Exemple #1
def do_menu(parser, token):
    Determines the correct menu to show for the location.
        {% get_menu [MenuLocation] as [varname] %}
    Sample usage::
        {% get_menu "MainNavigation" as main_nav %}
        {% for item in main_nav.items %}
            <li {% ifequal item main_nav.active_item %}class="active"{% endifequal %}>
                <a href="{{ item.active_url }}">{{ item.name }}</a>
        {% enfor %}
    bits = split_contents(token)
    if len(bits) != 4:
        raise TemplateSyntaxError, "get_menu: invalid syntax"
    return GetMenuNode(bits[1], bits[3])
def do_render(parser, token):
   Loads a template and renders it with the current context plus any passed
   The template name can be a concatenation of values by using a
   plus-sign ('+') delimiter. Note that there cannot be spaces between the
   values and the plus sign(s).
      {% render "foo/some_include.html" %}
      {% render "foo/some_include.html" foo=4 bar="hello world" zed=somevariable %}
      {% render somevar+".html" foo=4 %}
      {% render "test-"+somevar+".html" bar="hello world" %}
   bits = split_contents(token)
   params = {}
   if len(bits) > 1:
      param_bits = bits[2:]
      for param in param_bits:
         subbits = param.split('=')
         if len(subbits) != 2:
            raise TemplateSyntaxError, "render parameters must be in name=value format"
         params[subbits[0]] = subbits[1]
   return RenderNode(bits[1], params)
def do_default(parser, token):
   Sets a context variable to a default value if the variable is currently
      {% set_default showPhoto True %}
      {% set_default width 250 %}
      {% set_default name "John Smith" %}
   bits = split_contents(token)
   if len(bits) != 3:
      raise TemplateSyntaxError, "set_default: Invalid template tag parameters."
   return DefaultNode(bits[1], bits[2])
Exemple #4
def do_get(parser, token):
   # prepare our data structures
   bits = split_contents(token)
   params = {}
   varname = None
   keywords = ['with','from','in','order','limit','offset']
   # remove the template tag name from the bits list
   # check that we have been provided with the desired variable name
   # before doing all the parsing
   if bits[-2] == "as":
      varname = bits.pop()
      raise TemplateSyntaxError, "get tag: must end tag with 'as <varname>'"
   # check that some parameters were passed
   if len(bits) < 2:
      raise TemplateSyntaxError, "get tag: the content type and at least one parameter are required"
   params['app_model'] = bits.pop(0)
   # form 2
   if bits and bits[0] not in keywords:
      params['names'] = bits
      return GetByNameNode(params, varname)
   # with clause
   if bits and bits[0] == "with":
      if len(bits) >= 2 and bits[1] not in keywords:
         params['with_field'] = bits.pop(0)
         params['with_value'] = bits.pop(0)
      elif len(bits) >= 1:
         params['with_field'] = bits.pop(0)
         raise TemplateSyntaxError, "get tag: invalid syntax in 'with' clause; must be in form 'with <field> <value>' or 'with <m2m_field>'"
   # in clauses
   while bits and (bits[0] == "in" or (bits[0] == "not" and bits[1] == "in")):
      if 'in' not in params:
         params['in'] = []
      if bits[0] == "not":
         exclude = True
         exclude = False
      if len(bits) >= 2:
            'type': bits.pop(0),
            'obj': bits.pop(0),
            'exclude': exclude
         raise TemplateSyntaxError, "get tag: invalid syntax in 'in' clause; must be in form '(not) in <type> <object>'"
   # from last clause
   if bits and bits[0] == "from":
      if len(bits) >= 3 and (bits[0] == "last" or bits[0] == "next" or bits[0] == "week"):
         params['from_side'] = bits.pop(0)
         params['from_x'] = bits.pop(0)
         params['from_timeperiod'] = bits.pop(0)
         raise TemplateSyntaxError, "get tag: invalid syntax in 'from last' clause; must be in form 'from last <#> <timeperiod>'"
   # order by clause
   if bits and bits[0] == "order":
      if len(bits) >= 2 and bits[0] == "by":
         params['order_by'] = bits.pop(0)
         if params['order_by'] in keywords:
            raise TemplateSyntaxError, "get tag: invalid syntax in 'order by' clause. must be in form 'order by <field>'"
         raise TemplateSyntaxError, "get tag: invalid syntax in 'order by' clause; must be in form 'order by <field>'"
   # limit ... offset clause
   if bits and bits[0] == "limit":
      if len(bits) >= 1:
         params['limit'] = bits.pop(0)
         if params['limit'] in keywords:
            raise TemplateSyntaxError, "get tag: invalid syntax in 'limit' clause. must be in form 'limit <number>'"
         raise TemplateSyntaxError, "get tag: invalid syntax in 'limit' clause. must be in form 'limit <number>'"
      # optional offset clause
      if bits and bits[0] == "offset":
         if len(bits) >= 1:
            params['offset'] = bits.pop(0)
            if params['offset'] in keywords:
               raise TemplateSyntaxError, "get tag: invalid syntax in 'offset' clause. must be in form 'offset <number>'"
            raise TemplateSyntaxError, "get tag: invalid syntax in 'offset' clause. must be in form 'offset <number>'"
   if bits and bits[0] == "offset":
      raise TemplateSyntaxError, "get tag: 'offset' must follow a 'limit' value"
   return GetNode(params, varname)