def do_purge(bare=False, downloads=False, allow_global=False): """Executes the purge functionality.""" if downloads: if not bare: click.echo(crayons.yellow('Clearing out downloads directory...')) shutil.rmtree(project.download_location) return freeze ='{0} freeze'.format(which_pip(allow_global=allow_global))).out installed = freeze.split() # Remove setuptools and friends from installed, if present. for package_name in ['setuptools', 'pip', 'wheel', 'six', 'packaging', 'pyparsing', 'appdirs']: for i, package in enumerate(installed): if package.startswith(package_name): del installed[i] if not bare: click.echo('Found {0} installed package(s), purging...'.format(len(installed))) command = '{0} uninstall {1} -y'.format(which_pip(allow_global=allow_global), ' '.join(installed)) c = if not bare: click.echo( click.echo(crayons.yellow('Environment now purged and fresh!'))
def do_create_virtualenv(three=None, python=None): """Creates a virtualenv.""" click.echo(crayons.yellow('Creating a virtualenv for this project...'), err=True) # The user wants the virtualenv in the project. if PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT: cmd = ['virtualenv', project.virtualenv_location, '--prompt=({0})'.format(] else: # Default: use pew. cmd = ['pew', 'new',, '-d'] # Pass a Python version to virtualenv, if needed. if python: click.echo('{0} {1} {2}'.format(crayons.yellow('Using'),, crayons.yellow('to create virtualenv...'))) elif three is False: python = 'python2' elif three is True: python = 'python3' if python: cmd = cmd + ['-p', python] # Actually create the virtualenv. with spinner(): c =, block=False) click.echo(, err=True) # Say where the virtualenv is. do_where(virtualenv=True, bare=False)
def format_help(help): """Formats the help string.""" help = help.replace(' check', str(' check'))) help = help.replace(' uninstall', str(crayons.yellow(' uninstall', bold=True))) help = help.replace(' install', str(crayons.yellow(' install', bold=True))) help = help.replace(' lock', str(' lock', bold=True))) help = help.replace(' run', str(' run'))) help = help.replace(' shell', str(' shell', bold=True))) help = help.replace(' update', str(crayons.yellow(' update'))) additional_help = """ Usage Examples: Create a new project using Python 3: $ {0} Install all dependencies for a project (including dev): $ {1} Create a lockfile: $ {2} Commands:""".format('pipenv --three'),'pipenv install --dev'),'pipenv lock') ) help = help.replace('Commands:', additional_help) return help
def do_lock(): """Executes the freeze functionality.""" # Purge the virtualenv download dir, for development dependencies. do_purge(downloads=True, bare=True) click.echo(crayons.yellow('Locking {0} dependencies...'.format('[dev-packages]')))) with spinner(): # Install only development dependencies. names_map = do_download_dependencies(dev=True, only=True, bare=True) # Load the Pipfile and generate a lockfile. p = pipfile.load(project.pipfile_location) lockfile = json.loads(p.lock()) # Pip freeze development dependencies. with spinner(): results = get_downloads_info(names_map, 'dev-packages') # Clear generated lockfile before updating. lockfile['develop'] = {} # Add Development dependencies to lockfile. for dep in results: if dep: lockfile['develop'].update({dep['name']: {'hash': dep['hash'], 'version': '=={0}'.format(dep['version'])}}) with spinner(): # Purge the virtualenv download dir, for default dependencies. do_purge(downloads=True, bare=True) click.echo(crayons.yellow('Locking {0} dependencies...'.format('[packages]')))) with spinner(): # Install only development dependencies. names_map = do_download_dependencies(bare=True) # Pip freeze default dependencies. results = get_downloads_info(names_map, 'packages') # Clear generated lockfile before updating. lockfile['default'] = {} # Add default dependencies to lockfile. for dep in results: if dep: lockfile['default'].update({dep['name']: {'hash': dep['hash'], 'version': '=={0}'.format(dep['version'])}}) # Write out lockfile. with open(project.lockfile_location, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(lockfile, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))) # Purge the virtualenv download dir, for next time. with spinner(): do_purge(downloads=True, bare=True) click.echo('{0} Pipfile.lock{1}'.format(crayons.yellow('Updated'), crayons.yellow('!')))
