def execute_module(self, part=0, streaming=False): """Used by ModuleManager to execute module. This method also takes care of timestamping the execution time if execution was successful. """ if self.instance: # this is the actual user function. # if something goes wrong, an exception will be thrown and # correctly handled by the invoking module manager if streaming: if part == 0: self.instance.streaming_execute_module() else: self.instance.streaming_execute_module(part) self.execute_times[part] = counter.counter() print "streaming exec stamped:", self.execute_times[part] else: if part == 0: self.instance.execute_module() else: self.instance.execute_module(part) # if we get here, everything is okay and we can record # the execution time of this part self.execute_times[part] = counter.counter() print "exec stamped:", self.execute_times[part]
def surrounding():'I am in the surrounding function') print( 'As you check the your surrounding you find a drop of blood on the ground. ' ) chance2 = str( input('Do you wish to send the blood to testing? Yes or No: ')) if chance2 == "yes" or chance2 == "Yes": print( 'The forensics team came game and found that the blood found on the floor does not belong to the deceased person' ) chance3 = str(input('do you wish to inspect it? Yes or No: '))'going to call inspected') inspected() elif chance2 == "no" or chance2 == "No":'did not call inspected') print('As you keep looking you find a laptop.') chance4 = str(input('Do you want to inspect it? Yes or No: ')) if chance4 == "yes" or chance4 == "Yes": print( 'You find that the laptop is locked but there is a hint for the password. It reads "I am an english word with three consecutive doulbe letters" ' )'going to call counter') counter() else:'Did not go to counter') print('Are you kidding me? You are fired') else:'did not go to inspected') print('This is not a joke.You are fired')
def timeStampTransferTime( self, outputIndex, consumerInstance, consumerInputIdx, streaming=False): """Timestamp given transfer time with current time. This method is called right after a successful transfer has been made. Depending on the scheduling mode (event-driven or hybrid) and whether it's a streaming module that's being transferred to, the timestamps are set differently to make sure that after a switch between modes, all transfers are redone. Please see the documentation in the scheduler module. @param streaming: determines whether a streaming transfer or a normal transfer has just occurred. """ if streaming: streaming_transfer_time = counter.counter() transfer_time = 0 else: transfer_time = counter.counter() streaming_transfer_time = 0 # and set the timestamp self.transferTimes[ (outputIndex, consumerInstance, consumerInputIdx)] = \ transfer_time self.streaming_transfer_times[ (outputIndex, consumerInstance, consumerInputIdx)] = \ streaming_transfer_time
def __init__ (self, set, handler, rpc_ar_h, realm='default'): self.set = set self.handler = handler self.realm = realm = rpc_ar_h self.pass_count = counter.counter() self.fail_count = counter.counter()
def getData(numMeas): duration = 10.0 # added this on 7/Nov/2013 # Set duration to get ~100 counts instead of arbitrary number: count = counter.counter(duration, plotDataBool=False) print 'Count is ' + str(count) + ' 1/s.' # Number of spokes in one second is cnt.counter(1)/((2.0 * numpy.pi / 100.0)*(180/numpy.pi)) # The demoninator is actually 3.6 n = (count * duration) / 3.6 # number of spokes duration *= 100.0 / n duration = math.ceil(duration) print 'Setting duration to ' + str(duration) + ' s.' rotorFreqs = zeros(numMeas) # Create array in which to store rotorFreqs for j in range(0, numMeas): # Take numMeas readings while rotorFreqs[ j] == 0: # It is possible to have an unsuccessful count. This checks if any previous counts have been successful and allows another count if necessary #edit 24/1/2013 by Zach #save counter data into new file count = counter.counter(duration, plotDataBool=False) rotorFreqs[ j] = count * math.pi / 180 # Angular frequency measurement of inner tube (numerical factor 2pi/100 radians per spoke) #writeToFile(count)#, f = 'counter-'+Filename) print 'count ' + str(j + 1) + ' of ' + str( numMeas) + ' taken successfully. [' + str(rotorFreqs[j]) + ' rads]' # Kazem, 3.16.2012 - I added the reporting of data for convenience. return rotorFreqs #Return angular frequencies of inner tube
