Exemple #1
  def parse_manifest(self, filename):
    Parse a manifest by filename and add register the module to the module
    cache. Returns the :class:`Module` object. If the manifest has already
    been parsed, it will not be re-parsed.

    :raise Manifest.Invalid: If the manifest is invalid.
    :return: :const:`None` if the manifest is a duplicate of an already
      parsed manifest (determined by name and version), otherwise the
      :class:`Module` object for the manifest's module.

    filename = path.norm(path.abs(filename))
    if filename in self._manifest_cache:
      manifest = self._manifest_cache[filename]
      return self.find_module(manifest.name, manifest.version)

    manifest = Manifest.parse(filename)
    self._manifest_cache[filename] = manifest
    versions = self.modules.setdefault(manifest.name, {})
    if manifest.version in versions:
      logger.debug('multiple occurences of "{}-{}" found, '
          'one of which is located at "{}"'.format(manifest.name,
          manifest.version, filename))
      module = None
      logger.debug('parsed manifest: {}-{} ({})'.format(
          manifest.name, manifest.version, filename))
      module = Module(path.dirname(filename), manifest)
      versions[manifest.version] = module

    return module
Exemple #2
def load_file(filename, export_default_namespace=True):
  Loads a Python file into a new module-like object and returns it. The
  *filename* is assumed relative to the currently executed module's
  directory (NOT the project directory which can be different).

  module = session.module
  __name__ = module.ident + ':' + filename
  if not path.isabs(filename):
    filename = path.join(module.directory, filename)
  filename = path.norm(filename)

  with open(filename, 'r') as fp:
    code = compile(fp.read(), filename, 'exec')

  scope = Namespace()
  if export_default_namespace:
    scope.__module__ = module.namespace
  scope.__file__ = filename
  scope.__name__ = __name__
  exec(code, vars(scope))

  return scope
Exemple #3
    def parse_manifest(self, filename):
    Parse a manifest by filename and add register the module to the module
    cache. Returns the :class:`Module` object. If the manifest has already
    been parsed, it will not be re-parsed.

    :raise Manifest.Invalid: If the manifest is invalid.
    :return: :const:`None` if the manifest is a duplicate of an already
      parsed manifest (determined by name and version), otherwise the
      :class:`Module` object for the manifest's module.

        filename = path.norm(path.abs(filename))
        if filename in self._manifest_cache:
            manifest = self._manifest_cache[filename]
            return self.find_module(manifest.name, manifest.version)

        manifest = Manifest.parse(filename)
        self._manifest_cache[filename] = manifest
        versions = self.modules.setdefault(manifest.name, {})
        if manifest.version in versions:
            other = versions[manifest.version].manifest.filename
            logger.debug('multiple occurences of "{}-{}" found\n'
                         '  - {}\n  - {}'.format(manifest.name,
                                                 manifest.version, filename,
            module = None
            logger.debug('parsed manifest: {}-{} ({})'.format(
                manifest.name, manifest.version, filename))
            module = Module(path.dirname(filename), manifest)
            versions[manifest.version] = module

        return module
Exemple #4
def load_file(filename, export_default_namespace=True):
  Loads a Python file into a new module-like object and returns it. The
  *filename* is assumed relative to the currently executed module's
  directory (NOT the project directory which can be different).

  module = session.module
  __name__ = module.ident + ':' + filename
  if not path.isabs(filename):
    filename = path.join(module.directory, filename)
  filename = path.norm(filename)

  with open(filename, 'r') as fp:
    code = compile(fp.read(), filename, 'exec')

  scope = Namespace()
  if export_default_namespace:
    scope.__module__ = module.namespace
  scope.__file__ = filename
  scope.__name__ = __name__
  exec(code, vars(scope))

  return scope
Exemple #5
  def run(self):
    Loads the code of the main Craftr build script as specified in the modules
    manifest and executes it. Note that this must occur in a context where
    the :data:`session` is available.