def do_install_dependencies(dev=False, only=False, bare=False, requirements=False, allow_global=False): """"Executes the install functionality.""" if requirements: bare = True # Load the Pipfile. p = pipfile.load(project.pipfile_location) # Load the lockfile if it exists, or if only is being used (e.g. lock is being used). if only or not project.lockfile_exists: if not bare: click.echo(crayons.yellow('Installing dependencies from Pipfile...')) lockfile = json.loads(p.lock()) else: if not bare: click.echo(crayons.yellow('Installing dependencies from Pipfile.lock...')) with open(project.lockfile_location) as f: lockfile = json.load(f) # Install default dependencies, always. deps = lockfile['default'] if not only else {} # Add development deps if --dev was passed. if dev: deps.update(lockfile['develop']) # Convert the deps to pip-compatible arguments. deps_path = convert_deps_to_pip(deps) # --requirements was passed. if requirements: with open(deps_path) as f: click.echo( sys.exit(0) # pip install: with spinner(): c = pip_install(r=deps_path, allow_global=allow_global) if c.return_code != 0: click.echo('An error occured while installing!')) click.echo( sys.exit(c.return_code) if not bare: click.echo(, r=deps_path))) # Cleanup the temp requirements file. if requirements: os.remove(deps_path)
def update(dev=False, three=None, python=None): # Ensure that virtualenv is available. ensure_project(three=three, python=python, validate=False) # Update pip to latest version. ensure_latest_pip() click.echo(crayons.yellow('Updating all dependencies from Pipfile...')) do_purge() do_init(dev=dev) click.echo(crayons.yellow('All dependencies are now up-to-date!'))
def cli(ctx, find=False, which=False, findall=False, version=False): if version: click.echo( "{0} version {1}".format( crayons.white("PythonFinder", bold=True), crayons.yellow(__version__) ) ) sys.exit(0) finder = Finder() if find: if any([find.startswith("{0}".format(n)) for n in range(10)]): found = finder.find_python_version(find.strip()) else: found = finder.system_path.python_executables if found: click.echo("Found Python Version: {0}".format(found), color="white") sys.exit(0) else: click.echo("Failed to find matching executable...") sys.exit(1) elif which: found = finder.system_path.which(which.strip()) if found: click.echo("Found Executable: {0}".format(found), color="white") sys.exit(0) else: click.echo("Failed to find matching executable...") sys.exit(1) else: click.echo("Please provide a command", color="red") sys.exit(1) sys.exit()
def check(three=None, python=False): # Ensure that virtualenv is available. ensure_project(three=three, python=python, validate=False) click.echo(crayons.yellow('Checking PEP 508 requirements...')) # Run the PEP 508 checker in the virtualenv. c ='{0} {1}'.format(which('python'), pep508checker.__file__.rstrip('cdo'))) results = json.loads(c.out) # Load the pipfile. p = pipfile.Pipfile.load(project.pipfile_location) failed = False # Assert each specified requirement. for marker, specifier in['_meta']['requires'].items(): if marker in results: try: assert results[marker] == specifier except AssertionError: failed = True click.echo('Specifier {0} does not match {1} ({2}).'.format(,,[marker]))) if failed: click.echo('Failed!')) sys.exit(1) else: click.echo('Passed!'))
def cli(ctx, where=False, venv=False, rm=False, bare=False, three=False, python=False, help=False): if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: # --where was passed... if where: do_where(bare=bare) sys.exit(0) # --venv was passed... elif venv: with spinner(): loc = project.virtualenv_location # There is no virtualenv yet. if not project.virtualenv_exists: click.echo('No virtualenv has been created for this project yet!'), err=True) sys.exit(1) else: click.echo(project.virtualenv_location) sys.exit(0) # --rm was passed... elif rm: with spinner(): loc = project.virtualenv_location if project.virtualenv_exists: click.echo(crayons.yellow('{0} ({1})...'.format(crayons.yellow('Removing virtualenv'), with spinner(): # Remove the virtualenv. shutil.rmtree(project.virtualenv_location) sys.exit(0) else: click.echo('No virtualenv has been created for this project yet!'), err=True) sys.exit(1) # --two / --three was passed... if python or three is not None: ensure_project(three=three, python=python) else: # Display help to user, if no commands were passed. click.echo(format_help(ctx.get_help()))
