Exemple #1
    def testExponaverage(self):

        generate and fit a histogram of an exponential distribution with many
        events using the average time to find the fit. The histogram is then
        saved in testExponaverage.png
        tau = 25.0
        nBins = 400
        size = 100
        taulist = []
        for i in range(1000):
            x = range(nBins)
            yPlot = funcExpon(xPlot, *popt)
            timeHgValues = np.zeros(nBins, dtype=np.int64)
            timeStamps = expon.rvs(loc=0, scale=tau, size=size)
            ts64 = timeStamps.astype(np.uint64)
            tsBinner.tsBinner(ts64, timeHgValues)
            param = sum(timeStamps)/len(timeStamps)
            fit = expon.pdf(x,param)
            fit *= size

        hist,bins = np.histogram(taulist, bins=20, range=(15,35))
        width = 0.7*(bins[1]-bins[0])
        center = (bins[:-1]+bins[1:])/2
        #plt.bar(center, hist, align = 'center', width = width) produces bar graph
        plt.step(center, hist, where = 'post')
Exemple #2
    def testExponOneEvent(self):
        generate and fit an exponential distribution with lifetime of 25
        make a plot in testExpon.png
        tau = 25.0
        nBins = 400
        size = 100
        x = range(nBins)
        timeHgValues = np.zeros(nBins, dtype=np.int64)
        timeStamps = expon.rvs(loc=0, scale=tau, size=size)
        ts64 = timeStamps.astype(np.uint64)
        tsBinner.tsBinner(ts64, timeHgValues)

        param = expon.fit(timeStamps)
        fit = expon.pdf(x,loc=param[0],scale=param[1])
        fit *= size
        tvf = timeHgValues.astype(np.double)
        tvf[tvf<1] = 1e-3 # the plot looks nicer if zero values are replaced
        plt.plot(x, tvf, label="data")
        plt.plot(x, fit, label="fit")
        plt.title("true tau=%.1f   fit tau=%.1f"%(tau,param[1]))
Exemple #3
    def testExponManyEvents(self):
        generate and fit an exponential distribution with lifetime of 25
        make a plot in testExponManyEvents.png
        tau = 25.0
        nBins = 400
        size = 100
        taulist = []
        for i in range(1000):
            x = range(nBins)
            timeHgValues = np.zeros(nBins, dtype=np.int64)
            timeStamps = expon.rvs(loc=0, scale=tau, size=size)
            ts64 = timeStamps.astype(np.uint64)
            tsBinner.tsBinner(ts64, timeHgValues)
            param = expon.fit(timeStamps)
            fit = expon.pdf(x,loc=param[0],scale=param[1])
            fit *= size
            print "i=",i," param[1]=",param[1]

        hist,bins = np.histogram(taulist, bins=20, range=(15,25))
        width = 0.7*(bins[1]-bins[0])
        center = (bins[:-1]+bins[1:])/2
        plt.step(center, hist, where = 'post')
    def testExpon(self):
        generate and fit an exponential distribution with lifetime of 25
        make a plot in testExpon.png
        tau = 25.0
        nBins = 400
        size = 100
        x = range(nBins)
        timeHgValues = np.zeros(nBins, dtype=np.int64)
        timeStamps = expon.rvs(loc=0, scale=tau, size=size)
        ts64 = timeStamps.astype(np.uint64)
        tsBinner.tsBinner(ts64, timeHgValues)

        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            # Note:  this line casus a RuntimeWarning in optimize.py:301
            param = expon.fit(timeStamps)

        fit = expon.pdf(x,loc=param[0],scale=param[1])
        fit *= size
        tvf = timeHgValues.astype(np.double)
        #tvf[tvf<1] = 1e-3 # the plot looks nicer if zero values are replaced
        plt.plot(x, tvf, label="data")
        plt.plot(x, fit, label="fit")
        plt.yscale('symlog', linthreshy=0.9)
        plt.ylim(ymin = -0.1)
        plt.title("true tau=%.1f   fit tau=%.1f"%(tau,param[1]))
    def testTiming(self):
        For binning into nBins=20 bins, for nTs=100,000 time sample values,
        repeat c_binner.binner and then tsBinner.tsBinner nTrials=1000 times.
        Then run NPBinner.binner

        Report the elapsed time (in milliseconds) for the two ways.