    :raise RuntimeError: If there is no current :data:`session` or if the
      module was already executed.

    if not session:
      raise RuntimeError('no current session')
    if self.executed:
      raise RuntimeError('already run')

    self.executed = True

    script_fn = path.norm(path.join(self.directory, self.manifest.main))
    with open(script_fn) as fp:
      code = compile(fp.read(), script_fn, 'exec')

    self.namespace.__file__ = script_fn
    self.namespace.__name__ = self.manifest.name
    self.namespace.__version__ = str(self.manifest.version)
      exec(code, vars(self.namespace))
      assert session.modulestack.pop() is self
Exemple #6
def local(rel_path):
  Given a relative path, returns the absolute path relative to the current
  module's project directory.

  parent = session.module.project_dir
  return path.norm(rel_path, parent)
Exemple #7
def local(rel_path):
  Given a relative path, returns the absolute path relative to the current
  module's project directory.

  parent = session.module.namespace.project_dir
  return path.norm(rel_path, parent)
Exemple #8
 def __init__(self, maindir=None):
   self.maindir = path.norm(maindir or path.getcwd())
   self.builddir = path.join(self.maindir, 'build')
   self.graph = build.Graph()
   self.path = [self.stl_dir, self.maindir, path.join(self.maindir, 'craftr/modules')]
   self.modulestack = []
   self.modules = {}
   self.options = {}
   self.cache = {'loaders': {}}
   self._tempdir = None
   self._manifest_cache = {}  # maps manifest_filename: manifest
   self._refresh_cache = True
Exemple #9
  def __lshift__(self, other):
    Adds *other* as an implicit dependency to the target.

    :param other: A :class:`Target` or :class:`str`.
    :return: ``self``

    if isinstance(other, Target):
      self.implicit_deps += other.outputs
    elif isinstance(other, str):
      raise TypeError("Target.__lshift__() expected Target or str")
    return self
Exemple #10
    def __lshift__(self, other):
    Adds *other* as an implicit dependency to the target.

    :param other: A :class:`Target` or :class:`str`.
    :return: ``self``

        if isinstance(other, Target):
            self.implicit_deps += other.outputs
        elif isinstance(other, str):
            raise TypeError("Target.__lshift__() expected Target or str")
        return self
Exemple #11
 def __init__(self, maindir=None):
     self.maindir = path.norm(maindir or path.getcwd())
     self.builddir = path.join(self.maindir, 'build')
     self.graph = build.Graph()
     self.path = [
         self.stl_dir, self.stl_auxiliary_dir, self.maindir,
         path.join(self.maindir, 'craftr/modules')
     self.modulestack = []
     self.modules = {}
     self.preferred_versions = {}
     self.main_module = None
     self.options = {}
     self.cache = {}
     self.tasks = {}
     self._tempdir = None
     self._manifest_cache = {}  # maps manifest_filename: manifest
     self._refresh_cache = True
Exemple #12
    def execute(self, parser, args):
        if hasattr(args, 'include_path'):
            session.path.extend(map(path.norm, args.include_path))

        # Help-command preprocessing. Check if we're to show the help on a builtin
        # object, otherwise extract the module name if applicable.
        if self.mode == 'help':
            if not args.name:
                return 0
            if args.name in vars(craftr.defaults):
                help(getattr(craftr.defaults, args.name))
                return 0
            # Check if we have an absolute symbol reference.
            if ':' in args.name:
                if args.module:
                        '-m/--module option conflicting with name argument: "{}"'
                args.module, args.name = args.name.split(':', 1)

        module = self._find_module(parser, args)
        session.main_module = module
        self.ninja_bin, self.ninja_version = get_ninja_info()

        # Create and switch to the build directory.
        session.builddir = path.abs(path.norm(args.build_dir, INIT_DIR))
        self.cachefile = path.join(session.builddir, '.craftrcache')

        # Prepare options, loaders and execute.
        if self.mode in ('export', 'run', 'help'):
            return self._export_run_or_help(args, module)
        elif self.mode == 'dump-options':
            return self._dump_options(args, module)
        elif self.mode == 'dump-deptree':
            return self._dump_deptree(args, module)
        elif self.mode in ('build', 'clean'):
            return self._build_or_clean(args)
        elif self.mode == 'lock':
            raise RuntimeError("mode: {}".format(self.mode))
Exemple #13
  def run(self):
    Loads the code of the main Craftr build script as specified in the modules
    manifest and executes it. Note that this must occur in a context where
    the :data:`session` is available.

