def compile_code(problem, code, files): errors = [] warnings = [] outfile = cppbat.core.settings.TEMP_DIR + '/test' # TODO make this random code = code.lower() # parse code for compile errors/warnings lines = code.split('\n') for line in lines: error = utils.substr_rem(line, 'c error: ') if error: errors.append(error) else: warning = utils.substr_rem(line, 'c warning: ') if warning: warnings.append(warning) # copies the code into the outfile f = open(outfile, 'w') try: f.write(code) finally: f.close() return errors, warnings, outfile
def run(prog, args): f = open(prog) lines = f.readlines() exec_tok = 'e: %s -> %s = ' % (','.join(args[:-1]), args[-1]) for line in lines: rest = utils.substr_rem(line, exec_tok) if rest: # TODO remove the line ending at the end vals = rest.split(',') # TODO should be taking substr.. return vals[0], vals[1], vals[2] return '', '', ''
def run(prog, args): run = [] if cppbat.core.settings.ENGINE == 'secure': run = ['pola-run', '-f', prog, '-B', '-e'] run.append(prog) run.extend(args) print run proc = popen2.Popen4(run) # restrict the amount of time it gets # does this by sleeping and polling # TODO log how much it usually needs to sleep t = 0.0 delta = 0.001 while t < 0.1: # TODO parameterize this time.sleep(delta) t = t + delta status = proc.poll() if status != -1: break delta = delta * 2 # parse output and generate return if status == -1: # timeout os.kill(, signal.SIGTERM) ret_status = 'timeout' else: # completed if os.WIFEXITED(status): if os.WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0: ret_status = 'pass' else: ret_status = 'fail' # TODO probably better for output just to be a string instead of array # using this instead of readlines trims whitespace # unfortunately, it also adds an extra line so hence, the -2 output ='\n') try: result = utils.substr_rem(output[-2], 'CPPBAT value: ') output = output[:-2] except IndexError: result = None if not result: result = '' print output return ret_status, result, output