def test_binwidth_selector(self):
     # Check that the Knuth's bw is selected properly
     bw = utils.knuth_bw_selector(np.array([x]))
     self.assertTrue(bw.round(3) == BW_KNUTH)
Exemple #2
    def sample_population(self):
        """Once the fixed population is evolved, we Monte-Carlo
        sample the binary parameters to generate a Milky Way realization.

        fixedpop : DataFrame
            Contains binary parameters from an evolved population
            generated by the runFixedPop executable
        n_samp : int
            The number of systems in the Milky Way realization
        gx_component : str
            Milky Way component for which we are generating the population
            realization; choose from 'ThinDisk', 'ThickDisk', 'Bulge'
        gx_model : str
            Model for spatial distribution of binaries in the Galactic
            component; Default='McMillan'
        dat_list : list
            List containing the parameters to MC sample to generate the
            Galactic realization

        realization : DataFrame
            Milky Way population realization of size n_samp

        if not hasattr(self, 'n_samp'):
            self.n_samp = self.compute_n_sample()

        # Based on the user supplied filter flags, filter the
        # population to reduce the sample to only the relevant population
        # Transform the fixed population to have limits between 0 and 1
        # then transform to logit space to maintain the population boundaries
        # and create a KDE using knuth's rule to select the bandwidth
        dat_kde = utils.dat_transform(self.fixed_pop, self.dat_list)
        bw = utils.knuth_bw_selector(dat_kde)
        dat_kernel = stats.gaussian_kde(dat_kde, bw_method=bw)

        # Sample from the KDE
        binary_dat_trans = dat_kernel.resample(self.n_samp)

        binary_dat = utils.dat_un_transform(binary_dat_trans, self.fixed_pop,

        # Sample positions and orientations for each sampled binary
        xGx, yGx, zGx, inc, OMEGA, omega = MC_sample.galactic_positions(
            self.gx_component, size=len(binary_dat[0]), model=self.gx_model)

        binary_sample_positions = np.vstack([xGx, yGx, zGx, inc, OMEGA, omega])
        # Create a single DataFrame for the Galactic realization
        if 'ecc' not in self.dat_list:
            full_sample = np.vstack(
                 np.zeros(self.n_samp), binary_sample_positions]).T
            column_list = self.dat_list + [
                'ecc', 'xGx', 'yGx', 'zGx', 'inc', 'OMEGA', 'omega'
            full_sample = np.concatenate([binary_dat,
            column_list = self.dat_list + [
                'xGx', 'yGx', 'zGx', 'inc', 'OMEGA', 'omega'
        realization = pd.DataFrame(full_sample,\
                                   columns = column_list)

        return realization