def uninstall(package_name=False, more_packages=False, three=None, python=False, system=False, lock=False, dev=False, all=False): # Ensure that virtualenv is available. ensure_project(three=three, python=python) package_names = (package_name,) + more_packages pipfile_remove = True # Un-install all dependencies, if --all was provided. if all is True: if not dev: click.echo(crayons.yellow('Un-installing all packages from virtualenv...')) do_purge(allow_global=system) sys.exit(0) # Uninstall [dev-packages], if --dev was provided. if dev: if 'dev-packages' in project.parsed_pipfile: click.echo(crayons.yellow('Un-installing {0}...'.format('[dev-packages]')))) package_names = project.parsed_pipfile['dev-packages'] pipfile_remove = False else: click.echo(crayons.yellow('No {0} to uninstall.'.format('[dev-packages]')))) sys.exit(0) if package_name is False and not dev: click.echo('No package provided!')) sys.exit(1) for package_name in package_names: click.echo('Un-installing {0}...'.format( c ='{0} uninstall {1} -y'.format(which_pip(allow_global=system), package_name)) click.echo( if pipfile_remove: if dev: click.echo('Removing {0} from Pipfile\'s {1}...'.format(,'[dev-packages]'))) else: click.echo('Removing {0} from Pipfile\'s {1}...'.format(,'[packages]'))) project.remove_package_from_pipfile(package_name, dev) if lock: do_lock()
def launch_queued_applications(config, status, computer, manager): """Launch applications that have been queued.""""Launching queued applications...") for app_status in status.applications: if application = config.applications.get(app_status.application) print(crayons.yellow( f"{application} is queued for {}")) if == computer: latest = status.get_latest(application) if latest in (computer, None) or application.no_wait: if not manager.is_running(application): manager.start(application) = None else: print(crayons.yellow( f"{application} is still running on {latest}")) elif manager.is_running(application): manager.stop(application)
def ensure_latest_pip(): """Updates pip to the latest version.""" # Ensure that pip is installed. c ='{0} install pip'.format(which_pip())) # Check if version is out of date. if 'however' in c.err: # If version is out of date, update. click.echo(crayons.yellow('Pip is out of date... updating to latest.')) c ='{0} install pip --upgrade'.format(which_pip()), block=False) click.echo(
def ensure_pipfile(validate=True): """Creates a Pipfile for the project, if it doesn't exist.""" # Assert Pipfile exists. if not project.pipfile_exists: click.echo(crayons.yellow('Creating a Pipfile for this project...'), err=True) # Create the pipfile if it doesn't exist. project.create_pipfile() # Validate the Pipfile's contents. if validate and project.virtualenv_exists: # Ensure that Pipfile is using proper casing. p = project.parsed_pipfile changed = ensure_proper_casing(pfile=p) # Write changes out to disk. if changed: click.echo(crayons.yellow('Fixing package names in Pipfile...'), err=True) project.write_toml(p)
def main(): # work2do = {"":["interface eth1/2", "no shutdown"], "": # ["interface eth1/1", "shutdown"], "":["interface eth1/5", "no shutdown"]} # data that replaces data stored in file with open("network.json", "r") as file_data: json_data = json.load(file_data) print(crayons.yellow( "Welcome to the network device command pusher")) # welcome message ## get data set print("\nData set found\n" ) # replace with function call that reads in data from file ## run commandpush(json_data) # call function to push commands to devices
def logger(msg, log_type="msg", output=True, log=True): if log_type == "msg": if output: print("[+] {msg}")) if log: elif log_type == "war": if output: print(crayons.yellow(f"[!] {msg}")) if log: logging.warning(msg) elif log_type == "err": if output: print("[-] {msg}")) if log: logging.error(msg)
def dump_flow(flow: Flow): output = get_dumpable_flow(flow) if FLAGS.mode == "test": filepath = os.path.join(FLAGS.test_dir, FLOW_TEST_OUTPUT) elif FLAGS.mode == "golden": filepath = os.path.join(FLAGS.test_dir, FLOW_GOLDEN) print(yellow("Generating test data: " + filepath)) if FLAGS.mode == "debug": pprint( f"Flow is:\n{json.dumps(obj=output, indent=2, cls=_SetEncoder)}") return with open(filepath, "w") as f: json.dump(obj=output, fp=f, indent=2, cls=_SetEncoder)
def ensure_virtualenv(three=None, python=None): """Creates a virtualenv, if one doesn't exist.""" if not project.virtualenv_exists: do_create_virtualenv(three=three, python=python) # If --three, --two, or --python were passed... elif (python) or (three is not None): click.echo('Virtualenv already exists!'), err=True) click.echo(crayons.yellow('Removing existing virtualenv...'), err=True) # Remove the virtualenv. shutil.rmtree(project.virtualenv_location) # Call this function again. ensure_virtualenv(three=three, python=python)
async def rename(ctx, original, newname): try: original = original.strip() newname = newname.strip() if newname in emojis: print('Emoji [{newname}] already exists!')) elif original in emojis: print( crayons.yellow( f'Renaming emoji [{original}] to [{newname.strip()}]')) emojis[newname.strip()] = emojis[original] del emojis[original] else: print('There is no emoji named [{original}]')) finally: await ctx.message.delete()