        Typical speeds are tsbinner=0.17, cbinner=0.53, and NPBinner=1.94

        nBins = 20
        nTs = 100000
        nTrials = 1000
        ts = np.zeros(nTs, dtype=np.uint64)
        ts += np.random.random_integers(0,1,nTs)

        bins = np.zeros(nBins, dtype=np.int)
        t0 = time.time()
        for i in range(nTrials):
        t1 = time.time()
        dtTsBinner = t1-t0
        bins = np.zeros(nBins, dtype=np.int)
        t0 = time.time()
        for i in range(nTrials):
        t1 = time.time()
        dtCBinner = t1-t0
        print "tsBinner=%.3f   cBinner=%.3f"%(dtTsBinner, dtCBinner)

        bins = np.zeros(nBins, dtype=np.int)
        ts32 = ts.astype(np.uint32)
        t0 = time.time()
        for i in range(nTrials):
            #print "i=",i,"/",nTrials
            contents = NPBinner.NPBinner.binner(ts32,nBins)
        t1 = time.time()
        dtNPBinner = t1-t0
        print "NPBinner=%.3f"%(dtNPBinner)

        t0 = time.time()
        for i in range(nTrials):
            contents = np.bincount(ts32,minlength=nBins)
        t1 = time.time()
        dtBincount = t1-t0
        print "bincount=%.3f"%(dtBincount)

        t0 = time.time()
        for i in range(nTrials):
        t1 = time.time()
        dtTsBinner32 = t1-t0
        print "tsBinner32=%.3f"%(dtTsBinner32)
 def testTsBinner(self):
     confirm that tsBinner.tsBinner gets the correct answer 
     for one data set
     ts = np.array([1,3,5,6], dtype=np.uint64)
     bins = np.zeros(10, dtype=np.int)
     # print "bins=",bins
     self.assertTrue((bins == self.answer).all())
    def makemovie1(self):
        run = self.s['run']
        sundownDate = self.s['sundownDate']
        obsDate = self.s['obsDate']
        stride = int(self.s['stride'])
        seq5 = self.s['seq5'].split()
        for seq in seq5:
            inFile = open("cosmicTimeList-%s.pkl"%(seq),"rb")
            cosmicTimeList = pickle.load(inFile)
            binContents = pickle.load(inFile)
            cfn = "cosmicMask-%s.h5"%seq
            intervals = ObsFile.readCosmicIntervalFromFile(cfn)
            for interval in intervals:
                print "interval=",interval
                fn = FileName(run, sundownDate,obsDate+"-"+seq)
                obsFile = ObsFile(fn.obs())
                intervalTime = i1-i0
                dt = intervalTime/2
                beginTime = max(0,i0-0.000200)
                endTime = beginTime + 0.001
                integrationTime = endTime-beginTime
                nBins = int(np.round(obsFile.ticksPerSec*(endTime-beginTime)+1))
                timeHgValues = np.zeros(nBins, dtype=np.int64)
                ymax = sys.float_info.max/100.0
                for iRow in range(obsFile.nRow):
                    for iCol in range(obsFile.nCol):
                        gtpl = obsFile.getTimedPacketList(iRow,iCol,
                        ts = (gtpl['timestamps'] - beginTime)*obsFile.ticksPerSec
                        ts64 = np.round(ts).astype(np.uint64)
                        tsBinner.tsBinner(ts64, timeHgValues)
                plt.plot(timeHgValues, label="data")
                x0 = (i0-beginTime)*obsFile.ticksPerSec
                x1 = (i1-beginTime)*obsFile.ticksPerSec
                plt.fill_between((x0,x1),(0,0), (ymax,ymax), alpha=0.2, color='red')   
                tick0 = int(np.round(i0*obsFile.ticksPerSec))
                plotfn = "cp-%05d-%s-%s-%s-%09d"%(timeHgValues.sum(),run,obsDate,seq,tick0)
                plt.xlabel("nSigma=%d stride=%d threshold=%d"%(int(self.s['nSigma']),int(self.s['stride']),int(self.s['threshold'])))
                print "plotfn=",plotfn

