def log_prior(self,x): logP = super(MassFunctionModel,self).log_prior(x) if np.isfinite(logP): if (self.model == "LambdaCDM"): self.O = cs.CosmologicalParameters(x['h'],x['om'],1.0-x['om'],truths['w0'],truths['w1']) elif (self.model == "CLambdaCDM"): self.O = cs.CosmologicalParameters(x['h'],x['om'],x['ol'],truths['w0'],truths['w1']) elif (self.model == "LambdaCDMDE"): self.O = cs.CosmologicalParameters(x['h'],x['om'],x['ol'],x['w0'],x['w1']) elif (self.model == "DE"): self.O = cs.CosmologicalParameters(truths['h'],truths['om'],truths['ol'],x['w0'],x['w1']) # self.O = cs.CosmologicalParameters(truths['h'],truths['om'],truths['ol'],truths['w0'],truths['w1']) self.mass_model = gal.GalaxyMassDistribution(self.O, x['phistar'], x['phistar_exponent'], x['logMstar'], x['logMstar_exponent'], x['alpha'], x['alpha_exponent'], mmin, mmax,[:,1].min(),[:,1].max(), ramin, ramax, decmin, decmax, threshold, slope_model_choice, cutoff_model_choice, density_model_choice) return logP
def find_redshift_limits(self, h_w=(0.6, 0.86), om_w=(0.04, 0.5), w0_w=(-1, -1), w1_w=(0, 0)): from cosmolisa.likelihood import find_redshift def limits(O, Dmin, Dmax): return find_redshift(O, Dmin), find_redshift(O, Dmax) redshift_min = np.zeros(self.catalog.shape[0]) redshift_max = np.zeros(self.catalog.shape[0]) redshift_fiducial = np.zeros(self.catalog.shape[0]) for k in range(self.catalog.shape[0]): sys.stderr.write( "finding redshift limits for event {0} out of {1}\r".format( k + 1, self.catalog.shape[0])) z_min = np.zeros(100) z_max = np.zeros(100) for i in range(100): h = np.random.uniform(h_w[0], h_w[1]) om = np.random.uniform(om_w[0], om_w[1]) ol = 1.0 - om w0 = np.random.uniform(w0_w[0], w0_w[1]) w1 = np.random.uniform(w1_w[0], w1_w[1]) O = cs.CosmologicalParameters(h, om, ol, w0, w1) z_min[i], z_max[i] = limits( O, self.catalog[k, 1] * (np.maximum(0.0, 1.0 - 3 * self.catalog[k, 5])), self.catalog[k, 1] * (1.0 + 3 * self.catalog[k, 5])) redshift_min[k] = z_min.min() redshift_max[k] = z_max.max() redshift_fiducial[k] = find_redshift(self.fiducial_O, self.catalog[k, 1]) sys.stderr.write("\n") self.catalog = np.column_stack( (self.catalog, redshift_fiducial, redshift_min, redshift_max)) return self.catalog
colors = [ 'royalblue', 'gold', 'olive', 'lime', 'orange', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'turquoise', 'teal', 'purple' ] from gwmodel.utils.utils import McQ2Masses, chi_eff # events = ['gw151226'] # path = "/Users/wdp/repositories/MLGW/paper/img/GWTC-1_results/" path = "/Users/wdp/Desktop/GWTC1/LALPSD/" init_plotting() fig1 = plt.figure() ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111) fig2 = plt.figure() ax2 = fig2.add_subplot(111) handles = [] O = cs.CosmologicalParameters(0.68, 0.31, 0.69, -1.0, 0.0) for c, e in zip(colors, events): try: print(os.path.join(path, e + '/Nested_sampler/posterior.dat')) # BBH_file = '/Users/wdp/Desktop/GWTC-1_sample_release'+e.upper()+'_GWTC-1.hdf5' # BBH = h5py.File(BBH_file, 'r') p = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(path, e + '/Nested_sampler/posterior.dat'), names=True) z = np.array( [find_redshift(O, np.exp(d)) for d in p['logdistance']]) m1, m2 = McQ2Masses(p['mc'] / (1 + z), p['q']) X, Y, PDF = twod_kde(m1, m2) string = e.upper() + format_90CR(m1) + format_90CR( m2) + format_90CR(p['mc'] / (1 + z)) + format_90CR(p['q']) + format_90CR(
def __init__(self, redshift_min=0.0, redshift_max=1.0, ra_min=0.0, ra_max=2.0 * np.pi, dec_min=-np.pi / 2.0, dec_max=np.pi / 2.0, *args, **kwargs): self.A0 = 0.000405736691211125 #in rads^2 self.V0 = 0.1358e5 self.SNR0 = 87. self.ra_min = ra_min self.ra_max = ra_max self.dec_min = dec_min self.dec_max = dec_max self.z_min = redshift_min self.z_max = redshift_max for key, value in kwargs.items(): if not hasattr(self, key): setattr(self, key, value) try: self.h = getattr(self, 'h') except: self.h = 0.73 try: self.omega_m = getattr(self, 'omega_m') except: self.omega_m = 0.25 try: self.omega_lambda = getattr(self, 'omega_lambda') except: self.omega_lambda = 0.75 try: self.w0 = getattr(self, 'w0') except: self.w0 = -1.0 try: self.w1 = getattr(self, 'w1') except: self.w1 = 0.0 try: self.w2 = getattr(self, 'w2') except: self.w2 = 0.0 try: self.r0 = getattr(self, 'r0') except: self.r0 = 1.0 try: self.W = getattr(self, 'W') except: self.W = 0.0 try: self.Q = getattr(self, 'Q') except: self.Q = 0.0 try: self.R = getattr(self, 'R') except: self.R = 0.0 # galaxy population parameters try: self.phistar0 = getattr(self, 'phistar0') except: self.phistar0 = 1e-2 # in galaxies per Mpc^{-3} try: self.logMstar0 = getattr(self, 'logMstar0') except: self.logMstar0 = -20.7 try: self.alpha0 = getattr(self, 'alpha0') except: self.alpha0 = -1.23 try: self.Mmin = getattr(self, 'Mmin') except: self.Mmin = -25 try: self.Mmax = getattr(self, 'Mmax') except: self.Mmax = -15 try: self.m_threshold = getattr(self, 'm_threshold') except: self.m_threshold = 17.7 self.fiducial_O = cs.CosmologicalParameters(self.h, self.omega_m, self.omega_lambda, self.w0, self.w1) # luminosity function evolution model try: self.slope_model_choice = getattr(self, 'slope_model_choice') except: self.slope_model_choice = 0 try: self.cutoff_model_choice = getattr(self, 'cutoff_model_choice') except: self.cutoff_model_choice = 0 try: self.density_model_choice = getattr(self, 'density_model_choice') except: self.density_model_choice = 0 if self.cutoff_model_choice == 1: try: self.logMstar_exponent = getattr(self, 'logMstar_exponent') except: print( "must define an exponent for the cutoff luminosity evolution" ) exit(-1) else: self.logMstar_exponent = 0 if self.slope_model_choice == 1: try: self.logMstar_exponent = getattr(self, 'alpha_exponent') except: print("must define an exponent for the slope evolution") exit(-1) else: self.alpha_exponent = 0 if self.density_model_choice == 1: try: self.phistar_exponent = getattr(self, 'phistar_exponent') except: print("must define an exponent for the density evolution") exit(-1) else: self.phistar_exponent = 0 # now we are ready to sample the EMRI according to the cosmology and rate that we specified # find the maximum of the probability for efficiency zt = np.linspace(0, self.z_max, 1000) self.norm = lk.integrated_rate(self.r0, self.W, self.R, self.Q, self.fiducial_O, self.z_min, self.z_max) #how many EMRIs per time self.rate = lambda z: cs.StarFormationDensity( z, self.r0, self.W, self.R, self.Q ) * self.fiducial_O.UniformComovingVolumeDensity(z) self.dist = lambda z: cs.StarFormationDensity( z, self.r0, self.W, self.R, self.Q ) * self.fiducial_O.UniformComovingVolumeDensity( z) / self.norm #dist to eventually sample self.pmax = np.max([self.dist(zi) for zi in zt]) self.ra_pdf = scipy.stats.uniform(loc=self.ra_min, scale=self.ra_max - self.ra_min) # dec distributed as cos(dec) in [-np.pi/2, np.pi/2] implies sin(dec) uniformly distributed in [-1,1] self.sindec_min = np.sin(self.dec_min) self.sindec_max = np.sin(self.dec_max) self.sindec_pdf = scipy.stats.uniform(loc=self.sindec_min, scale=self.sindec_max - self.sindec_min) self.galaxy_pmax = None self.galaxy_norm = None
# x = x[:100] lM = np.linspace(9.0,13.0,100) Z = np.linspace(data[:,1].min(),data[:,1].max(),100) PMZ = np.zeros((x.shape[0],lM.shape[0],Z.shape[0])) PM = np.zeros((x.shape[0],lM.shape[0])) PZ = np.zeros((x.shape[0],Z.shape[0])) alpha_law = np.zeros((x.shape[0], Z.shape[0])) logMstar_law = np.zeros((x.shape[0], Z.shape[0])) phistar_law = np.zeros((x.shape[0], Z.shape[0])) OM, OZ = np.meshgrid(lM,Z) for i,xi in enumerate(x): sys.stderr.write("processing sample {0} of {1}\r".format(i+1,x.shape[0])) mass_model = gal.GalaxyMassDistribution(cs.CosmologicalParameters(xi['h'],xi['om'],1.0-xi['om'],truths['w0'],truths['w1']), xi['phistar'], xi['phistar_exponent'], xi['logMstar'], xi['logMstar_exponent'], xi['alpha'], xi['alpha_exponent'], mmin, mmax, data[:,1].min(), data[:,1].max(), ramin, ramax, decmin, decmax, threshold,
A = (ramax - ramin) * (np.cos(decmax + np.pi / 2) - np.cos(decmin + np.pi / 2)) h = 0.73 om = 0.25 n0 = 1e-2 Mstar = -20.7 Mstar_exponent = -0.13 cutoff_model_choice = 0 alpha = -1.23 alpha_exponent = 0.054 slope_model_choice = 0 density_model_choice = 0 phistar_exponent = -0.1 threshold = 17.7 O = cs.CosmologicalParameters(h, om, 1.0 - om, -1.0, 0.0) S = gal.GalaxyDistribution(O, n0, phistar_exponent, Mstar, Mstar_exponent, alpha, alpha_exponent, mmin, mmax, zmin, zmax, ramin, ramax, decmin, decmax, threshold, A, slope_model_choice, cutoff_model_choice, density_model_choice) N = int(S.get_number_of_galaxies(zmin, zmax, 1)) # N = 1000 print("sampling {0} galaxies in a field of {1} square deg".format( N, A * 3282.8063500117)) galaxies = S.sample_correlated(N, zmin, zmax, ramin, ramax,