def switch(scm, to_branch, verbose, fake): """Switches from one branch to another, safely stashing and restoring local changes. """ scm.fake = fake scm.verbose = fake or verbose scm.repo_check() if to_branch is None: scm.display_available_branches() raise click.BadArgumentUsage('Please specify a branch to switch to') scm.stash_log() status_log(scm.checkout_branch, 'Switching to {}.'.format(crayons.yellow(to_branch)), to_branch) scm.unstash_log()
def wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs): exception = None print(crayons.yellow("Waiting to be ready...")) with blindspin.spinner(): for _ in range(0, config.MAX_TRIES): try: return wrapped(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: sleep(config.SLEEP_TIME) exception = e raise TimeoutException( """Wait time exceeded {0} sec. Method {1}, args {2} , kwargs {3}. Exception {4}""".format(config.MAX_TRIES, wrapped.__name__, args, kwargs, exception))
def ensure_pipfile(validate=True): """Creates a Pipfile for the project, if it doesn't exist.""" # Assert Pipfile exists. if not project.pipfile_exists: click.echo(crayons.yellow('Creating a Pipfile for this project...'), err=True) # Create the pipfile if it doesn't exist. project.create_pipfile() # Validate the Pipfile's contents. if validate: # Ensure that Pipfile is using proper casing. ensure_proper_casing()
def cli(files, output, halign, valign, margin, font, size, start, merge, blank): """ тнРя╕П Add pages to PDFs and merge(optional) -> PERFECT DOCUMENT! ЁЯУС""" file_paths = [os.path.join(cwd, file) for file in files] output_paths = [] for path in file_paths: root, ext = os.path.splitext(path) output_paths.append(root + PDF2DOC_SUFFIX + ext) output_writers = paged_pdfs_writer(files=file_paths, h_align=halign, v_align=valign, margin=Margin(all=margin), font=font, font_size=size, format=PDF2DOC_FORMAT, add_blank=blank, start_num=start) sp = Spinner([ ' таЛ', ' таЩ', ' та╣', ' та╕', ' та╝', ' та┤', ' таж', ' таз', ' таЗ', ' таП' ], 100) with yaspin(sp, text="Saving") as spinner: for writer, path in zip(output_writers, output_paths): with open(path, 'wb') as f: writer.write(f) spinner.text = "Saving [Success]" spinner.ok(" тЬЕ") if merge: with yaspin(sp, text="Marging") as spinner: merger = concat_pdfs_merger(output_paths) merger.write(output) merger.close() for path in output_paths: send2trash(path) spinner.text = "Marging [Success]" spinner.ok(" тЬЕ") echo('') echo( crayons.yellow(' тнРя╕ПтнРя╕ПтнРя╕П All Done! тнРтнРя╕ПтнРя╕Пя╕П', bold=True))
def do_init(dev=False, requirements=False, skip_virtualenv=False, allow_global=False, ignore_hashes=False, no_hashes=False): """Executes the init functionality.""" ensure_pipfile() # Display where the Project is established. if not requirements: do_where(bare=False) if not project.virtualenv_exists: do_create_virtualenv() # Write out the lockfile if it doesn't exist. if project.lockfile_exists: # Open the lockfile. with, 'r') as f: lockfile = json.load(f) # Update the lockfile if it is out-of-date. p = pipfile.load(project.pipfile_location) # Check that the hash of the Lockfile matches the lockfile's hash. if not lockfile['_meta'].get('hash', {}).get('sha256') == p.hash: click.echo('Pipfile.lock out of date, updating...'), err=True) do_lock(no_hashes=no_hashes) # Write out the lockfile if it doesn't exist. if not project.lockfile_exists: click.echo(crayons.yellow('Pipfile.lock not found, creating...'), err=True) do_lock(no_hashes=no_hashes) do_install_dependencies(dev=dev, requirements=requirements, allow_global=allow_global, ignore_hashes=ignore_hashes) # Activate virtualenv instructions. do_activate_virtualenv()
def ensure_proper_casing(): """Ensures proper casing of Pipfile packages, writes changes to disk.""" p = project.parsed_pipfile def proper_case_section(section): # Casing for section casing_changed = False if section in p: changed_values = [] # Replace each package with proper casing. for dep in p[section].keys(): # Attempt to normalize name from PyPI. # Use provided name if better one can't be found. try: # Get new casing for package name. new_casing = proper_case(dep) except IOError: # Unable to normalize package name. continue if new_casing == dep: continue # Mark casing as changed, if it did. casing_changed = True changed_values.append((new_casing, dep)) for new, old in changed_values: # Replace old value with new value. old_value = p[section][old] p[section][new] = old_value del p[section][old] return casing_changed casing_changed = proper_case_section('packages') casing_changed |= proper_case_section('dev-packages') if casing_changed: click.echo(crayons.yellow('Fixing package names in Pipfile...'), err=True) # Write pipfile out to disk. project.write(p)