def __init__(*args): apply(resolver.__init__, args) self = args[0] self.cache = {} self.forward_requests = counter() self.reverse_requests = counter() self.cache_hits = counter()
def banner(): while True: print "1. Press 1 for running the tokenizer usually" print "2. Press 2 for creating the inverted index" print "3. Press 3 for creating the vectors for the documents" print "4. Press any other number to search" choice = int(raw_input("$ ")) if not os.path.exists(TEXT): print "No Data at All. No Valid Corpus. Please add something to\n" + str(TEXT) if not os.path.exists(DATA_PATH): print "No Data Existed, Path Created" os.mkdir(DATA) if not os.path.exists(TOKENS) or choice == 1: print "Creating tokens as they don't exist/You Chose To" os.mkdir(TOKENS) tokenizer() if not os.path.exists(INDICES) or choice == 2: print "Creating indices as they don't exist" os.mkdir(INDICES) counter() if not os.path.exists(SCORES) or choice == 3: print "Creating Vectors as they don't exist" os.mkdir(SCORES) score() mod() if choice > 3 or choice == 0: print "Search begins" break
def __init__ (*args): apply (resolver.__init__, args) self = args[0] self.cache = {} self.forward_requests = counter() self.reverse_requests = counter() self.cache_hits = counter()
def timeStampTransferTime(self, outputIndex, consumerInstance, consumerInputIdx, streaming=False): """Timestamp given transfer time with current time. This method is called right after a successful transfer has been made. Depending on the scheduling mode (event-driven or hybrid) and whether it's a streaming module that's being transferred to, the timestamps are set differently to make sure that after a switch between modes, all transfers are redone. Please see the documentation in the scheduler module. @param streaming: determines whether a streaming transfer or a normal transfer has just occurred. """ if streaming: streaming_transfer_time = counter.counter() transfer_time = 0 else: transfer_time = counter.counter() streaming_transfer_time = 0 # and set the timestamp self.transferTimes[ (outputIndex, consumerInstance, consumerInputIdx)] = \ transfer_time self.streaming_transfer_times[ (outputIndex, consumerInstance, consumerInputIdx)] = \ streaming_transfer_time
def __init__ (self, set, handler, authorizer_, realm='default'): self.set = set self.handler = handler self.authorizer = authorizer_ self.realm = realm self.pass_count = counter.counter() self.fail_count = counter.counter()
def __init__(self, ip, port, resolver=None, logger_object=None): self.ip = ip self.port = port asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self) if ":" in ip: socket_type = socket.AF_INET6 else: socket_type = socket.AF_INET self.create_socket(socket_type, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.handlers = [] if not logger_object: logger_object = logger.file_logger(sys.stdout) self.set_reuse_addr() self.bind((ip, port)) # lower this to 5 if your OS complains self.listen(1024) name = self.socket.getsockname() host = name[0] port = name[1] if not ip: self.log_info("Computing default hostname", "warning") try: ip = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) except socket.error: ip = socket.gethostbyname("localhost") try: self.server_name = socket.gethostbyaddr(ip)[0] except socket.error: self.log_info("Cannot do reverse lookup", "warning") self.server_name = ip # use the IP address as the "hostname" self.server_port = port self.total_clients = counter() self.total_requests = counter() self.exceptions = counter() self.bytes_out = counter() self.bytes_in = counter() if not logger_object: logger_object = logger.file_logger(sys.stdout) if resolver: self.logger = logger.resolving_logger(resolver, logger_object) else: self.logger = logger.unresolving_logger(logger_object) self.log_info( "Medusa (V%s) started at %s" "\n\tHostname: %s" "\n\tPort:%d" "\n" % (VERSION_STRING, time.ctime(time.time()), self.server_name, port) )
