def test_can_skip_entrance_exam_with_anonymous_user(self):
     Test can_skip_entrance_exam method with anonymous user
         user_can_skip_entrance_exam(self.request, self.anonymous_user,
Exemple #2
def get_course_tab_list(request, course):
    Retrieves the course tab list from xmodule.tabs and manipulates the set as necessary
    user = request.user
    xmodule_tab_list = CourseTabList.iterate_displayable(course, user=user)

    # Now that we've loaded the tabs for this course, perform the Entrance Exam work.
    # If the user has to take an entrance exam, we'll need to hide away all but the
    # "Courseware" tab. The tab is then renamed as "Entrance Exam".
    course_tab_list = []
    must_complete_ee = not user_can_skip_entrance_exam(user, course)
    for tab in xmodule_tab_list:
        if must_complete_ee:
            # Hide all of the tabs except for 'Courseware'
            # Rename 'Courseware' tab to 'Entrance Exam'
            if tab.type != 'courseware':
   = _("Entrance Exam")
        if tab.type == 'static_tab' and tab.course_staff_only and \
                not bool(user and has_access(user, 'staff', course,

    # Add in any dynamic tabs, i.e. those that are not persisted
    course_tab_list += _get_dynamic_tabs(course, user)
    return course_tab_list
Exemple #3
def get_course_tab_list(request, course):
    Retrieves the course tab list from xmodule.tabs and manipulates the set as necessary
    user = request.user
    xmodule_tab_list = CourseTabList.iterate_displayable(course, user=user)

    # Now that we've loaded the tabs for this course, perform the Entrance Exam work.
    # If the user has to take an entrance exam, we'll need to hide away all but the
    # "Courseware" tab. The tab is then renamed as "Entrance Exam".
    course_tab_list = []
    must_complete_ee = not user_can_skip_entrance_exam(user, course)
    for tab in xmodule_tab_list:
        if must_complete_ee:
            # Hide all of the tabs except for 'Courseware'
            # Rename 'Courseware' tab to 'Entrance Exam'
            if tab.type != 'courseware':
   = _("Entrance Exam")
        if tab.type == 'static_tab' and tab.course_staff_only and \
                not bool(user and has_access(user, 'staff', course,

    # Add in any dynamic tabs, i.e. those that are not persisted
    course_tab_list += _get_dynamic_tabs(course, user)
    return course_tab_list
Exemple #4
 def _reset_section_to_exam_if_required(self):
     Check to see if an Entrance Exam is required for the user.
     if not user_can_skip_entrance_exam(self.effective_user, self.course):
         exam_chapter = get_entrance_exam_content(self.effective_user,
         if exam_chapter and exam_chapter.get_children():
             exam_section = exam_chapter.get_children()[0]
             if exam_section:
                 self.chapter_url_name = exam_chapter.url_name
                 self.section_url_name = exam_section.url_name
 def test_can_skip_entrance_exam_with_anonymous_user(self):
     Test can_skip_entrance_exam method with anonymous user
     self.assertFalse(user_can_skip_entrance_exam(self.anonymous_user, self.course))
Exemple #6
def toc_for_course(user, request, course, active_chapter, active_section, field_data_cache):
    Create a table of contents from the module store

    Return format:
    { 'chapters': [
            {'display_name': name, 'url_name': url_name, 'sections': SECTIONS, 'active': bool},
        'previous_of_active_section': {..},
        'next_of_active_section': {..}

    where SECTIONS is a list
    [ {'display_name': name, 'url_name': url_name,
       'format': format, 'due': due, 'active' : bool, 'graded': bool}, ...]

    where previous_of_active_section and next_of_active_section have information on the
    next/previous sections of the active section.

    active is set for the section and chapter corresponding to the passed
    parameters, which are expected to be url_names of the chapter+section.
    Everything else comes from the xml, or defaults to "".

    chapters with name 'hidden' are skipped.

    NOTE: assumes that if we got this far, user has access to course.  Returns
    None if this is not the case.

    field_data_cache must include data from the course module and 2 levels of its descendants

    with modulestore().bulk_operations(
        course_module = get_module_for_descriptor(
            user, request, course, field_data_cache,, course=course
        if course_module is None:
            return None, None, None

        toc_chapters = list()
        chapters = course_module.get_display_items()

        # Check for content which needs to be completed
        # before the rest of the content is made available
        required_content = milestones_helpers.get_required_content(, user)

        # The user may not actually have to complete the entrance exam, if one is required
        if user_can_skip_entrance_exam(user, course):
            required_content = [content for content in required_content if not content == course.entrance_exam_id]

        previous_of_active_section, next_of_active_section = None, None
        last_processed_section, last_processed_chapter = None, None
        found_active_section = False
        for chapter in chapters:
            # Only show required content, if there is required content
            # chapter.hide_from_toc is read-only (bool)
            display_id = slugify(chapter.display_name_with_default_escaped)
            local_hide_from_toc = False
            if required_content:
                if unicode(chapter.location) not in required_content:
                    local_hide_from_toc = True