def upload(self, copy=False): """ Upload the template to S3. If copy is True, uploads a copy of the template with the .copy suffix. """ s3_key = self.s3_key public_url = self.public_url if copy: s3_key += TEMPLATE_COPY_SUFFIX public_url += TEMPLATE_COPY_SUFFIX click.echo('Publishing {0} to {1}'.format( crayons.yellow(self.local_file_path), public_url)) s3_client(self.region).put_object(Bucket=self.s3_bucket, Body=self.content, Key=s3_key) return self
def __init__( self, github: GitHub, repository: str, addon: str, force: bool, dryrun: bool ): """Initialize new add-on Repository object.""" self.github = github self.force = force self.dryrun = dryrun self.addons = [] click.echo( 'Locating add-on repository "%s"...' % crayons.yellow(repository), nl=False ) self.github_repository = github.get_repo(repository) click.echo("Found!")) self.clone_repository() self.load_repository(addon)
def color_chooser(color, name): if color == "red": print(, bold=True)) elif color == "green": print(, bold=True)) elif color == "yellow": print(crayons.yellow(name, bold=True)) elif color == "blue": print(, bold=True)) elif color == "black": print(, bold=True)) elif color == "magenta": print(crayons.magenta(name, bold=True)) elif color == "cyan": print(crayons.cyan(name, bold=True)) elif color == "white": print(crayons.white(name, bold=True))
def uninstall(package_name=False, more_packages=False, three=None, system=False, lock=False): # Ensure that virtualenv is available. ensure_project(three=three) package_names = (package_name,) + more_packages # Un-install all dependencies, if none was provided. if package_name is False: click.echo(crayons.yellow('No package provided, un-installing all packages.')) do_purge(allow_global=system) sys.exit(1) for package_name in package_names: click.echo('Un-installing {0}...'.format( click.echo( c ='{0} uninstall {1} -y'.format(which_pip(allow_global=system), package_name))
def shell(three=None): # Ensure that virtualenv is available. ensure_project(three=three) # Set an environment variable, so we know we're in the environment. os.environ['PIPENV_ACTIVE'] = '1' # Spawn the Python process, and interact with it. try: shell = os.environ['SHELL'] except KeyError: click.echo('Windows is not currently supported.')) sys.exit(1) click.echo(crayons.yellow('Spawning environment shell ({0}).'.format( # Grab current terminal dimensions to replace the hardcoded default # dimensions of pexpect terminal_dimensions = get_terminal_size() c = pexpect.spawn( "{0} -c '. {1}; exec {0} -i'".format( shell, activate_virtualenv(source=False) ), dimensions=( terminal_dimensions.lines, terminal_dimensions.columns ) ) # Activate the virtualenv. c.send(activate_virtualenv() + '\n') # Handler for terminal resizing events # Must be defined here to have the shell process in its context, since we # can't pass it as an argument def sigwinch_passthrough(sig, data): terminal_dimensions = get_terminal_size() c.setwinsize(terminal_dimensions.lines, terminal_dimensions.columns) signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, sigwinch_passthrough) # Interact with the new shell. c.interact() c.close() sys.exit(c.exitstatus)
def do_init( dev=False, requirements=False, allow_global=False, ignore_pipfile=False, skip_lock=False, verbose=False ): """Executes the init functionality.""" ensure_pipfile() # Display where the Project is established. if not requirements: do_where(bare=False) if not project.virtualenv_exists: try: do_create_virtualenv() except KeyboardInterrupt: cleanup_virtualenv(bare=False) sys.exit(1) # Write out the lockfile if it doesn't exist, but not if the Pipfile is being ignored if (project.lockfile_exists and not ignore_pipfile) and not skip_lock: # Open the lockfile. with, 'r') as f: lockfile = json.load(f) # Update the lockfile if it is out-of-date. p = pipfile.load(project.pipfile_location) # Check that the hash of the Lockfile matches the lockfile's hash. if not lockfile['_meta'].get('hash', {}).get('sha256') == p.hash: click.echo('Pipfile.lock out of date, updating...'), err=True) do_lock() # Write out the lockfile if it doesn't exist. if not project.lockfile_exists and not skip_lock: click.echo(crayons.yellow('Pipfile.lock not found, creating...'), err=True) do_lock() do_install_dependencies(dev=dev, requirements=requirements, allow_global=allow_global, skip_lock=skip_lock, verbose=verbose) # Activate virtualenv instructions. if not allow_global: do_activate_virtualenv()
def do_purge(bare=False, allow_global=False): """Executes the purge functionality.""" freeze ='{0} freeze'.format( which_pip(allow_global=allow_global))).out installed = freeze.split() if not bare: click.echo('Found {0} installed package(s), purging...'.format( len(installed))) command = '{0} uninstall {1} -y'.format( which_pip(allow_global=allow_global), ' '.join(installed)) c = if not bare: click.echo( click.echo(crayons.yellow('Environment now purged and fresh!'))
