrange(self._axes_factory) """ Adding an axes using the same arguments as a previous axes currently reuses the earlier instance. In a future version, a new instance will always be created and returned. Meanwhile, this warning can be suppressed, and the future behavior ensured, by passing a unique label to each axes instance. ax=fig.add_axes(label=) is unused, even if you call ax.legend(). """ # _axes_mono[wave] = Axes self._axes_mono = [] # Returns 2D list of [self.nplots][1]Axes. axes_mono_2d = self.layout_mono.arrange(self._axes_factory, label="mono") for axes_list in axes_mono_2d: (axes, ) = axes_list # type: Axes # List of colors at # # Discussion at cmap: ListedColormap = get_cmap("Accent") colors = cmap.colors axes.set_prop_cycle(color=colors) self._axes_mono.append(axes) # Setup axes for idx, N in enumerate(self.wave_nsamps): wave_axes = self._axes2d[idx] viewport_stride = self.render_strides[idx] * cfg.viewport_width ylim = cfg.viewport_height def scale_axes(ax: "Axes"): xlim = calc_limits(N, viewport_stride) ax.set_xlim(*xlim) ax.set_ylim(-ylim, ylim) scale_axes(self._axes_mono[idx]) for ax in unique_by_id(wave_axes): scale_axes(ax) # Setup midlines (depends on max_x and wave_data) midline_color = cfg.midline_color midline_width = cfg.grid_line_width # Not quite sure if midlines or gridlines draw on top kw = dict(color=midline_color, linewidth=midline_width) if cfg.v_midline: ax.axvline(x=calc_center(viewport_stride), **kw) if cfg.h_midline: ax.axhline(y=0, **kw) self._save_background()
class AbstractMatplotlibRenderer(_RendererBackend, ABC): """Matplotlib renderer which can use any backend (agg, mplcairo). To pick a backend, subclass and set _canvas_type at the class level. """ _canvas_type: Type["FigureCanvasBase"] = abstract_classvar @staticmethod @abstractmethod def _canvas_to_bytes(canvas: "FigureCanvasBase") -> ByteBuffer: pass def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) dict.__setitem__(matplotlib.rcParams, "lines.antialiased", self.cfg.antialiasing) self._setup_axes(self.wave_nchans) self._artists: List["Artist"] = [] _fig: "Figure" # _axes2d[wave][chan] = Axes # Primary, used to draw oscilloscope lines and gridlines. _axes2d: List[List["Axes"]] # set by set_layout() # _axes_mono[wave] = Axes # Secondary, used for titles and debug plots. _axes_mono: List["Axes"] def _setup_axes(self, wave_nchans: List[int]) -> None: """ Creates a flat array of Matplotlib Axes, with the new layout. Sets up each Axes with correct region limits. """ self.layout = RendererLayout(self.lcfg, wave_nchans) self.layout_mono = RendererLayout(self.lcfg, [1] * self.nplots) if hasattr(self, "_fig"): raise Exception( "I don't currently expect to call _setup_axes() twice") # plt.close(self.fig) cfg = self.cfg self._fig = Figure() self._canvas_type(self._fig) px_inch = PX_INCH / cfg.res_divisor self._fig.set_dpi(px_inch) """ Requirements: - px_inch /= res_divisor (to scale visual elements correctly) - int(set_size_inches * px_inch) == self.w,h - matplotlib uses int instead of round. Who knows why. - round(set_size_inches * px_inch) == self.w,h - just in case matplotlib changes its mind Solution: - (set_size_inches * px_inch) == self.w,h + 0.25 - set_size_inches == (self.w,h + 0.25) / px_inch """ offset = 0.25 self._fig.set_size_inches((self.w + offset) / px_inch, (self.h + offset) / px_inch) real_dims = self._fig.canvas.get_width_height() assert (self.w, self.h) == real_dims, [(self.w, self.h), real_dims] # Setup background self._fig.set_facecolor(cfg.bg_color) # Create Axes (using self.lcfg, wave_nchans) # _axes2d[wave][chan] = Axes self._axes2d = self.layout.arrange(self._axes_factory) """ Adding an axes using the same arguments as a previous axes currently reuses the earlier instance. In a future version, a new instance will always be created and returned. Meanwhile, this warning can be suppressed, and the future behavior ensured, by passing