Exemple #1
def gen_schedules(
        m_filename):  #Generate schedule candidates using simulated annealing
    global master_cand, final
    final = False
    master_cand = read_input(m_filename)
    current_cost = cost(schedule_cand)
    #print 'Current cost: %d' % (current_cost)
    flag = True
    while (flag):
        flag = False
        for i in range(1, 52):
            for x in [0, 1, 2, 3]:
                for y in [1, 2, 3, 5]:
                    if (x != y):
                        for j in range(i, 53):
                            if (master_cand[i, x] == 0
                                    and master_cand[i, y] == 0
                                    and master_cand[j, x] == 0
                                    and master_cand[j, y]
                                    == 0):  #only swap non-requested slots
                                if (schedule_cand[i, x] == schedule_cand[j, y]
                                        and schedule_cand[i, y]
                                        == schedule_cand[j, x]):
                                    before_cost = cost(schedule_cand)
                                    schedule_cand = do_swap(
                                        i, j, x, y, schedule_cand)
                                    after_cost = cost(schedule_cand)
                                    if (after_cost >= before_cost):
                                        schedule_cand = do_swap(
                                            i, j, x, y, schedule_cand)
                                        #print 'swapped (i = %d, j = %d, x = %d, y = %d), new cost: %d' % (i, j, x, y, after_cost)
                                        flag = True
    return schedule_cand
Exemple #2
def TabuSearch(s0, k, max_iter):
    tabu_map = {}
    m = len(s0)
    n = len(s0[0])
    sCur = np.zeros([max_iter, m, n])
    sBest = np.zeros([max_iter, m, n])
    solution = np.zeros(max_iter)
    sCur[0,:,:] = s0
    sBest[0,:,:] = s0
    bestCost = cost(sBest[0,:,:])
    solution[0] = bestCost

    for i in range(max_iter-1):
        start_time = time()

        sCur[i+1,:,:] = neighbor(sBest[i,:,:], k, tabu_map)

        #evaluate the cost of the new solution
        curCost = cost(sCur[i+1,:,:])

        #update the best cost and best solution
        if curCost < bestCost:
            sBest[i+1,:] = sCur[i+1,:,:]
            bestCost = curCost
            sBest[i+1,:] = sBest[i,:,:]

        #update the solution matrix
        solution[i+1] = bestCost
        # print("iteration complete %.2f" % (time() - start_time))

    return solution, sBest[max_iter-1,:,:]
def computeGradient(x,currentCost,twistMode):
    newCosts = np.zeros(7)

    if twistMode == 'flat':
        coordinates = 4
        delta = np.array([0,0,0,0,1,1,1])
        twistCost,_,_ = cost(x+np.multiply(epsilon,delta))

    for i in range(coordinates):
        newCosts[i],_,_ = cost(x+np.multiply(epsilon,signal.unit_impulse(7,i)))

    gradient = np.divide(newCosts-currentCost,epsilon)

    return gradient
def compileData(elements=num_elements, hoursout=hours_spent):
  This method calculates energy consumption in KWH and yearly cost in dollars for each PERSON.
  :param elements: int
  :param hoursout: numpy array
  :return: pandas dataframe

  global weeks_in_year
  elements = int(elements)

  for i in range(elements):
    weekday = phoneUsage.a_weekday(num_elements=elements)
    weekend = phoneUsage.a_weekend(hoursspent=hoursout, num_elements=elements)

    recharge = energyConsumption.rechargeInstances(elements)
    battery = energyConsumption.batteryInstances(elements)

    weekendUsageDay = energyConsumption.usageDay(weekend, battery, recharge)
    weekdayUsageDay = energyConsumption.usageDay(weekday, battery, recharge)

    totalConsumption = energyConsumption.energyConsumption(weekdayUsageDay, weekendUsageDay, battery)

    yearlyCost = cost.cost(totalConsumption)

    data = { "Recharging Point": recharge,
             "Battery Life": battery,
             "Weekend Usage (per day)": weekendUsageDay,
             "Weekday Usage (per day)": weekdayUsageDay,
             "Total Energy Consumption (per person)": totalConsumption,
             "Total Yearly Cost (per person)": yearlyCost }

    df = pd.DataFrame(data)
    pd.DataFrame.to_csv(df, "SmartphoneCostPerPerson.csv")
    return df
Exemple #5
def fixed_pitch_solve(solver, pitches, wishes, relations, n):
    Call the solver for every possible combinations of n pitches, thus forcing the amount of pitches to n.
    Returns the best solution of all calls
    :param pitches: <pitch, <role, load>>
    :param wishes: <student, [(pitch, role)]>
    :param relations: <student, <student, cost>>
    :param n: final number of pitches in solution
    :return: [(student, wish index)]
    pitch_list = list(pitches.keys())
    assert len(pitch_list) >= n
    print(f"Bruteforcing all combinations of {n} in {len(pitch_list)} pitches")
    total = ncr(len(pitch_list), n)
    best_solution = None
    best_cost = float("+inf")
    for i, select_pitches in enumerate(combinations(pitch_list, n)):
        print(f"{i}/{total}  best cost = {best_cost} ", end="\r")
        select_pitches = set(select_pitches)
        _pitches = restrict_pitches(pitches, select_pitches)
        _wishes = restrict_wishes(wishes, select_pitches)
        solution = solver(_pitches, _wishes, relations)
        new_cost = cost(_pitches, _wishes, solution, relations)
        if new_cost < best_cost:
            best_cost = new_cost
            best_solution = solution
    return best_solution
Exemple #6
def uniform_rollout(path, robot, budget):
    #Possible Actions
    action_set = list()

