Exemple #1
 def test_get_course_creator_status_creator_group_granted(self):
     # ENABLE_CREATOR_GROUP is True. This is the case on edge.
     # Check return value for a non-staff user who has been granted access.
     with mock.patch.dict('django.conf.settings.MITX_FEATURES', self.enable_creator_group):
         add_user_with_status_granted(self.admin, self.user)
         self.assertEquals('granted', _get_course_creator_status(self.user))
Exemple #2
 def test_user_requested_already_granted(self):
     add_user_with_status_granted(self.admin, self.user)
     self.assertEqual('granted', get_course_creator_status(self.user))
     # Will not "downgrade" to pending because that would require removing the
     # user from the authz course creator group (and that can only be done by an admin).
     self.assertEqual('granted', get_course_creator_status(self.user))
    def test_creation(self):
        The user that creates a library should have instructor (admin) and staff permissions
        # self.library has been auto-created by the staff user.
        self.assertTrue(has_studio_write_access(self.user, self.lib_key))
        self.assertTrue(has_studio_read_access(self.user, self.lib_key))
        # Make sure the user was actually assigned the instructor role and not just using is_staff superpowers:

        # Now log out and ensure we are forbidden from creating a library:
        self._assert_cannot_create_library(expected_code=302)  # 302 redirect to login expected

        # Now check that logged-in users without CourseCreator role cannot create libraries
        with patch.dict('django.conf.settings.FEATURES', {'ENABLE_CREATOR_GROUP': True}):
            self._assert_cannot_create_library(expected_code=403)  # 403 user is not CourseCreator

        # Now check that logged-in users with CourseCreator role can create libraries
        add_user_with_status_granted(self.user, self.non_staff_user)
        with patch.dict('django.conf.settings.FEATURES', {'ENABLE_CREATOR_GROUP': True}):
            lib_key2 = self._create_library(library="lib2", display_name="Test Library 2")
            library2 = modulestore().get_library(lib_key2)
    def test_add_unrequested(self):
        self.assertEqual('unrequested', get_course_creator_status(self.user))

        # Calling add again will be a no-op (even if state is different).
        add_user_with_status_granted(self.admin, self.user)
        self.assertEqual('unrequested', get_course_creator_status(self.user))
    def test_creation(self):
        The user that creates a library should have instructor (admin) and staff permissions
        # self.library has been auto-created by the staff user.
        self.assertTrue(has_studio_write_access(self.user, self.lib_key))
        self.assertTrue(has_studio_read_access(self.user, self.lib_key))
        # Make sure the user was actually assigned the instructor role and not just using is_staff superpowers:

        # Now log out and ensure we are forbidden from creating a library:
        self._assert_cannot_create_library(expected_code=302)  # 302 redirect to login expected

        # Now check that logged-in users without CourseCreator role cannot create libraries
        with patch.dict('django.conf.settings.FEATURES', {'ENABLE_CREATOR_GROUP': True}):
            self._assert_cannot_create_library(expected_code=403)  # 403 user is not CourseCreator

        # Now check that logged-in users with CourseCreator role can create libraries
        add_user_with_status_granted(self.user, self.non_staff_user)
        with patch.dict('django.conf.settings.FEATURES', {'ENABLE_CREATOR_GROUP': True}):
            lib_key2 = self._create_library(library="lib2", display_name="Test Library 2")
            library2 = modulestore().get_library(lib_key2)
 def test_user_requested_already_granted(self):
     add_user_with_status_granted(self.admin, self.user)
     self.assertEqual('granted', get_course_creator_status(self.user))
     # Will not "downgrade" to pending because that would require removing the
     # user from the authz course creator group (and that can only be done by an admin).
     self.assertEqual('granted', get_course_creator_status(self.user))
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        The logic of the command.
        username = '******'
        email = '*****@*****.**'
            admin = User.objects.create_user(username, email, 'foo')
            admin.is_staff = True
        except IntegrityError:
            # If the script did not complete the last time it was run,
            # the admin user will already exist.
            admin = User.objects.get(username=username, email=email)

        for user in get_users_with_instructor_role():
            add_user_with_status_granted(admin, user)

        # Some users will be both staff and instructors. Those folks have been
        # added with status granted above, and add_user_with_status_unrequested
        # will not try to add them again if they already exist in the course creator database.
        for user in get_users_with_staff_role():

        # There could be users who are not in either staff or instructor (they've
        # never actually done anything in Studio). I plan to add those as unrequested
        # when they first go to their dashboard.

