def cmd_course_archive(course_code: str):
    """Move a course into archive folder."""
    course_code = _validate_course_code(course_code)

    click.echo(f'The course with code {course_code} is moved into archive.')
def _check_project_exists(course_code: str, project_id: str):
    """Check that the course with <course_code> exists, and it has a project with id <project_id>.

    If either is False, then display message and exit with status code 1.

    if not project_helper.project_exists(course_code, project_id):
        click.echo(f'The project with id "{project_id} does not exist in "{course_code}".')
def cmd_template_create(template: str, course_code: Optional[str]):
    """Create a new template.

    If course_code is given, create template for that specific course.
    # TODO: add base template option

    if template_helper.template_exists(template, course_code):
        click.echo(f'Template with name "{template}" already exists.')

    if course_code is not None:

    template_helper.create_template(template, course_code)
def cmd_course_remove(course_code: str):
    """Remove a course."""
    course_code = _validate_course_code(course_code)

    msg = (
        f'Are you sure you want to remove "{course_code}"?\n'
        'All of its contents will be permanently deleted and cannot be restored.\n'

    # Repeats prompt 2 times in case of error
    click.confirm(msg, abort=True)
    click.confirm(msg, abort=True)

    click.echo(f'"{course_code}" is removed from courses.')
Exemple #5
def _get_todo_scope(course_code: Optional[str],
                    project_id: Optional[str]) -> todo_helper.TodoScope:
    """Get the TodoScope given <course_code> and <project_id>.

    If any of the two are invalid, display a message and exit with status code 1.
    scope = None

    if course_code is not None:
        scope = course_code

        if project_id is not None:
            check_project_exists(course_code, project_id)
            scope = (course_code, project_id)

    return scope
def cmd_project_add(course_code: str, template: Optional[str]):
    """Add a project to the course with given course code. User will be prompted with options.

    If template is given, will create the project with template.

    # TODO: Should adjust based on template?
    project_id = repeat_prompt('Project id', _get_project_id_validator(course_code))
    name = repeat_prompt('Name', _project_name_validator, default=project_id)
    due_date = repeat_prompt('Due date', repeat_prompt.date_validator)
    open_method = click.prompt('Open method', default='open .', type=str)

    # Create settings based on given options
    settings = ProjectSettings(name, project_id, due_date, open_method)

    # Create project
    project_helper.create_project(course_code, settings)
    click.echo(f'Project "{project_id}" created successfully!')
def cmd_template_delete(template: str, course_code: Optional[str]):
    """Delete an existing template.

    If course_code is given, delete the template from that course.

    if not template_helper.template_exists(template):
        click.echo(f'Template with name "{template}" does not exist.')

    if course_code is not None:

    msg = (f'Are you sure you want to delete the template "{template}"?\n'
           'All of its contents will be permanently deleted and cannot be restored.\n')

    click.confirm(msg, abort=True)
    click.confirm(msg, abort=True)

    template_helper.delete_template(template, course_code)