    # Random rollout policy
    # Pick random actions until budget is exhausted
    new_path = copy.deepcopy(path)

    #Move Robot along the path
    action = "start"
    while action:
        action = robot.follow_path()
        # Move the robot

    while cost(new_path) < budget:
        r = random.randint(0, len(action_set) - 1)
        action = action_set[r]


    return path
Exemple #7
def simulated_annealing(s_initial, t_initial, alpha, beta, m_initial, maxtime):
    temp = t_initial
    current_s = s_initial
    best_s = current_s
    current_cost = cost(current_s)
    best_cost = current_cost
    time = 0
    m = m_initial

    solution = []
    best_s_vals = []

    iter_num = 0
    while time < maxtime:
        iter_num += 1
        current_s, current_cost, best_s, best_cost = \
            metropolis(current_s, current_cost, best_s, best_cost, temp, m)
        time += m
        if temp > 0.1:  # Preventing divide by zero on line 68
            temp *= alpha
        m *= beta
        result = [iter_num, current_cost, best_cost]
    return (solution, best_s)
Exemple #8
def neighbor_classic(sCur, tenure, tabu_map):
    best_cost = float("inf")
    tabu_index = None
    rows, cols = len(sCur), len(sCur[0])
    for i in range(rows):
        for j in range(cols):
            for k in range(j, cols):
                if sCur[i,j] != sCur[i,k] and (i,j,k) not in tabu_map:
                    temp = sCur[i,j]
                    sCur[i,j] = sCur[i,k]
                    sCur[i,k] = temp
                    new_cost = cost(sCur)
                    if new_cost < best_cost:
                        best_cost = new_cost
                        tabu_index = (i,j,k)
                    sCur[i,k] = sCur[i,j]
                    sCur[i,j] = temp

    tabu_map = { k:(v - 1) for k,v in tabu_map.items() if k != 0 }
    best_neighbor = sCur[:,:]
    i,j,k = tabu_index
    temp = best_neighbor[i,j]
    best_neighbor[i,j] = best_neighbor[i,k]
    best_neighbor[i,k] = temp
    tabu_map[tabu_index] = tenure
    return best_neighbor
Exemple #9
def main():
    data = pd.read_csv('data/ex2data1.csv')
    initial_X = np.array(data.iloc[:,[0, 1]])
    y = np.array(data.iloc[:,2])
    X = normalize(initial_X)

    # Concatenate column of ones
    m, n = X.shape
    ones = np.array([np.ones(m)])
    concat_X = np.concatenate((ones.T, X), axis=1)

    costs = []
    theta = np.zeros((n+1, 1))

    for i in range(0, ITERATIONS):
        costs.append(cost(theta, concat_X, y))
        theta = gradient(theta, concat_X, y, ALPHA)

    prepare_scatter(X, y)


    final_func = lambda x: (-theta[1]*x - theta[0])/theta[2]
    x_axis_values = [ i/1000 for i in range(0, 1000) ]
    y_axis_values = [ final_func(x) for x in x_axis_values]
    plt.plot(x_axis_values, y_axis_values, 'r--')
def compileDataPlaces(elements, hoursout):
    This method calculates energy consumption in KWH and yearly cost in dollars for each PLACE. Remember that hoursout
    must have the same length as the interger value of elements.
    :param elements: int
    :param hoursout: numpy array
    :return: pandas dataframe

    global weeks_in_year
    elements = int(elements)

    for i in range(elements):
        all_days = phoneUsage.a_weekend(hoursspent = hoursout, num_elements=elements)

        recharge = energyConsumption.rechargeInstances(elements)
        battery = energyConsumption.batteryInstances(elements)

        usageDays = energyConsumption.usageDay(all_days, battery, recharge)

        totalConsumption = energyConsumption.energyConsumption(usageDays, usageDays, battery)

        weeklyCost = cost.cost(totalConsumption)
        yearlyCost = weeklyCost * weeks_in_year

        data = {"Recharging Point": recharge,
                "Battery Life": battery,
                "Phone Usage (per day))": usageDays,
                "Total Energy Consumption (per person)": totalConsumption,
                "Total Yearly Cost (per person)": yearlyCost}

        df = pd.DataFrame(data)
        pd.DataFrame.to_csv(df, "SmartphoneCostPerPerson.csv")
        return df
Exemple #11
def main():
    data = pd.read_csv('data/ex2data2.csv')
    initial_X = np.array(data.iloc[:, [0, 1]])
    y = np.array(data.iloc[:, 2])
    X = normalize(initial_X)
    mapped_X = np.array([[
        1.0, x[0], x[1], x[0] * x[1], x[0]**2, x[1]**2, x[0] * x[1]**2,
        x[1] * x[0]**2
    ] for x in X])

    costs = []
    m, n = mapped_X.shape
    theta = np.zeros((n, 1))

    for i in range(0, ITERATIONS):
        costs.append(cost(theta, mapped_X, y, LAMBDA))
        theta = gradient(theta, mapped_X, y, ALPHA, LAMBDA)

    # Testing train data
    hits = 0
    errors = 0
    for i in range(len(X)):
        y_try = 1 if hypothesis(theta, mapped_X[i]) >= 0.5 else 0
        if (y_try == y[i]):
            hits += 1
            errors += 1

    print("Acertos: {0}".format(hits))
    print("Erros: {0}".format(errors))
    print("Total: {0}".format(hits + errors))
    print("Acurácia: {0}%".format(hits / (hits + errors) * 100))

    # prepare_scatter(X, y)
def find_cost_free_s(s):

    while cost(s) > 0:

        (cell, channel) = find_most_conflicts(s)
        s[cell][channel] = 0

    num_values = sum(sum(row) for row in s)
    return (s, num_values)
Exemple #13
def SA(sInitial, clauses, tInitial, alpha, beta, mInitial, maxTime, neighbor):
    # Set initial parameters
    temperature = tInitial
    currentSolution = sInitial
    bestSolution = currentSolution
    currentCost = cost(currentSolution, clauses)
    bestCost = currentCost
    time = 0
    M = 1.0 * mInitial
    solutionMatrix = []
    iteration = 1

    while time < maxTime:

        # Metropolis function
        mCopy = M
        while mCopy > 0:
            newSolution = neighbor(currentSolution, clauses)
            newCost = cost(newSolution, clauses)
            deltaCost = newCost - currentCost

            if deltaCost < 0:
                currentSolution = newSolution
                currentCost = newCost
                if newCost < bestCost:
                    bestSolution = newSolution
                    bestCost = newCost
                if random() < exp(-deltaCost / temperature):
                    currentSolution = newSolution
                    currentCost = newCost