a unique label to each axes instance. ax=fig.add_axes(label=) is unused, even if you call ax.legend(). """ # _axes_mono[wave] = Axes self._axes_mono = [] # Returns 2D list of [self.nplots][1]Axes. axes_mono_2d = self.layout_mono.arrange(self._axes_factory, label="mono") for axes_list in axes_mono_2d: (axes, ) = axes_list # type: Axes # List of colors at # # Discussion at cmap: ListedColormap = get_cmap("Accent") colors = cmap.colors axes.set_prop_cycle(color=colors) self._axes_mono.append(axes) # Setup axes for idx, N in enumerate(self.wave_nsamps): wave_axes = self._axes2d[idx] viewport_stride = self.render_strides[idx] * cfg.viewport_width ylim = cfg.viewport_height def scale_axes(ax: "Axes"): xlim = calc_limits(N, viewport_stride) ax.set_xlim(*xlim) ax.set_ylim(-ylim, ylim) scale_axes(self._axes_mono[idx]) for ax in unique_by_id(wave_axes): scale_axes(ax) # Setup midlines (depends on max_x and wave_data) midline_color = cfg.midline_color midline_width = cfg.grid_line_width # Not quite sure if midlines or gridlines draw on top kw = dict(color=midline_color, linewidth=midline_width) if cfg.v_midline: ax.axvline(x=calc_center(viewport_stride), **kw) if cfg.h_midline: ax.axhline(y=0, **kw) self._save_background() transparent = "#00000000" # satisfies RegionFactory def _axes_factory(self, r: RegionSpec, label: str = "") -> "Axes": cfg = self.cfg width = 1 / r.ncol left = r.col / r.ncol assert 0 <= left < 1 height = 1 / r.nrow bottom = (r.nrow - r.row - 1) / r.nrow assert 0 <= bottom < 1 # Disabling xticks/yticks is unnecessary, since we hide Axises. ax = self._fig.add_axes([left, bottom, width, height], xticks=[], yticks=[], label=label) grid_color = cfg.grid_color if grid_color: # Initialize borders # Hide Axises # (drawing them is very slow, and we disable ticks+labels anyway) ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) # Background color # ax.patch.set_fill(False) sets _fill=False, # then calls _set_facecolor(...) "alpha = self._alpha if self._fill else 0". # It is no faster than below. ax.set_facecolor(self.transparent) # Set border colors for spine in ax.spines.values(): # type: Spine spine.set_linewidth(cfg.grid_line_width) spine.set_color(grid_color) def hide(key: str): ax.spines[key].set_visible(False) # Hide all axes except bottom-right. hide("top") hide("left") # If bottom of screen, hide bottom. If right of screen, hide right. if r.screen_edges & Edges.Bottom: hide("bottom") if r.screen_edges & Edges.Right: hide("right") # Dim stereo gridlines if cfg.stereo_grid_opacity > 0: dim_color = matplotlib.colors.to_rgba_array(grid_color)[0] dim_color[-1] = cfg.stereo_grid_opacity def dim(key: str): ax.spines[key].set_color(dim_color) else: dim = hide # If not bottom of wave, dim bottom. If not right of wave, dim right. if not r.wave_edges & Edges.Bottom: dim("bottom") if not r.wave_edges & Edges.Right: dim("right") else: ax.set_axis_off() return ax # Public API def add_lines_stereo(self, dummy_datas: List[np.ndarray], strides: List[int]) -> UpdateLines: cfg = self.cfg # Plot lines over background line_width = cfg.line_width # Foreach wave, plot dummy data. lines2d = [] for wave_idx, wave_data in enumerate(dummy_datas): wave_zeros = np.zeros_like(wave_data) wave_axes = self._axes2d[wave_idx] wave_lines = [] xs = calc_xs(len(wave_zeros), strides[wave_idx]) # Foreach chan for chan_idx, chan_zeros in enumerate(wave_zeros.T): ax = wave_axes[chan_idx] line_color = self._line_params[wave_idx].color chan_line: Line2D = ax.plot(xs, chan_zeros, color=line_color, linewidth=line_width)[0] wave_lines.append(chan_line) lines2d.append(wave_lines) self._artists.extend(wave_lines) return lambda datas: self._update_lines_stereo(lines2d, datas) @staticmethod def _update_lines_stereo(lines2d: "List[List[Line2D]]", datas: List[np.ndarray]) -> None: """ Preconditions: - lines2d[wave][chan] = Line2D - datas[wave] = ndarray, [samp][chan] = FLOAT """ nplots = len(lines2d) ndata = len(datas) if nplots != ndata: raise ValueError( f"incorrect data to plot: {nplots} plots but {ndata} dummy_datas" ) # Draw waveform data # Foreach wave for wave_idx, wave_data in enumerate(datas): wave_lines = lines2d[wave_idx] # Foreach chan for chan_idx, chan_data in enumerate(wave_data.T): chan_line = wave_lines[chan_idx] chan_line.set_ydata(chan_data) def _add_xy_line_mono(self, wave_idx: int, xs: Sequence[float], ys: Sequence[float], stride: int) -> CustomLine: cfg = self.cfg # Plot lines over background line_width = cfg.line_width ax = self._axes_mono[wave_idx] mono_line: Line2D = ax.plot(xs, ys, linewidth=line_width)[0] self._artists.append(mono_line) # noinspection PyTypeChecker return CustomLine(stride, xs, mono_line.set_xdata, mono_line.set_ydata) # Channel labels def add_labels(self, labels: List[str]) -> List["Text"]: """ Updates background, adds text. Do NOT call after calling self.add_lines(). """ nlabel = len(labels) if nlabel != self.nplots: raise ValueError( f"incorrect labels: {self.nplots} plots but {nlabel} labels") cfg = self.cfg color = cfg.get_label_color size_pt = cfg.label_font.size distance_px = cfg.label_padding_ratio * size_pt @attr.dataclass class AxisPosition: pos_axes: float offset_px: float align: str xpos = cfg.label_position.x.match( left=AxisPosition(0, distance_px, "left"), right=AxisPosition(1, -distance_px, "right"), ) ypos = cfg.label_position.y.match( bottom=AxisPosition(0, distance_px, "bottom"), top=AxisPosition(1, -distance_px, "top"), ) pos_axes = (xpos.pos_axes, ypos.pos_axes) offset_pt = (xpos.offset_px, ypos.offset_px) out: List["Text"] = [] for label_text, ax in zip(labels, self._axes_mono): # # Annotation subclasses Text. text: "Annotation" = ax.annotate( label_text, # Positioning xy=pos_axes, xycoords="axes fraction", xytext=offset_pt, textcoords="offset points", horizontalalignment=xpos.align, verticalalignment=ypos.align, # Cosmetics color=color, fontsize=px_from_points(size_pt),, fontweight=("bold" if cfg.label_font.bold else "normal"), fontstyle=("italic" if cfg.label_font.italic else "normal"), ) out.append(text) self._save_background() return out # Output frames def get_frame(self) -> ByteBuffer: """Returns bytes with shape (h, w, self.bytes_per_pixel). The actual return value's shape may be flat. """ self._redraw_over_background() canvas = self._fig.canvas # Agg is the default noninteractive backend except on OSX. # if not isinstance(canvas, self._canvas_type): raise RuntimeError( f"oh shit, cannot read data from {obj_name(canvas)} != {self._canvas_type.__name__}" ) buffer_rgb = self._canvas_to_bytes(canvas) assert len(buffer_rgb) == self.w * self.h * self.bytes_per_pixel return buffer_rgb # Pre-rendered background bg_cache: Any # "matplotlib.backends._backend_agg.BufferRegion" def _save_background(self) -> None: """ Draw static background. """ # # fig = self._fig fig.canvas.draw() self.bg_cache = fig.canvas.copy_from_bbox(fig.bbox) def _redraw_over_background(self) -> None: """ Redraw animated elements of the image. """ # Both FigureCanvasAgg and FigureCanvasCairo, but not FigureCanvasBase, # support restore_region(). canvas: FigureCanvasAgg = self._fig.canvas canvas.restore_region(self.bg_cache) for artist in self._artists: artist.axes.draw_artist(artist)
def _set_layout(self, wave_nchans: List[int]) -> None: """ Creates a flat array of Matplotlib Axes, with the new layout. Opens a window showing the Figure (and Axes). Inputs: self.cfg, self.fig Outputs: self.nrows, self.ncols, self.axes """ self.layout = RendererLayout(self.lcfg, wave_nchans) # Create Axes # if hasattr(self, "_fig"): raise Exception( "I don't currently expect to call _set_layout() twice") # plt.close(self.fig) grid_color = self.cfg.grid_color self._fig = Figure() FigureCanvasAgg(self._fig) # RegionFactory def axes_factory(r: RegionSpec) -> "Axes": width = 1 / r.ncol left = r.col / r.ncol