def get_and_lock(self,
                  id,  # type: str
                  expiration,  # type: int
                  *options,  # type: GetAndLockOptions
     # type: (...)->GetResult
     final_options=forward_args(kwargs, *options)
     x = _Base.get(self.bucket, id, expiration, **final_options)
     _Base.lock(self.bucket, id, options)
     return ResultPrecursor(x, options)
    def lock(self,  # type: CBCollection
             key,  # type: str
             *options,  # type: LockOptions
             **kwargs  # type: Any
        """Lock and retrieve a key-value entry in Couchbase.

        :param key: A string which is the key to lock.

        :param ttl: a TTL for which the lock should be valid.
            While the lock is active, attempts to access the key (via
            other :meth:`lock`, :meth:`upsert` or other mutation calls)
            will fail with an :exc:`.KeyExistsError`. Note that the
            value for this option is limited by the maximum allowable
            lock time determined by the server (currently, this is 30
            seconds). If passed a higher value, the server will silently
            lower this to its maximum limit.

        This function otherwise functions similarly to :meth:`get`;
        specifically, it will return the value upon success. Note the
        :attr:`~.MutationResult.cas` value from the :class:`.MutationResult` object.
        This will be needed to :meth:`unlock` the key.

        Note the lock will also be implicitly released if modified by
        one of the :meth:`upsert` family of functions when the valid CAS
        is supplied

        :raise: :exc:`.TemporaryFailError` if the key is already locked.
        :raise: See :meth:`get` for possible exceptions

        Lock a key ::

            rv = cb.lock("locked_key", ttl=5)
            # This key is now locked for the next 5 seconds.
            # attempts to access this key will fail until the lock
            # is released.

            # do important stuff...

            cb.unlock("locked_key", rv.cas)

        Lock a key, implicitly unlocking with :meth:`upsert` with CAS ::

            rv = self.cb.lock("locked_key", ttl=5)
            new_value = rv.value.upper()
            cb.upsert("locked_key", new_value, rv.cas)

        Poll and Lock ::

            rv = None
            begin_time = time.time()
            while time.time() - begin_time < 15:
                    rv = cb.lock("key", ttl=10)
                except TemporaryFailError:
                    print("Key is currently locked.. waiting")

            if not rv:
                raise Exception("Waited too long..")

            # Do stuff..

            cb.unlock("key", rv.cas)

        .. seealso:: :meth:`get`, :meth:`unlock`
        final_options = forward_args(kwargs, *options)
        return _Base.lock(self.bucket, key, **final_options)