            # Update solution matrix and iteration
            solutionMatrix.append((iteration, currentCost, bestCost))
            iteration = iteration + 1

            mCopy = mCopy - 1

        # Update SA parameters
        time = time + M
        temperature = alpha * temperature
        M = beta * M
    return (solutionMatrix, bestSolution)
Exemple #14
	def callback_cost(self):
		help_window().help_set_help(["cost.png",_("<big><b>Costs window</b></big>\nUse this window to calculate the cost of the solar cell and the energy payback time.")])

		if self.cost_window==None:

		if self.cost_window.isVisible()==True:
	def callback_cost(self):
		help_window().help_set_help(["cost.png",_("<big><b>Costs window</b></big>\nUse this window to calculate the cost of the solar cell and the energy payback time.")])

		if self.cost_window==False:

		if self.cost_window.isVisible()==True:
Exemple #16
 def is_overbudget_or_invalid(a): # pat
     seq_copy = copy.deepcopy(current.sequence)
     result = robot.check_valid_move(a.label)
     if cost(seq_copy) > budget:
         return True # a will not be added to the new_unpicked_child_actions list
     if result == False:
         return True # a will not be added to the new_unpicked_child_actions list
         return False
Exemple #17
def gradientDescent(theta, X, y, m, alpha, regParam, iterations):
    "Run Gradient Descent, returning updated theta"
    i = 0
    costRecord = []
    while i < iterations:
        hypo = logHypo(theta, X)
        theta = theta - alpha * _gradient(theta, hypo, X, y, m, regParam)
        costRecord.append(((np.asscalar(cost(hypo, theta, y, regParam, m))), i))
        i += 1
    plotCost(costRecord) #TODO remove
    return theta
Exemple #18
                        def node_is_valid(a):
                            seq_copy = copy.deepcopy(current.sequence)
                            x, y = a.location
                            over_budget = (cost(seq_copy) > budget)

                            # Check invalid_locations from map
                            for loc in world_map.invalid_locations:
                                if x == loc[0] and y == loc[1]:
                                    return False

                            return not over_budget
Exemple #19
def run_schedule(s_filename, savename):
    global perm_list
    logging.basicConfig(filename='log/' + savename + '.log', format='%(asctime)s %(message)s', \
     datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p', level=logging.INFO, mode='w')
    regina_list = [1, 2, 5, 6]
    mvsc_list = [1, 2, 3, 6]
    perm_list = gen_permutations(6, mvsc_list, regina_list)
    schedule_cand = read_input(s_filename)
    #print schedule_cand
    logging.info('beginning schedule generation using simulated annealing')
    schedule_cand = gen_schedules(schedule_cand)
    logging.info('finished schedule generation, best cost %d',
    save_result(savename, schedule_cand)
Exemple #20
    def __init__(self, L, phys_model):
        # -------- global constant variables ----------
        self.L = L
        self.n_spins = L * L
        self.learning_rate = 0.01
        lam = -10.

        # ------------- define the MLP and revnet objects ---
        self.F = mlp_net(self.n_spins)
        self.G = mlp_net(self.n_spins)
        self.R = rev_net(self.F, self.G)
        # ------------- define the cost function ------------
        self.ising = phys_model
        self.cost = cost(self.ising, lam)
Exemple #21
def fit_with_cost(x, y, theta, alpha, num_iters):
    m = len(y)
    cost_history = []
    for index in range(num_iters):
        som = 0
        for i in range(m):
            som += (predict(x[i], theta) - y[i])
        t0 = theta[0] - (alpha / m) * som
        som = 0
        for i in range(m):
            som += ((predict(x[i], theta) - y[i]) * x[i])
        t1 = theta[1] - (alpha / m) * som
        theta[0] = t0
        theta[1] = t1
        _cost = cost(x, y, theta)
        print("Cost after iteration ", index, ": ", _cost[0], end="\r")

    print("Cost after iteration ",
          ": ",
          cost(x, y, theta)[0],
    return theta, cost_history
Exemple #22
def test_load(file="solution.json"):
    with open("dummy_pitches.json", "r") as fpitches:
        # pitches[pitch]["workload"]: <role, load>
        # pitches[pitch]["author"]: a student
        pitches = json.load(fpitches)
    with open("dummy_wishes.json", "r") as fwishes:
        wishes = json.load(fwishes)
    # reconvert the tuples that got converted to list with json
    for student, ranking in wishes.items():
        wishes[student] = [(pitch, role) for pitch, role in ranking]
    with open("dummy_relations.json", "r") as frels:
        relations = json.load(frels)
    solution = load_solution(file, wishes)
    c = cost(pitches, wishes, solution, relations)
    print(f"{file} cost: {c:.2f}")
def gradientStep(x,currentCost):
    # x = [y1, y2, y3, y4, t1, t2, t3]
    x = np.array(x)
    step = 10*epsilon

    grad = computeGradient(x,currentCost,'flat')
    print("Grad: ",grad)

    normalizedGrad = np.divide(grad,abs(grad))
    print("Normalized Grad: ",normalizedGrad)

    newX = proj(x - np.multiply(step,normalizedGrad))

    newCost, omega, vel = cost(newX)

    return newX, newCost, omega, vel
Exemple #24
def metropolis(current_s, current_cost, best_s, best_cost, t, m_current):
    m = m_current
    while m > 0:
        new_s = neighbor(current_s)
        new_cost = cost(new_s)
        d_cost = new_cost - current_cost
        if d_cost > 0:
            current_s = new_s
            current_cost = new_cost
            if new_cost > best_cost:
                best_s = new_s
                best_cost = new_cost
        elif random.random() < math.e ** (d_cost / t):
            current_s = new_s
            current_cost = new_cost
        m -= 1
    return current_s, current_cost, best_s, best_cost
Exemple #25
def RandomSearch(maxiter, m=7, n=50):
    sCur = np.zeros([maxiter, m, n])
    sBest = np.zeros([maxiter, m, n])
    solution = np.zeros(maxiter)
    bestCost = 500.0