assert 0 <= left < 1 height = 1 / r.nrow bottom = (r.nrow - r.row - 1) / r.nrow assert 0 <= bottom < 1 # Disabling xticks/yticks is unnecessary, since we hide Axises. ax = self._fig.add_axes([left, bottom, width, height], xticks=[], yticks=[]) if grid_color: # Initialize borders # Hide Axises # (drawing them is very slow, and we disable ticks+labels anyway) ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) # Background color # ax.patch.set_fill(False) sets _fill=False, # then calls _set_facecolor(...) "alpha = self._alpha if self._fill else 0". # It is no faster than below. ax.set_facecolor(self.transparent) # Set border colors for spine in ax.spines.values(): spine.set_color(grid_color) def hide(key: str): ax.spines[key].set_visible(False) # Hide all axes except bottom-right. hide("top") hide("left") # If bottom of screen, hide bottom. If right of screen, hide right. if r.screen_edges & Edges.Bottom: hide("bottom") if r.screen_edges & Edges.Right: hide("right") # Dim stereo gridlines if self.cfg.stereo_grid_opacity > 0: dim_color = matplotlib.colors.to_rgba_array(grid_color)[0] dim_color[-1] = self.cfg.stereo_grid_opacity def dim(key: str): ax.spines[key].set_color(dim_color) else: dim = hide # If not bottom of wave, dim bottom. If not right of wave, dim right. if not r.wave_edges & Edges.Bottom: dim("bottom") if not r.wave_edges & Edges.Right: dim("right") else: ax.set_axis_off() return ax # Generate arrangement (using self.lcfg, wave_nchans) # _axes2d[wave][chan] = Axes self._axes2d = self.layout.arrange(axes_factory) # Setup figure geometry self._fig.set_dpi(DPI) self._fig.set_size_inches(self.cfg.width / DPI, self.cfg.height / DPI)
class MatplotlibRenderer(Renderer): """ Renderer backend which takes data and produces images. Does not touch Wave or Channel. If __init__ reads cfg, cfg cannot be hotswapped. Reasons to hotswap cfg: RendererCfg: - GUI preview size - Changing layout - Changing #smp drawn (samples_visible) (see RendererCfg) Original OVGen does not support hotswapping. It disables changing options during rendering. Reasons to hotswap trigger algorithms: - changing scan_nsamp (cannot be hotswapped, since correlation buffer is incompatible) So don't. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Renderer.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) dict.__setitem__(matplotlib.rcParams, "lines.antialiased", self.cfg.antialiasing) self._fig: "Figure" # _axes2d[wave][chan] = Axes self._axes2d: List[List["Axes"]] # set by set_layout() # _lines2d[wave][chan] = Line2D self._lines2d: List[List[Line2D]] = [] self._lines_flat: List["Line2D"] = [] transparent = "#00000000" layout: RendererLayout def _set_layout(self, wave_nchans: List[int]) -> None: """ Creates a flat array of Matplotlib Axes, with the new layout. Opens a window showing the Figure (and Axes). Inputs: self.cfg, self.fig Outputs: self.nrows, self.ncols, self.axes """ self.layout = RendererLayout(self.lcfg, wave_nchans) # Create Axes # if hasattr(self, "_fig"): raise Exception( "I don't currently expect to call _set_layout() twice") # plt.close(self.fig) grid_color = self.cfg.grid_color self._fig = Figure() FigureCanvasAgg(self._fig) # RegionFactory def axes_factory(r: RegionSpec) -> "Axes": width = 1 / r.ncol left = r.col / r.ncol assert 0 <= left < 1 height = 1 / r.nrow bottom = (r.nrow - r.row - 1) / r.nrow assert 0 <= bottom < 1 # Disabling xticks/yticks is unnecessary, since we hide Axises. ax = self._fig.add_axes([left, bottom, width, height], xticks=[], yticks=[]) if grid_color: # Initialize borders # Hide Axises # (drawing them is very slow, and we disable ticks+labels anyway) ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) # Background color # ax.patch.set_fill(False) sets _fill=False, # then calls _set_facecolor(...) "alpha = self._alpha if self._fill else 0". # It is no faster than below. ax.set_facecolor(self.transparent) # Set border