def ensure_proper_casing(): """Ensures proper casing of Pipfile packages, writes to disk.""" p = project.parsed_pipfile casing_changed = False # Casing for [packages] if 'packages' in p: # Replace each package with proper casing. for dep in p['packages']: # Get new casing for package name. new_casing = proper_case(dep) # Mark casing as changed, if it did. if new_casing != dep: casing_changed = True # Replace old value with new value. old_value = p['packages'][dep] del p['packages'][dep] p['packages'][new_casing] = old_value # casing for [dev-packages] if 'dev-packages' in p: # Replace each package with proper casing. for dep in p['dev-packages']: # Get new casing for package name. new_casing = proper_case(dep) # Mark casing as changed, if it did. if new_casing != dep: casing_changed = True # Replace old value with new value. old_value = p['dev-packages'][dep] del p['dev-packages'][dep] p['dev-packages'][new_casing] = old_value if casing_changed: click.echo(crayons.yellow('Fixing package names in Pipfile...')) # Write pipfile out to disk. project.write(p)
def install(package_name=False, more_packages=False, dev=False, three=False, python=False, system=False, lock=False): # Ensure that virtualenv is available. ensure_project(three=three, python=python) # Allow more than one package to be provided. package_names = (package_name,) + more_packages # Install all dependencies, if none was provided. if package_name is False: click.echo(crayons.yellow('No package provided, installing all dependencies.'), err=True) do_init(dev=dev, allow_global=system) sys.exit(0) for package_name in package_names: click.echo('Installing {0}...'.format( # pip install: with spinner(): c = pip_install(package_name, allow_global=system) click.echo( # TODO: This # Ensure that package was successfully installed. try: assert c.return_code == 0 except AssertionError: click.echo('{0} An error occurred while installing {1}!'.format('Error: '), click.echo( sys.exit(1) if dev: click.echo('Adding {0} to Pipfile\'s {1}...'.format(,'[dev-packages]'))) else: click.echo('Adding {0} to Pipfile\'s {1}...'.format(,'[packages]'))) # Add the package to the Pipfile. project.add_package_to_pipfile(package_name, dev) # Ego boost. easter_egg(package_name) if lock: do_lock()
def get_bot_status(): url = "" payload = {} headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': "Bearer " + bearer } response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload) data = json_loads_byteified(response.text) print(yellow("Bot is currently member of Webex Rooms:", bold=True)) if 'items' in data: for room in data['items']: print(green(" ID: {}".format(room['id']), bold=True)) url = "" response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload) data = json_loads_byteified(response.text) print(green("Bot is currently configured with webhooks:", bold=True)) if 'items' in data: for webhook in data['items']: print(" => ID: {}".format(webhook['id'])) print(" Name: {}".format(webhook['name'].encode('utf8'))) print(" Url: {}".format(webhook['targetUrl'])) print(green(" Status: {}".format(webhook['status']), bold=True)) if webhook['name'] != webhook_name: print(" === REMOVING WEBHOOK ===") delete_webhook(webhook['id']) print(" === REMOVED ===") if webhook['status'] != 'active': print(" === UPDATING WEBHOOK STATUS ===") update_webhook() print(" === STATUS UPDATED ===") if (webhook['targetUrl'] != webhook_url): print(" === NEED TO UPDATE WEBHOOK ===") delete_webhook(webhook['id']) print(" === OLD WEBHOOK REMOVED ===") print(" === ADDING NEW WEBHOOK ===") add_webhook() print(" === NEW WEBHOOK ADDED ===") if len(data['items']) == 0: print(" === NO WEBHOOKS DETECTED ===") add_webhook() print(" === NEW WEBHOOK ADDED ===")
def resolution(message, speed, carrier): if int(speed) >= 25: message = f"{message} since your bandwidth is {speed}, and your carrier is {carrier}, we recommend setting video to 4k." #Display the specific message in GREEN print(, bold=True)) elif int(speed) >= 5: message = f"{message} since your bandwidth is {speed}, and your carrier is {carrier}, we recommend setting video to 1080p." #Display the specific message in YELLOW print(crayons.yellow(message, bold=True)) elif int(speed) >= 2: message = f"{message} since your bandwidth is {speed}, and your carrier is {carrier}, we recommend setting video to 720p." #Display the specific message in RED print(, bold=True)) else: message = f"{message} Since your bandwidth is {speed}, and your carrier is {carrier}, we recommend finding another provider." #Display the specific message in MAGENTA print(crayons.magenta(message, bold=True)) return message
def print_issues(self, project, year): for week_range in week_ranges(year): issues: ResultList = self.completed_issues(project, week_range[0], week_range[1]) date_separator = "\n=== {} - {} ===".format( week_range[0], week_range[1]) print(crayons.yellow(date_separator, bold=True)) issue: Issue for issue in issues: resolution_date = parse_date(issue.fields.resolutiondate) print("Key: {}, Resolved: {}, Description: {}, Status: {}". format( issue.key, resolution_date, issue.fields.summary, issue.fields.status, ))