    for i in range(maxiter):
        sCur[i,:,:] = np.array(generateRandomAllocation())
        curCost = cost(sCur[i,:,:])

        if curCost < bestCost:
            sBest[i,:,:] = sCur[i,:,:]
            bestCost = curCost
            sBest[i,:,:] = sBest[i-1,:,:]

        solution[i] = bestCost

    return solution, sBest[maxiter - 1,:,:]
Exemple #26
def neighbor(sCur, tenure, tabu_map, num_cell_neighbors=2, cell_variance=5):
    best_cost = float("inf")
    tabu_cell = -1
    best_neighbor = None
    rows, cols = len(sCur), len(sCur[0])
    for i in range(rows):
        if i not in tabu_map:
            for j in range(num_cell_neighbors):
                temp = sCur[i,:]
                sCur[i,:] = shuffle_cell(sCur[i,:], cell_variance)
                new_cost = cost(sCur)
                if new_cost < best_cost:
                    best_cost = new_cost
                    best_neighbor = sCur[:,:]
                    tabu_cell = i
                sCur[i,:] = temp
    tabu_map = { k:(v - 1) for k,v in tabu_map.items() if k != 0 }
    tabu_map[tabu_cell] = tenure
    return best_neighbor
Exemple #27
def train(Xin, Yin, h, num_iter, gamma, lambda_reg):

    m = np.shape(Xin)[0]  # Same as np.shape(Yin)[0]
    n = np.shape(Xin)[1]
    p = np.shape(Yin)[1]

    # Initial weights.
    W1 = np.random.uniform(-0.12, 0.12,
                           h * (n + 1)).reshape(h, n + 1)  # h by n + 1
    W2 = np.random.uniform(-0.12, 0.12,
                           p * (h + 1)).reshape(p, h + 1)  # p by h + 1

    counter = 1
    while counter <= num_iter:

        v = predict(Xin, Yin, h, W1, W2)
        A1, A2, A3 = v[0], v[1], v[2]  # m by n + 1, m by h + 1, m by p

        J = cost(Yin, A3, lambda_reg, W1, W2)
        print(counter, J, sep=': ')

        # For backpropagation
        delta3 = (A3 - Yin)  # m by p
        W2bar = W2[:,
                   1:]  # This is W2 with first column removed with shape p by h.
        A2prime = A2[:, 1:]  # m by h
        delta2 = A2prime * np.dot(delta3, W2bar)  # m by h

        # Change in weights
        # The first column of W1 and W2 are not regularized.

        dW2 = -gamma / m * np.dot(delta3.transpose(), A2)
        dW2[:, 1:] = dW2[:, 1:] + lambda_reg / m * W2[:, 1:]

        dW1 = -gamma / m * np.dot(delta2.transpose(), A1)
        dW1[:, 1:] = dW1[:, 1:] + lambda_reg / m * W1[:, 1:]

        W1 = W1 + dW1
        W2 = W2 + dW2

        counter = counter + 1

    return [W1, W2]
Exemple #28
def simulated_annealing(s_initial, t_initial, alpha, beta, m_initial, maxtime):
    t = t_initial
    current_s = s_initial
    best_s = current_s
    current_cost = cost(current_s)
    best_cost = current_cost
    time = 0
    m = m_initial

    solution = []
    best_s_vals = []

    iter_num = 0
    while time < maxtime:
        iter_num += 1
        current_s, current_cost, best_s, best_cost = \
            metropolis(current_s, current_cost, best_s, best_cost, t, m)
        time += m
        t *= alpha
        m *= beta
        result = [iter_num, current_cost, best_cost]
    return (solution, best_s)
Exemple #29
def fitness(s):
    return max_cost - cost(s)
Exemple #30
    def greedy_path(self, robot, map):
        #Use robot to simulate a random path
        path = list()

        #Possible Actions
        action_set = list()

        # Pick random actions until budget is exhausted
        while cost(path) < self.budget:
            curr_loc = robot.get_loc()
            r = randint(0, len(action_set) - 1)

            #Get closest hotspot
            closest_hotspot = None
            min_dist = sys.maxsize
            hotspots = [
                h for h in map.hotspots if not h in self.visited_hotspots
            for h in hotspots:
                dist = map.euclidean_distance(curr_loc, h)
                if dist < min_dist:
                    closest_hotspot = h
                    min_dist = dist

            #Determine action that moves us towards a hotspot
            if closest_hotspot:
                #If we haven't visited all the hotspots, keep visiting them
                best_action = None
                min_dist = sys.maxsize
                for a in action_set:
                    dist = map.euclidean_distance(robot.get_loc(),
                    if dist < min_dist:
                        best_action = a
                        min_dist = dist
                    robot.set_loc(curr_loc[0], curr_loc[1])

                #If the robot visits a hotspot, don't visit it again
                if min_dist <= robot.sensing_range:

                #Choose best action
                path.append(State(0, best_action, robot.get_loc()))
                #Else move Randomly
                randNumb = randint(0, 3)
                direction = None
                if randNumb == 0:
                    direction = 'left'
                if randNumb == 1:
                    direction = 'right'
                if randNumb == 2:
                    direction = 'backward'
                if randNumb == 3:
                    direction = 'forward'

                path.append(State(0, direction, robot.get_loc()))

        return path
Exemple #31
import time
from cost import cost
from allocation import generateRandomAllocation

# Timing the execution of 10,000 random allocations + cost evaluations
numEvals = 10000
start_time = time.time()
for i in range(numEvals):

print("%d evals take %s seconds." % (numEvals, (time.time() - start_time)))
Exemple #32
 def call(self, x):
     return cost(x, self.positions, self.config)
Exemple #33
Y = data[::, -1]
m = X.size

theta = np.random.rand(2)
theta = np.array([0, 1])
print("Original Theta: ", theta)
alpha = 0.01
j = 0
while True:
    j = j + 1
    print("Epoch %d:" % (j))
    # Training Epoch
    hypotheses = hypothesis(m, 2, theta, X)
    print("hypotheses: ", hypotheses)
    c = cost(m, hypotheses, Y)
    print("Cost: ", c)
    if (c <= 0.01):
        print("Theta0 %f Theta1: %f" % (theta[0], theta[1]))