Exemple #8
    def test_add_unrequested(self):
        self.assertEqual('unrequested', get_course_creator_status(self.user))

        # Calling add again will be a no-op (even if state is different).
        add_user_with_status_granted(self.admin, self.user)
        self.assertEqual('unrequested', get_course_creator_status(self.user))
    def test_staff_permission_required(self):
        Tests that any method changing the course creator authz group must be called with staff permissions.
        with self.assertRaises(PermissionDenied):
            add_user_with_status_granted(self.user, self.user)

        with self.assertRaises(PermissionDenied):
            update_course_creator_group(self.user, self.user, True)
Exemple #10
    def test_staff_permission_required(self):
        Tests that any method changing the course creator authz group must be called with staff permissions.
        with self.assertRaises(PermissionDenied):
            add_user_with_status_granted(self.user, self.user)

        with self.assertRaises(PermissionDenied):
            update_course_creator_group(self.user, self.user, True)
Exemple #11
    def test_staff_permission_required(self):
        Tests that add methods and course creator group method must be called with staff permissions.
        with self.assertRaises(PermissionDenied):
            add_user_with_status_granted(self.user, self.user)

        with self.assertRaises(PermissionDenied):
            add_user_with_status_unrequested(self.user, self.user)

        with self.assertRaises(PermissionDenied):
            update_course_creator_group(self.user, self.user, True)
Exemple #12
    def test_staff_permission_required(self):
        Tests that add methods and course creator group method must be called with staff permissions.
        with self.assertRaises(PermissionDenied):
            add_user_with_status_granted(self.user, self.user)

        with self.assertRaises(PermissionDenied):
            add_user_with_status_unrequested(self.user, self.user)

        with self.assertRaises(PermissionDenied):
            update_course_creator_group(self.user, self.user, True)
Exemple #13
    def test_add_granted(self):
        with mock.patch.dict('django.conf.settings.FEATURES', {"ENABLE_CREATOR_GROUP": True}):
            # Calling add_user_with_status_granted impacts is_user_in_course_group_role.
            self.assertFalse(auth.user_has_role(self.user, CourseCreatorRole()))

            add_user_with_status_granted(self.admin, self.user)
            self.assertEqual('granted', get_course_creator_status(self.user))

            # Calling add again will be a no-op (even if state is different).
            self.assertEqual('granted', get_course_creator_status(self.user))

            self.assertTrue(auth.user_has_role(self.user, CourseCreatorRole()))
Exemple #14
    def test_add_granted(self):
        with mock.patch.dict('django.conf.settings.FEATURES', {"ENABLE_CREATOR_GROUP": True}):
            # Calling add_user_with_status_granted impacts is_user_in_course_group_role.

            add_user_with_status_granted(self.admin, self.user)
            self.assertEqual('granted', get_course_creator_status(self.user))

            # Calling add again will be a no-op (even if state is different).
            self.assertEqual('granted', get_course_creator_status(self.user))

 def test_add_user_granted_staff(self):
     # Users marked as is_staff will not be added to the course creator table.
     add_user_with_status_granted(self.admin, self.admin)
Exemple #16
 def test_course_creator_group_granted(self):
     # Test index page content with ENABLE_CREATOR_GROUP True, non-staff member with access granted.
     with mock.patch.dict('django.conf.settings.MITX_FEATURES', self.enable_creator_group):
         add_user_with_status_granted(self.admin, self.user)
Exemple #17
 def test_add_user_granted_staff(self):
     # Users marked as is_staff will not be added to the course creator table.
     add_user_with_status_granted(self.admin, self.admin)