def __init__(self, filesystem): self.filesystem = filesystem # count total hits self.hit_counter = counter() # count file deliveries self.file_counter = counter() # count cache hits self.cache_counter = counter()
def __init__ (self, filesystem): self.filesystem = filesystem # count total hits self.hit_counter = counter() # count file deliveries self.file_counter = counter() # count cache hits self.cache_counter = counter()
def __init__(self, ip, port, resolver=None, logger_object=None): self.ip = ip self.port = port asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self) self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.handlers = [] if not logger_object: logger_object = logger.file_logger(sys.stdout) self.set_reuse_addr() self.bind((ip, port)) # lower this to 5 if your OS complains self.listen(1024) host, port = self.socket.getsockname() if not ip: self.log_info('Computing default hostname', 'warning') try: ip = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) except socket.error: ip = socket.gethostbyname('localhost') try: self.server_name = socket.gethostbyaddr(ip)[0] except socket.error: self.log_info('Cannot do reverse lookup', 'warning') self.server_name = ip # use the IP address as the "hostname" self.server_port = port self.total_clients = counter() self.total_requests = counter() self.exceptions = counter() self.bytes_out = counter() self.bytes_in = counter() if not logger_object: logger_object = logger.file_logger(sys.stdout) if resolver: self.logger = logger.resolving_logger(resolver, logger_object) else: self.logger = logger.unresolving_logger(logger_object) self.log_info('Medusa (V%s) started at %s' '\n\tHostname: %s' '\n\tPort:%d' '\n' % ( VERSION_STRING, time.ctime(time.time()), self.server_name, port, ))
def __init__ (self, hostname='', port=8023): self.hostname = hostname self.port = port self.create_socket (socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.set_reuse_addr() self.bind ((hostname, port)) self.log_info('%s started on port %d' % (self.SERVER_IDENT, port)) self.listen (5) self.closed = 0 self.failed_auths = 0 self.total_sessions = counter() self.closed_sessions = counter()
def __init__(self, hostname='', port=8023): self.hostname = hostname self.port = port self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.set_reuse_addr() self.bind((hostname, port)) self.log_info('%s started on port %d' % (self.SERVER_IDENT, port)) self.listen(5) self.closed = 0 self.failed_auths = 0 self.total_sessions = counter() self.closed_sessions = counter()
def __init__ (self, handler, passwordPath, realm='default'): users = {} passwordFile = open(passwordPath) for line in passwordFile.readlines(): fields = string.split(string.strip(line),':') users[fields[0]] = fields[1] passwordFile.close() self.authorizer = dictionary_authorizer (users) self.handler = handler self.realm = realm self.pass_count = counter.counter() self.fail_count = counter.counter()
def thread_func(interval, use_subprocess=False): # --- スレッドIDを取得 --- thread_id = threading.get_ident() # --- カウント開始 --- if (use_subprocess): command = 'python3 --thread_id {} --interval {} 2>&1 | tee log_th{}.txt'.format(\ thread_id, interval, thread_id), shell=True) else: counter.counter(interval, thread_id) return
def main(): """Parse command-line arguments and pass them to print_marquee()""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-s", help="String to be used as list of letters (to be counted)") args = parser.parse_args() counts = counter(list(args.s)) print counts
def to_ssa_func(func: Function) -> Function: # a map from variable to new variable: # init it by putting every argument into the map var_map = {arg: arg for arg in func.args} # fresh variable generator fresh_var = counter(prefix=f"calc_{}") def to_ssa_expr(expr): if isinstance(expr, ExprVar): return ExprVar(var_map[expr.var]) if isinstance(expr, ExprBop): return ExprBop(to_ssa_expr(expr.left), to_ssa_expr(expr.right), expr.bop) def to_ssa_stmt(stmt): if isinstance(stmt, StmtAssign): new_expr = to_ssa_expr(stmt.expr) new_var = next(fresh_var) var_map[stmt.var] = new_var return StmtAssign(new_var, new_expr) # to convert each statement one by one: new_stmts = [to_ssa_stmt(stmt) for stmt in func.stmts] return Function(, func.args, new_stmts, var_map[func.ret])
