Exemple #1
    def process_token(self, token):
        action_type, args, kw = ActionRegistry.suitable_for(token.line)
        if not action_type:
            raise ActionNotFoundError("The action for the line \"%s\" was not found. Are you sure you have that action right?" % token.line)

        action = lambda context: action_type().execute_action(context, *args, **kw)
def test_action_registry_returns_action():
    class ActionToTest(ActionBase):
        regex = r'^Test$'
        def execute():
    action, args, kw = ActionRegistry.suitable_for('Test')
    assert action is ActionToTest
    assert not args
    assert not kw
def test_action_registry_returns_kw_only_when_both_named_and_unnamed_groups_are_specified():
    class ActionToTest4(ActionBase):
        regex = r'^Test4-(\d)-(?P<index>\d)$'
        def execute():

    action, args, kw = ActionRegistry.suitable_for('Test4-1-2')
    assert action is ActionToTest4
    assert kw.has_key('index')
    assert kw['index'] == '2'
    assert not args
def test_action_registry_returns_named_groups_as_kw():
    class ActionToTest3(ActionBase):
        regex = r'^Test3-(?P<index>\d)$'
        def execute():

    action, args, kw = ActionRegistry.suitable_for('Test3-2')
    assert action is ActionToTest3
    assert kw.has_key('index')
    assert kw['index'] == '2'
    assert not args
def test_action_registry_returns_groups_as_args():
    class ActionToTest2(ActionBase):
        regex = r'^Test2-(\d)$'
        def execute():

    action, args, kw = ActionRegistry.suitable_for('Test2-2')
    assert action is ActionToTest2
    assert len(args) == 1
    assert args[0] == '2'
    assert not kw