colors for spine in ax.spines.values(): spine.set_color(grid_color) def hide(key: str): ax.spines[key].set_visible(False) # Hide all axes except bottom-right. hide("top") hide("left") # If bottom of screen, hide bottom. If right of screen, hide right. if r.screen_edges & Edges.Bottom: hide("bottom") if r.screen_edges & Edges.Right: hide("right") # Dim stereo gridlines if self.cfg.stereo_grid_opacity > 0: dim_color = matplotlib.colors.to_rgba_array(grid_color)[0] dim_color[-1] = self.cfg.stereo_grid_opacity def dim(key: str): ax.spines[key].set_color(dim_color) else: dim = hide # If not bottom of wave, dim bottom. If not right of wave, dim right. if not r.wave_edges & Edges.Bottom: dim("bottom") if not r.wave_edges & Edges.Right: dim("right") else: ax.set_axis_off() return ax # Generate arrangement (using self.lcfg, wave_nchans) # _axes2d[wave][chan] = Axes self._axes2d = self.layout.arrange(axes_factory) # Setup figure geometry self._fig.set_dpi(DPI) self._fig.set_size_inches(self.cfg.width / DPI, self.cfg.height / DPI) def render_frame(self, datas: List[np.ndarray]) -> None: ndata = len(datas) if self.nplots != ndata: raise ValueError( f"incorrect data to plot: {self.nplots} plots but {ndata} datas" ) # Initialize axes and draw waveform data if not self._lines2d: assert len(datas[0].shape) == 2, datas[0].shape wave_nchans = [data.shape[1] for data in datas] self._set_layout(wave_nchans) cfg = self.cfg # Setup background/axes self._fig.set_facecolor(cfg.bg_color) for idx, wave_data in enumerate(datas): wave_axes = self._axes2d[idx] for ax in unique_by_id(wave_axes): max_x = len(wave_data) - 1 ax.set_xlim(0, max_x) ax.set_ylim(-1, 1) # Setup midlines (depends on max_x and wave_data) midline_color = cfg.midline_color midline_width = pixels(1) # zorder=-100 still draws on top of gridlines :( kw = dict(color=midline_color, linewidth=midline_width) if cfg.v_midline: ax.axvline(x=max_x / 2, **kw) if cfg.h_midline: ax.axhline(y=0, **kw) self._save_background() # Plot lines over background line_width = pixels(cfg.line_width) # Foreach wave for wave_idx, wave_data in enumerate(datas): wave_axes = self._axes2d[wave_idx] wave_lines = [] # Foreach chan for chan_idx, chan_data in enumerate(wave_data.T): ax = wave_axes[chan_idx] line_color = self._line_params[wave_idx].color chan_line: Line2D = ax.plot(chan_data, color=line_color, linewidth=line_width)[0] wave_lines.append(chan_line) self._lines2d.append(wave_lines) self._lines_flat.extend(wave_lines) # Draw waveform data else: # Foreach wave for wave_idx, wave_data in enumerate(datas): wave_lines = self._lines2d[wave_idx] # Foreach chan for chan_idx, chan_data in enumerate(wave_data.T): chan_line = wave_lines[chan_idx] chan_line.set_ydata(chan_data) self._redraw_over_background() bg_cache: Any # "matplotlib.backends._backend_agg.BufferRegion" def _save_background(self) -> None: """ Draw static background. """ # # fig = self._fig fig.canvas.draw() self.bg_cache = fig.canvas.copy_from_bbox(fig.bbox) def _redraw_over_background(self) -> None: """ Redraw animated elements of the image. """ canvas: FigureCanvasAgg = self._fig.canvas canvas.restore_region(self.bg_cache) for line in self._lines_flat: line.axes.draw_artist(line) # # thinks fig.canvas.blit(ax.bbox) leaks memory # and fig.canvas.update() works. # Except I found no memory leak... # and update() doesn't exist in FigureCanvasBase when no GUI is present. canvas.blit(self._fig.bbox) def get_frame(self) -> ByteBuffer: """ Returns ndarray of shape w,h,3. """ canvas = self._fig.canvas # Agg is the default noninteractive backend except on OSX. # if not isinstance(canvas, FigureCanvasAgg): raise RuntimeError( f"oh shit, cannot read data from {type(canvas)} != FigureCanvasAgg" ) w = self.cfg.width h = self.cfg.height assert (w, h) == canvas.get_width_height() buffer_rgb = canvas.tostring_rgb() assert len(buffer_rgb) == w * h * RGB_DEPTH return buffer_rgb