def __init__(self, config): self.counter = counter() self.counter.bar_breaker = False self.counter.pdown_breaker = False self.pixiv = pixiv(self.counter, config) self.rate = rate(self.counter) self.__start()
def test_total_count(self): total = 0 s = 'someTextWithoutSpaces' counts = counter(list(s)) for k, v in counts.iteritems(): total += v self.assertEqual(len(s), total)
def test_add1(self): try: add = counter() vadd = add.add(1, 9) assert (10 == vadd), 'test fail!' except AssertionError, msg: print msg
def test_add1(self): try: add = counter() vadd = add.add(1,9) assert(10 == vadd),'test fail!' except AssertionError,msg: print msg
def to_ssa_func(func: Function) -> Function: # init it by putting every argument into the map var_map = {arg: arg for arg in func.args} # fresh variable generator fresh_var = counter(prefix=f"tac_{}") def to_ssa_stmt(stmt): new_x = next(fresh_var) var_map[stmt.x] = new_x new_y = var_map[stmt.y] if isinstance(stmt, StmtAssignVar): return StmtAssignVar(new_x, new_y) else: new_z = var_map[stmt.z] if isinstance(stmt, StmtAssignAdd): return StmtAssignAdd(new_x, new_y, new_z) # if isinstance(stmt, StmtAssignSub): # return StmtAssignSub(new_x, new_y, new_z) if isinstance(stmt, StmtAssignMul): return StmtAssignMul(new_x, new_y, new_z) # if isinstance(stmt, StmtAssignDiv): # return StmtAssignDiv(new_x, new_y, new_z) # to convert each statement one by one: new_stmts = [to_ssa_stmt(stmt) for stmt in func.stmts] return Function(, func.args, new_stmts, var_map[func.ret])
def test_subtraction1(self): try: add = counter() vadd = add.subtraction(100, 1) assert (99 == vadd), 'test fail!' except AssertionError, msg: print msg
def test_subtraction1(self): try: add = counter() vadd = add.subtraction(100, 1) assert(99 == vadd),'test fail!' except AssertionError,msg: print msg
def motorCalibration(targMin, targMax, numMotorFreqs, motorCalFreq): rotorCalFreq = counter.counter(8, plotDataBool=False)* math.pi / 180#Calibration Measurement (numerical factor 2pi/100 radians per spoke) calShearRate = GeoConst * rotorCalFreq #Calculate shear rate from calibration run motorFreqMin = motorCalFreq * targMin / calShearRate #Calculate Minimum Motor Freq (assume linear relation between motor speed and shear rate) motorFreqMax = motorCalFreq * targMax / calShearRate #Calculate Maximum Motor Freq (assume linear relation between motor speed and shear rate) df = (motorFreqMax-motorFreqMin)/(numMotorFreqs-1) #Use number of freqs to be used and min and max to determine difference between consecutive motor frequencies motorFreqs = arange(motorFreqMin, motorFreqMax+df, df) #Create 1-d array of motor freqs to be used return motorFreqs #Return motorFreqs
def post(self): # decorated foo() # context with counter('%s-%d' % (CONTEXT_COUNTER, random.randint(1, 5))): # your logic here pass self.response.set_status(201)
def __init__ (self, authorizer, channel=ftp_channel, hostname=None, ip='', port=21): self.ip = ip self.port = port self.authorizer = authorizer = channel self.thread_id = None # Used to signal when all the clients have exited self.shutdown_cv = coro.condition_variable() # list of ftp_channel instances self.clients = [] self.session_id = 1 if hostname is None: self.hostname = socket.gethostname() else: self.hostname = hostname # statistics self.total_sessions = counter() self.closed_sessions = counter() self.total_files_out = counter() self.total_files_in = counter() self.total_bytes_out = counter() self.total_bytes_in = counter() self.total_exceptions = counter()
def __init__ (self, server, conn, addr): self.channel_number = http_channel.channel_counter.increment() self.request_counter = counter() asynchat.async_chat.__init__ (self, conn) self.server = server self.addr = addr self.set_terminator ('\r\n\r\n') self.in_buffer = '' self.creation_time = int (time.time()) self.check_maintenance()
def modify(self, part=0): """Used by the ModuleManager to timestamp the modified time. This should be called whenever module state has changed in such a way as to invalidate the current state of the module. At the moment, this is called by L{applyViewToLogic()} as well as by the ModuleManager. @param part: indicates the part that has to be modified. """ self.modifiedTimes[part] = counter.counter()