            # Skip the current chapter if a hide flag is tripped
            if chapter.hide_from_toc or local_hide_from_toc:

            sections = list()
            for section in chapter.get_display_items():
                # skip the section if it is hidden from the user
                if section.hide_from_toc:

                is_section_active = (chapter.url_name == active_chapter and section.url_name == active_section)
                if is_section_active:
                    found_active_section = True

                section_context = {
                    'display_name': section.display_name_with_default_escaped,
                    'url_name': section.url_name,
                    'format': section.format if section.format is not None else '',
                    'due': section.due,
                    'active': is_section_active,
                    'graded': section.graded,
                _add_timed_exam_info(user, course, section, section_context)

                # update next and previous of active section, if applicable
                if is_section_active:
                    if last_processed_section:
                        previous_of_active_section = last_processed_section.copy()
                        previous_of_active_section['chapter_url_name'] = last_processed_chapter.url_name
                elif found_active_section and not next_of_active_section:
                    next_of_active_section = section_context.copy()
                    next_of_active_section['chapter_url_name'] = chapter.url_name

                last_processed_section = section_context
                last_processed_chapter = chapter

                'display_name': chapter.display_name_with_default_escaped,
                'display_id': display_id,
                'url_name': chapter.url_name,
                'sections': sections,
                'active': chapter.url_name == active_chapter
        return {
            'chapters': toc_chapters,
            'previous_of_active_section': previous_of_active_section,
            'next_of_active_section': next_of_active_section,
def toc_for_course(user, request, course, active_chapter, active_section, field_data_cache):
    Create a table of contents from the module store

    Return format:
    { 'chapters': [
            {'display_name': name, 'url_name': url_name, 'sections': SECTIONS, 'active': bool},
        'previous_of_active_section': {..},
        'next_of_active_section': {..}

    where SECTIONS is a list
    [ {'display_name': name, 'url_name': url_name,
       'format': format, 'due': due, 'active' : bool, 'graded': bool}, ...]

    where previous_of_active_section and next_of_active_section have information on the
    next/previous sections of the active section.

    active is set for the section and chapter corresponding to the passed
    parameters, which are expected to be url_names of the chapter+section.
    Everything else comes from the xml, or defaults to "".

    chapters with name 'hidden' are skipped.

    NOTE: assumes that if we got this far, user has access to course.  Returns
    None if this is not the case.

    field_data_cache must include data from the course module and 2 levels of its descendants

    with modulestore().bulk_operations(
        course_module = get_module_for_descriptor(
            user, request, course, field_data_cache,, course=course
        if course_module is None:
            return None, None, None

        toc_chapters = list()
        chapters = course_module.get_display_items()

        # Check for content which needs to be completed
        # before the rest of the content is made available
        required_content = milestones_helpers.get_required_content(, user)

        # The user may not actually have to complete the entrance exam, if one is required
        if user_can_skip_entrance_exam(user, course):
            required_content = [content for content in required_content if not content == course.entrance_exam_id]

        previous_of_active_section, next_of_active_section = None, None
        last_processed_section, last_processed_chapter = None, None
        found_active_section = False
        for chapter in chapters:
            # Only show required content, if there is required content
            # chapter.hide_from_toc is read-only (bool)
            display_id = slugify(chapter.display_name_with_default_escaped)
            local_hide_from_toc = False
            if required_content:
                if unicode(chapter.location) not in required_content:
                    local_hide_from_toc = True

            # Skip the current chapter if a hide flag is tripped
            if chapter.hide_from_toc or local_hide_from_toc:

            sections = list()
            for section in chapter.get_display_items():
                # skip the section if it is hidden from the user
                if section.hide_from_toc:

                is_section_active = (chapter.url_name == active_chapter and section.url_name == active_section)
                if is_section_active:
                    found_active_section = True

                section_context = {
                    'display_name': section.display_name_with_default_escaped,
                    'url_name': section.url_name,
                    'format': section.format if section.format is not None else '',
                    'due': section.due,
                    'active': is_section_active,
                    'graded': section.graded,
                _add_timed_exam_info(user, course, section, section_context)

                # update next and previous of active section, if applicable
                if is_section_active:
                    if last_processed_section:
                        previous_of_active_section = last_processed_section.copy()
                        previous_of_active_section['chapter_url_name'] = last_processed_chapter.url_name
                elif found_active_section and not next_of_active_section:
                    next_of_active_section = section_context.copy()
                    next_of_active_section['chapter_url_name'] = chapter.url_name

                last_processed_section = section_context
                last_processed_chapter = chapter

                'display_name': chapter.display_name_with_default_escaped,
                'display_id': display_id,
                'url_name': chapter.url_name,
                'sections': sections,
                'active': chapter.url_name == active_chapter
        return {
            'chapters': toc_chapters,
            'previous_of_active_section': previous_of_active_section,
            'next_of_active_section': next_of_active_section,