    :raise RuntimeError: If there is no current :data:`session` or if the
      module was already executed.

    if not session:
      raise RuntimeError('no current session')
    if self.executed:
      raise RuntimeError('already run')

    self.executed = True

    script_fn = path.norm(path.join(self.directory, self.manifest.main))
    with open(script_fn) as fp:
      code = compile(fp.read(), script_fn, 'exec')

    from craftr import defaults
    for key, value in vars(defaults).items():
      if not key.startswith('_'):
        vars(self.namespace)[key] = value
      '__file__': script_fn,
      '__name__': self.manifest.name,
      '__version__': str(self.manifest.version),
      'options': self.options,
      'loader': self.loader,
      'project_dir': self.project_dir,

      exec(code, vars(self.namespace))
      assert session.modulestack.pop() is self
Exemple #14
def read_config_file(filename, basedir=None, follow_include_directives=True):
  Reads a configuration file and returns a dictionary of the values that
  it contains. The format is standard :mod:`configparser` ``.ini`` style,
  however this function supports ``include`` directives that can include
  additional configuration files.


    [include "path/to/config.ini"]            ; errors if the file does not exist
    [include "path/to/config.ini" if-exists]  ; ignored if the file does not exist

  :param filename: The name of the configuration file to read.
  :param basedir: If *filename* is not an absolute path or the base directory
    should be altered, this is the directory of which to look for files
    specified with ``include`` directives.
  :param follow_include_directives: If this is True, ``include`` directives
    will be followed.
  :raise FileNotFoundError: If *filename* does not exist.
  :raise InvalidConfigError: If the configuration format is invalid. Also
    if any of the included files do not exist.
  :return: A dictionary. Section names are prepended to the option names.

    filename = path.norm(filename)
    if not basedir:
        basedir = path.dirname(filename)

    if not path.isfile(filename):
        raise FileNotFoundError(filename)

    logger.debug("reading configuration file:", filename)
    parser = configparser.SafeConfigParser()
    except configparser.Error as exc:
        raise InvalidConfigError('"{}": {}'.format(filename, exc))

    result = {}
    for section in parser.sections():
        match = re.match('include\s+"([^"]+)"(\s+if-exists)?$', section)
        if match:
            if not follow_include_directives:
            ifile, if_exists = match.groups()
            ifile = path.norm(ifile, basedir)
            except FileNotFoundError as exc:
                if not if_exists:
                    raise InvalidConfigError('file "{}" included by "{}" does not exist'.format(str(exc), filename))
        elif section == "__global__":
            prefix = ""
            prefix = section + "."

        for option in parser.options(section):
            result[prefix + option] = parser.get(section, option)

    return result
Exemple #15
def read_config_file(filename, basedir=None, follow_include_directives=True):
  Reads a configuration file and returns a dictionary of the values that
  it contains. The format is standard :mod:`configparser` ``.ini`` style,
  however this function supports ``include`` directives that can include
  additional configuration files.


    [include "path/to/config.ini"]            ; errors if the file does not exist
    [include "path/to/config.ini" if-exists]  ; ignored if the file does not exist

  :param filename: The name of the configuration file to read.
  :param basedir: If *filename* is not an absolute path or the base directory
    should be altered, this is the directory of which to look for files
    specified with ``include`` directives.
  :param follow_include_directives: If this is True, ``include`` directives
    will be followed.
  :raise FileNotFoundError: If *filename* does not exist.
  :raise InvalidConfigError: If the configuration format is invalid. Also
    if any of the included files do not exist.
  :return: A dictionary. Section names are prepended to the option names.

    filename = path.norm(filename)
    if not basedir:
        basedir = path.dirname(filename)

    if not path.isfile(filename):
        raise FileNotFoundError(filename)

    logger.debug('reading configuration file:', filename)
    parser = configparser.SafeConfigParser()
    except configparser.Error as exc:
        raise InvalidConfigError('"{}": {}'.format(filename, exc))

    result = {}
    for section in parser.sections():
        match = re.match('include\s+"([^"]+)"(\s+if-exists)?$', section)
        if match:
            if not follow_include_directives:
            ifile, if_exists = match.groups()
            ifile = path.norm(ifile, basedir)
            except FileNotFoundError as exc:
                if not if_exists:
                    raise InvalidConfigError(
                        'file "{}" included by "{}" does not exist'.format(
                            str(exc), filename))
        elif section == '__global__':
            prefix = ''
            prefix = section + '.'

        for option in parser.options(section):
            result[prefix + option] = parser.get(section, option)

    return result
Exemple #16
 def project_dir(self):
   return path.norm(path.join(self.directory, self.manifest.project_dir))
Exemple #17
 def __call__(self, value):
     from craftr.core.session import session
     if not path.isabs(value):
         value = path.join(session.maindir, value)
     return path.norm(value)
Exemple #18
 def __call__(self, value):
   from craftr.core.session import session
   if not path.isabs(value):
     value = path.join(session.maindir, value)
   return path.norm(value)
Exemple #19
class Session(object):
  This class manages the :class:`build.Graph` and loading of Craftr modules.