def post_report(wiki, dry_run, report): """Simple program that greets NAME for a total of COUNT times.""" content = report_page.render( title="{}.{}".format(report["year"], report["month"]), table=tabulate(list(report.items())[:-2], tablefmt="youtrack"), ) print(content) if not dry_run: print( "Appending to wiki page {} DokuWiki".format(WIKI_PAGE))) wiki.pages.append(WIKI_PAGE, content=content) else: print( crayons.yellow( "Would append to page {} at DokuWiki".format(WIKI_PAGE)))
def main (): print('red string')) print('{} white {}'.format('red'),'blue'))) crayons.disable() print('{} white {}'.format('red'),'blue'))) crayons.DISABLE_COLOR = False print('{} white {}'.format('red'),'blue'))) print('red string', bold=True)) print(crayons.yellow('yellow string', bold=True)) print(crayons.magenta('magenta string', bold=True)) print(crayons.white('white string', bold=True))
def hunt(self) -> Result: canary_meta: Optional[CanaryMeta] = self._get_canary_meta() if not canary_meta: deployed_canary_release = None print(yellow(f"Canary pods {self.canary_names} don't exist in {self.k8s_namespace} namespace")) else: deployed_canary_release = self._get_canary_release(canary_meta) current_commit = self.gitlab_client.get_commit( repository_id=self.project_id, commit_sha=self.commit_to_release_sha ) if not current_commit: raise RuntimeError(f"Commit to be deployed with hash {self.commit_to_release_sha} is not found") return Result(deployed_canary_release, current_commit)
def install(package_name=False, more_packages=False, r=False, dev=False, three=False, system=False): # Ensure that virtualenv is available. ensure_project(dev=dev, three=three) # Allow more than one package to be provided. package_names = (package_name,) + more_packages # If -r provided, read in package names. if r: package_names = from_requirements_file(r) package_name = package_names.pop() # Install all dependencies, if none was provided. if package_name is False: click.echo(crayons.yellow('No package provided, installing all dependencies.')) do_init(dev=dev, allow_global=system) sys.exit(0) for package_name in package_names: # Lower-case incoming package name. package_name = package_name.lower() click.echo('Installing {0}...'.format( # pip install: c = pip_install(package_name, allow_global=system) click.echo( # Ensure that package was successfully installed. try: assert c.return_code == 0 except AssertionError: click.echo('{0} An error occurred while installing {1}'.format('Error: '), click.echo( sys.exit(1) if dev: click.echo('Adding {0} to Pipfile\'s {1}...'.format(,'[dev-packages]'))) else: click.echo('Adding {0} to Pipfile\'s {1}...'.format(,'[packages]'))) # Add the package to the Pipfile. project.add_package_to_pipfile(package_name, dev)
def __load_current_info(self): """Load current add-on version information and current config.""" current_config_file = os.path.join(self.repository.working_dir, self.repository_target, "config.json") if not os.path.isfile(current_config_file): click.echo("Current version: %s" % crayons.yellow("Not available")) return False current_config = json.load(open(current_config_file)) self.current_version = current_config["version"] = current_config["name"] self.description = current_config["description"] self.slug = current_config["slug"] self.url = current_config["url"] if "arch" in current_config: self.archs = current_config["arch"] current_parsed_version = False try: current_parsed_version = semver.parse(self.current_version) except ValueError: pass if current_parsed_version: try: ref = self.addon_repository.get_git_ref("tags/" + self.current_version) except UnknownObjectException: ref = self.addon_repository.get_git_ref("tags/v" + self.current_version) self.current_commit = self.addon_repository.get_commit( ref.object.sha) else: try: self.current_commit = self.addon_repository.get_commit( f"v{self.current_version}") except GithubException: self.current_commit = self.addon_repository.get_commit( self.current_version) click.echo("Current version: %s (%s)" % (crayons.magenta( self.current_version), self.current_commit.sha[:7]))
def find_item_in_folder(file_: str, folder: str) -> list: print('\nLooking for files with "', crayons.yellow(file_), '" in name\nin folder ',, '\n', sep='') spinner.start() global time_start time_start = time.time() # find file c.execute("SELECT * FROM my_files WHERE filename LIKE ? AND path Like ?", ( '%' + file_ + '%', folder + '%', )) found_items = c.fetchall() spinner.stop() return found_items
def ping_test_ok(self): addr = self.props.ip if == "nt": ping = [ r'C:\WINDOWS\system32\ping.exe', '-n', '1', '-w', '5', addr ] else: ping = ['ping', '-c', '1', '-W', '5', addr] p = subprocess.Popen(ping, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False) p.communicate() if p.returncode != 0: self.log( crayons.yellow( f'Host at address {addr} cannot be reached - skipped')) return False return True