        os.system("convert -delay 0 `ls -r cp*png` cp.gif")
Exemple #8
    def reducedChiHist(self):
        def funcExpon(x, a, b, c, d):
            retval = a*np.exp(-b*(x-d)) + c
            retval[x < d] = 0
            return retval
        tau = 25.0
        t0 = 40
        nBins = 800
        size = 10000
        taulist = []
        for i in range(100):
            timeHgValues = np.zeros(nBins, dtype=np.int64)
            timeStamps = expon.rvs(loc=0, scale=tau, size=size) + t0
            ts64 = timeStamps.astype(np.uint64)
            tsBinner.tsBinner(ts64, timeHgValues)
            xPoints = []
            yPoints = []
            for x in range(nBins):
                y = timeHgValues[x]
                if y > 2:
            bGuess = 1/(np.mean(timeStamps))
            aGuess = bGuess*(size)
            cGuess = 0
            dGuess = t0
            pGuess = [aGuess, bGuess, cGuess, dGuess]
            xArray = np.array(xPoints) #must be in array for not list to use curve_fit
            yArray = np.array(yPoints)
            ySigma = (yArray ** 1/2)
            popt, pcov = curve_fit(funcExpon, xArray, yArray, p0=pGuess, sigma=ySigma)
        xPlot = np.linspace(xArray[0], xArray[-1], 1000)
        yPlot = funcExpon(xPlot, *popt)

        yPlotAtPoints = funcExpon(xArray, *popt)

        chi_2 = sum(((yArray-yPlotAtPoints)**2)/ySigma)
        red_chi_2 = chi_2/(len(yArray)-len(popt))
        print red_chi_2
        hist,bins = np.histogram(red_chi_2, bins=20)
        width = 0.7*(bins[1]-bins[0])
        center = (bins[:-1]+bins[1:])/2
        plt.step(center, hist, where = 'post')
    def testRound(self):
        tests rounding the time stamps so that the histograms don't contain
        unexpected zero values
        run = 'PAL2012'
        sundownDate = '20121211'
        obsDate = '20121212'
        seq = '115722'
        fileName = FileName.FileName(run, sundownDate, obsDate+"-"+seq)
        timeAdjustments = fileName.timeAdjustments()
        obsFile = ObsFile.ObsFile(fileName.obs())
        integrationTime = 100.e-6
        times = np.array([])
        for iRow in range(46):
            for iCol in range(44):
                gtpl = obsFile.getTimedPacketList(iRow, iCol, firstSec, integrationTime)
                ts = gtpl['timestamps']
                times = np.append(times,ts)

        times -= firstSec
        #times *= 1.e6
        times *= 1000000

        timesOriginal = times.copy()

        nBins = 100

        hist,edges = np.histogram(times,bins=nBins,range=(0,100))
        plt.plot(edges[0:-1],hist, label="no rounding np.histogram")

        times = np.round(times)
        hist,edges = np.histogram(times,bins=nBins,range=(0,100))
        plt.plot(edges[0:-1],hist, label="yes rounding np.histogram")

        timeHgValues = np.zeros(nBins, dtype=np.int64)
        ts64 = timesOriginal.astype(np.uint64)
        plt.plot(edges[0:-1],timeHgValues, 'r+', label="no rounding tsBinner")

        timeHgValues = np.zeros(nBins, dtype=np.int64)
        ts64 = np.round(timesOriginal).astype(np.uint64)
        plt.plot(edges[0:-1],timeHgValues, 'cx', label="yes rounding tsBinner")

        plt.legend(loc="upper left").get_frame().set_alpha(0.5)
Exemple #10
    def displayFits(self):
        generates two histograms on the same plot. One uses maximum likelihood to fit
        the data while the other uses the average time.
        tau = 25.0
        nBins = 400
        size = 100
        taulist = []
        taulistavg = []
        for i in range(1000):
            x = range(nBins)
            timeHgValues = np.zeros(nBins, dtype=np.int64)
            timeStamps = expon.rvs(loc=0, scale=tau, size=size)
            ts64 = timeStamps.astype(np.uint64)
            tsBinner.tsBinner(ts64, timeHgValues)
            param = sum(timeStamps)/len(timeStamps)
            fit = expon.pdf(x,param)
            fit *= size

        for i in range(1000):
            x = range(nBins)
            timeHgValues = np.zeros(nBins, dtype=np.int64)
            timeStamps = expon.rvs(loc=0, scale=tau, size=size)
            ts64 = timeStamps.astype(np.uint64)
            tsBinner.tsBinner(ts64, timeHgValues)
            param = expon.fit(timeStamps)
            fit = expon.pdf(x,loc=param[0],scale=param[1])
            fit *= size

