def service_jobs(): """ Service jobs in an infinite loop """ # multiprocessing uses fork() which in turn copies file descriptors, so the engine may have connections in its pool # that we don't want to reuse. This is the SQLALchemy-recommended way of clearing the connection pool in this thread get_engine().dispose() while True: # if no job was found, sleep for a second, otherwise query for another job straight away if not process_job(): sleep(1)
def service_jobs(): """ Service jobs in an infinite loop """ get_engine().dispose() t = create_prometheus_server(job_process_registry, 8001) try: while True: # if no job was found, sleep for a second, otherwise query for another job straight away if not process_job(): sleep(1) finally:"Closing prometheus server") t.server_close()
def db_impl(param): """ Connect to a running Postgres database param tells whether the db should be built from alembic migrations or using metadata.create_all() """ # running in non-UTC catches some timezone errors # os.environ["TZ"] = "Etc/UTC" os.environ["TZ"] = "America/New_York" # drop everything currently in the database with session_scope() as session: session.execute( "DROP SCHEMA public CASCADE; CREATE SCHEMA public; CREATE EXTENSION postgis; CREATE EXTENSION pg_trgm;" ) if param == "migrations": # rebuild it with alembic migrations apply_migrations() else: # create the slugify function functions = Path(__file__).parent / "slugify.sql" with open(functions) as f, session_scope() as session: session.execute( # create everything from the current models, not incrementally through migrations Base.metadata.create_all(get_engine())
def create_schema_from_models(): """ Create everything from the current models, not incrementally through migrations. """ # create the slugify function functions = Path(__file__).parent / "slugify.sql" with open(functions) as f, session_scope() as session: session.execute( Base.metadata.create_all(get_engine())
def run_scheduler(): """ Schedules jobs according to schedule in .definitions """ # multiprocessing uses fork() which in turn copies file descriptors, so the engine may have connections in its pool # that we don't want to reuse. This is the SQLALchemy-recommended way of clearing the connection pool in this thread get_engine().dispose() sched = scheduler(monotonic, sleep) for schedule_id, (job_type, frequency) in enumerate(SCHEDULE): sched.enter( 0, 1, _run_job_and_schedule, argument=( sched, schedule_id, ), )