def leitner_train(box, filename='data/leitner.json'): print('Training box:', box, '\n') data = load_leitner_data(filename) facts = data.setdefault('facts', []) random.shuffle(facts) for f in facts: if f['box'] == box: print('Front:', f['front']) user_back = input('Back: ') if user_back == f['back']: print('Correct!')) f['box'] = max(f['box'] + 1, 2) else: print('Wrong!'), 'Correct answer is', crayons.yellow(f['back'])) f['box'] = 1 print() save_leitner_data(data, filename) print('Done')
def do_download_dependencies(dev=False, only=False, bare=False): """"Executes the download functionality.""" # Load the Pipfile. p = pipfile.load(project.pipfile_location) # Load the Pipfile. if not bare: click.echo(crayons.yellow('Downloading dependencies from Pipfile...')) lockfile = json.loads(p.lock()) # Install default dependencies, always. deps = lockfile['default'] if not only else {} # Add development deps if --dev was passed. if dev: deps.update(lockfile['develop']) # Convert the deps to pip-compatible arguments. deps = convert_deps_to_pip(deps, r=False) # Actually install each dependency into the virtualenv. name_map = {} for package_name in deps: if not bare: click.echo('Downloading {0}...'.format( # pip install: c = pip_download(package_name) if not bare: click.echo( parsed_output = parse_install_output(c.out) for filename, name in parsed_output: name_map[filename] = name return name_map
def do_init(dev=False, requirements=False, skip_virtualenv=False, allow_global=False): """Executes the init functionality.""" ensure_pipfile() # Display where the Project is established. if not requirements: do_where(bare=False) if not project.virtualenv_exists: do_create_virtualenv() # Write out the lockfile if it doesn't exist. if project.lockfile_exists: # Open the lockfile. with, 'r') as f: lockfile = json.load(f) # Update the lockfile if it is out-of-date. p = pipfile.load(project.pipfile_location) # Check that the hash of the Lockfile matches the lockfile's hash. if not lockfile['_meta'].get('hash', {}).get('sha256') == p.hash: click.echo('Pipfile.lock out of date, updating...'), err=True) do_lock() # Write out the lockfile if it doesn't exist. if not project.lockfile_exists: click.echo(crayons.yellow('Pipfile.lock not found, creating...'), err=True) do_lock() do_install_dependencies(dev=dev, requirements=requirements, allow_global=allow_global) # Activate virtualenv instructions. do_activate_virtualenv()
# ' ` `-' ' ` ' ` `-' ' ' ` ' ' `-' `-' ' `-' def easter_egg(package_name): if package_name in ['requests', 'maya', 'crayons', '' 'records', 'tablib']: click.echo(u'P.S. You have excellent taste! ✨ � ✨') @click.option('--where', is_flag=True, default=False, help="Output project home information.") @click.option('--venv', is_flag=True, default=False, help="Output virtualenv information.") @click.option('--rm', is_flag=True, default=False, help="Remove the virtualenv.") @click.option('--bare', is_flag=True, default=False, help="Minimal output.") @click.option('--three/--two', is_flag=True, default=None, help="Use Python 3/2 when creating virtualenv.") @click.option('--python', default=False, nargs=1, help="Specify which version of Python virtualenv should use.") @click.option('--help', '-h', is_flag=True, default=None, help="Show this message then exit.") @click.version_option(prog_name=crayons.yellow('pipenv'), version=__version__) @click.pass_context def cli(ctx, where=False, venv=False, rm=False, bare=False, three=False, python=False, help=False): if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: # --where was passed... if where: do_where(bare=bare) sys.exit(0) # --venv was passed... elif venv: with spinner(): loc = project.virtualenv_location
def shell(three=None, python=False, compat=False, shell_args=None): # Ensure that virtualenv is available. ensure_project(three=three, python=python, validate=False) # Set an environment variable, so we know we're in the environment. os.environ['PIPENV_ACTIVE'] = '1' # Support shell compatibility mode. if PIPENV_SHELL_COMPAT: compat = True # Compatibility mode: if compat: try: shell = os.environ['SHELL'] except KeyError: click.echo('Windows is not currently supported.')) sys.exit(1) click.echo(crayons.yellow('Spawning environment shell ({0}).'.format( cmd = "{0} -i'".format(shell) args = [] # Standard (properly configured shell) mode: else: cmd = 'pew' args = ["workon",] # Grab current terminal dimensions to replace the hardcoded default # dimensions of pexpect terminal_dimensions = get_terminal_size() c = pexpect.spawn( cmd, args, dimensions=( terminal_dimensions.lines, terminal_dimensions.columns ) ) # Activate the virtualenv if in compatibility mode. if compat: c.sendline(activate_virtualenv()) # Send additional arguments to the subshell. if shell_args: c.sendline(' '.join(shell_args)) # Handler for terminal resizing events # Must be defined here to have the shell process in its context, since we # can't pass it as an argument def sigwinch_passthrough(sig, data): terminal_dimensions = get_terminal_size() c.setwinsize(terminal_dimensions.lines, terminal_dimensions.columns) signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, sigwinch_passthrough) # Interact with the new shell. c.interact() c.close() sys.exit(c.exitstatus)