    # Find derivative of cost function for theta 0 and theta 1
    sumError0 = 0
    sumError1 = 0
    for i in range(0, 3):
        sumError0 += (hypotheses[i] - Y[i])
        sumError1 += (hypotheses[i] - Y[i]) * X[i]
    print("SumError0: ", sumError0)
    print("SumError1: ", sumError1)

    temp0 = theta[0] - (alpha * (1.0 / m) * sumError0)
Exemple #34
for i in range(m):
    if y[i] == 1:
    elif y[i] == 0:

plt.scatter(pos1, pos2, c='red', alpha=0.5)
plt.scatter(neg1, neg2, c='blue', alpha=0.5)
plt.title('Scatter plot of training data')
plt.xlabel('Exam 1 Score')
plt.ylabel('Exam 2 Score')
X = np.c_[np.ones((m,1)),x1, x2]
y = np.array(y)
theta = np.zeros((3,1))
J = cost.cost(X, y, theta)
theta1 = cost.gradient(theta,X,y)
theta = [-25.16131856, 0.20623159, 0.20147149]
x_values = [np.min(X[:, 1] - 5), np.max(X[:, 2] + 5)]
y_values = - (theta[0] + np.dot(theta[1], x_values)) / theta[2]

plt.plot(x_values, y_values, label='Decision Boundary')
plt.xlabel('Marks in 1st Exam')
plt.ylabel('Marks in 2nd Exam')
Exemple #35
def DDS(s0, sMin, sMax, maxiter, r, pDecrease = 'exponential'):
    '''Returns a column vector of the best function value (for miminization problem)after each iteration and a row vector of the best solution found'''

    #Variable definitions:

    #s0 = initial solution; an n-dimensional vector where each dimension represents a decision variable
    #sMax = n-dimensional vector of the maximum value in the domain of each respective decision variable
    #sMin = n-dimensional vector of the minimum value in the domain of each respective decision variable
    #maxiter = total number of iterations to run

    #r = parameter between 0 and 1 that determines the standard deviation of the random Gaussian perturbation of each decision variable;
    #the standard deviation of each random Gaussian perturbation is equal to a fraction (r) of the total domain of that decision variable

    #pDecrease = string defining how the probability of perturbing each dimension varies with iteration number;
    #'linear' gives a linear decrease in probability with iterations, while the default is an exponential decrease

    #initialize all variables
    m = len(s0)
    n = len(s0[0])
    sCur = np.zeros([maxiter, m, n])
    sBest = np.zeros([maxiter, m, n])
    solution = np.zeros(maxiter)
    sCur[0,:,:] = s0
    sBest[0,:,:] = s0
    bestCost = cost(sBest[0,:,:])
    solution[0] = bestCost
    sigma = []

    #determine the standard deviation of the random Gaussian perturbation for each dimension
    for i in range(m):
        sigma.append(r * (sMax[i] - sMin[i]))

    for i in range(maxiter-1):
        #determine the probability of perturbing each dimension
        if pDecrease == "exponential":
            p = 1 - np.log(i+2)/np.log(maxiter)
            p = 1 - (i+2)/maxiter

        #perturb dimensions probabilistically
        for j in range(m):
            if (random() < p):
                sCur[i+1,j,:] = neighbor(sBest[i,j,:], sMax[j], sMin[j], sigma[j])
                sCur[i+1,j,:] = sBest[i,j,:]
            if(random() < p):
                sCur[i+1,j,:] = neighbor(sBest[i,j,:], sMax[j], sMin[j], sigma[j])
                sCur[i+1,j,:] = sBest[i,j,:]

        #if no dimensions have been changed, choose one randomly to perturb
        if np.array_equal(sCur[i+1,:,:], sBest[i,:,:]):
            d = randint(0,m-1)
            sCur[i+1,d,:] = neighbor(sBest[i,d,:], sMax[d], sMin[d], sigma[d])

        #evaluate the cost of the new solution
        curCost = cost(sCur[i+1,:,:])

        #update the best cost and best solution if the new solution is better than the previous best
        if curCost < bestCost:
            sBest[i+1,:] = sCur[i+1,:,:]
            bestCost = curCost
            sBest[i+1,:] = sBest[i,:,:]

        #update the solution matrix
        solution[i+1] = bestCost

    return solution, sBest[maxiter-1,:,:]
Exemple #36
def dec_mcts(budget,
    world_map = copy.deepcopy(input_map)
    robot_paths = []

    # Initialize Every Robots MCTS Tree
    for robot in robots:
        # MCTS Tree initialization
        robot.root = mcts_initialize(budget, robot, world_map)

    # Start Dec-MCTS
    k = 0
    while k < computational_budget:  # Computational Budget
        # for p in range(computational_budget):
        #      if p % 100 == 0:
        #          print("Percent Complete: {:.2f}%".format(p / float(computational_budget) * 100))

        # print("Computational Budget: ", k)
        for i in range(num_samples):
            # Grow Tree for each Robot
            for robot in robots:
                # Robots determines their top 10 best sets of actions(sequences)
                # Selection and Expansion
                # move recursively down the tree from root
                # then add a new leaf node
                # print("Selection and Expansion")
                current = robot.root

                while True:
                    # Are there any children to be added here?
                    if current.unpicked_child_actions:  # if not empty
                        # Pick one of the children that haven't been added | Select a valid direction
                        num_unpicked_child_actions = len(
                        child_index = random.randint(
                            0, num_unpicked_child_actions - 1)
                        child_action = current.unpicked_child_actions[

                        # Move the robot
                        # Remove the child form the unpicked list
                        del current.unpicked_child_actions[child_index]

                        # Setup the new action sequence
                        new_sequence = copy.deepcopy(current.sequence)
                        new_budget_left = budget - cost(new_sequence)

                        # Setup the new child's unpicked children
                        # Remove any over budget or invalid children from this set
                        new_unpicked_child_actions = generate_neighbors(
                            child_action, new_sequence, world_map.bounds)