        hist,bins = np.histogram(taulistavg, bins=20, range=(15,35))
        width = 0.7*(bins[1]-bins[0])
        center = (bins[:-1]+bins[1:])/2
        plt.step(center, hist, where = 'post', label="averagetime", color='g')
        hist,bins = np.histogram(taulist, bins=20, range=(15,35))
        width = 0.7*(bins[1]-bins[0])
        center = (bins[:-1]+bins[1:])/2
        plt.step(center, hist, where = 'post', label="maxlikelihood")
Exemple #11
    def printReducedChi(self):
        def funcExpon(x, a, b, c, d):
            retval = a*np.exp(-b*(x-d)) + c
            retval[x < d] = 0
            return retval
        tau = 25.0
        t0 = 40
        nBins = 800
        size = 10000
        taulist = []
        for i in range(100):
            timeHgValues = np.zeros(nBins, dtype=np.int64)
            timeStamps = expon.rvs(loc=0, scale=tau, size=size) + t0
            ts64 = timeStamps.astype(np.uint64)
            tsBinner.tsBinner(ts64, timeHgValues)
            xPoints = []
            yPoints = []
            for x in range(nBins):
                y = timeHgValues[x]
                if y > 2:
            bGuess = 1/(np.mean(timeStamps))
            aGuess = bGuess*(size)
            cGuess = 0
            dGuess = t0
            pGuess = [aGuess, bGuess, cGuess, dGuess]
            xArray = np.array(xPoints) #must be in array for not list to use curve_fit
            yArray = np.array(yPoints)
            ySigma = (yArray ** 1/2)
            popt, pcov = curve_fit(funcExpon, xArray, yArray, p0=pGuess, sigma=ySigma)
        xPlot = np.linspace(xArray[0], xArray[-1], 1000)
        yPlot = funcExpon(xPlot, *popt)
        yPlotAtPoints = funcExpon(xArray, *popt)

        chi_2 = sum(((yArray-yPlotAtPoints)**2)/ySigma)
        red_chi_2 = chi_2/(len(yArray)-len(popt))
        print red_chi_2
Exemple #12
    def testExponchisquared(self):
        def funcExpon(x, a, b, c, d):
            retval = a*np.exp(-b*(x-d)) + c
            retval[x < d] = 0
            return retval

        tau = 25.0
        t0 = 40
        nBins = 800
        size = 10000
        taulist = []

        for i in range(100):
            timeHgValues = np.zeros(nBins, dtype=np.int64)
            timeStamps = expon.rvs(loc=0, scale=tau, size=size) + t0
            ts64 = timeStamps.astype(np.uint64)
            tsBinner.tsBinner(ts64, timeHgValues)
            xPoints = []
            yPoints = []
            for x in range(nBins):
                y = timeHgValues[x]
                if y > 2:
            bGuess = 1/(np.mean(timeStamps))
            aGuess = bGuess*(size)
            cGuess = 0
            dGuess = t0
            pGuess = [aGuess, bGuess, cGuess, dGuess]
            xArray = np.array(xPoints) #must be in array for not list to use curve_fit
            yArray = np.array(yPoints)
            ySigma = (yArray ** 1/2)
            popt, pcov = curve_fit(funcExpon, xArray, yArray, sigma=ySigma, p0=pGuess)
            taulist.append(1/popt[1]) #B is 1/tau
            if (i == 0):
                plt.plot(xArray, yArray, 'ro')
                xPlot = np.linspace(xArray[0], xArray[-1], 1000)
                yPlot = funcExpon(xPlot, *popt)
                plt.plot(xPlot, yPlot, color='g')
                plt.savefig("junk.png") #first iteration
        print "popt=", popt

        xPlot = np.linspace(xArray[0], xArray[-1], 1000)
        yPlot = funcExpon(xPlot, *popt)
        plt.plot(xArray, yArray, 'ro')
        plt.plot(xPlot, yPlot, color='g')
        #plt.errorbar(yerr,  color='g', label='error')
        plt.savefig(inspect.stack()[0][3]+".png") #saves plot
        hist,bins = np.histogram(taulist, bins=20)
        width = 0.7*(bins[1]-bins[0])
        center = (bins[:-1]+bins[1:])/2
        plt.step(center, hist, where = 'post', color='g')
        plt.savefig("chisquaredhistogram"+".png") #saves histogram
    def fitExpon(self, t0, t1):
        Fit an exponential to all photons from time t0 to time t1
        t0 and t1 are in ticks, 1e6 ticks per second
        return a dictionary of:  timeStamps,fitParams,chi2

