def run(self): """ Executes checks. """ # Getting informations about the current host Checks.hostEntity = self.MyCollector.get_infos() while Checks.performChecks: if self.tickPerformCheck <= self.tickCount: crLog.writeDebug('---- New check -----') # Checking CPU if crUtilsText.textToBool(Config.getConfigValue('Checks', 'enable_cpu_check')): crLog.writeDebug('Doing a CPU check...') Checks.last_check_cpu = self.MyCollector.get_cpu() # Checking memory if crUtilsText.textToBool(Config.getConfigValue('Checks', 'enable_memory_check')): crLog.writeDebug('Doing a memory check...') Checks.last_check_memory = self.MyCollector.get_memory() # Checking Load Average if crUtilsText.textToBool(Config.getConfigValue('Checks', 'enable_load_check')): crLog.writeDebug('Doing a load average check...') Checks.last_check_loadAverage = self.MyCollector.get_loadaverage() # Checking disks informations if crUtilsText.textToBool(Config.getConfigValue('Checks', 'enable_disks_check')): crLog.writeDebug('Doing a disk check....') Checks.last_check_disk = self.MyCollector.get_disks() # Updating last check date... Checks.last_check_date = # Update the last check date # Wait 60 seconds before next checks... crLog.writeDebug('All checks are done') crLog.writeDebug('Next checks in ' + str(self.tickPerformCheck) + ' seconds...') self.tickCount = 0 # new tick self.tickCount += 1 time.sleep(1)
def run(self): """ Constructor. """ isError = False # If True, there are one or more errors when CentralReport is trying to start # Preparing Logs crLog.configLog(Config.CR_CONFIG_ENABLE_DEBUG_MODE) crLog.writeInfo('CentralReport is starting...') CentralReport.startingDate = # Starting date CentralReport.configuration = Config() # Getting config object # Getting current OS... if (Config.HOST_CURRENT == Config.HOST_MAC) | (Config.HOST_CURRENT == Config.HOST_DEBIAN) | ( Config.HOST_CURRENT == Config.HOST_UBUNTU): crLog.writeInfo(Config.HOST_CURRENT + ' detected. Starting ThreadChecks...') CentralReport.checks_thread = crThreads.Checks() # Launching checks thread else: isError = True crLog.writeCritical('Sorry, but your OS is not supported yet...') # Is webserver enabled? if not isError & crUtilsText.textToBool(Config.getConfigValue('Webserver', 'enable')): crLog.writeInfo('Enabling the webserver') CentralReport.webserver_thread = WebServer() else: crLog.writeInfo('Webserver is disabled by configuration file') if not isError: crLog.writeInfo('CentralReport started!') while CentralReport.isRunning: try: if not Config.CR_CONFIG_ENABLE_DEBUG_MODE: # If .pid file is not found, we must stop CR (only in production environment) try: pf = file(self.pidfile, 'r') pf.close() except IOError: crLog.writeError('Pid file is not found. CentralReport must stop itself.') CentralReport.isRunning = False self.stop() time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: # Stopping CR crLog.writeFatal('KeyboardInterrupt exception. Stopping CentralReport...') CentralReport.isRunning = False self.stop() else: crLog.writeError('Error launching CentralReport!')