def getData(numMeas, countTime=10.0): rotorFreqs = zeros(numMeas) # Create array in which to store rotorFreqs for j in range (0, numMeas): # Take numMeas readings while rotorFreqs[j] == 0: # It is possible to have an unsuccessful count. This checks if any previous counts have been successful and allows another count if necessary #edit 24/1/2013 by Zach #save counter data into new file count = counter.counter(countTime, plotDataBool=False) rotorFreqs[j] = count* math.pi / 180 #Angular frequency measurement of inner tube (numerical factor 2pi/100 radians per spoke) #writeToFile(count)#, f = 'counter-'+Filename) print 'count ' + str(j + 1) + ' of ' + str(numMeas) + ' taken successfully. [' + str(rotorFreqs[j] * 180/np.pi) + ' degs/sec]' # Kazem, 3.16.2012 - I added the reporting of data for convenience. return rotorFreqs #Return angular frequencies of inner tube
def __init__ ( self, authorizer, hostname =None, ip ='', port =21, resolver =None, dataports =None, logger_object=logger.file_logger (sys.stdout) ): self.ip = ip self.port = port self.authorizer = authorizer if hostname is None: self.hostname = socket.gethostname() else: self.hostname = hostname # use data port range if specified if dataports: self.port_factory = PortFactory(dataports) else: self.port_factory = None # statistics self.total_sessions = counter() self.closed_sessions = counter() self.total_files_out = counter() self.total_files_in = counter() self.total_bytes_out = counter() self.total_bytes_in = counter() self.total_exceptions = counter() # asyncore.dispatcher.__init__ (self) self.create_socket (socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.set_reuse_addr() self.bind ((self.ip, self.port)) self.listen (5) if not logger_object: logger_object = sys.stdout if resolver: self.logger = logger.resolving_logger (resolver, logger_object) else: self.logger = logger.unresolving_logger (logger_object) self.log_info('FTP server started at %s\n\tAuthorizer:%s\n\tHostname: %s\n\tPort: %d' % ( time.ctime(time.time()), repr (self.authorizer), self.hostname, self.port) )
def getData( numMeas ): #Goes through all shear rates and samples each one numMeas times; returns angular frequencies of inner tube (called by main) rotorFreqs = zeros(numMeas) #Create array in which to store rotorFreqs for j in range(0, numMeas): #Take numMeas readings while rotorFreqs[ j] == 0: #It is possible to have an unsuccessful count. This checks if any previous counts have been successful and allows another count if necessary rotorFreqs[j] = counter.counter( 8 ) * math.pi / 180 #Angular frequency measurement of inner tube (numerical factor 2pi/100 radians per spoke) print 'count ' + str(j + 1) + ' of ' + str( numMeas) + ' taken successfully.' return rotorFreqs #Return angular frequencies of inner tube
def getData( numMeas ): # Goes through all shear rates and samples each one numMeas times; returns angular frequencies of inner tube (called by main) rotorFreqs = zeros(numMeas) # Create array in which to store rotorFreqs for j in range(0, numMeas): # Take numMeas readings while ( rotorFreqs[j] == 0 ): # It is possible to have an unsuccessful count. This checks if any previous counts have been successful and allows another count if necessary rotorFreqs[j] = ( counter.counter(8) * math.pi / 180 ) # Angular frequency measurement of inner tube (numerical factor 2pi/100 radians per spoke) print "count " + str(j + 1) + " of " + str(numMeas) + " taken successfully." return rotorFreqs # Return angular frequencies of inner tube
def panel(): name = request.form.to_dict() createConfig(name['rejestracja']) server_number = str(counter()) new_serwer = name['rejestracja'] updateconf(serwer_file, server_number, new_serwer) global current_serwer current_serwer = new_serwer print(current_serwer) return render_template("index.html")
def __init__ (self, server, sock, addr): asynchat.async_chat.__init__ (self, sock) self.server = server self.addr = addr self.set_terminator ('\r\n') = '' # local bindings specific to this channel self.local_env = {} # send timestamp string self.timestamp = str(time.time()) self.count = 0 self.line_counter = counter() self.number = int(server.total_sessions.as_long()) self.multi_line = [] self.push (self.timestamp + '\r\n')