        firstSec = int(t0/1e6)  # in seconds
        integrationTime = 1+int((t1-t0)/1e6) # in seconds
        nBins = integrationTime*1e6 # number of microseconds; one bin per microsecond
        timeHgValues = np.zeros(nBins, dtype=np.int64)
        print "firstSec=",firstSec," integrationTime=",integrationTime
        for iRow in range(self.file.nRow):
            for iCol in range(self.file.nCol):
                timedPacketList = self.file.getTimedPacketList(
                    iRow, iCol, firstSec=firstSec, 
                timeStamps = timedPacketList['timestamps']
                if (len(timeStamps) > 0):
                    # covert the time values to microseconds, and
                    # make it the type np.uint64
                    # round per Matt S. suggestion 2013-07-09
                    #ts64 = (timeStamps).astype(np.uint64)
                    ts32round = np.round(timeStamps).astype(np.uint32)
                    tsBinner.tsBinner(ts32round, timeHgValues)
                    temp = 1e6*(timeStamps-firstSec)
                    for i in range(len(timeStamps)):
                        ts32 = ((timeStamps-firstSec)*1e6).astype(np.uint32)
                    # add these timestamps to the histogram timeHgValues
        remain0 = int(t0%1e6)
        remain1 = int(t1%1e6)
        timeHgValues = timeHgValues[remain0:remain1]
        x = np.arange(len(timeHgValues))
        y = timeHgValues
        xArray = np.arange(0, dtype=np.int64)
        yArray = np.arange(0, dtype=np.int64)

        for i in range(len(x)):
            if y[i] > 2:
                xArray = np.append(xArray,i)
                yArray = np.append(yArray,y[i])
        ySigma = np.sqrt(yArray)

        mean = (x*y).sum()/float(y.sum())
        bExponGuess = 1/mean
        aExponGuess = bExponGuess*timeHgValues.sum()
        cExponGuess = 0
        dExponGuess = 0
        pExponGuess = [aExponGuess, bExponGuess, cExponGuess, dExponGuess]

        bGaussGuess = mean
        avgx2 = (x*x*y).sum()/float(y.sum())        
        cGaussGuess = np.sqrt(avgx2-bGaussGuess*bGaussGuess)
        aGaussGuess = (timeHgValues.sum()/(cGaussGuess*np.sqrt(2*np.pi)))
        pGaussGuess = [aGaussGuess, bGaussGuess, cGaussGuess]
        xLimit = [bGaussGuess-4*cGaussGuess, bGaussGuess+4*cGaussGuess]
        retval = {'timeHgValues':timeHgValues, 'pExponFit':pExponGuess, 
                  'pGaussFit':pGaussGuess, 'xLimit':xLimit, 
                  'cGaussGuess':cGaussGuess, 'timeStamps':timeStamps}

        return retval
 intervalTime = i1-i0
 dt = intervalTime/2
 beginTime = max(0,i0-0.000200)
 endTime = beginTime + 0.001
 integrationTime = endTime-beginTime
 nBins = int(np.round(obsFile.ticksPerSec*(endTime-beginTime)+1))
 timeHgValues = np.zeros(nBins, dtype=np.int64)
 ymax = sys.float_info.max/100.0
 for iRow in range(obsFile.nRow):
     for iCol in range(obsFile.nCol):
         gtpl = obsFile.getTimedPacketList(iRow,iCol,
         ts = (gtpl['timestamps'] - beginTime)*obsFile.ticksPerSec
         ts64 = np.round(ts).astype(np.uint64)
         tsBinner.tsBinner(ts64, timeHgValues)
 x0 = (i0-beginTime)*obsFile.ticksPerSec
 x1 = (i1-beginTime)*obsFile.ticksPerSec
 plt.fill_between((x0,x1),(0,0), (ymax,ymax), alpha=0.2, color='red')
 tick0 = int(np.round(i0*obsFile.ticksPerSec))
 plotfn = "cp-%05d-%s-%s-%s-%09d"%(timeHgValues.sum(),run,obsDate,seq,tick0)
 print "plotfn=",plotfn