  .. attribute:: graph

    A :class:`build.Graph` instance.

  .. attribute:: path

    A list of paths that will be searched for Craftr modules.

  .. attribute:: module

    The Craftr module that is currently being executed. This is an instance
    of the :class:`Module` class and the same as the tip of the

  .. attribute:: modulestack

    A list of modules where the last element (tip) is the module that is
    currently being executed.

  .. attribute:: modules

    A nested dictionary that maps from name to a dictionary of version
    numbers mapping to :class:`Module` objects. These are the modules that
    have already been loaded into the session or that have been found and
    cached but not yet been executed.

  .. attribute:: preferred_versions

    A nested dictionary with the same structure as :attr:`modules`. This
    dictionary might have been loaded from a dependency lock file and specifies
    the preferred version to load for a specific module, assuming that the
    criteria specified in the loading module's manifest is less strict. Note
    that Craftr will error if a preferred version can not be found.

  .. attribute:: maindir

    The main directory from which Craftr was run. Craftr will switch to the
    build directory at a later point, which is why we keep this member for

  .. attribute:: builddir

    The absolute path to the build directory.

  .. attribute:: main_module

    The main :class:`Module`.

  .. attribute:: options

    A dictionary of options that are passed down to Craftr modules.

  .. attributes:: cache

    A JSON object that will be loaded from the current workspace's cache
    file and written back when Craftr exits without errors. The cache can
    contain anything and can be modified by everything, however it should
    be assured that no name conflicts and accidental modifications/deletes

    Reserved keywords in the cache are ``"build"`` and ``"loaders"``.

    #: The current session object. Create it with :meth:`start` and destroy
    #: it with :meth:`end`.
    current = None

    #: Diretory that contains the Craftr standard library.
    stl_dir = path.norm(path.join(__file__, '../../stl'))
    stl_auxiliary_dir = path.norm(path.join(__file__, '../../stl_auxiliary'))

    def __init__(self, maindir=None):
        self.maindir = path.norm(maindir or path.getcwd())
        self.builddir = path.join(self.maindir, 'build')
        self.graph = build.Graph()
        self.path = [
            self.stl_dir, self.stl_auxiliary_dir, self.maindir,
            path.join(self.maindir, 'craftr/modules')
        self.modulestack = []
        self.modules = {}
        self.preferred_versions = {}
        self.main_module = None
        self.options = {}
        self.cache = {}
        self.tasks = {}
        self._tempdir = None
        self._manifest_cache = {}  # maps manifest_filename: manifest
        self._refresh_cache = True

    def __enter__(self):
        if Session.current:
            raise RuntimeError('a session was already created')
        Session.current = self
        return Session.current

    def __exit__(self, exc_value, exc_type, exc_tb):
        if Session.current is not self:
            raise RuntimeError('session not in context')
        if self._tempdir and not self.options.get(
            logger.debug('removing temporary directory:', self._tempdir)
                path.remove(self._tempdir, recursive=True)
            except OSError as exc:
                logger.debug('error:', exc, indent=1)
                self._tempdir = None
        Session.current = None

    def module(self):
        if self.modulestack:
            return self.modulestack[-1]
        return None

    def read_cache(self, fp):
        cache = json.load(fp)
        if not isinstance(cache, dict):
            raise ValueError(
                'Craftr Session cache must be a JSON object, got {}'.format(
        self.cache = cache

    def write_cache(self, fp):
        json.dump(self.cache, fp, indent='\t')

    def expand_relative_options(self, module_name=None):
    After the main module has been detected, relative option names (starting
    with ``.``) should be converted to absolute option names. This is what
    the method does.

        if not module_name and not self.main_module:
            raise RuntimeError('main_module not set')
        if not module_name:
            module_name = self.main_module.manifest.name

        for key in tuple(self.options.keys()):
            if key.startswith('.'):
                self.options[module_name + key] = self.options.pop(key)

    def get_temporary_directory(self):
    Returns a writable temporary directory that is primarily used by loaders
    to store temporary files. The temporary directory will be deleted when
    the Session context ends unless the ``craftr.keep_temporary_directory``
    option is set.