def motorCalibration( targMin, targMax, numMotorFreqs, motorCalFreq ): #Calibrates the viscometer so that the minimum shear rate is close to targMin, the maximum shear rate is close to maxSR, and the others are equally spaced in between (called by main) rotorCalFreq = counter.counter( 8 ) * math.pi / 180 #Calibration Measurement (numerical factor 2pi/100 radians per spoke) calShearRate = GeoConst * rotorCalFreq #Calculate shear rate from calibration run motorFreqMin = motorCalFreq * targMin / calShearRate #Calculate Minimum Motor Freq (assume linear relation between motor speed and shear rate) motorFreqMax = motorCalFreq * targMax / calShearRate #Calculate Maximum Motor Freq (assume linear relation between motor speed and shear rate) df = (motorFreqMax - motorFreqMin) / ( numMotorFreqs - 1 ) #Use number of freqs to be used and min and max to determine difference between consecutive motor frequencies motorFreqs = arange(motorFreqMin, motorFreqMax + df, df) #Create 1-d array of motor freqs to be used return motorFreqs #Return motorFreqs
def setting(debug = False): database = False global Branch if (input("Setup new Branch? (y or N)").lower() == 'y'): print("Setup new Branch database wait ... ") database = True infile = open("C:/Users/Xprize/Documents/solfdev/MyfirstSoftware/Final_Solfware/Branch_backend/setting.txt", encoding="utf8") # infile = open("setting.txt", encoding="utf8") counter_typee = {} for line in infile: if (line == "\n"): continue data = ((line.split('\n'))[0]) data = data.strip() # remove tail&head space data = data.replace("\t", "") data = data.split() if (data[0] == "branch"): Branch = str(data[1]) if(database): db.collection(Branch).document(u'Queue').set({}) db.collection(Branch).document(u'Data').set({}) db.collection(Branch).document(u'QueuePush').collection(u'ticket').document(u'frist').set({}) elif (data[0] == "countertype"): counter_types = data[2].split(",") counter_name_setup = data[1] if(database): db.collection(Branch).document('Data').update({str("Last_")+str(counter_name_setup) : counter_name_setup[-1:].upper() + "000"}) db.collection(Branch).document('Data').update({str("Next_")+str(counter_name_setup) : counter_name_setup[-1:].upper() + "001"}) db.collection(Branch).document(u'Data').update({counter_name_setup:counter_types}) for i in counter_types: counter_typee[i] = data[1] elif (data[0] == "counter"): t = counter(name=data[3],counter_type= data[2] , sw_data= data[1],debug = debug,Branchinput = Branch) sw_object[data[1]] = t elif(data[0] == "avg_data"): if(database): db.collection(Branch).document('Data').update({str("Avg_")+str(data[1]) : int(data[2])}) #read form setting.txt db.collection(Branch).document('Data').update({str("Count_")+str(data[1]) : 0}) if (database): db.collection(Branch).document(u'Data').update(counter_typee) if (debug): print(sw_object) print(counter_typee)
def __init__ (self, server, sock, addr): asynchat.async_chat.__init__ (self, sock) self.server = server self.addr = addr self.set_terminator ('\r\n') = '' # local bindings specific to this channel self.local_env = sys.modules['__main__'].__dict__.copy() self.push ('Python ' + sys.version + '\r\n') self.push (sys.copyright+'\r\n') self.push ('Welcome to %s\r\n' % self) self.push ("[Hint: try 'from __main__ import *']\r\n") self.prompt() self.number = server.total_sessions.as_long() self.line_counter = counter() self.multi_line = []
def __init__ ( self, authorizer, hostname =None, ip ='', port =21, resolver =None, logger_object=logger.file_logger (sys.stdout) ): self.ip = ip self.port = port self.authorizer = authorizer if hostname is None: self.hostname = socket.gethostname() else: self.hostname = hostname # statistics self.total_sessions = counter() self.closed_sessions = counter() self.total_files_out = counter() self.total_files_in = counter() self.total_bytes_out = counter() self.total_bytes_in = counter() self.total_exceptions = counter() # asyncore.dispatcher.__init__ (self) self.create_socket (socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.set_reuse_addr() self.bind ((self.ip, self.port)) self.listen (5) if not logger_object: logger_object = sys.stdout if resolver: self.logger = logger.resolving_logger (resolver, logger_object) else: self.logger = logger.unresolving_logger (logger_object) self.log_info('FTP server started at %s\n\tAuthorizer:%s\n\tHostname: %s\n\tPort: %d' % ( time.ctime(time.time()), repr (self.authorizer), self.hostname, self.port) )