                        def node_is_valid(a):
                            seq_copy = copy.deepcopy(current.sequence)
                            x, y = a.location
                            over_budget = (cost(seq_copy) > budget)

                            # Check invalid_locations from map
                            for loc in world_map.invalid_locations:
                                if x == loc[0] and y == loc[1]:
                                    return False

                            return not over_budget

                        # removes any new children if from the child if they go over budget or are invalid action
                        new_unpicked_child_actions = [
                            a for a in new_unpicked_child_actions
                            if node_is_valid(a)

                        # EXPANSION
                        new_child_node = TreeNode(
                            node_id=current.node_id + 1)

                        current = new_child_node
                        # list_of_all_nodes.append(new_child_node)  # for debugging only
                        break  # don't go deeper in the tree...
                        # All possible children already exist
                        # Therefore recurse down the tree
                        # using the UCT selection policy
                        if not current.children:
                            # Reached planning horizon -- just do this again
                            # Define the UCB
                            def ucb(average, n_parent, n_child):
                                return average + explore_exploit * math.sqrt(
                                    (2 * math.log(n_parent)) / float(n_child))

                            # Pick the child that maximises the UCB
                            if not current.children:
                                n_parent = current.num_updates
                                best_child = -1
                                best_ucb_score = 0
                                for child_idx in range(len(current.children)):
                                    child = current.children[child_idx]
                                    ucb_score = ucb(
                                        n_parent, child.num_updates)
                                    if best_child == -1 or (ucb_score >
                                        best_child = child
                                        best_ucb_score = ucb_score

                                # Recurse down the tree
                                current = best_child

                # Communications
                # Sample Action Sequences of other Robots
                # Pick one of the 10 sequences
                other_robots_paths = []
                for bot in robots:
                    randSequence = randint(0, 9)
                    if bot != robot and computational_budget == 0:
                        sampled_action_sequence = bot.top_10_sequences[

                # Rollout & Reward
                rollout_sequence = list()
                if rollout_policy == 'uniform':
                    rollout_sequence = uniform_rollout(current.sequence, robot,
                    rollout_sequence = heuristic_rollout(
                        current.sequence, robot, budget, world_map)
                rollout_reward = reward(rollout_sequence, other_robots_paths,
                                        robot.sensing_range, world_map)

                # Back-propagation
                # update stats of all nodes from current back to root node
                parent = current
                while parent:  # is not None
                    # Update the average
                    # Recurse up the tree
                    parent = parent.parent

        # Extract 10 Best Sequences from Current Robot
        # append each to robot.
        for robot in robots:
            list_of_top_10_nodes_sequences = []  # for troubleshooting
            list_of_top_10_nodes_ids = []
            list_of_top_10_nodes = []  # for troubleshooting
            i = 0
            while i != 10:
                current = robot.root
                # is not empty
                while current.children and all_children_nodes_are_not_in_the_list(
                        current, list_of_top_10_nodes_ids):
                    # Find the child with best score
                    best_score = 0
                    best_child = -1
                    for child_idx in range(len(current.children)):
                        child = current.children[child_idx]
                        # Only consider child nodes who have not been placed in the list - pat
                        if not child.node_id in list_of_top_10_nodes_ids:
                            score = child.average_evaluation_score
                            if best_child == -1 or (score > best_score):
                                best_child = child
                                best_score = score
                    current = best_child

                # # for troubleshooting
                # # Append each iteration's node with the best average evaluation score
                # list_of_top_10_nodes_ids.append(current.node_id)
                # list_of_top_10_nodes.append(current)
                # Append the the node's action sequence into a list
                # solution =   [p.location for p in current.sequence]
                # list_of_top_10_nodes_sequences.append(solution)
                i += 1
        k += 1

    # Extract best solution from all the ROBOTS
    # calculate best solution so far
    # by recursively choosing child with highest average reward

    for robot in robots:
        current = robot.root
        while current.children:  # is not empty
            # Find the child with best score
            best_score = 0
            best_child = -1
            for child_idx in range(len(current.children)):
                child = current.children[child_idx]
                score = child.average_evaluation_score
                if best_child == -1 or (score > best_score):
                    best_child = child
                    best_score = score
            current = best_child
        robot.final_path = current.sequence

    for robot in robots:

    return robot_paths
Exemple #37
def spoofBest():

    #interference_matrix=[[2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
    #                     [1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
    #                     [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0],
    #                     [0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0],
    #                     [0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1],
    #                     [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1],
    #                     [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2]]

    traffic = [32, 26, 14, 32, 18, 20, 24]

    s = []
    for i in range(7):
        s.append([0] * 50)

    # Set first row
    for i in range(25):
        s[0][i * 2] = 1

    for i in range(7):
        s[0][i * 2 + 1] = 1

    assert(sum(s[0]) == traffic[0])

    # Set second row
    for i in range(25):
        s[1][i * 2 + 1] = 1
    s[1][48] = 1

    assert(sum(s[1]) == traffic[1])

    # Set third row
    for i in range(14):
        s[2][i * 2] = 1

    assert(sum(s[2]) == traffic[2])

    # Set fourth row
    for i in range(25):
        s[3][i * 2] = 1

    for i in range(7):
        s[3][i * 2 + 1] = 1

    assert(sum(s[3]) == traffic[3])

    # Set fifth row
    for i in range(18):
        s[4][i * 2 + 15] = 1

    assert(sum(s[4]) == traffic[4])

    # Set sixth row
    for i in range(20):
        s[5][i * 2 + 1] = 1

    assert(sum(s[5]) == traffic[5])

    # Set seventh row
    for i in range(24):
        s[6][i * 2] = 1

    assert (sum(s[6]) == traffic[6])

    return (s, cost(s))
Exemple #38
def save_result(filename, schedule_cand):
    np.savetxt(filename[:-4] + '_2opt.csv', schedule_cand, delimiter=',')
    logging.info('saved schedule to %s', filename[:-4] + '_2opt.csv')
    logging.info('finished schedule generation, best cost %d',
Exemple #39
    for problem in range(FILE_START, FILE_START + NUM_FILES):
        fileMiddlePart = "{0:0>2}".format(problem)
        fileName = FILE_PREFIX + fileMiddlePart + FILE_SUFFIX

        clauses = loadClauses(fileName)

        for trial in range(NUM_TRIALS):
            print 'Solving:', fileName, 'Trial:', trial+1, '/', NUM_TRIALS, '(Monte Carlo)'