    :raise RuntimeError: If the session is not currently in context.

        if Session.current is not self:
            raise RuntimeError('session not in context')
        if not self._tempdir:
            self._tempdir = path.join(self.builddir, '.temp')
            logger.debug('created temporary directory:', self._tempdir)
        return self._tempdir

    def parse_manifest(self, filename):
    Parse a manifest by filename and add register the module to the module
    cache. Returns the :class:`Module` object. If the manifest has already
    been parsed, it will not be re-parsed.

    :raise Manifest.Invalid: If the manifest is invalid.
    :return: :const:`None` if the manifest is a duplicate of an already
      parsed manifest (determined by name and version), otherwise the
      :class:`Module` object for the manifest's module.

        filename = path.norm(path.abs(filename))
        if filename in self._manifest_cache:
            manifest = self._manifest_cache[filename]
            return self.find_module(manifest.name, manifest.version)

        manifest = Manifest.parse(filename)
        self._manifest_cache[filename] = manifest
        versions = self.modules.setdefault(manifest.name, {})
        if manifest.version in versions:
            other = versions[manifest.version].manifest.filename
            logger.debug('multiple occurences of "{}-{}" found\n'
                         '  - {}\n  - {}'.format(manifest.name,
                                                 manifest.version, filename,
            module = None
            logger.debug('parsed manifest: {}-{} ({})'.format(
                manifest.name, manifest.version, filename))
            module = Module(path.dirname(filename), manifest)
            versions[manifest.version] = module

        return module

    def update_manifest_cache(self, force=False):
        if not self._refresh_cache and not force:
        self._refresh_cache = False

        for directory in self.path:
            choices = []
                [path.join(directory, x) for x in MANIFEST_FILENAMES])
            for item in path.easy_listdir(directory):
                    path.join(directory, item, x) for x in MANIFEST_FILENAMES
                    path.join(directory, item, 'craftr', x)
                    for x in MANIFEST_FILENAMES

            for filename in map(path.norm, choices):
                if filename in self._manifest_cache:
                    continue  # don't parse a manifest that we already parsed
                if not path.isfile(filename):
                except Manifest.Invalid as exc:
                    logger.warn('invalid manifest found:', filename)
                    logger.warn(exc, indent=1)

    def find_module(self, name, version, resolve_preferred_version=True):
    Finds a module in the :attr:`path` matching the specified *name* and

    :param name: The name of the module.
    :param version: A :class:`VersionCriteria`, :class:`Version` or string
      in a VersionCritiera format.
    :param resolve_preferred_version: If this parameter is True (default)
      and a preferred version is specified in :attr:`preferred_versions`,
      that preferred version is loaded or :class:`ModuleNotFound` is raised.
    :raise ModuleNotFound: If the module can not be found.
    :return: :class:`Module`

        argspec.validate('name', name, {'type': str})
        argspec.validate('version', version,
                         {'type': [str, Version, VersionCriteria]})

        if name in renames.renames:
            logger.warn('"{}" is deprecated, use "{}" instead'.format(
                name, renames.renames[name]))
            name = renames.renames[name]

        if isinstance(version, str):
                version = Version(version)
            except ValueError as exc:
                version = VersionCriteria(version)

        if session.module and resolve_preferred_version:
            data = self.preferred_versions.get(session.module.manifest.name)
            if data is not None:
                versions = data.get(str(session.module.manifest.version))
                if versions is not None:
                    preferred_version = versions.get(name)
                    if preferred_version is not None:
                        version = Version(preferred_version)
                            'note: loading preferred version {} of module "{}" '
                            'requested by module "{}"'.format(
                                version, name, session.module.ident))

        if name in self.modules:
            if isinstance(version, Version):
                if version in self.modules[name]:
                    return self.modules[name][version]
                raise ModuleNotFound(name, version)
            for module in sorted(self.modules[name].values(),
                                 key=lambda x: x.manifest.version,
                if version(module.manifest.version):
                    return module

        raise ModuleNotFound(name, version)
Exemple #20
 def scriptfile(self):
     return path.norm(path.join(self.directory, self.manifest.main))
Exemple #21
 def project_dir(self):
     return path.norm(path.join(self.directory, self.manifest.project_dir))