def __init__ (self, module, uri_base=None, debug=None): self.module = module self.debug = debug if self.debug: self.last_reload=self.module_mtime() self.hits = counter.counter() # if uri_base is unspecified, assume it # starts with the published module name # if not uri_base: uri_base="/%s" % module.__name__ elif uri_base[-1]=="/": # kill possible trailing / uri_base=uri_base[:-1] self.uri_base=uri_base uri_regex='%s.*' % self.uri_base self.uri_regex = regex.compile(uri_regex)
def motorCalibration( targMin, targMax, numMotorFreqs, motorCalFreq ): # Calibrates the viscometer so that the minimum shear rate is close to targMin, the maximum shear rate is close to maxSR, and the others are equally spaced in between (called by main) rotorCalFreq = ( counter.counter(8) * math.pi / 180 ) # Calibration Measurement (numerical factor 2pi/100 radians per spoke) calShearRate = GeoConst * rotorCalFreq # Calculate shear rate from calibration run motorFreqMin = ( motorCalFreq * targMin / calShearRate ) # Calculate Minimum Motor Freq (assume linear relation between motor speed and shear rate) motorFreqMax = ( motorCalFreq * targMax / calShearRate ) # Calculate Maximum Motor Freq (assume linear relation between motor speed and shear rate) df = (motorFreqMax - motorFreqMin) / ( numMotorFreqs - 1 ) # Use number of freqs to be used and min and max to determine difference between consecutive motor frequencies motorFreqs = arange(motorFreqMin, motorFreqMax + df, df) # Create 1-d array of motor freqs to be used return motorFreqs # Return motorFreqs
def __init__(self, authz, ssl_ctx, host=None, ip='', port=21, resolver=None, log_obj=None): """Initialise the server.""" self.ssl_ctx = ssl_ctx self.ip = ip self.port = port self.authorizer = authz if host is None: self.hostname = socket.gethostname() else: self.hostname = host self.total_sessions = counter() self.closed_sessions = counter() self.total_files_out = counter() self.total_files_in = counter() self.total_bytes_out = counter() self.total_bytes_in = counter() self.total_exceptions = counter() asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self) self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.set_reuse_addr() self.bind((self.ip, self.port)) self.listen(5) if log_obj is None: log_obj = sys.stdout if resolver: self.logger = logger.resolving_logger(resolver, log_obj) else: self.logger = logger.unresolving_logger( logger.file_logger(sys.stdout)) l = 'M2Crypto (Medusa) FTP/TLS server started at %s\n\tAuthz: %s\n\tHostname: %s\n\tPort: %d' self.log_info(l % (time.ctime(time.time()), repr( self.authorizer), self.hostname, self.port))
def test_counter(): clk = Signal(bool(0)) reset = ResetSignal(1, active=0, async=True) control = Signal(intbv(0)[2:]) data = Signal(intbv(0)[8:]) step = Signal(intbv(1)[4:]) count = Signal(modbv(0, min=0, max=2**8)) cnt_inst = counter(reset, clk, control, data, step, count) half_clk_period = 1 clk_period = 2 * half_clk_period @always(delay(half_clk_period)) def clk_gen(): = not clk @instance def stimulus(): = 0 yield delay(clk_period) = 1 yield delay(clk_period) = 1 = 3 = 0b11010010 yield delay(clk_period) = 1 yield delay(3 * clk_period) = 2 yield delay(3 * clk_period) = 2 yield delay(3 * clk_period) = 3 yield delay(3 * clk_period) = 3 yield delay(3 * clk_period) raise StopSimulation return cnt_inst, clk_gen, stimulus
