def test_md5_hashkiller(self):
     """Test MDA5 hash with hashkiller."""
     res = scraper.hashkiller(self.browser, md5, 'md5')
     assert res
 def test_ldap_sha1_hashkiller(self):
     """Test LDAP SHA1 hash with hashkiller."""
     hash = str(base64.b64decode(ldap_sha1[5:])).replace("b'", "").replace(
         "\\n'", "")
     res = scraper.hashkiller(self.browser, hash, 'sha1')
     assert res
 def test_ldap_md5_hashkiller(self):
     """Test LDAP MD5 hash with hashkiller."""
     hash = str(base64.b64decode(ldap_md5[5:])).replace("b'", "").replace(
         "\\n'", "")
     res = scraper.hashkiller(self.browser, hash, 'md5')
     assert res
 def test_mysql_hashkiller(self):
     """Test MYSQL hash with hashkiller."""
     res = scraper.hashkiller(self.browser, mysql, 'mysql')
     assert res
 def test_ntlm_hashkiller(self):
     """Test NTLM hash with hashkiller."""
     res = scraper.hashkiller(self.browser, ntlm, 'ntlm')
     assert res
 def test_sha1_hashkiller(self):
     """Test SHA1 hash with hashkiller."""
     res = scraper.hashkiller(self.browser, sha1, 'sha1')
     assert res