            # Try random attempts for the same amount of trials as SA would
            # have. 
            randAllCosts = []
            startTime = time.clock()
            for randAttempt in range(RAND_TRIALS):
                initial_rand_Solution = generateRandomSolution(NUM_VARIABLES, 0.5)
                randBestCost = cost(initial_rand_Solution, clauses)

                # record SAT solutions
                if randBestCost == 0:

            elapsed = time.clock() - startTime
            pickle.dump(randAllCosts, open('data/all-rand-sols_' +
                str(problem) + '_' + str(trial) + '_.p', 'wb'))

    # Dump results
    pickle.dump(rand_sat_sols, open('data/rand_sat_sols.p', 'wb'))
    pickle.dump(all_rand_time, open('data/all_rand_time.p', 'wb'))
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

W = sio.loadmat('weights_ref.mat')
W1 = np.array(W['Theta1'])
W2 = np.array(W['Theta2'])

data = sio.loadmat('data.mat')
Xin = np.array(data['X'])
yin = np.array(data['y'])  # This data was for octave. So zero is labeled as 10.

# Convert each output digit from 0 through 9 to a vector in 10 dimensions. 
# 1 is represented as [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0].
# 2 is represented as [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0].
# 3 is represented as [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0].
# ...
# 0 is represented as [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1].

Yin = np.zeros(len(yin) * 10).reshape(len(yin), 10)
for j in np.arange(0, yin.shape[0]):
    if yin[j][0] == 10:
        Yin[j, 9] = 1
        Yin[j, yin[j][0]-1] = 1

pred = predict(Xin, Yin, 25, W1, W2)
Yhat = pred[2]

cost0 = cost(Yin, Yhat, 0, W1, W2)
cost1 = cost(Yin, Yhat, 1, W1, W2)
print(cost0, cost1)
Exemple #41
trainy1 = trainy1.reshape((trainy1.shape[0], 1))
trainy2 = trainy2.reshape((trainy1.shape[0], 1))

# ------- tf variables ---------------------------
x1 = tf.placeholder("float", [None, n_spins])
x2 = tf.placeholder("float", [None, n_spins])
e1 = tf.placeholder("float", [None, 1])
e2 = tf.placeholder("float", [None, 1])
# ------------- define the MLP and revnet objects ---
F_net = mlp_net(n_spins)
G_net = mlp_net(n_spins)
r_net = revnet(F_net, G_net)
y1, y2 = r_net.forward(x1, x2)
# ------------- define the cost function ------------
phys_model = ising(L)
c = cost(phys_model, lam)
loss_op = c.get(e1, e2, y1, y2)
# ------------- define the optimizer ------------
optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate)
train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss_op)

init = tf.global_variables_initializer()

# test it

with tf.Session() as sess:

                 x1: trainx1,
Exemple #42
def mcts( action_set, budget, max_iterations, exploration_exploitation_parameter, robot):

    # Setup
    start_sequence = []
    unpicked_child_actions = copy.deepcopy(action_set)
    root = TreeNode(node_id = 0, parent=None, sequence=start_sequence, budget=budget, unpicked_child_actions=unpicked_child_actions)
    list_of_all_nodes = []
    list_of_all_nodes.append(root) # for debugging only
    current_node = 0
    # Main loop
    for iter in range(max_iterations):

        print("Current Iteration:", iter)
        print("Robot Loc: ", robot.get_loc())
        # Selection and Expansion
        # move recursively down the tree from root
        # then add a new leaf node
        print("Selection and Expansion")
        current = root
        #Reset the Robot's Stating Point
        # robot.reset_robot()
        print("Robot Loc: ", robot.get_loc())
        # Remove invalid actions from root state - pat
        for a in current.unpicked_child_actions:
            direction = a.label
            if not robot.check_valid_move(direction):

        while True:
            # Are there any children to be added here?
            if current.unpicked_child_actions: # if not empty
                # Pick one of the children that haven't been added | Select a valid direction
                # Do this at random
                num_unpicked_child_actions = len(current.unpicked_child_actions)
                if num_unpicked_child_actions == 1:
                    child_index = 0
                    child_index = random.randint(0,num_unpicked_child_actions-1)
                child_action = current.unpicked_child_actions[child_index]

                # Move the robot
                robot.move(child_action.label) # pat

                # Remove the child form the unpicked list
                del current.unpicked_child_actions[child_index]

                # Setup the new action sequence
                new_sequence = copy.deepcopy(current.sequence)
                new_budget_left = budget - cost(new_sequence)

                # Setup the new child's unpicked children
                # Remove any over budget or invalid children from this set
                new_unpicked_child_actions = copy.deepcopy(action_set)
                def is_overbudget_or_invalid(a): # pat
                    seq_copy = copy.deepcopy(current.sequence)
                    result = robot.check_valid_move(a.label)
                    if cost(seq_copy) > budget:
                        return True # a will not be added to the new_unpicked_child_actions list
                    if result == False:
                        return True # a will not be added to the new_unpicked_child_actions list
                        return False
                    # return cost(seq_copy) > budget #false

                #removes any new children if from the child if they go over budget or are invalid action
                new_unpicked_child_actions = [a for a in new_unpicked_child_actions if not is_overbudget_or_invalid(a)]

                # Create the new node and add it to the tree
                current_node += 1
                new_child_node = TreeNode(node_id = current_node, parent=current, sequence=new_sequence, budget=new_budget_left, unpicked_child_actions=new_unpicked_child_actions)
                current = new_child_node
                list_of_all_nodes.append(new_child_node) # for debugging only
                break # don't go deeper in the tree...
                # All possible children already exist
                # Therefore recurse down the tree
                # using the UCT selection policy

                if not current.children:
                    # Reached planning horizon -- just do this again
                    # Define the UCB
                    def ucb(average, n_parent, n_child):
                        return average + exploration_exploitation_parameter * math.sqrt( (2*math.log(n_parent)) / float(n_child) )