def compile_func(func: calc.Function) -> tac.Function: tac_stmts = [] fresh_var = counter(f"tmp_{}") def compile_expr(expr): if isinstance(expr, calc.ExprVar): return expr.var if isinstance(expr, calc.ExprBop): left = compile_expr(expr.left) right = compile_expr(expr.right) new_x = next(fresh_var) if expr.bop is calc.BOp.ADD: tac_stmts.append(tac.StmtAssignAdd(new_x, left, right)) elif expr.bop is calc.BOp.SUB: tac_stmts.append( tac.StmtAssignSub(new_x, compile_expr(expr.left), compile_expr(expr.right))) elif expr.bop is calc.BOp.MUL: tac_stmts.append(tac.StmtAssignMul(new_x, left, right)) elif expr.bop is calc.BOp.DIV: tac_stmts.append( tac.StmtAssignDiv(new_x, compile_expr(expr.left), compile_expr(expr.right))) # tac_stmts.append(tac.StmtAssignAdd(next(fresh_var), compile_expr(expr.left), compile_expr(expr.right) )) return new_x def compile_stmt(stmt): if isinstance(stmt, calc.StmtAssign): tac_stmts.append( tac.StmtAssignVar(stmt.var, compile_expr(stmt.expr))) for calc_stmt in func.stmts: compile_stmt(calc_stmt) return tac.Function(, func.args, tac_stmts, func.ret)
def __init__(self, authz, ssl_ctx, host=None, ip='', port=21, resolver=None, dataports=None, log_obj=None, callback=None): """Initialise the server.""" self.ssl_ctx = ssl_ctx self.ip = ip self.port = port self.authorizer = authz self.callback = callback if host is None: self.hostname = socket.gethostname() else: self.hostname = host # use data port range if specified if dataports: self.port_factory = ftp_server.PortFactory(dataports) else: self.port_factory = None self.total_sessions = counter() self.closed_sessions = counter() self.total_files_out = counter() self.total_files_in = counter() self.total_bytes_out = counter() self.total_bytes_in = counter() self.total_exceptions = counter() asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self) self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.set_reuse_addr() self.bind((self.ip, self.port)) self.listen(5) self.log_obj = log_obj l = 'M2Crypto (Medusa) FTP/TLS server started at %s\n\tAuthz: %s\n\tHostname: %s\n\tPort: %d' self.log_info(l % (time.ctime(time.time()), repr(self.authorizer), self.hostname, self.port))
def __init__(self, authz, ssl_ctx, host=None, ip='', port=21, resolver=None, log_obj=None): """Initialise the server.""" self.ssl_ctx = ssl_ctx self.ip = ip self.port = port self.authorizer = authz if host is None: self.hostname = socket.gethostname() else: self.hostname = host self.total_sessions = counter() self.closed_sessions = counter() self.total_files_out = counter() self.total_files_in = counter() self.total_bytes_out = counter() self.total_bytes_in = counter() self.total_exceptions = counter() asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self) self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.set_reuse_addr() self.bind((self.ip, self.port)) self.listen(5) if log_obj is None: log_obj = sys.stdout if resolver: self.logger = logger.resolving_logger(resolver, log_obj) else: self.logger = logger.unresolving_logger(logger.file_logger(sys.stdout)) l = 'M2Crypto (Medusa) FTP/TLS server started at %s\n\tAuthz: %s\n\tHostname: %s\n\tPort: %d' self.log_info(l % (time.ctime(time.time()), repr(self.authorizer), self.hostname, self.port))
fo = open ('/export/pynfs-log.txt','r') total = int( fo.close() os.system('cat /export/pynfs-results.log| grep "Of those" | cut -d " " -f5 > /export/pynfs-log.txt') fo = open ('/export/pynfs-log.txt','r') failures=int( fo.close() os.system('cat /export/pynfs-results.log| grep "Of those" | cut -d " " -f9 > /export/pynfs-log.txt') fo = open ('/export/pynfs-log.txt','r') passed=int( fo.close() print "===============================Pynfs tests================================================" print "TOTAL : %d " %total print "FAILURES : %d " %failures print "PASS : %d " %passed new_failures = failures - known_failures if new_failures > 0 : if total == "568" : print "PYNFS TESTS : FAIL" print "Check /export/pynfs-results.log for results" else: print "PYNFS TESTS : PASS" counter.counter(1) print "====================================PYNFS TESTS END==========================================" else: print "Mount failed,skipping pynfs tests."
#Unit test4 : Removing the files created; def test2_4(): try: for i in range(1,10): s="file" s+=str(i) os.remove("/mnt/ganesha-mnt/%s"%s) except OSError as ex : print (ex) print "Test 2.4:FAIL" else: success("2.4") global count count = count + 1 test2_1() test2_2() test2_3() test2_4() if count == 4: print "FILE TESTS : PASS" counter(1) else: print "FILE TESTS : FAIL" print "==============================FILE TESTS END==============================="