                    # Pick the child that maximises the UCB
                    n_parent = current.num_updates
                    best_child = -1
                    best_ucb_score = 0
                    for child_idx in range(len(current.children)):
                        child = current.children[child_idx]
                        ucb_score = ucb(child.average_evaluation_score, n_parent, child.num_updates)
                        if best_child == -1 or (ucb_score > best_ucb_score):
                            best_child = child
                            best_ucb_score = ucb_score

                    # Recurse down the tree
                    # robot.move(best_child.sequence[0].label) # pat
                    current = best_child

        # Rollout
        print("Rollout Phase")
        rollout_sequence = rollout(subsequence=current.sequence, action_set=action_set, budget=budget)
        rollout_reward = reward(action_sequence=rollout_sequence)

        # Back-propagation
        # update stats of all nodes from current back to root node
        print("Back-Propagation Phase")
        parent = current
        while parent: # is not None
            # Update the average

            # Recurse up the tree
            parent = parent.parent

    # Extract solution
    # calculate best solution so far
    # by recursively choosing child with highest average reward
    print('Extracting Solutions')
    list_of_top_10_nodes_sequences = []
    list_of_top_10_nodes_ids = []
    list_of_top_10_nodes = []
    i = 0
    while i != 10:
        current = root
        while current.children and all_children_nodes_are_not_in_the_list(current, list_of_top_10_nodes_ids) : # is not empty
            # Find the child with best score
            best_score = 0
            best_child = -1
            for child_idx in range(len(current.children)):
                child = current.children[child_idx]
                # Only consider child nodes who have not been placed in the list - pat
                if not child.node_id in list_of_top_10_nodes_ids:
                    score = child.average_evaluation_score
                    if best_child == -1 or (score > best_score):
                        best_child = child
                        best_score = score
            current = best_child

        # Append each iteration's node with the best average evaluation score
        # Append the the node's action sequence into a list
        print('Node: ', current.node_id)
        solution = current.sequence
        solution = listActionSequence(solution)
        solution = direction_path_to_state_path_converter(solution, robot.start_loc)

        print('Solution: ', solution)

        i += 1
    print('Top 10 Node List: ', list_of_top_10_nodes)
    print('Top 10 Node Id List: ', list_of_top_10_nodes_ids)
    print('Top 10 Sequences List: ', list_of_top_10_nodes_sequences)

    # Select the best node from the top 10 nodes list and provide it as the solution
    best_node = list_of_top_10_nodes[0] # there are still 9 other nodes to see the solutions of
    solution = best_node.sequence
    solution = listActionSequence(solution)
    solution = direction_path_to_state_path_converter(solution, robot.start_loc)
    winner = best_node
    print('length of node list: ', len(list_of_all_nodes))
    return [solution, root, list_of_all_nodes, winner]
Exemple #43
from allocation import generateRandomAllocation
from cost import cost
from SA import neighbor

s_values = []
cost_values = []

#Set initial values
s = generateRandomAllocation()
cost_s = cost(s)

best_s = s
best_cost = cost_s

# Find other s_values and calculate their costs
while len(s_values) != 100:
    new_s = neighbor(s)
    cost_s = cost(new_s)
    if cost_s < best_cost:
        best_s = new_s
        best_cost = cost_s

neighbor_total_cost = 0

for (new_s, cost_s) in zip(s_values, cost_values):
    if new_s != best_s:
        neighbor_total_cost += (cost_s - best_cost)
Exemple #44
def heuristic_rollout(path, robot, budget, map):
    #Possible Actions
    action_set = list()

    # Random rollout policy
    # Pick random actions until budget is exhausted
    new_path = copy.deepcopy(path)

    #Move Robot along the path
    action = "start"
    while action:
        action = robot.follow_path()
        # Move the robot

    visited_hotspots = set()
    while cost(new_path) < budget:
        curr_loc = robot.get_loc()

        #Get closest hotspot
        closest_hotspot = None
        min_dist = sys.maxsize
        hotspots = [h for h in map.hotspots if not h in visited_hotspots]
        for h in hotspots:
            dist = map.euclidean_distance(curr_loc, h)
            if dist < min_dist:
                closest_hotspot = h
                min_dist = dist

        #Determine action that moves us towards a hotspot
        if closest_hotspot:
            #If we haven't visited all the hotspots, keep visiting them
            best_action = None
            min_dist = sys.maxsize
            for a in action_set:
                dist = map.euclidean_distance(robot.get_loc(), closest_hotspot)
                if dist < min_dist:
                    best_action = a
                    min_dist = dist
                robot.set_loc(curr_loc[0], curr_loc[1])

            #If the robot visits a hotspot, don't visit it again
            if min_dist <= robot.sensing_range:

            #Choose best action
            #Else move Randomly
            r = random.randint(0, len(action_set) - 1)
            action = action_set[r]


    return path
def LinearRegression(X, y,theta0, theta1):
	for i in range(0, 1000):
		if i % 100 == 0:
			plot.plotline(theta0, theta1, X, y)
		print(cost.cost(theta0, theta1, X, y))
		theta0, theta1 = up.updateParameters(theta0, theta1, X, y, 0.005)
def proj(x):
    for i in range(7):
        if i < 4:
            # chord coordinate
            if x[i] < chordLowLimit:
                x[i] = chordLowLimit
            elif x[i] > chordHiLimit:
                x[i] = chordHiLimit
            # twist coordinate
            if x[i] < twistLowLimit:
                x[i] = twistLowLimit
            elif x[i] > twistHiLimit:
                x[i] = twistHiLimit
    return x

if __name__ == '__main__':
    inputFile = open("startingBlade.txt","r")
    coordinates = 7

    startingBlade = list(map(float,inputFile.readline().split(",")))
    currCost,startingOmega,startingVel = cost(startingBlade)
    newX, newCost = gradientDescent(